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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Before you upload your models, use the texture tick box in the uploader, this is on the first screen, you can check how your textures are looking there, which should give you an idea whether it's your UV Map or not that is the issue.
  2. Try removing the line that lists the sizes.
  3. That's a very nice build Pamela, I haven't got to making curves yet at all.
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Saying that merchants are responsible for SL's downfall because they don't have an inworld store that bleeds them is unfair. The blame goes on LL for the technical and financial issues that make an inworld store not viable. Actually I'm beginning to wonder if the undisclosed long range plan is to move most commerce out world and focusing soley on residential and entertainment in world. Other VW's are like this and seem to do ok. The marketplace has many positives, but there is a distinct lack of thinking holistically regarding what it does to inworld ventures, and I'm not just talking about stores themself here, I'm talking of the arts, roleplaying, entertainment ventures that in the past would be partially subsidised by inworld stores. Tier in Second Life is way too high for entertainment ventures to thrive inworld. Developments such as Pathfinding could very well create potential for more fun inworld activites, but they won't thrive whilst tier is this high. In the past people complained that we had too many malls, but that's how the money trail worked, that is changing, partially due to the marketplace but by no means the only reason. The Marketplace is most definitely a sensible choice for merchants, it makes perfect business sense, but for other developments to enrich Second Life, Linden Lab need to look at the tier issue.
  5. Thanks Drongle, very useful tips there.
  6. I analyse it as a solid usually, that's when the hole vanishes from physics view, on my basic test it then shows me as having eight vertices, which is what I'd expect to see if I was just uploading a cube, it doesn't seem to find the new vertices.
  7. I'm trying to create a doorway in a Mesh Cube in Blender 2.63. I can use the knife tool to make the opening but when I upload the model inworld, the physics of the model doesn't recognise the opening. I can remove the top face of the cube and once I change the physics shape to prim, i'm able to go into the cube, so that part is working as expected, but not the front opening. The uploader doesn't seem to recognise the extra vertices in a front opening when I use the knife tool or a loop cut and then remove that face. I can create a doorway if I make an opening in the front and back of a cube, the physics shape is happily recognised then. However if I then create the other walls and link it all together as one mesh, the opening again vanishes when it comes to physics, I can only get it to work with one standalone wall.
  8. I agree that the information should be somewhere more clear, probably on the private region FAQ, they do inform people they can buy a Region with a basic account in the page about account types: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019
  9. You're going to need to get your head around the sometimes painful world of UV Mapping.
  10. Generally LL only pull a listing after a report, the oft made complaint is that they don't tell people which category it should be in, you seem to be in this situation, LL really need to sort this, I'd be annoyed too in your shoes.
  11. Might be rotations of your faces in the UV Map. Can you rotate the face 180 degrees on the UV map?
  12. Take a look at the flow control options: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Flow_Control That's where you will find information on if condition x then carry out function x.
  13. Unable to rez issues are often fixed with a region restart, I had to restart my region last night because of this issue. Crashing to the desktop is another issue however and will need further investigation.
  14. Looks really nice, and very well textured. However, you really need to get Blender 2.63, it has some awesome new features that make life much more efficient.
  15. Use your picks wisely, they work, I often look at a creators picks to find more information, maybe mention in your profile to look at your picks for more information. Search, I'm out of the loop on what works best these days but sensible naming of products should be helpful. Classifieds can work well, but it depends upon your market and whether it's a very competitve market or not.
  16. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Multiple stores make for a more organised existence, personally I think it should be a premium/concierge perk to have two or three stores, after that it should be a fee to have more stores. Why do you think they should throw up artifical barriers by charging fees or limiting it to only to certain residents? Are you unable to compete without these? LL already takes a large enough commission on everything you sell and then even more when you cash out. If you can market products better you sell more, they get more money. Its not like its going to cost them more server space to have products divided by store. If i have 500 in 1 store, the same amount divided in two stores doesn't take up any more server space. Marketplace commission is a sink, LL don't bank that. Sinks are important and somewhere in the cycle they should be helping LL to make money but it is not direct bankable income. I see more stores as an enhancement, people would still be able to have a store, if they want different stores, then it's an enhancement and I don't really see why there shouldn't be fees involved for enhancements, people already pay for advertising enhancements on the marketplace.
  17. Look at the menus on your screen, building in Blender isn't that much different to building inworld, you have locations in object mode, use them to align your meshes. Blender Cookie is a superb site and has lots of tutorials, the Blender site itself has lots of links to tutorials too. The thing with blender is to not try to run before you can walk, use the Blender cube, UV map it, upload it and you will find you can get nice results.
  18. This is Jira worthy, agreed, selecting all objects should be easier.
  19. Multiple stores make for a more organised existence, personally I think it should be a premium/concierge perk to have two or three stores, after that it should be a fee to have more stores.
  20. Zoning compliance? I'm out of the loop lately and haven't been following, is this a rumour?
  21. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: Structures/Residential/Single Family Houses Structures/Residential/Multi Family Buildings What is the purpose of this? This just seems to add extra categories, is the idea to split apartments into their own category?
  22. I've used a virtual world that utilises cloud services, nice idea, but payment is via usage, it's a different billing model to what we have here. There is undoubtedly potential in that direction but it will take a lot of planning and forethought.
  23. Innula Zenovka wrote: Which is all well and good, but what happens to the event attended by 300 people if, half way through, someone tp-s into one of the idling regions from which it's borrowing resources and that region wakes up? Something has to give, surely Yup that was my point Innula, something has to give somewhere when extra resources are called upon.
  24. There's nothing wrong with LL looking at ways to change their structure, however we pay flat rate tier fees, other means of charging are resource usage based. Horses for courses and I wouldn't mind seeing fees charged for resource usage, if a sim is only going to really be used at weekends then charge the estate owner for weekend usage only. Taking resources from another sim whilst it's idle sounds good, until that sim is no longer idle, when you want to start your own event, then the other busy sim which is chugging along great, has to give something up. LL should be looking at cloud based options, but it should come as a choice, most of these resource changes are going to come from standalone estate sims, mainland will generally have people looking at a neighbouring sim, let people choose whether they want their sims in this or not.
  25. Scripting mostly, deliveries to other regions, pathfinding, testing, monitoring. There's potential in this feature but it should be a choice. We pay a flat rate tier fee for our estates.
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