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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Porky Gorky wrote: Does anyone know exactly how scripts increase LI? Does a large script cost more than a small script? Does the quality of the scripting have any bearing? Or is it just a set weight per script? One script in a linkset negates the advantage of a convex hull linkset, just 1, if you have 2, 3,4 or 50, it doesn't go any higher. If you've got scripted doors and windows you're better off unlinking them, and as you and others have said, use two land impact scores to take into account using something like rez-foo.
  2. Porky Gorky wrote: I completely agree with Gavin here. In fact I would take it one step further and change it so that only premium account holders could list and sell content on the marketplace and in-world. The anonymity currently afforded to merchants in SL has also helped drive up the amount of copyright infringement we see in SL today. There needs to be more regulation and better accountability in this multi-million dollar market. Considering questionable Mesh content has already been on the marketplace and that ripping started before people were able to access Second Life without providing these details, I'm not convinced it would make a big difference other than narrowing the amount of people who engage with Second Life.
  3. Gavin Hird wrote: This is not a question about your customers and the realtion to them. This is a question about you - as a merchant and developer - and your relation to Linden Lab and your fellow merchants. By having to disclose your real identity to Linden Lab to be able to trade on the marketplace, it makes you much more responsible in terms of what goods you offer and how it was obtained. It makes it possible to legally go after you if you infringe on other peoples IP. Nobody has said that your RL indentity must be revealed to the rest of the SecondLife community unless you decide to do so. I don't care if I only know you as Toysoildier, but the minute I found you infringed on my IP, I would be very interested to know who you are. Having that disclosed to Linden Lab gives me a certain assurance. The flaw being I already have a relationship with Linden Lab but all of my alts don't, despite Linden Lab knowing who they are. When Linden Lab finally sort out being able to flag people's alts as being linked to a main account, then maybe they can move along in a sensible fashion. I was able to submit a support ticket to get them access to adult land but they can't mark a marketplace listing as Mesh, or even upload Mesh, the situation is absurd.
  4. Madeliefste Oh wrote: You can list them, but it is not possible to mark them as '100% mesh' or 'partial mesh'. Good point Ms Oh, which makes it all the more silly.
  5. BlackMagi Darkwatch wrote: Scenario Worked with a creator to build a MESH that looks great and have adapted it into a build and went to list it for sale... to be clear - I AM NOT THE CREATOR OF THE MESH but have come to an agreement with the creator to list the item. I can't list the item on the marketplace as partial MESH without completing the IP quiz (done) and having PIOF (not going to do this out of principle). Can I sell the object in world without getting into trouble as it's actuallly one of my buildings? Not going to until I have clarification (wouldn't be right for the purchasers) Is this a bug that people (without PIOF) can have full-perms MESH? Please offer your feedback and if there is a JIRA on this, the link would be appreciated. Black You can't list Mesh items without having PIOF? I didn't realise this, What happens when someone buys a full perm mesh item for building purposes then? They can't list it on the marketplace? This is very silly.
  6. April Looming wrote: Ditto what ToySoldier said. If that were true, if I hire a DJ in RL to play at my house, I would need to get a license in RL? That can't be true. Nobody does that. Technically, it probably is true.
  7. You only have to look at SL's own marketplace word filter that sets innocent content to adult to see the problems with automated systems.
  8. Lindal Kidd wrote: Oh, duh! The word "here" is a LINK! I thought they meant HERE here, not THERE here! Color me blonde. Also semi color blind...I never noticed the link until y'all pointed it out. Strawberry blonde at a push, really you're a ginger! how odd though to ask the question and then not enable discussion, the complete opposite of social networking! I use twitter, flickr, facebook with pages, not with a profile and I'm not touching Google + with a bargepole until they allow people to post pages like Facebook do, without a personal profile.
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: Arkady Arkright wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Alright, as long as we agree that the court's decision is always made by comparing the act to the law, making it a legal matter, and that a decision is only made against a party when that party has actually broken the law - civil law, but the law nontheless. Which law, in which country ? The law in the country where the offense was committed. Have you looked at the Richard O'Dwyer case? A UK court have given permission for him to be extradited to America for trial due to hosting a website on servers in the Netherlands that linked to websites where illegal downloads can be found. He did this from Sheffield in the UK. This is an abysmal use of the extradition treaty with the USA.
  10. Maelstrom Janus wrote: What a laugh for ages we've had people on these forums droning on about people stealing their ideas and designs even going to court... Now they've got a law designed to stop it and another gang are moaning.... god bless america land of the corporate and the free SOPA is firmly in the be careful what you wish for camp. Yes people have been moaning abount intellectual property rights but that doesn't mean any law designed to tackle the issue is a good law.
  11. 16 wrote: they dont need or even want the headache that ripped content gives them even now. their business models are built on legitimate content not illegitimate content. there is more legit legal content on the interwebz now than even google knows what to do with. sl as well. is so much legitimate content and stuff in sl even the freebie hunters getting picky if every copy of every ripped content disappeared off the interwebz, what do u think would happen. what would change for those companies and their users. a big fat nothing thats what be business as usual for them and for their over a billion legit users and customers Second Life, YouTube and Facebook are all based on user generated content, if sites like that have to close down because a user uploaded infringing content, then those sites will cease to exist as user generated content sites.
  12. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: It will be interesting to see how many products fall off the marketplace when they go to direct delivery. One Linden was complaing that 30% of the addresses he sent something to bounced as undeliverable. That means that many of them will not get the notice and not make the move. If they've sent a notice, I haven't received it.
  13. By missing, do you mean they don't highlight? Some of those most definitely work, I've used some of them, but they don't highlight.
  14. With the latest SL viewers having a shop icon that takes you to the marketplace, it's a wise move for any brand to have a marketplace presence, even if they keep their mainstore, the marketplace has been one area of growth. When it comes to splits I hear different things from different people but I've heard from building and furniture creators that their share of sales on Marketplace has risen, which surprises me as they are two sectors where I'd consider an inworld presence far more appealing, I'd never buy furniture or a building without seeing it inworld.
  15. Sassy Romano wrote: Yes and the two other related things that i've asked for are:- With each listing, show the last logged in date of the avatar. It's already public anyway if you're in a common group. Require re-listing every x days otherwise it gets removed. I don't think it's too much of a burden to require serious people to re-list after say 30 or 90 days or whatever would be deemed suitable, paricularly with direct delivery, it becomes even more important to remove dead/dormant sellers who cannot offer support. Direct Delivery may deal with some of the dead wood, if they remove items that aren't migrated over. Relisting was suggested during the old talks about the freebie roadmap, maybe you should have to relist if you're not a premium or concierge customer, make it a perk, if you're no longer a premium or concierge customer then you lose that perk.
  16. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it! ooh! Time to go edit my blog post!
  17. Sassy Romano wrote: Yes there are different ways it could be offered but then there'd still be outrcy from either side. a) It's not fair, I have to pay to list my items, I can't afford the $100 fee (change price to whatever suits the debate) b) It's not fair, i'm a professional merchant, it's my RL income, others *only* have to pay $100 to compete. Thats's a simplistic view of course and yes there is scope for all sorts of different models though some would argue this already exists in the form of listing enhancements and that those that want to pay for extra visibility may do so. Others argue it makes no difference if you do etc. Then throw into the pot direct delivery that will mean people won't even need land for a magic box, those who are paying for land are not going to be impressed with the idea of having to pay more to sell on the marketplace. The best solution here is to just have a freebies category, as others have suggested.
  18. Hi Jenni, I have no idea, all I can do is suggest you use an alt and test the perms, i'd have thought at the very least they'd need parcel permissions to add media and change the name. My alts are all group owners and can see the info.
  19. Aileen Zessinthal wrote: For myself, I carefully select key words that put my product in searches where they might be useful, and yes they might be a little out of category, but that is the point of a keyword, to catch places outside of category. Anyone have any tips on navigating this type of situation? Thanks. Just how far out of your category are your keywords? If your keywords are completely irrelevant to your product, then yes, you're going to have your listings removed.
  20. For the rotation take a look at llTargetOmega: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llTargetOmega http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTargetOmega Note the caveats there about physical objects. For touching an object and then having something happen look at: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Touch_start
  21. As far as I know there is no if member of group statement, however you are looking at an if statement here I imagine, First take a look at: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llDetectedGroup That detects the active group, what you want is an if statement on touch so that if someone is wearing the group tag it will teleport them. --||-
  22. There should be absolutely no need whatsoever for us to have payment information on all our avatars, it's a very silly situation that should be rectified. My alts can't upload Mesh, yet i've passed the Mesh test and Linden Lab have all my details. Linden Lab know exactly whom my alts are, I got my alts verified for accessing adult land via a support ticket. The multiple avatars needing the same information added is a very silly situation.
  23. The article talks of the wire act of 1961, what about about UIGEA of 2006? That is still very much in place and is being used to prosecute operators of online gambling.
  24. If your building is in one region, llRegionSayTo is definitely worth a look, you could use the dataserver for that too, so you'll get experience of using notecards. Unlike Rolig and Void I can't recall code off the top of my head and I have an early start in the morning, I save all my code inworld as aide memoires when I'm scripting, otherwise I'd post some examples, Rolig definitely knows what she's on about so hopefully she will be able to point you in the right direction.
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