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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Oooh log cabins just looking at the regions that are there i'd love something on one of the big lakes
  2. It would be nice if they did but if people like you and i didn't keep up with any rent commitments we may have landlords would have to get rid of land if they can't afford tier. As long as i have enough L$ and the land i rent is being paid for i won't be giving it up
  3. UK thing, common slang for Toilet Roll. despite shops putting in a 1 pack limit per person no shop or supermarket in my town has any
  4. When you do get to the store there won't be anything left on the shelves. I went to one of the supermarkets in my town today and the shelves had been cleared of bog roll, kitchen roll & tissues, painkillers, teabags, pasta, alcohol gel, soap, anti-bacterial products, nappies & sanitary products, flour and running low on bread & bakery, pet food, wine, frozen stuff, packet & canned food
  5. If you own the skybox and want to have it rezzed long term you need land big enough to accommodate it either owned or rented. for short term you can use a sandbox if you type Sandbox in to the map a whole list will come up some will only be open to premium members but one like Sandbox Cordova is open to everyone they tend to have a 3-4 hour sometimes longer auto-return time
  6. Since this time last year it has gained some support no where near the levels of the male bodies i have seen it replace some other body rigs. based on things i've been buying it's been shoes that include Alice i think i might only have one or two clothing items that include Alice
  7. During the time one of my alts used a free Alatmura body where no Alatmura rig was included i found there was better compatibility with Maitreya than any other included body rig. just use the alpha HUD as needed
  8. I understand the desire for wanting to keep the "me" look. I would not rule out demoing all heads offered by known brands like LeLutka, Genus, LAQ, Logo, Catwa, Utilizator etc. anything with BoM (Bakes on Mesh) would be more desirable so you can use your current skin. When i was looking in to heads i didn't want to look too alien to what i'd been used to seeing for more than 11 years having got a bunch of demos went with LeLutka Chloe as just with my regular shape no mods it was more or less "me" just needed a few tweaks to get it how i want It may help to take a head shot put that image on a prim and use it as a guide to see how well any heads you like the look of do at replicating your look. As i spent time saving up the L$5k for my head i took head shots to compare and get used to system head me Vs future mesh head me
  9. I don't know about other viewers but definitely on Firestorm in Prefs > Notifications > Alerts you can stop that from showing up scroll down to "Warn me if my avatar complexity may be too high" click it and click the down arrow to move it in to the "Never show" section
  10. Try the Primpossible inworld store it helps if you have area search and can sort by price lowest first there are a number of chandeliers and ceiling fans set out in the displays that are free take multiple copies if you want they are no copy
  11. I'm not sure it's even possible to make trending come up by default what ever i do it always defaults to following even if i've logged out or exited the page on trending and any content you don't like on following you can remove from your feed The stuff seen in trending has been posted by other users to their own feeds and from what i can make out has received a minimum of two interactions likes/comments from people that have viewed that post
  12. Definitely not this week as has been noted by Patch in the Bellisseria group chat multiple times and not the 7th that's this Saturday. I would not expect there to be a release in the next week or two. When the caravans and Victorians were coming along we could see the land on the map but not go there till very near the release time
  13. Spacious home types they are bigger inside than you think they might be The ability to be frivolous with prims If i could go further Ability to rezz a sky structure at 2000m+ for even more space or to escape ground level lag landscaping Locations Community features/attractions/points of interest No ban lines Roads and the incentive of stepping out your front door and going for a wander with out the houses so close together you feel like a peeping tom or your encroaching someone elses privacy
  14. All my Bellisseria properties have been called "Hesten Acres" it has a nice ring to it, sounds a bit fancy and I've always liked the idea of using the name if I ever got rich enough to have land to rent out
  15. I don't see what the big deal is if you don't want to see what's in trending don't click it if you go on my.secondlife.com it doesn't default to it, if you click home it doesn't go to it, if you click anything other than trending you won't see what's there.
  16. A week or two ago Complex had the sort of boots you're after for L$50 Friday worth checking out the inworld store the they might have a version more like what you're after There's also these from Roc and these from Lapointe & Bastchild that are a bit taller
  17. First pic judging by the boob shape (side on) it looks Maitreya you can buy it inworld from type Maitreya Isle in to map Second pic modify means you can adjust all aspects of the shape if you don't like the nose/lip shape or anything else you can change it to a certain extent if you max or min the sliders the head could potentially look somewhat deformed
  18. I know i have loads of hair not exact numbers though, brands that appear most often in my inventory Elikatira Astrology Truth Doe BonBon Besom
  19. They are Linden Realms (nothing to do with Linden homes) you can access them via the portal park you can't direct TP, there's a few other games and places that can also be accessed from there, not sure what's there these days as i'm not allowed there anymore
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