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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Randall Ahren wrote: Because V2 isn't there yet and has many problems and Firestorm is still in beta. Some reading for you: http://honour-mcmillan.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-do-not-have-to-apologize-for-using.html
  2. Mayalily wrote: No, I completely disagree. Those vendor things are a huge problem for club goers. HUGE. If you -completely- disagree with me, then you believe the vendors contribute no lag. Otherwise you lack reading comprehension.
  3. Mayalily wrote: Yes, and lag is a killjoy. Some builders of sims are wrecking the SL experience by thinking of profit and putting too much stuff in their sim (the vendor thing) and it ruins the club experience as it causes so much lag. Most club lag is actually caused by the visitors and their scripted objects, and then only a distant second by those vendors - noticeable, but in comparrison small.
  4. I'd read that 30 days or so after a cancellation, your name goes back into the list of available names. Is that not true?
  5. Suggest asking the person you had your encounter with. Sensations of Xcite might have something on those lines, but its been a while and that's not the aspect of their product lines I was once familiar with. RPE-Lovegen sells or used to sell a HUD with assorted animations. No idea if it has the features you'd desire. A HUD to change your shape on the fly is not something I've ever heard of.
  6. Check my blog entry on getting started: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/getting-started-in-second-life/ Also my land in Isabel has a notecard giver that will give you a list of places to get good newbie items. The PG outlset of my shop also has this same notecard giver, in Bay City Truro. Look for 'Zion Kitty PG Outlet'. I don't have many freebies there myself, but I do have a lot of info that will lead you to them. Free Dove is one of the better free shops for new people. NCI is also very good. Gnubie Store used to be, but went away some months ago (unless it back?).
  7. Randall Ahren wrote: She does all of this with the new viewer. I've recommended Phoenix to her many times, but she has never bothered to download it. Sometimes, a resident just needs the proper motivation. Why would you ever recommend a switch to an old viewer to someone not on it from the crutch of not upgrading yet? I could understand recommending Firestorm to somebody, but Phoenix is based on dead tech - and viewer 1 is confusing as heck to learn if you have to 'unlearn' the present day interface first. Phoenix might be great for people who started in the v1 days - as an improvement over baseline v1. But for someone who started with v2 - its a curse of reconditioning them onto something that has an expiring timer on it. Even if you think its better than v2 - that's just not the right direction to go in (and firestorm shows that even the phoenix team knows this).
  8. What gives with this? Spent most of the day sailing today, and these guys are everywhere in the waters of mainland oceans - but north of Bay City, and especially north of Moose Beach - there's like an army of them... Is this some new thing I need to get into or something? Do I need a green thong? Do they think we don't see the hordes of green dots all over the map? I was all excited when sailing there that I'd pass another boat... and when there was nothing and yet a stack of AVs on my nearby list... I cammed down... and yet again, just like the waters in other parts of mainland I'd tried... there they were...
  9. In G and M rated listing, report it like crazy. But in A rated listing - report if its -NOT- pron (or graphic violence... really could we get an X and V rating instead of A?)
  10. Got a new car yesterday. Discovered that the insane difficulty related to driving in SL was related to the car I'd had, not to driving in SL. This thng is a breeze to drive. Forb Model H, on the Shermerville bridge. Trying to drive between my land in Shermerville to my land on the far far far end of PG Bay City.
  11. Jaylin Wytchwood wrote: I would alse rework the Start AV, to be more attractive, animationwise, there are free AOs, so why have this idiot wal, toll someone informs you about AOs. It needs a new mesh. 'Possette' from Poser is older than the SL mesh, but looks and animates better. YES she is probably 100x more polygons... but low rez versions of her still look an animate better. - Simply put, she has proportions that are closer to human (she's still very flawed), and she was made by people who at least knew that 'art' is not spelled 'c++'... Almost anyone of the various 3D modellers that also use SL could do a better job on a new basic mesh. We could even make one with the same UV map locations so that SL clothes would keep on trucking. I'd argue we need 3 of them: male, female, child. Make a child mesh an actual official mesh so that child avatars can look like children and not stunted adults - helping to resolve a lot of drama and well, just letting them look a lot better. Shape makers would have to start over... but that's an acceptable problem. Most commercial shape makers are also skin makers and if you did a new mesh right, it would still keep the same texture mapping (though it needs about 2-3 times as many polygons where the crotch meets the inner thigh).
  12. My second issue to address retention wouldbe to make the UI more like an MMO. One of the simplest changes would be an auto-walk feature. Hit the 'walk' key (whatever it would be) and my avatar should just keep on walking until I tell her to stop, and I could then turn with my mouse only. Every MMO, every 3D environment but those based on SL-code, does this. Holding both mouse buttons should move me forward. Left clicking a spot on the screen should try to walk me there. The second biggest change I would suggest would be keybind remapping. Let people change their keybinds. If I want 'M' to open chat and '/' to open my map - let me do it with a simple keybind setup window to remap all my keys... SL is to virtual worlds what AutoCad is to art programs... its the 'exception' that uses a UI different from the industry standard. That hurts it a lot. SL's UI is one only SL people can use. To join SL you have to 'learn' it. You can log into any other virtual platform out there and start going right away with a set of keys and clicks people have learned how to to do since the days of Super Mario Brothers...
  13. The problem with land is that mainland has no anti-blight policy. A lot of people avoid it as a result, making it seem very underused, causing people to even further avoid it, and so LLs gets less tier than it could. I have friends who will only enter mainland when I send them a TP request, and try to leave as soon as they can politely do so - there's just this 'dread' of mainland's blight and bleakness out there. Its become like the hate of V2 - more based on an assumption and perception than actual experience, to the point where it has become something of an SL meme that mainland is bad to even visit. I've made various forum suggestions in past on ways to deal with blight. People who might also complain about blight tend to reject my suggestion out of hand and refuse to offer one of their own - merely saying nothing can be done... Until people are willing to put forth a way to handle blight, and LLs is willing to impliment it, land simply will not get occupied. And I suspect it will get even worse as Marketplace's role in SL grows. LLs need to not only give more land for the tier paid, but also clean up a lot of blight. We all know the difference between a blightly lot and an amatuer build. People claim no one could ever agree on what is blight in SL, but when you see what they complain about, its always the same stuff. We all know it, and if we'd stop pretending we couldn't agree we'd find we all already do agree on most of the points.
  14. Eduardo0o wrote:Portuguese - detected to English translationI think I was banned and would like to help every time I try to enter something that says aparesce Oh no! The secnd Life had to close. This region can estarpassando by problemas.Por Please check your internet connection. Can someone help me? Actually that error message does not sound like a banning, but a technical error. Either: 1. You're trying to log into a bad location. In this case you need to go into preferences and set it to let you pick a location: Me --> Preferences --> General --> Start Location -> check the bos to 'show at login' Now enter this place: Azov (its the middle of the ocean - not likely to be anything going on there). 2. You're on a bad viewer for your computer. Go here and download one a little older: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Release_Notes (Use google to translate that to your language.) 3. Something else and I have no idea... *************************************** English - detected to Portuguese translationNa verdade essa mensagem de erro não soa como uma proibição, mas um erro técnico. ou: 1. Você está tentando entrar em um local ruim. Neste caso, você precisa ir para as preferências e configurá-lo para deixá-lo escolher um local: Me -> Preferências -> Geral -> Localização Iniciar -> marque a bos para 'show de login' Agora entrar neste lugar: Azov (seu meio do oceano - que provavelmente não serão nada acontece por lá). 2. Você está em um visualizador de ruim para o seu computador. Clique aqui e baixe um um pouco mais velho: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Release_Notes (Use o google para traduzir isso para o seu idioma.) 3. Outra coisa e eu não tenho idéia ...******************************************************
  15. Just last night I changed which of my groups owned one of my lots. I've done this many times over the course of owning land in SL. Nothing will return until autoreturn is set. You can assign powers to different roles in the group to give different people different levels of access. But if you assign the wrong power people can sell the land out from under you. You can own the land, but set it to the old group - and that will let people keep rezzing but never have power to steal the place. You can select all the objects you own in a lot, or people who's prims you can edit own (such as alts), and mass change what group those prims are set to all at once (I did this last night to change 300 prims from one group to another). - That is handy as a way to change them all to a new group, and then set auto return and watch all unwelcome prims vanish. In About land you can return prims by name of owner. So if you fear auto-return, you can manually handle the same process - but you will have to be regularly watching it if so. If you own a group - you can eject anyone from it you don't want in that group. I cleared out a group I owned once when the purpose for that group no longer existed and the land had been sold off months earlier... People were still lingering in the roster, so I just ejected everyone. My recommendation: Deed the land to the new group. Invite people who you want to be able to build there. Leave the group itself unjoinable and not listed in search. Invite only. Set permissions for the 'everyone' role in the group to have the ability to set-home, fly, and teleport freely. Give them -no other powers-. In about land, keep build on for everyone and group. Tell all the people you invited that they have 'X days' to come by and set their items to the new group. Wait 'X' days. Set an auto-return. Watch the prims of everyone who didn't get invited go poof. This makes your land a public rez zone, but items rezzed will get zapped after the autoreturn unless a group member rezzed them. DO NOT set share on any items rezzed on the lot that are part of the build itself - if you do, any group member can return them, even if they lack the role-power to do so... Makes no sense but that's how it is. I suspect the power in roles to return group items applies to group items that are not shared - useful if a group member leaves something bad behind on purpose or accident. Turn OFF object entry for everyone, but leave it on for group members. Turn OFF scripts for everyone, but leave it on for group members. - These two choices are for griefer protection. Leaving object entry on or scripts on is more dangerouns than leaving build on. Object entry left on is how my land once found itself flooded by flying genitals from a nearby BDSM club... accidental griefing quickly handled by mentioning to my neighbor whos reply was something along the lines of 'oops'. Scripts left on means somebody can enter your lot and wreck havoc if they are so inclined. Often by accident by virtue of simple wearing badly made hair... (an amazingly common problem). I recommend an autoreturn from 1 to 10. 1 if you want people to be able to open boxes, and that's it. 10 if you want them to be able to do light showing off of things they've made. Any more than 10 and you've become a sandbox. Most of my land uses autoreturn 5, because I get a lot of newbies and newbies often get confused while opening a box. So I give them 5 minutes to find the box and figure out what to do with it. Ps: not having an auto-return can also mean that people who own vehicles, when they crash, risk losing their vehicle on your land. Sometimes they get ejected in the opposite direction of the vehicle, possibly by more then a distance of 10 sims in a random direction... with neither they nor the vehicle where either was when they were still in it... Auto-return is very nice because it means the vehicle will just pop back into their inventory after a while... I'm still waiting for a vehicle I crashed in 2009 to return to my lost and found...
  16. Scripted animals are amazingly laggy creatures, and there's no ability to 'instance' anything in SL. Hiring a bunch of people to play the monsters has all sorts of management issues... and you just wouldn't be able to get enough of them. Especially enough that could deliver quality. This is why the combat-roleplay model in SL is more like a 'first person shooter contest' - teams or freeforalls enter the combat zone and go at it and then argue in chat over the person who's gaming the system...
  17. Can speed resolution along somewhat by putting in tickets on abandoned lots that lack an auto-return requesting they be auctioned and have return set. The issue takes so long because LLs doesn't log into their own world anymore unless specifically requested. But even back when they did, its been a -LONG- time since they actively patrolled the world of SL looking for issues. For most of SLs history they've had a 'wait until we're told' policy on just about everything.
  18. Dancing at Irie Vibes: Bought a new skin / tattoo layer today - first time since 2009 that I've changed skin on my 'main' account. Skin: Naya from Lyrical Oh Tatoo: Leopard v2 from Catty Catseye Neko Kit: my recolor of Tan kit from AnthroXtacy (thought I had black, looks like I have tan. Black is on an alt I use for 'experimenting' with different looks.) And yes my tail is not missing, you can see it right above the peace sign and behind my left paw. Dreads: Jonah Dreads Short Braid. Clothing is my design available at 'Zion Kitty'. And I'm using a dance HUD from Henmations and dances from the same place. The hidden female avatar who's feet you can see behind me needs to read the proportion guide part of my blog... and that guy's arms might be too short but I didn't cam in on him. Maybe its just his hands that are too small. (Oh he's still there and I just cammed him. He's actually got better proportions than 90% of the males in SL. Must have just been this one screenshot not doing him justice. His shape is similar to Val's above.)
  19. Storm Clarence wrote: paula Mellow wrote: ...due to the cost and effort of building a home (small yes, but an annoyance) snip Building you own home in SL is the least expensive and MOST satisfying experience one can have in SL. This is just my opinion, of course. I'm with Storm here. Building your own thing in SL is seriously satisfying and a major part of what makes SL special. As well, for the explorer, most of the time its more pleasant to see a crude but loving amatuer effort over a pro-tools prefab. If we didn't have building here, this might as well be World of Warcraft without dungeons and raiding... A somewhat pointless experience.
  20. The ban on adfarming is the worst thing that they got rid of. The relegation of Adult content to A-rated land is a close second. Both are forms of extreme visual blight that often ruined the look of mainland. Adult content has a place, and can do better when around like content. But adfarms were just plain visual blight with no justification. Though some of the violent misogynistic parts of adult content ought to be grid pulled altogether as hate speech... Both policy shifts have improved the look and feel of SL greatly, although both have flaws and are not fully properly enforced.
  21. Once, a long long time ago, I had a sex bed, sex table, 2 sex pools, a sex HUD, a sex Kitty Basket, and... you get the idea... I kinda fizzled on that end of SL when I realized what was funny to me was srs-bsns to others... And then I noticed certain friends would always expect the poseballs to come out when they visited... And then we got the ability to see script memory on our land with V2 or 2.1 somewhere... and I discovered why my sim was laggy, and couldn't blame anyone else. So now I have this nice 'M rated' bed (not G because it has a few strange poses where one person kneels beside the bed in a Gorean style pose). It was the tamest bed I could find after a month of looking, that was still appealing to my sense of visual style. The room's a bit barren from this camera angle. My bedroom is the basement of my semi-acorn like skybox. Those particular kinds of friends moved on when I got 'less interesting' - but were I to gain new ones with that sort of SL-Hobby, I could tell them now that all my such furnishings were given away long ago, and I just don't have the poseballs anymore.
  22. Faithless Babii wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Faithless Babii wrote: Melita Magic wrote: I'd recommend buying mainland for beginning land owners. If you want to build and get a larger parcel, I'd buy mainland. Then you can also do what you want within LL TOS. Most estates have covenants. Why would you recommen buying mainland over renting a parcel from a reputable landlord? Why would you recommending renting a parcel from a landlord who could close up shop tomorrow, or just close up shop on your lot, or toss you out for no reason, or get all weird on rules, or do whatever... when you could buy a lot on mainland and do with it anything the ToS allows? ahh the good old chestnut of mainland over private estates huh ! I always advocate what I know and have experienced to be good...its that simple. Im not seeing private estates through rose coloured specs either..but so many residents who live happily on them just cant all be wrong,can they? As I said before..youre always going to hear of the problems with both mainland and private estates here on the forums..its the nature of the beast..people complain far quicker than compliment...thats life. Are you saying Private estate landllords are "cubicle farmers"? Thats kinda rich lol. All I did was flip the issue. That you take offense shows that what you'd said deserves taking offense to. But I don't see how you could so easily confuse the distinction between an estate holder and a LL employee and what a cubicle is.
  23. Ossian wrote: Also, as far as I can see, the number of posts per day here is on the rise. His declaration only provided grist for the mill. I get that same impression. People are posting a lot of stuff now, very little of it hostile, snippy, or condescending. And they're posting in multiple subforums. The depature of a few key 'poke fun at people just to be clever' types has greatly improved the environment for the rest of the community - and now you're seeing new members here coming out of the shadows and taking part.
  24. Sassy Romano wrote: Noooo, I say list anything anywhere... Keep Dakota employed! OMG, there's actually still a linden employee out there somewhere?
  25. Delisting it rather than recategorizing it trains us to be more dilligent. If there was no consequence for improperly listing, a lot more products would just end up 'any old place' and some merchants would even double list into slightly wrong but still likely to hit on search categories. Pulling them down causes people to not want their stuff pulled down, so they work to find the right place for it - thus requiring less maintenance work on LL's end.
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