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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Penny Patton wrote: I've been trying to point out these issues for years (since about the time I joined SL in 2005) . I'm sure there's plenty of people in this forum who can vouch for that. And have you gotten anywhere with it? (And no, I'm not being facetious.) You're talking about a complete change of scale for a whole world that's grossly unrealistically scaled. Getting everyone to start scaling things differently would be a major feat, one I'm not sure if even LL could accomplish. But for it to happen, it would have to start with LL... they started it, after all. Actually I think she has. Look around the grid and you'll see a growing number of people paying attention to -proportions- and scale - and not just in avatars. Several times this last week I've TPed into random builds and seen a smaller scale - something that used to happen now and then. And the smaller scale is often consistent across unlrelated people. The down-scalers just go 'let me base my scale off of some factor of reality rather than just rezzing a random prim' - and that leads them to not identical but yet still similar results. As to the notion of SL scale being 125% of RL - the arm slider doesn't agree... in fact the arm slider is so troubled that I'm not sure even normal scale avatars can have proper arms if they're up to 6' or more. Not sure there... I've been about my RL scale since 2006 on my original avatar, and I've only ever had one comment on it of a negative nature, in a conversation that quickly resulted in getting a compliment for my AVs looks...
  2. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Mayalily wrote: Back to address Scylla again: I can't understand why they allow rape sims in the TOS. That's quite baffling to me in the first place and kind of coconuts imo. There's a good argument for saying that they're not allowed in the ToS but that there's been a refusal to date to enforce. Its hate speech. Two consenting adults, playing out their own sexual fantasies, is not hate speech. Nor, is it hate speech, when a group of adult people, decide to create a location such as a sim and engage in mutual consenting sexual activities at that location. If I made a sim where we 'roleplayed' putting certain members of a real life faith and ethnicity into gas ovens... or roleplayed a certain other ethnicity getting lynched... People would laugh if I tried to call it anything -but- hate speech. A rape RP environment is no different.
  3. Somebody just bought the deep water next to my deep water lot... But there's other deep water too. Mine's in Honawan where I'm enjoying my new interest in SL sailing (gotta update my getting started guide because the SL sailing types who'd IM'd me ages ago about it were right - this is one of the best ways to get a new start in Second Life. Sailin, especially within site of the coast - is a great way to explore. So um... more deep water can be found in nearby sims, and across the pennensula in places like Horseshoe, or Torch (but the map looks like somebody just bought the half sim of water that was being sold in small lots in Torch. Wow... that must have been expensive... See also Miller or Crystal and Chief. Maybe Gogebic too (I think that far up is still the same water table). And by this time you might have your map open and be noticing something - all of that is connected. Just look for any water along that whole path of sims. Eventually you hit a few waterfalls, and the water level lowers to 40.
  4. Mayalily wrote: Back to address Scylla again: I can't understand why they allow rape sims in the TOS. That's quite baffling to me in the first place and kind of coconuts imo. There's a good argument for saying that they're not allowed in the ToS but that there's been a refusal to date to enforce. Its hate speech.
  5. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: https://my.secondlife.com/love.leonoase/groups (Please note that this is material that is available on the web, through SL's own web site ETA: Oh yes, and definitely NSFW. I might suggest you have a barf bag available as well. OMGWTFBBQLOLCATISTHAT? 
  6. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: So, how big a problem is this "harassment by AR" thing, really? I've been pretty active in Second Life now very nearly 3 years. I think it's probably fair to say that I am reasonably outspoken, And I've been banned from a number of places, some of which I've never even visited . . . . . . but I have never, to my recollection, been threatened with an AR. So, while I am not going to deny that people have been subject to this kind of harassment, I really have to wonder how common it is. And what one has to do, where one has to go, or whom one must consort with to be subject to this? I've put my foot in my mouth enough times on some third party forums to have gained a list of people who I'm sure have tried to file false ARs against me at one point or another. Or would have if they were that petty - and much as I may be frustrated with a number of them, I can only think of 3 that I would say would be that petty. I won't say that LLs never gets lured by a false AR - but I do think its going to be rare and most likely would involve the victim being someone who could be easily stereotyped. That last part is regrettable - making it a much worse situation when the problem occurs. I suspect they're getting better about it over time. Its almost a good argument for being a high profile resident. If you're well enough known, LLs is more likely to know of you and know that a given accusation is true or false. Prok might be the best example of this. Some people have such an irrational hatred of Prok that I suspect there were times when Prok was subjected to a 100 ARs a day... (there's a story that some people once even spray painted a false accusation against Prok onto the RL walls of LL's offices - definately taking their SL a little too seriously) but much as some may find frustration with that person - if Prok doesn't violate the ToS, Prok's probably safe. I doubt there's a Linden alive who doesn't know Prok's case file in detail. And any resident older than a year who doesn't know who Prok is needs to go play Blue Mars because they're obviously not using SL anymore... That's not a fair system - just because someone's unknown doesn't mean they should be fair game... But sadly the Lindens and humans and humans tend to have two traits pretty often: They sometimes mess up, and they hate admitting it. But I still say, I suspect its not all that common.
  7. Ansariel Hiller wrote: My opinion on those script meters: Ignore them! Most of them are put in place without even knowing how they work in detail. So my advice: Completely ignore those stupid meters and if somebody asks you to reduce script memory because of that thing, point at him while laughing loud! This foolish person probably finds SL to be laggy, or has a supped out internet connection and PC. Guess what: I don't find SL laggy at all, even on my 2003 PowerPC iBook g4... Pay attention to script memory. You can also easily verify any meter using About Land.
  8. Its probably bad hair or boots. Try taking off each item and having the script recheck you after. Once you know the offending item - contact its maker and politely demand a non-scripted version. The item is 'lag-griefing' everyone around you, as well as yourself, by knocking up the 'script memory' usage so high that it risks crashing the places you go to if a few more peole with items like that show up. To check your script usage yourself without needing that item from a location, go to About Land and look at the scripts tab. To get to ‘About Land’ you need to use: World –> Place Profile –> About Land Next look for script info in I think the general tab, and then 'My Avatar'. You'll get a list of all your items that have scripts and how much each is using. Anything above 3mbs is a dangerous item. I try to keep worn items below 1mb if I can. I'll make screenshots later. I thought I had them in my blog but I don't... Oops.
  9. When I see ToS abusive conduct I report it. When I don't I don't. I always include the screenshot if I can with the report. There is simply no other way to keep the rules enforced properly in SL, other than to use the reporting system. The whole 'hate on snitching' is a pretty juvenille reaction that only undermines social harmony.
  10. Mayalily wrote: I have some great Dj's I have found, but then tp, the sim is a terrible build because this vendor crap is right outside the club entrance. So, dud sim. A quality assurance team is definately needed and a quality assurance area on this forum is needed to address some of the other issues I'm discussing in this thread. Not to even mention, three months with these shoe huds things. I haven't seen one avi yet at a club that had the right color tint to the feet, not in three months. You've got a rez date of March 26, 2011 and you can't even manage to properly enter your interests in... yet you've somehow become the expert on all this? I would suggest you hold off on many of these rants until you've done some locale managing, merchanting, and building yourself. I did my own fair share of spouting off too much before I'd dabbled deep enough when I was a noob - and I can say from experience that you'd do yourself a service holding back until you've been around it more. Might be that you're seeing all that gray because of the shoe system you use is poorly scripted... There are vendor scripts out there that cause lag - but they're not anywhere close to the amount of lag a single avatar with bad scripts can cause. A little lesson on those vendors and clubs... how do you expect that club to finance its tier payments? Sit down and run the numbers and try and up with one method in SL that's paying its bills? Vendors are really the only source they've got - and it generates almost nothing for them. If you're getting ripped off by landlords - maybe you need to learn how to pick better landlords...
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: I do not know where you go, but I DJ in a club and do not hear the stripping comments/jokes you do. Perhaps try a different venue. I suspect she's in places where the avatars are wearing a lot of resize scripted items and looking for something other than themselves to blame...
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: If Pussycat had intended to respond to my remark that you said she responded to, she would have quoted it, but she didn't. She specifically and intentionally quoted another part of my post that mentioned some facts about the V1 viewer (requoted in your post, incidentally), and the blog she pointed to bore no relevance to that part. So, according to the posts, you are wrong. Marigold. No marigold was spot on. Your drama about viewers had and has no place in this thread.
  13. Libertarianism is the ultimate expression of selfish needs above others - my way or die because personal freedom of oneself ranks above others or even the survival of the species. All of this SL nonsense about 'my land my rules and everyone else be [bleeped] - and similar such sentiments, do a lot to prevent SL from being something grander. Its a "tragedy of the commons" crisis in SL on a regular basis. But this is not a political forum. I'd just say look to their wikipedia entry and contrast it with that found under Communitarian. You've got my belief about SL there, and that's that. If we start arguing all our various beliefs this thread will go down in nasty flames by page 2. I've already read some from others that I personally consider crazy, but I'm willing to let them just slide for sake of the thread and seeing what interesting views it will show.
  14. Arrehn Oberlander wrote: Based on the popularity of the other community viewers we've created, we believe these features will have an impact on your SL experience regardless of what viewer you currently use. Many of the issues are social interactions, and are not just about technology. This is why this post is in this forum, and not the technology forum. Wait... what? Have you gone back down the Emerald path of hacking stuff? Or adding more privacy invasive features like the 'which of my friends are hiding' button? If not - why would a non-Firestorm user be impacted by what you're doing? If you're still staying clean - then your features would only impact your users, and not anyone else.
  15. Naturally we don't all have the same believes about SL. Some pron is not so bad. But SL taught me that a lot of it is much more misogynistic that I try to make myself believe. There are too many darn libertarians in this thing, keeping the potential of a great community from ever being realized. SL is about communities. V2 is a great improvement. Some people really don't like it when their cheese gets up and moves across the table. SL was built by people who have no concept of art or visual appeal, gave us the worst possible presets imaginable, and every last appealing thing you might find in this virtual world is a creation built in defiance of the original developers - including much of what later lindens themselves have put out. Some of the best builders in SL are the moles who leave behind random hidden works of beauty. Its a good thing they're not true Linden employees or they'd all be fired for being so good. SL is a chance to explore yourself. But SL is also a great culture clash between those for whome imagination means 'a better self' and those for whom it means 'a different self.' (where better and different can vary in definition - but one is rooted in being some version of what you are on the outside, and the other is some version of some that appeals to you. Very much like the culture clash between 'literary fiction' and 'science fiction.' SL is a game. This statement only offends those with a narrow sense of what a game is. SL is to virtual worlds what Autocad is to art programs. SL is to MUSH what World of Warcraft is to MUD. No one needed to teach me how to use the UI in world of warcraft, and I'm not a gamer. But I had to work at it to figure the UI of SL. SL lacks an excuse to justify this common experience. SL needs more furries that are not ravers, less lesbians, more guys that have more outfits beyond the starter AV, skins that aren't caucasian and hair that isn't only blond. Anybody in SL that hovers 30m above the ground without an AO is a landbot - even if they say hi, I refuse to believe they are anything else. This is my delusion, this is my cheese, and you can't move it. SL has way less griefers and dramaz and rude people and ugly builds than the forums would make one think. 2011 is the year for SL best known as 'The Lindens have left the building.' There just don't seem to be any of them left anymore inworld. SL is now run mostly by people who don't seem to even have SL-accounts, and merely see us as an asset to be monetized.
  16. This thread has inspired me to do even more shopping for vehicles... So far I'm up to these 5 (and the freebies I've had before). But I've got my eye on at least 3 more... There's a spaceship and a boat in the background if you're wondering why I mentioned 5 - but the boat behind the spaceship is not mine. It belongs to a neighbor. Guess I need to build a spacedock now so that ship isn't just sitting on the beach... And that's my human alt in the foreground.
  17. Serafuku wrote: Gabby Handrick wrote: You don't look like a child avatar at all judging from those pictures, but even if you did it would not give others the right to harrass you as long as you are within TOS. Thank you people for your help, I think I can take a breather and calm down without getting worried that I might run into trouble with LL. I'll just ignore a person now if they keep spurting that they report me to LL for staying in an adult sim with a kid looking character. Certainly very helpful. Report that person for harrassment both to the landowner and to LLs. Child AV is a RP people put on. Not a setting on the avatar-size dial.
  18. Try this link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=108&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search =1&search[per_page]=96And then go inworld to buy if you can - lots of places list only some of their inventory on marketplace, or are neighbors to like themed shops with better or different selections.
  19. When I contrast SL against every other 3D world - I'm repeatedly amazed at how poorly the Lindens understand 'art' and 'anatomy'... A world of warcraft tauren is a better representation of the human body than an SL avatar... (well, maybe not... but darn if it doesn't seem that way sometimes - at least the tauren looks self-consistent like somebody sat down and thought very hard about making it look and animate well).
  20. Marianne Little wrote: Well, the fashion trend is that the thinner you are, the prettier you are. The ultra-thin Ralph Lauren photoshopped models is some of the most offensive, but almost all ads are photoshopped a bit, so the models shall look thinner. If we analyze that we end up with some very politically incorrect observations. Or at least I do. The fashion industry is not run by women. It is run by gay men. Gay men are really great folks - I live in San Francisco and have ended up quite fond of friendships with many of them - But their ideal of attraction is men, not women. So they pick fashion models with 'malish' bodies... (but not masculine). They go for women who well... have underemphasized feminine traits. Smaller busts and hips, less curve in the waist. Baby ain't got no back. That then gets pushed on everyone as some kind of ideal. But we've really only been on this ideal since somewhere in the 60s or 70s or so. Just to get even more politically incorrect... flip open a 'Men's magazine' and notice how different body types of the "models" there can often be from that in a fashion-rag. - The ideal of what is a normal human body is somewhere inbetween those two extremes, but often closer to the "models" in the men's magazines (minus perhaps bust size... ).
  21. Bree Giffen wrote: Something always strikes me as unnatural when I look at avatars. I'm sure it's a combination of things. While we get constant reminders on height we rarely mention width. I think our avatar torsos are simply a little narrow and it does cause problems when adjusting other body parts. This just means you have eyes. And like anyone with eyes, you can tell how horrid the proportions are on so many people's AVs in SL. A problem from so many crappy shape makers. And before anyone goes on a height rant about Sl meters beings some foo-nanny-wizzy-gogga-buzza-wiggle scale... this ain't bout'cha height. Its about proportions. See Penny Pattons comment above mine. Shape makers in SL have crap for skills. Rude of me sure, but they deserve to get called out for how crappy their work has been for so long. Sure, make it as tall as you want - but get the darn proportions right... Height may be about preference. But proportions are about anatomy - about being right, or wrong. And they are wrong. Simple as that. If you need more visuals than Penny's offered, I illustrated how to do it step by step: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/getting-good-body-proportions-in-second-life/
  22. They're usually quick about this. But there's a few places where they seem to have just slipped out of mind. A smal plot in one of the sims I have land in is linden owned, open, full perms - and I AR'd an object in it about this time last year... that object is still there. Put in a ticket for the lot yesterday, and AR'd the object again, along with some more objects that have since accumulated... Hopefully won't be posting a comment like this again this time in 2012...
  23. A-rated content should not show up in search unless you opt-in to see it. If you don't want to see it, don't opt-in. Google should not be able to cache it. If its showing up on non-A-rated listings, report that. If you can find it without being logged into SL via a google search, report that. Otherwise... this is a non-issue. If working as it is set up to work, you will only see it if you take the steps to enable its visibility.
  24. Marigold Devin wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: I'd read that 30 days or so after a cancellation, your name goes back into the list of available names. Is that not true? You're a wind-up merchant, Pussycat! No it's not true. We are all one-off uniques, not street names :matte-motes-wink-tongue: (or do you really believe that?! - I even double-tested this with dead account information and it's just not true) What the heck is that supposed to mean? 'Wind-up merchant'? Are you seriously taking offense at me having read something other than your interpretation of the situation - especially given that I stated I'm unsure. Was this really so 'emotional' of a subject that you had to toss an insult at me in it?
  25. Phil Deakins wrote: the Places tab in V1 viewers (the most widely used viewers) still rank according to traffic. Some reading for you: http://honour-mcmillan.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-do-not-have-to-apologize-for-using.html
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