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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. Thanks folks. Lots of good entries in here to keep me (and hopefully others) busy.
  2. Faithless Babii wrote: Melita Magic wrote: I'd recommend buying mainland for beginning land owners. If you want to build and get a larger parcel, I'd buy mainland. Then you can also do what you want within LL TOS. Most estates have covenants. Why would you recommen buying mainland over renting a parcel from a reputable landlord? Why would you recommending renting a parcel from a landlord who could close up shop tomorrow, or just close up shop on your lot, or toss you out for no reason, or get all weird on rules, or do whatever... when you could buy a lot on mainland and do with it anything the ToS allows? Perspective is key here. Some of us like cults of personality and excel within them, others like the 'cold but preditcable hand' of a set of rules enforced by a bureaucracy of cubicle farmers.
  3. Georgina Mornington wrote: Other than that I have a question about prims, when searching I saw some people offering land with higher prims, are these available on mainland or only off mainland? The more prims the better There -ARE- a few select places of mainland that get double prims. They are Bay City and downtown Zindra (but only parts of downtown - inspect the lot under the objects tab of About Land to make sure). 117 for a 512, so on a double prim lot it better say 234. A double prim lot costs a heck of a lot more than just double the normal price though. 40,000L on the low end for a 512 - whereas on regular land you can get an off-road 512 for 260L if you look / time it right (but normal is about 1L/m). Select carefully. When I went premium I spent two weeks finding a lot... A smarter me would have spent the two weeks, and then gone premium the moment I was ready to buy...
  4. The dials are super sensitive and the slightest tweak will leave you feeling like a frontal Dumbo... able to fly with those things... I'd really like to know what pron the devs were watching when they decided what 100 on the dial would do...
  5. Also once you get your eyes sorted out, go get a new skin. That one has beard stuble and no nose. Hmmm... In fact your problem might be the skin. If you have a male skin on or something - maybe its not aligning right to your shape?
  6. $10 is small change in the long run for SL. Did you seriously prefer the old account's name over the new one though? Had you invested a lot of money on inventory? If no to either of these, just move on. Tell friends who you are now, and run with it. But if yes to one or both of those questions, pay the $10 and consider it an oops moment. If you're very new to SL, chances are its better to move on with a new name than recover the old one.
  7. I've got a screenshot of exactly where to go to change that right here: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/getting-started-in-second-life/#Display_Names Silly forums won't let me link an image, only upload it, or I'd just display the image straight out. Besides I suspect the rest of that blog might be helpful to you as well.
  8. Cinder Roxley wrote: CInder is that image post processed or does SL really render like that for you inworld? If it does - what are your settings that let it look that way? Nice vehicles too. I've just got a freebie or two:
  9. Deltango Vale wrote: "Maybe some 'older' posters, like myself, are the ones that need to change, or forsake the forum." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What we lack now, as Pussycat pointed out, is the lighthearted flirtation and Glass Bead Games that wove themselves into topical threads. Um, what? Did I say that somewhere or something like it? (What's that mean anyway, glass bead games. I don't know if I should agree, laugh, be mad, feel insulted, or just raise a few curious whiskers.)
  10. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: What seems to be going on here is that someone -- the OP -- believes that he is wreaking havoc and manipulating the moderators here in order to deliberately sabotage the SL forum and embarrass the moderators. The OP in question is a very well known poster here, although he has not posted for some time. As to whether this actually has any real significance, I don't know. It may well be that the OP of the excerpt I've pasted here has huge delusions of grandeur. My response is a big fat giant LOLWUT? The forums here seem to be moving along very nicely and very well - despite this griefer's attempts at ruination apparantly. That most of us are clueless about being under attack shows that well, moderation is apparantly working. My vote goes with delusions of grandeur.
  11. EDIT: Oh, it looks like the person above me necro'd a semi-old post. Oh well. I've got a blog article on getting started in Second Life: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/getting-started-in-second-life/ And a new one for perfecting your shape once you get a little further in: http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/getting-good-body-proportions-in-second-life/ Feel free to IM me inworld for any advisory / exploring help or chat. I've got a small newbie help spot inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isabel/109/148/81 That also has info for some other places one can go.
  12. KaTrina Velde wrote: I know this is an old thread, but I want to say that I love the Mainland too. Among other things, I am a ponygirl and a pony trainer at Frilly Filly Farm (Bulgogi region). The fact that we're on the mainland means that our ponies can take riders out on the Linden Roads, on REALLY LONG rides. Um... If that's what I think it is, you shouldn't be on mainland at all. That kind of stuff belongs in A-rated land - Zindra or estate. http://www.experientia.com/blog/uploads/2007/09/pony_girl.jpg (about the only PG image google could find.)
  13. I've generally got my Orbs set to 1 second. But I use orbs only in places people have no logical reason being - like above 2000m in a personal skybox of build platform. Orbs and banlines at ground are though, just unseemly and unsporting.
  14. I went and made a blog post out of some of this, in particular giving my own summary of Penny's advice from page 3. http://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/getting-good-body-proportions-in-second-life/ - Seemed like a good idea to put together a guide in a spot outside of the official space, and to illustrate it a bit.
  15. Voice is pretty much for sex-freaks, meetings with lindens, and infohubs. All of which are kind of the same thing anyway... Everytime I turn it on I realize how at least one person I'd been finding interesting in some random infohub has a voice that annoys the catnip right out of me... I don't porn-cam and such, so no use for voice.
  16. So... What's the club you've been going to that is no longer going to close?
  17. I'm maxed out on alts, and use them all regularly. So you would think I'd want transfer to essentially have one wardrobe and pass it around. But I'm with -almost- everyone else here: give me copy/mod or put a giant warning on the item so I know not to buy it. It does me no good when switching between neko and furry - or cow and horse and raven and human - or bunny and usagi - or dragon and na'vi and twilek - and so on... to not be able to make copies that can fit each form that avatar uses. And when you're a furry - you find you need everything mod because you're shape is going to be odd somewhere in the body - and resize scripts doen't work when your head goes from round to diamond-like with a beak... But even when just on this neko - as so many have pointed out; its easy to mess up, and backups are vital. Plus if 2 years down the line I adjust my shape, the builder I got item X from is not going to remember who I was and should be hassled to customize it for me now.
  18. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: There's the side that says "it's my land and I'll do what I please"......not many have spoken up in this thread but believe me, they're out there (and, to be fair, many of those are just ignorant of what ban lines are and how effective they are). They tend to be libertarian extremists, so you don't see them participating in something as communitarian as a forum.
  19. Flexi prims are broken for me in the new version... of all things. They 'jerk' rather than sway... Seriously annoying.
  20. Sexy nude beach has about 5% or less nude people, and less than 15% in the required 'no more than beach wear.' Most people there dress no differently than anywhere else in SL.
  21. Davier Faith wrote: All righty, some of you are missing the point. I'm not looking for a catch-all, or magic look that will attract all women. There have to be some fashion dos and don'ts when it comes to what girls/women will like, or won't like. That's all I'm looking for. I had three girls approve my skin, and my shape. What I'm looking at now are clothes and hair. If your having problems I think I've just found your problem, and its got nothing to do with your looks. I'm out.
  22. Willow Danube wrote: Check this dude, Tristan Starsider... he's pretty well put together! What I notice first is that he has a good shape. After that, the fashions are not so important, but decent choices.
  23. A good shape. Seriously. 90% of SL males are grossly out of proportion. Look at the Vanity thread in Avatars and notice which males get cheers - they have decent proportions. NO idea how short or tall they are from the screenshots, but they've got proper anatomical proportions. Much more important than the fashions chosen. You want likely a Bishounen shape.
  24. No one? No setting I can adjust to fix this? Watching my tail 'rubber band' jerk as it sways from side to side is starting to give me a headache... They jerk even more when typing in chat. And its sim independant - tried TPing around and no luck. I'm using 0.3mbs of script memory, and this was not a problem before the latest update.
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