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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Crim Mip wrote: The data has to get to your viewer so it can get sent to your graphic card to be rendered. If your connection is spotty, it doesn't matter what card you have. Nope, the card continues to render frames regardless of waiting on data to arrive. Think about it, if I lose connection, what you've just said would mean that I get 0 FPS, which clearly isn't the case. If anything, FPS will be inversely proportional to the connection speed. If I tp to a location and no textures of object data has been downloaded, the render is very simple, high FPS.. As more data is presented to the graphics card, then the load increases and FPS will drop. The graphics card will simply render the data that it has at the time that it has it and depending on complexity, will do it resulting in a particular FPS. The overall scene may appear sooner because of the rate at which data is downloaded over a faster connection but the rate at which that is displayed in FPS terms is NOT a function of the connection speed.
  2. For something like the shoes shown above, it's almost certain that it's a 3D render from an application such as that used to create the object in the first place and not just something made up in Photoshop.
  3. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: Of course your FPS is also dependant on your Internet connection speed. I'm pretty certain that my graphics card rendering capability doesn't care about what it's connected to, i'm not sure what you're alluding to here?
  4. Please Psst the hardware spec that you have right now for comparative purposes. Help, about secondlife
  5. The question is "what do you want your SL to be like?" Many people are happy standing on a work platform just scripting, others want settings on full ultra. If you buy a machine with a suitable case and upgradeable power supply, you could always change graphics card later, if you find that one doesn't suit your needs but unless you know what you'll be happy with, you'll just get recommendations of top end Nvidia cards, which isn't a bad thing but equally may exceed your need and budget.
  6. When you apply a raw texture and scale it, you can control the density of the dots as you have found. If you think about it, you're repeating your texture many times and so you don't lose quality. When you use a supplied UV map, it may not be optimised and in some cases, although the texture size is say 1024, the actual pixel count used for a part of the item may be say, only a quarter of that. (These are examples). You can see on the UVttemplate his much of the texture space is given to a face. A good UV map will maximise the use of the space in order to give as many pixels to the item. I'll leave it to expert texture bods to supply tips as to getting the best result. I hate texturing!
  7. Only one at a time, maybe because you can't have same named items in a single magic box. Never tried multiple boxes for this purpose though, maybe someone else has. Or maybe it's because some people see multiple listings as spam and flag them. Either way, the actual problem is that LL abandoned finishing direct delivery, THE most important marketplace project at the time. Now it's not important at all.
  8. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Selling-Items-on-Marketplace/td-p/2817890
  9. Nalates Urriah wrote: There are USB, USB2, and USB3 interaces with each getting progressively fastter. But, even USB3 is slower than a convential spinning disk drive. You haven't tried a USB 3 SSD then. I have some spinning disks that get slaughtered by my Mushkins.
  10. Jennifer, it's possible that you're using a USB2 thumb drive? You may get much better performance if you use USB 3 drives as long as you use them in a USB 3 socket. There's a huge difference available (as long as you don't get a USB 3 drive which just has a small cache itself). If you really want to spend some money, I have some of these, they pretty much blow all other USB sticks to bits as they're basically an SSD in a USB form factor. http://poweredbymushkin.com/index.php/catalog/item/33-ventura-ultra/752-ventura-ultra-240gb-flash-drive.html (They're not cheap though! The 60GB version is much cheaper, though obviously still more expensive than "normal" sticks)
  11. Go into the viewer "Develop" menu, then Avatar, then Animation Info. You'll be surrounded by hovertext with UUID's of animations and their priority. You should be able to see when the umbrella animation starts and see the priority there. You may also get some clues from World, Animation Explorer if you use Firestorm. I still have my suspicions that it animates too many bones but i'm not going to give someone L$500 just to be nosey (sorry!)
  12. If the animation includes any other bones other than the arm and at a higher priority, that's the reason. Something that holds an object should only include motion for the relevant joints.
  13. Getting hold of the UUID's takes a matter of seconds with nothing more than LSL and the regular viewer. Getting hold of the UUID's is trivial even without LSL and still using the regular viewer. At least with textures for mesh, the UV map is specific for the object so the issue is rather diluted (in my opinion).
  14. Katinka Baxton wrote: Yes i know that, question then is, why do i need to have payment info if i don't want to buy L$? ...So that you can get to a gambling sim. There aren't different rules for "I only want to play with gaming tokens" vs "I want to gamble L$, make a huge amount and cash out to $". If you want to visit a gambling sim, you need to meet the requirement, no if's, no but's... you need to meet the criteria. There's no debate either, the rules are set. (Read the threads, the rules, it's not LL's choice, it's the US government. If you live there, lobby for change, if you don't then accept it or leave).
  15. Change the repeats to cure blurry and Google "mesh accounting" or search these forums directly. You can change the physics for four the model to convex hull which will cause the object to be "billed" differently. There are rules for this though so you do need to learn about it. There are also other forums, this would sit better in the building forum.
  16. Either you deleted them and forgot, or your local inventory cache is corrupt, or the asset database boo boo'd. Try clear cache and relog. If that doesn't fix it, it's one of the other reasons, it's nothing new that things go missing.
  17. I totally disagree with the policy of moving adult content to Zindra continent.
  18. and enable 2 step verification https://www.google.com/landing/2step/
  19. Follow the Avastar tutorial on "motion transfer" Basically, you import the bvh which will bring in an armature, you then need to setup the motion transfer profile which will map the rotation movement from this armature to the armature of your avatar model. Then you press the "transfer motion" button. That's pretty much it.
  20. The limit of objects per box is mostly to do with how long it takes for the contents to list when you edit it but 100 or so items per box is fine.
  21. How many magic boxes are you trying to use? It sounds like more than one.
  22. We will digress probably at this point but Apple has just released a phone with year old technology which is outclassed by competitors. It's hugely expensive, niche, NOT the largest market sector holder outside the US and as such, the number of ApplePay transactions compared with the sheer numbers of other individual transactions will probably trend this to insignificance. Let us review the result in a year? With that, i'm exiting the thread
  23. PayPal or when you've got $10,000 to cash out, then you can request a bank wire or check, I forget which.
  24. Yes indeed. I'm happy to show it to my advantage but since we aren't required to carry ANY documents around, nor when driving. I don't feel the need, nor am I obliged to show it nor to police there and then either.
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: Merchants are instructed that the "Ask For Photo ID" is not valid, that the card MUST be signed. Yes I know and i'm happy to ask for the appropriate store manager and ask if they'd rather validate me via a government issued ID with photo and signature or just accept a scrawl that a card thief had copied. I don't mind not purchasing. I've had little challenge to it so far but yes, I know the policy is signed and it's utterly flawed. As for ApplyPay, Madeline, yes Apple hae finally caught up with the rest of the providers who have been doing NFC for a while. Again, don't know about the US situation but we've certainly been doing NFC payments using bank cards in the same way for several years. Having said that, the MiFare Classic NFC card that was widely used wasn't so great for the vendors once it had been cracked.
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