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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. The other way is to sell them privately, outside of SL. LL cannot stop you from doing this and it would be outside the scope of any redress. All you have to do is find a buyer who will send you cash in a form of your choice, bank transfer, paypal etc. Who is happy for you to send them L$ inworld. Note that I'm not recommending this, only describing it as possible.
  2. That would depend on what type of person the cash holder is seeking to enjoy...
  3. You may want to read the current thread (8 pages long ) about animations from Firestorm viewer absconded. A lot of people have had legally purchased animations removed and NOT compensated. In other places one might be forgiven for feeling this is theft. Apparently this is an error and has been fixed, it hasn't yet.
  4. Define large amount... NB to moderators: this post is Community Standards compliant and should not be removed.
  5. You may remember when L$27,000,000 was dropped on me due to 27 purchases of my million L$ poseball. I put it to the Marketplace team at the time that since the funds had passed through their escrow account, business rules should have kicked in before it got to me... I was told that things would be changed there. Who knows? It would be nice to be able to set max rreceived amounts but it would have potential issues for merchants.
  6. yes you can just either enter the coordinates into the map (including the region) or click the sending object name and use the dialog you'll get from the viewer to TP
  7. What it does is a bit smarter. For the first 5 minutes, it informs you once per minute, then once every 10 minutes for an hour, then once per day and only when you're online. (something like those times, I forget precisely what I did) The messages are grid wide and there's no on/off as that would defeat the purpose if you were to turn it off and then leave the object somewhere.
  8. irihapeti wrote: the only certainty that you are aware of is that LL are gunna close your account if they dont get it (the photo ID). So basically is up to you to decide if the cost/effort to you is worth whatever is in the account balance The threat isn't to close the account, they say they will put it on "Administrative hold" which is different. Either way, it's strongarm bullying when I still don't see why they just don't prohibit withdrawal from the account and leave it at that. What if someone was going to cash out but then just shrugs their shoulders and says "screw it, far too much effort, i'll just spend my gains inworld and never bother cashing out again"? They can't do it, the fact that they once tried to cash out and triggered this action, forces them to jump through hoops that they may not feel inclined to do.
  9. It's unlikely that you'll be able to weight for every pose. You'll need to experiment but even then, different size avatars make it all rather entertaining. Other suggestion is to use an alpha mask to hide the avatar where it's covered by clothing.
  10. irihapeti wrote: one of the reqs of US regs (Homeland sec) is that US companies must not only know who they RL give money to (cash out). but also who they RL get money from (cash in) Which makes sense but there's no requirement to fill in such forms or verify with LL just to transfer a large amount of L$ from one avatar to another (yet). This process only applies to cashing out hence why I can't really understand the strong arm tactics to force the issue by suspending an account instead of just holding the funds. Anyway, it is what it is *shrugs*
  11. Bugger...my world just ended. I'll have to delete this account now and revert to one of the many alts :matte-motes-impatient:
  12. I'll send you one that I wrote when I login a bit later
  13. I wouldn't choose to opt in to a non government ID scheme but that's just me. It appears that the whole scheme revolves around the integrity of every sponsor, something which is rather questionable and they don't say exactly how they verify each sponsor, probably because they can't provide that guarantee so instead sell it with a healthy dose of smoke and mirrors to auditors. Seen that many times before.
  14. The United Kingdom scraped plans for a National ID card. There is no requirement to have a driving licence and even when one does, there is no requirement to produce it immediately if requested by police. No requirement to carry it. There is no requirement to have a passport or in fact any other photo ID. The original poster has a valid point and similar happened to me. I don't see an issue with preventing cashing out but putting an account on hold seems overreaching and NOT exactly necessary if further cash out is prevented. If they don't have a current Photo ID of any kind, they're not going to get one in a hurry, the only rapid one would be a passport I would have thought and if they have no desire to travel, that's an unnecessary expense.
  15. Well, depending on your vending system, you can get rid of inworld transactions. I can't remember when I last looked at any LL system for reporting. My vending system takes the Marketplace ANS sales feed and correlates that with inworld sales, logged to our own SQL database but other commercial vending systems do the same as could your own.
  16. Lets all also remember that Second Life and what people want to do here isn't always just about the mechanics but is also about the dream... Some of us might have lost that along the way.
  17. As has been stated, you need to use a Magic Box until such time as Viewer Managed Marketplace replaces these with the up and coming method of selling Transfer perm only items. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Xstreet-SL-Magic-Box/36791 Pretty bad that the only instructions about listing items here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 has no mention of Magic Boxes but basically, drop the items in there, go to Marketplace Merchant Home, Manage Listings and use the Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes button on the top right. Then create listings as normal using these unassociated items.
  18. That can work though usually the root prim is in the name of the reseller so she'd need to remember to edit linked parts but in the case of the dress she mentions, the creator also offers it as a .DAE so someone who bought that would upload it and would appear as the importer of the mesh object to Second Life.
  19. Yes I appreciate the issue. I was thinking if there's already a hud requirement in the region for RP, like a combat meter or similar, then it's doable otherwise very much less so.
  20. It's not difficult to do what you ask but the whole requirement to request to animate it sort of breaks it for RP purposes maybe? Say it's an explosion and only one person accepts... one person falls down, someone else does when they return from making a coffee and they fall down 5 minutes later. Meanwhile the other 10 nearby stand around chatting or doing teh sex in IM as usual. If it's for a RP sim and is a bit more cooperative and you have the ability to have them wear a hud, that could work better as the hud itself could contain the animation and because it's worn, it can get animation permission on attach without a requirement to answer a dialog. Then, all that would happen is that your explosive device would send a message to region and the hud part would just check range from sending object (very simple) and play animation. Then they'd all be in sync. All this is IF you can have them wear a hud which I appreciate may not be the case in which case, yes your original request is equally simple.
  21. This has potential, how about adding "Sort by age of listing creation"? (I don't know how much value that would actually have, it's just a thought, maybe others have better suggestions). Limited stock items, since there's a count maintained within the Marketplace Listings system, this would be helpful if it were reflected on the listing page for the customer instead of just (Limited Quantities Available). This is an important sales function, if the item is exclusive or in demand, customers should be furnished with information that tells them that. It gives them information as to whether they need to buy now if they really want it and there's only one available or whether they can wait a while if there's 1000. (Clue: It can aid a sale, merchants like this stuff). Think about RL shops that have a big sticker saying "LAST ONE AVAILABLE!" They do this for a reason. You have this information now, it's readily available in a database that's near to hand, please use it effectively.
  22. ok... so now it's working again and I create a listing and right click the object and I get this:- I haven't done anything yet and if I only want to look at the properties, what is being changed and why? This dialog makes no sense unless something in the properties is actually changed. It's a premature dialog. Is there a caching issue or a database table propgation issue? I've created a listing and although it appears in Merchant Home, it does not appear in My Store until some time after. "Unassociate Listing" is misleading. It appears to DELETE the item listing in the web view while leaving the folder and content in Marketplace Listings. If it's going to delete the listing then the better wording would be... "Delete Listing". Having Unassociated, the only option to re-list the folder content is now to create a new listing, any other way? Worse, there's no warning that the listing will be deleted in entirety in the website (yet i'm warned that i'm going to change the listing content by viewing the properties of an item in it, even though it won't - lack of consistency and one is critical and requires a re-list which is agains thte MP rules) It seems that the communications between the viewer and the MP is poor. Since I have to go to the website to finish the listing, I might as well choose to set it to listed there but returning to the Marketplace Listings, the item isn't white bold and there's an option to "List". Ok, it's inert to do it again but there's no way to refresh the view to sync it with the web view. Why aren't they talking to each other more dynamically? Presently, test purchasing doesn't work and a test of delivery doesn't work so it's hard to determine the result of content meddling in the listings window where things like permissions changes are concerned.
  23. The creator of the mesh is Ginger Chevalier https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Mesh-Dress-W2-DEMO/5057689
  24. Broken it again. I created an inworld Object (called Object), took it to inventory and dragged it to the Marketplace Listings floater. Next I right clicked, "Create Listing", then chose Associate Listing, then Unassociate Listing. Now, if I right click, the only thing I can do is Create and Unassociate, I can NO LONGER choose Edit Listing for this item and after Unassociating the other listing that I created, I can no longer Edit Listing for that either. In other words, it is now totally broken, I cannot edit listings from the floater. Relogged, just in case it was a viewer flag that hadn't been updated, no change. Logged into the web management, I have nothing under the VMM section and the new object that I created and have "associated" which has an item number after it, does not appear under Unassociated, in fact it doesn't appear anywhere so where is it? Next up, I deleted everything, both from the Marketplace Listings and also completely cleared everything on MP via the web. Re-performed the above steps. Just to summarise then, I now have precisely ONE object and these are my options on right click having put it in the folder and chosen to Create Listing:- and corresponding web view:- Completely broken now. It would appear that testing has only included unit testing of expected actions because if this has been in development for "quite a while" and I can break it this fast, it seems to me that edge cases haven't been touched at all? MORE... Additional UI feedback since I can no longer test anything with regard to listings. If I drag an object from the Marketplace Listings floater to the ground, the tool tip floater is "You can't list items on the Marketplace", well i'm not, i'm trying to rez the item ON the ground. The message should be "You can't list items listed on the Marketplace" (or "from"). The Marketplace is not the ground! Picky yes but this is all that I can now test, yeah, i'm going to beat it up a bit more. :matte-motes-evil-invert: If I drag something from the MP floater such that the listing is now "empty", what happens? The correct behaviour is that if the listing folder is completely empty, the listing should automatically be unlisted or at minimum, a warning that the listing contains no deliverable content. I cannot test this because mine is now broken. Ah! Choosing the Audit button now tells me that the version folder must contain at least 1 item but this should be an automatic reminder when the folder becomes invalid for delivery. Moving the item "back" into the folder of the item, performs what feels like odd behaviour. It doesn't actually put it in the version folder from where it came but now creates another new folder. Why? This appears that it would need to now require me to associate this item with the old listing but surely it's incredibly more intuitive to have a folder associated with a product listing and then just manipulate the inventory window content. In illustration, this. Start with an item and create listing:- Now drag the object to normal inventory window, no warning that the listing is in any way broken. However, if I think to "Check for Errors" (something that the user shouldn't have to do, this is determinable by code upon folder content change! and now lets correct that, the logical end user action is to just drag the object back in, because it was a silly mistake, my bad, i'll correct that in an instant. Easy, just put the item bach from whence it came... So at this point I ask "WTF?!" What's the purpose now of creating yet another folder and leaving the first "listed item" in a broken state, this makes no sense to me at all and is completely unintuitive. At this point, i'm playing dumb end user and say "well that's just nuts, i'll drag that object in the object folder into the one with the number in because that's where it needs to be, that's how inventory works!"...Nah... Now it's totally goofed so at this point, I throw my end user hands up in the air and say "I know, i'll check for errors" but this is even worse because now it's telling me that I have two version folders that need an item but I only have one listing. Whoah! You might know what you mean but unless there's an active listing associated with a version folder, it shouldn't matter to MP whether there's anything in the version folder or not. The integrity of the listing is only relevant when the item is available for sale. Now, the reality is that this is because I didn't drag the item ONTO the previous folder but below it into a region of the MP Listing window not detected as being droppable for that folder so my suggestion is this. DO NOT allow this action but create a split in the floater window similar to the Merchant Outbox which says "Drag items here to create folders". This way, either the user is forced to create a new folder by using this different area, or they'll end up dropping the item onto an existing folder associated wtih a listing. It removes the ambiguos option. Finally, in the Audit MP Listings dialog, it MUST contain the information about the listing, where's the listing number? How can I identify from which of the following "Object" folders has the missing content? At present, this check for errors is not fit for purpose and a scrollable dialog with no ability to save to file, could be cumbersome. In fact even better, the audit dialog is implemented the wrong way. The better way to do this would be to indicate listings that need attention in the MP Listing window itself, then i'm already looking at the broken listing. Add another tab at the top that says "Incomplete Listings" or whatever but a list that I then have to cross reference is unhelpful, I should be able to click in that dialog and go straight to the errant location, hence my suggestion above. Make the listing itself indicate a poorly state. At the meeting, much was said about there being a requirement for every Linden to create a Linden Bear. The discussion was cute and jovial but i'd much rather it be a requirement for every Linden who deals with Marketplace to operate a store. Curiously, this "inventory" window appears to honour object permission change and doesn't have the same issues with the slam bit that the regular inventory view does. By this, I mean that I had an item with transfer permission, I copied it in the MP Listing floater and pasted into the same version folder and then changed permission to Copy from Transfer. I then moved it to my normal inventory view and did not rez it. Sent it to another avatar who then rezzed it and it was Copy. Different behaviour to changing permission of objects in normal inventory and sending to others prior to rezzing. What I will say is that so far it looks like the development has considered how this will work with a dozen or so listings and hasn't given any consideration whatsoever to those merchants with vast quantities of listings. Would that be accurate? If this isn't an accurate statement, what evidence exists to suggest otherwise? Anyway, since I can no longer test anything due to breaking it within minutes, i'm done for a while :matte-motes-nerdy:
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: And when you place an item in the correct folder it automatically gets listed in the correct category in the MP. Or would it be better to just let people use their own organization? My idea might be too complicated. I quite like that idea to a point Perrie and it certainly has merit although i'm not sure i'd want to be constrained by MP's categories. In terms of consistency though and achieving the secondary objective of putting something in a category and reducing a step in the web task, i'd take it over a flat structure. As a refinement, perhaps new entries would go into "Uncategorised" (flat structure) and then right click one of these and choose the category, then the item is put into that category and if there's no other item already in that category, at that point the new category is show and the item moved. This way, you'd only have category folders for the categories in which you actually have items and all new would be easy to find in "Uncategorised". Same cat, just skinned different
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