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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Usually in the kit (Lolas) or just as common. They use the SL avatar template UV map which is easy to find.
  2. I suspect that LL prefers to deal in hard currency and NOT fictitious game tokens, leaving you to convert them to a currency they want. Anyway to answer your other question, in order to make such a suggestion, you do this via the bug reporting mechanism at http://jira.secondlife.com and when you create a new issue, you choose "feature request" However, since this is how prims have been allocated for years and since LL is now only in maintenance mode, you can be pretty certain that your suggestion will be ignored. You are free to suggest it all the same
  3. Don't listen to suggestions to give it now time, quit now and don't waste more time.
  4. Yeah I know you're just having a bit of fun but copyright is implicit. Whatever a database happens to say, if I created the work and haven't transferred the rights, the copyright is mine, ALL MINE mwuahahaha Proving it in a court of law is a different matter so we'd just have to have our legal council call to question the validity of the database if there were any such doubt.
  5. Just to add one rather pedantic note here as it's something that grates. It's not copyright theft. Theft is the act of taking and carrying away property with the intention of permanently depriving the original owner of the possession. Copyright is infringed, not stolen! :matte-motes-nerdy:
  6. No but unless it's going to be submitted to the new gaming policy then forget it. Gone, poof, splodded away.
  7. US pint is 16 fluid oz, Imperial is 20 fluid oz and the corresponding 8 pints to the gallon yields a US gallon as 80% of the size of an imperial one.
  8. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Christhiana wrote: It says 9-3-2014, which is today... Oh no. Where I live (Europe) it definitely says 03.09.2014 = 3rd September 2014 However in America it indeed does say 9-3-2014 or 9/3/2014 or 09/03/2014 which amazingly means September 3, 2014. Wow, same date as in Europe, Americans just love to put it in a strange illogical order. :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy: Logical orders for dates are: Day-Month-Year and Year-Month-Day Very illogical order (the American way) is: Month-Day-Year Therefore to avoid confusion what a date means, ISO needed to step in and make ISO date format as: YYYY-MM-DD :smileywink: Coby, we couldn't change now even if we wanted to. None of us would be able to remember our birthdate on short notice. Dropping off a prescription request or visiting the doctor; that's the first question they ask. "Date of birth?" " 6-12...no. Wait. 19...no wait. "Um, June..." "NEXT PLEASE!". It'd be a disaster. Epic. You think that would be a disaster? Imagine trying to picture Metric measurements while driving, when the only mental frame of reference you've got is Imperial... it would not be pretty. ...Dres Not much of an issue really. A yard and a metre are close enough to give you a decent frame of reference. I'm sure that you can appreciate that a kilometre is 1000 of those and just over 60% of a mile. millimetres to miles I grant you would be an odd thing to try and reference, or maybe chains or cubits but no, distance is plenty easy enough.
  9. Ziggi Zarf wrote: Bless your heart!!! mmhmm, I want to go around shooting people but my government is a bit anti-gun, instead they allow me to participate in gambling and not only that, I have to watch television adverts on mainstream channels, advertising online gaming. Now THAT is what I call unfair!
  10. You should ask the creator that question. It's up to then if they offer one.
  11. Here's the thing...you may say that you would sign a contract "not to sell it" but the TOS with LL requires you to grant all rights to LL for them to sell it. You think Sony will be happy granting that?
  12. Then complain to your government, it's not Linden Lab's idea. Or move to a different country.
  13. That depends on what your stake in the "game" is. If it provides you your RL income, then yes, a legal representative may be appropriate.
  14. You have not been banned, you are on administrative hold, just like it says. Patience, or open a support case.
  15. Splatulated wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: iz kwite simpul orl u has 2 doo is 2 rez dem on duh grnd rite klik den go 2 dee kontents payge an drag duh anemashuns frm eech ao in2 ur inventry and den u kan moov orl dee anemashuns in2 wun ayo and edit duh notekard 2 list de anemashuns bi kombinin duh zhao settins 4 both in wun notekard http://sasypants.com/2010/02/24/ao-tutorial-second-life-animation-over-rider/ https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=zhao+second+life so once i place the animations from my invent into the AO i want to have them what do i do with the notecard http://i.imgur.com/9dEt5Lh.png watudoezopunduhlinkswoteyesentuwotchdemprakisundlrnfrmitlike
  16. iz kwite simpul orl u has 2 doo is 2 rez dem on duh grnd rite klik den go 2 dee kontents payge an drag duh anemashuns frm eech ao in2 ur inventry and den u kan moov orl dee anemashuns in2 wun ayo and edit duh notekard 2 list de anemashuns bi kombinin duh zhao settins 4 both in wun notekard http://sasypants.com/2010/02/24/ao-tutorial-second-life-animation-over-rider/ https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=zhao+second+life
  17. You can keyframe the start and stop of IK points. Hold the mouse pointer over the IK button for the IK handle of interest and "i" to insert a keyframe. It is a bit mucky when all is said and done.
  18. Learn to make it. Google will lead the way and it's not difficult.
  19. Don't be shy, *most* (not all) but most creators are happy to help especially when it's if the instructions aren't clear. It might be just one step, it might be advice to get a different type of help but it's the best starting point. I know that in my case, i've got all sorts of different, extra resources available to me, including multilingual support staff but sometimes, there's only so much that you want to put into instructions without it being an overload.
  20. If you did a mass pick up of things, then you have a coalesced object that looks like lots of cubes stuck together in inventory. Rez that again and pick things up more carefully.
  21. Hi Kittooi, i'm surprised that nobody got to this before me. I'm going to be quite frank in my reply because i've just looked through the Slink applier instructions and they're pretty detailed, i'd not do much more then copy and paste them which I appreciate wouldn't really help you. However, at the bottom of the HUD instructions notecard it does say this:- "Please contact me by IM if you have any issues setting up this system" So with that, you'll get the best support by contacting the creator who i'm sure will be more than happy to support their product. Siddean Munroe is the creator behind Slink, viewing her profile asks that questions be sent to Slink Resident.
  22. I *think* the assertion was that you can't validate the source of textures on MP but I could be wrong.
  23. Anyone in the audience (and yourself) can turn off name tags in their viewer, or you could make the place and RLV zone and enforce visitors to use RLV and then issue a @shownames=n
  24. Which is why any item that is related to a full item via the "demo" field, should never be returned in search, no need to return demos in search at all. *ducks and runs*
  25. Wait! "twisted" me? In all seriousness, two things. I've always loved helping newbs, it reminds me of the time I was new when everything was shiny and fresh, so giving back and doing the simpler things for a break is not such a silly suggestion. Second thing, I was once told by someone far more worthy than I, "Do what makes you happy". It's not always easy but harsh though I may sound at times, I won't always sugar coat an answer. If SL is making you unhappy, don't be in SL.
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