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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Summary of the meeting:- VERY VERY poorly attended by the key stakeholders...merchants! Most of the attendees appeared to be Linden employees or viewer deverlopers who admitted to not being merchants and so don't really have a good handle on how merchants will use this although it's important that they know what's involved for integration. Here's my feedback LL... Because this floater for managing is NOT part of the main inventory and that the action is to move items for sale to the Marketplace Listings floater, this has huge potential for merchants to accidentally move something and wonder where it went. To avoid this, it requires a merchant to first make a duplicate folder, one for their own keeping and then one to copy to the Marketplace Listings folder. Surely the default should be to "Copy to Marketplace Listings" instead? Second, it appears that the actual listing to be associated can only be done via a top level folder. How do you think this will be managed by people who have hundreds or even thousands of listings? Think "file management", you don't keep everything in the root of your file system now do you? Please consider reworking it such that listings can be created off any folder level in the hierarchy. Logic dicates that a merchant should be able to create top level folders that might relate to their product offerings, Shirts, Pants, Houses, Plants etc. and within each of these, have subfolders with the actual listings as appropriate. You are dicating a very cumbersome approach with the present offering. Next up a bug, I really can't be bothered to create a JIRA so it's here instead. You can create a listing, then activate it and then list it, all actions within the viewer. When you do this, you get this dialog, I presume because the listing is incomplete (no price) From a software perspective, why offer an option that can be selected if in doing so the outcome is a known fail? Surely the "list" option should only be selectable IF the correct conditions were met? Better would be a dialog that says "Your item cannot be listed because the listing is not complete, click <link> in order to edit and list your item" and that comes right back to my previous post about errors and positive actions that lead to success:- Next bug:- I copied the first item that I listed, I then used the "Associate" option to associate that with an existing listing and was told that I had to create a version folder. No other useful information and it didn't do it for me. (Not good). I unassociated it and then choose to associate again and got this error:- What's "Not Found"?!!! Why doesn't the dialog say what it is that is not found? "Audit Marketplace Listings" seems to serve no useful function at this point correct? It just gives me a text folder view without reporting even if the items are listed or not or what the listing ID is. It would be more useful for this to allow a dowload in xml/csv. I can't see much purpose for such an audit as a non interactive dialog that does nothing.
  2. Ask them to write a review Pay them to write a review Just a couple of things that you can do. Both are permitted as long and payment or other incentive is permitted as long as it's offered regardless of whether the review is positive or not. Both come across as "needy" to me but some people do it. Sometimes when someone has had a chat with me, possibly for help or whatever, they may comment about an item and how much they like it or be otherwise suitably complimentary, only in that situation might I ever throw into the conversation something like "well perhaps you wouldn't mind popping a review onto MP" but since MP is about a 50/50 split to inworld sales for me, I generally don't bother unless I already know that they purchased via MP. People rarely review though and knowing this, i'm always highly sceptical of a new product that pops up and immediately has a bunch of reviews. Maybe they're just lucky but i'm lucky if I get ONE review every five hundred sales.
  3. Indeed, I posted the list of animations directly from the email that I received. All listed there.
  4. Buy it yourself is the only way to do it. Yes it's stupid, just like so much of Marketplace that hasn't been thought through or finished. The recipient should be able to review, the recipient should be able to request self redelivery (of copiable items)... the list is long.
  5. possibly and weloveyou-girl (and boy) is a free one that Sinewave gave away anyway so although they're entitled to IP rights, there's no loss of revenue and nothing to gain by DMCA'ing it anyway. I know that's a whole different discussion but still.
  6. Picture.jpg:hello Is perfectly valid in Windows under NTFS and is used to reference alternate file data streams. For anyone interested http://support.microsoft.com/KB/105763
  7. Thank you. I suspect i'm not the only one who doesn't bother with the blog unless someone posts a link to it, this is the only place that I look for merchant info. One problem with meetings in voice is that it requires us to sit through the whole thing again to listen to it. Personally, i'd prefer to scan through a text transcript, it's much faster. Will the recording be audio only? If so, will you be taking questions in text from those who choose not to or cannot use voice at the time or just don't have a mic? If you do take those questions in text, please be very sure to repeat the question to the audio if audio only recording. On to error messages, having read through the KB page, it's a pet hate of mine from developers that error messages have to be interpreted when there's an opportunity to present the solution in the error. I don't expect a paragraph of prose but take this one for example:- "Unsellable item in folder" I should not have to interpret this if the problem is lack of transfer permission and that is the only issue throwing the error. Is there any reason at all as to why this error does not say:- "Items in folder require transfer permission" Which tells me why the error case has been thrown and what needs to be done about it. For someone new to listing items on MP, they may start to wonder, is it because it's an adult item and they need to correct something to make it available to the right segment, is it because the thing is too scripted, too large, bad words in the listing. Yes I know you may think "why would it be any of these?" but that's the point, weak error messages don't tell the answer! Another, "You are not set up for merchant activity" ok... how about this as a message instead:- "You are not set up for merchant activity, register as a merchant first, see here for more information KB: Selling on Marketplace" If you know the answer to the fault condition, give it, don't make the user scratch their head and have to go and hunt, we're the old timers, consider how you'd direct new users efficiently or let me put it another way, if you're in the zone coding, would you prefer a new user to phone you up every single time a new user hit that condition to ask the answer or would you rather just tell them in the error message? Because LL doesn't really engage with it's customer base, what you don't see are what to many of us, the very simple questions asked by new users in the SLCM inworld group. This is the sort of stuff that comes up, more experienced sellers who themselves have had to interpret vague messages and have to relay this down as a rite of passage to become a merchant. Ok so I know this isn't directly related to the VMM functions themselves but it's all part of the overall experience. I'm pretty sure that the viewer isn't byte code memory space constrained and thus doesn't have limited string space for this.
  8. No. XP is out of support by MS, no security patches for months. It's not reasonable to expect a third party to provide support for an unsupported platform just because some refuse to modernise. Compared to other platforms, you are in the minority. Kaspersky stats in June report 16% with 4% still using XP in the USA for example.
  9. The previous thread had questions which were unanswered, it would have been helpful to answer those first instead of deleting the thread. Second "in case you're not familiar" is a curious phrase since unless I'm mistaken, this is the first post giving public details of how to test VMM. When we're we expected to become familiar? Forgive me for bringing this up but as ever, the level of engagement and communication from the commerce team with respect to changes that impact their stakeholders remains poor. From previous experience, most of us have seen the train wrecks of inworld meetings devoid of prior published points on the agenda. The gesture is welcome but please post the transcript. You may be lucky, I may still be on a flight during the time of the meeting
  10. Interesting. I've experienced this too as I use "earlier version" scripts to sell products belonging to two others and hippo update sends the right current version. (it's a workaround for inability to have multiple creators with one marketplace store) The issue has to be at Hippo wen service end, given how it works.
  11. Also factor that most role play cities that are on 256x256 are usually completely deserted, is suggest you completely think it over. Unless it's for some showcase project, what you describe it's simply too big. Far too much for most people to have time to explore and you will need a large team to fill that space in any sensible time with enough detail to warrant anyone bothering to visit As has been suggested, if it's a personal objective for fun, go opens. Just telling it like it is.
  12. Latamier Longstaff wrote: What I wonder about is what are they getting out of it ? (besides the fee that they charge of course.) You've already nailed it, the fee. Although if you're paying for vendors, it's not unreasonble for you to expect a much higher % split. (There is also one subtle thing too. Say you're getting 50% of the sale, it's usual that the affiliate vendor won't give you that discount if you purchase from it as the vendor owner but there's nothing to stop you using an alt to buy the item. Your main gets the 50% commission all the same. If someone were to pick up free vendors and essentially just do this to obtain a discount then that's where paying a notionally significant up front amount can prevent this.)
  13. Alwin Alcott wrote: What's fun about a virtual world when at least half of its sims is offline?, because that's what you get when you depend on machines owned and runned by individuals.. Maybe a torrent type model for distributed content could work but then again, LL are already working on something new, clearly the OP hasn't seen the other threads discussing this before.
  14. Don't believe the log or dialogs, just try again. Sometimes it says it failed when it worked, other times it says it worked, when it failed
  15. My suggestion is to turn up your graphics settings. Then instead of being a white egg, you will be a fluffy cloud. You didn't actually state what you have tried but the other classic solutions include dragging a hair baldie onto your avatar out in your case, white egg. Second one is to choose test character, male or female in the viewer settings.
  16. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Not only was your comment on her profile feed deleted, but so was your negative review in marketplace (along with two other people's positive ones). How she did that, I can only speculate... but, whatever the case, it ain't pretty. Did I mention I was disappointed? ...Dres A merchant can request that a comment or review be deleted if it is not objective about the product. Personal attacks for example, wouldn't be appropriate as a review. (I didn't see it so don't know what it said and I don't assume that this was the case) However, just as valid listings are nuked by the review team who clearly act without actually reviewing flagged items at times, probably more often than not, is probably the same team that willingly deletes comments or reviews that are valid and don't breach the guidelines. (This is my speculation and my opinion is formed based upon personal experience. I reserve the right to be completely and utterly wrong :matte-motes-inlove:)
  17. jwjaii wrote: sassy Romano "On the right hand side of the advert it says" Sold by: Pi Rain "so what is open to you Their inworld profile and send em an IM or a notecard." I've tried it all. Not only used the notecard because I can not use it (does not work). Anyway nothing can justify the lack of an easy and affordable assistance from the sellers. And I think it would also be very advantageous for sellers. Including the Second Live. Notecards work, IM's work (but as others have stated, Pi's preferred method is a notecard) Others have given instructions once again as to how you send a notecard. I do agree with you that there could be better ways to contact sellers but the blame there rests squarely with Linden Lab for failing to provide a single coherent inbox that doesn't cap, where all communications notifications are sent and from where replies can be made either inworld or via say a webpage or an email reply. I would be quite happy for a "send message to seller" option to be presented on the Marketplace listing, where that message came to my choice of delivery, such as my email. I'd like to be able to reply to that email and have it come back to the sender and know that the reply will NOT be capped by *their* 25 message limit. What a ****ing concept!! Yes, ONE central inbox for everyone for all the diverse methods that LL have dumped on us.
  18. Taken subway out of context perhaps? Besides, good luck taking legal action when the seller is in a different country and the cost of the item is a few hundred or perhaps a couple of thousand L$ as is usually the case. Not everyone is in the US or gives a flying donkey about US law. Look, if the terms are there to read before spending $5 and you doubt like it, don't buy it! (Or go ahead and spend thousands of $ to prove a point over $5. Way too much belief and drama in the legal process
  19. It really isn't difficult to contact sellers if you use the methods that people, myself included, have suggested. IM and notecard. I accept that some merchants do bit respond, if in doubt, contact them prior to purchase. Ni response no sale!
  20. What is your graphics card, which viewer are you using?
  21. VanityLace wrote: CPU: Genuine Intel® CPU T1400 @ 1.73GHz (1729 MHz) Memory: 2038 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: Intel Graphics Card: Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.14.0010.1930 OpenGL Version: 2.0.0 - Build You will struggle with this. Insufficient memory to run anything but the viewer and only the viewer (nothing else background) at the same time. You can figure on Windows 7 quite happily munching on around 700MB and the viewer will take about 1.7GB which means that at this point, the PC will be swapping memory to disk (you'll see the disk light on a lot and it will be very slow at this point). Also, the graphics chipset is on the "really not very good for SL list", sorry to put it like that but that's just how it is. You'd have to run with completely minimum graphics settings and there is a debug setting that is supposed to limit the maximum memory that the viewer will use. Look for the debug setting MaxHeapSize and try setting it to maybe 1.0 or 0.75 (i've had varied success with this)
  22. The basic principle is this:- You find out the faces of the mesh that you want to apply texture to. You define the communications between HUD and mesh object. Typically a "listen" in the object for a message from the HUD. You make the HUD (just a bunch of prims is one simple way) and detect which of these is touched, then send the message, to the object that is listening. The object listen script is pretty simple, it just listens for a message and when it receives it, it parses the message to determine what to do, in the case of a texture script, it needs to know the object link number (if there are multiple parts to the linkset), it needs the face of that link and it needs the texture. The message that might represent this would be something like "2,3,<some UUID for the texture>" So, in a listen event, once you receive a message, call llCSV2List and make a list such that you can easily use each piece of the message. Then in the object listening script, you call llSetTexture or llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast, passing the bits of the message to the right parts of these functions to set the texture on the item. Back to the HUD then... A HUD in a simple form is just a collection of prims worn on a HUD attachment point. You can detect which button was touched by calling llDetectedLinkNumber. There's a multitude of ways to then do this, one way would be to set the description of the button to the UUID of the texture and then just retrieve that and send it via llRegionSayTo to the object via a chosen channel number. Downside to this is that the texture UUID is easily found but newsflash, anyone that knows what they're doing can find the UUID with ease anyway and since mesh textures are somewhat single purpose, there's possibly less drama about this than used to be. Alternatively, you could just hard code the UUID's into the script or you could choose to retrieve them from a notecard read, or from an external database. I don't know if this is anything like what you wanted to get started with but that's about it in the simplest form.
  23. jwjaii wrote: And the hair (equal to the demo) where is it ? "If you find any problems please contatto with the seller" "Page not found" And it's always very difficult to get contact the sellers. And when we contact the seller, they never respond. The never answered me. And I've bought several avatars (4). Nor do returns. Apparently we have no rights... Did you read what I wrote about how to contanct them? How did you contact them in this case? If you contact them using the two methods that I gave you and they don't respond, that's a pretty good indicator NOT to purchase don't you think?
  24. jwjaii wrote: I do not understand how this is possible ... and (almost) never exists a link to talk to the seller... Just to help you out here, it's easy to contact the seller. On the right hand side of the advert it says "Sold by: Pi Rain" so what you do is open their profile inworld and send them an IM or a notecard. I'd say ALWAYS send an IM because those sellers who send IM's to email can easily reply rapidly and when offline. Send a notecard too because LL never thought that we'd actually want to communicate with each other and there's a cap of 25 IM's before the rest are lost (unless forwarded to email). Notecards are avatar to avatar inventory offers and are not capped but some merchants hate notecards and prefer IM. Do both if no preference given. How do you open their profile? Either search for their name under "People" or since you already have the product, just right click on one of the items in inventory, choose "Properties" and where it lists Creator is a button to open their profile. The LAST thing we need is yet another LL dreamed up pointless messaging method that will be misunderstood, implemented badly and ignored. LL thought we all wanted to communicate via Facebook and tried to take us there LL thought we all wanted to have a Facebook-like wall and infected our profiles with it, resulting in customers posting support questions on something that many merchants never looked and and subsequently turned off. Just stick to IM or notecards, the tried and tested and accepted methods of communication.
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