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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Psst skill games, not internet gambling. Again, why choose such a low visibility platform hosted in a country with such laws against the very essence of what you want to do and were I interested in gambling online myself, why do you feel that the fact that I can't do it in the US is of any issue at all when it's perfectly legal in my own country? Please just explain that as I'm curious. I don't understand why it's difficult for you to comprehend what has happened. I don't understand your whining about there being only 3 operators or claiming that they are the same person. The requirements are published, sign up and stop whining.
  2. sloowdown wrote: You i must tell you that you dont even read the post and comment. i am not talking as a person who wants to gamble but a person who wants to be yout competetion. It is so obvious you have a interest that you cant see me for anything other than a consumer of gaming and not a person who wants to operate. That makes you an idiot! i dont like to call names but you talk and dont listen. Just so you know Ll does care if it succeeds because they need money bad. They are in big trouble with the new things coming and they have kept people hostage with the things they have in world that amount to so much money they just wont leave. Have you not noticed the age of the average user in SL? No young new users mean bye bye. So they do this good idea buit they just dont know what the hell they are doing. You run out and buy the land on the server they own so they can put the machines they control on the land you pay them to use and then on top they take 50% of the profits from the machines, its called pimping!! That's really funny because I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever, just like LL but since you're possibly learning inhibited, i've already pointed out that I live in a country where online gambling is legal and TV advertised, I can tell you that if I had any interest at all in operating an online gambling venture, i'd do it via that method and not in some virtual world with such a limited target market. That's the part that makes little sense to me, doing it in SL. As for calling me an idiot. Well that just did it, i'm going to never log in again, i've been called a name on the internet, my life is truly over, I have no idea what i'll possibly do...oh wait... yeah it made no difference to me at all, just bounced right off that one did. By the way, it's not LL's good idea, they're required to do this by law.
  3. sloowdown wrote: ohj 2 or 3 approved operators lol. I am out of it so they can do what they want! Just spoke on the phone with LL and they have no clue what the hell is going on not at all! Again, they don't care, they don't need to care. Go and gamble online, surely it's simpler and offers a wider choice of options than the limited set of inworld scripted prim things that are in SL?
  4. Yes I realise he's not sitting on it but that's all an animation is, a set of rotations applied to the bones and an offset applied to the root joint. Just as a jumping animation moves the root up and down, simultaneously playing an offsetting animation along with the horse riding may solve it.
  5. Robin23 Dagostino wrote: I tried chanding "appearance" in the viewer thinking that might be a possibility but unfortunately the Appaerance option appears grayed out while my avi is in the green cloud. I also tried the "Select Avatar" to select a stock avi to (temporarily) replace my avi but that does not do anything either. When Pamela said to try a baldie, you can drag it to your avatar from inventory and drop it onto your nametag/fluffy cloud, you won't be able to do it via edit appearance.
  6. There's possibly another option which is to create a set of animations which are just "offsets", nothing to do with the pose you need but just offsets to the avatar hip joint (root) to raise it up. How well this may work will depend on priorities and what may or may not happen in terms of hip joint in your horse riding animation. In other words, running both animations together, you may be able to blend a hip offset to raise height and your riding animation to do the bone rotation for the rest of the actions. You may need priority 5 for the hip offset bit, you'd have to play.
  7. sloowdown wrote: "INTERNET GAMBLING IS ILLEGAL" regardless of what policy LL or anyone else writes lol. Skilled games are somewhat legal but there is a fine line as skilled gaming has not been defined as a whole. This is where you're again missing the point but you stated it right there. LL REQUIRES that creators and operators provide a legal opinion that these are GAMES OF SKILL and NOT gambling. That is precisely why LL puts the onus on the creator/operator environment. LL is NOT creating a policy that permits gambling and just to be precise, it's Internet gambling in the US or rather for US hosted operations that's illegal, we get TV adverts for online gambling here. In no ways is "Internet gambling illegal" but I accept that i'm being pedantic here. Bottom line is that LL couldn't give a stuff whether skill gaming succeeds or not, they haven't created a policy that promotes success or fail, they're just not bothered. They're ONLY bothered about covering their legal ass with this policy, nothing more, not a smidgen. (Plus, side point but really, WHO CARES? If you really want to gamble online, just do it, use foreign hosted systems, why bother about what happens in SL? That's the bit I don't understand)
  8. Peter, you got a fairly common response to "survey requests", mainly because for years SL users have felt like lab rats being studied. I can appreciate that with a specifically targetted group, you may have value (or not) by stating what the purpose of the survey is, what is it that you wish to accomplish, what will the result of the study be and when and where will the output be presented? If you feel like swinging your survey along the lines of "How do merchants feel about the utter contempt shown towards them by Linden Lab?" you might get rather a lot of responses
  9. You don't appear to understand. LL have no interest in certifying anything, they don't have any need to obtain legal opinion. The policy is 100% ass covering by placing the liability firmly in the hands of those creating and operating games. LL doesn't care if games are successful or not.
  10. Just for reference, it's done this way, so that you have to own the animation. You can view the animation UUID through various methods and if it were like textures, then you'd be able to play any animation by calling it merely by UUID. The inbuilt animations can be called by UUID only. Having said this, texture UUID's ARE freely available but we have to pretend that they're not, just to keep people happy.
  11. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlStartAnimation • string anim – an item in the inventory of the prim this script is in or built-in animation (put the animation in the object, it's no use in your avatar inventory)
  12. Crim Mip wrote: It can only render data is has available. Since SL is mostly user created content, there's a very small amount it keeps at any given time in cache. It's not like say World of Warcraft where every bit of the graphics in the game are actually stored locally. Turn off your connection and you very quickly crash the viewer. What FPS you get during that time is rendering more and more out of date cache information (which as I said is only covering a very small area) Try going anywhere when not connected and you get nothing. You in fact can't tp someplace else without being connected. You obviously have a poor grasp of how SL works. Madeline has already explained it but let me try... Say you have a 150Mbps network connection and you TP to somewhere where there is nothing but sky and a 1 prim cube. The scene fully renders, that whole 1 prim cube What's your frame rate? Lets make something up and call it 100fps. Your network connection now drops to 1 byte per second, what's your frame rate? It's STILL 100fps because there's no more data needed at this time, the graphics card renders the data that it has, that's what it does, that's ALL it does. Someone now stands next to you and rezzes 1000 cubes. The graphics card will still render at 100fps but because the data for each cube will take a few seconds to arrive at 1 byte per second, every few seconds a new cube will be added to the scene and as Madeline said, things like particles, animations, non physical prim rotation and more are all client side rendered. I can stand on a platform and watch an animation fluidly at high fps even when disconnected. The viewer doesn't crash when disconnected by the way, the session times out, that's not a crash but in the mean time, the scene remains rendered. Again, please explain to me how if you believe that fps is implicitly tied to data rate of the network, why my fps isn't zero when network traffic is zero? (Clue: it's nothing to do with cache). It's not like WoW as you said but then WoW doesn't work like that either, even in WoW, it only renders the scene based on the objects that are needed to be displayed. You're very much confusing frames per second rate of the capability of the graphics card, with the rate of retrieving data which would be required to display the complete scene. It's completely different.
  13. The AO walk is likely a priority 4 and ID immediately being started again and just takes priority. Choices include, using a script to defeat the AO with a fast timer tho restart yours instead but such script fights get silly really. Or find a priority 3 walk Or my personal choice, animate only the arms and upload the animation as priority 5 (tools such as Avastar plug in for blender make this rather easy)
  14. Didn't happen...not through a valid friend request. It really, didn't.
  15. I wouldn't be looking for a friendship request to perform any install but rather to provide other key information back from which to launch other attack vectors. Don't forget that there was a time when the official viewer "leaked" back details in IM's that weren't exposed in the UI but which contained grid location of the sender. That metadata itself had value to someone with a modified malicious viewer but was never seen in the regular LL viewer. Anyway, we all agree it's basically a bull**bleep** claim, unless the claimant wishes to provide more details or file a SEC JIRA
  16. You won't find any because without a compromised viewer or other external entity (as you rightly said), it won't happen.
  17. Tari Landar wrote: A hacker cannot "get to you" or your computer by friending you. It's impossible for this to happen. Caveat: Assuming the viewer is not compromised, which was my point and I believe it's fair to assume we're all under that impression too.
  18. On the basis that LL had for far too long, spammed Google ads on their MP pages served to residents, ads over which they could not control the content, it would be somewhat hypocritical to then make a fuss over a third party site, over which they have no control, to which they advocate a facility in a listing, for the sole purpose of linking to a video! Personally, I'd just link to the video but then that's my nature at times. LL have their own catchall with the usual "LL is not responsible for content delivered by third party sites"
  19. Madeline, i'm instantly going to assume his was a troll post based upon this:- http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/looking-for-a-Girl-that-is-single-and/m-p/2831774#M31407
  20. Coby Foden wrote: There is no need at all ever to upload pictures to SL as a JPG file. The only reason I can think of where you would want to use a JPG is:- If you want that texture to be referenced from a web page which calls up on the UUID of the texture within SL, you'd better upload it as a JPG or it doesn't show up on the web page. An example of this is an inworld vending system which is web managed. I don't know why but it doesn't show if uploaded as a PNG but I can't say i've tried it with a TGA as the source. Odd really since they're both converted to JPG2000 but there's clearly some bit that gets converted differently.
  21. Start by obtaining the legal permission to use that image. Copyright belongs to the image holder, not you and when you accepted the SL TOS, you agreed that you would upload only content to which you own copyright and that you also consent to giving LL lots of rights to use your uploaded image. The issue is that if you don't own copyright, you cannot comply with the SL TOS because you don't have the right to transfer the rights to LL. Or you could just ignore this and do whatever.
  22. jeffrey1 wrote: a key logger can only like a hacker get in to your computer by giving you a object in game or you clicking on a link to a unsafe web site, also friend ship offer are a way to get into you computer, lots of people do not take friends ship offer from new comer in game. Bull**bleep** highlighted in bold. LSL that would be used in a scripted object inside SL has no hooks to call out to OS or BIOS or otherwise that would allow keyboard intercept. Friendship offers...? C'mon, this is how daft rumours start. From a friendship offer you'll get what? Anything that allowed an elevated privilege onto the hosts computer would require a specific vulnerability in the viewer. I'm not saying such things aren't possible, they very much are but you're going to have to bring much more to the party than such speculation. If you DO know of a specific vulnerability in the viewer that allows privilege escalation then you should immediately file a SEC JIRA. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Security_issues
  23. Open a support case. Nothing we can do.
  24. There is another thing that you can do which may help depending on how you build. For my partner and I, we wanted to maintain control of our own products, in fact, it's quite likely that if only one of you maintains the store, one of you will be uploading and thus one of you will probably have a full perm version of the item from the other. If you use 3rd party content, animations, textures, scripts etc. passing full perm item to your partner will likely breach any terms of use of that content. What we have done is for my partner to have an update server (several of these types exist). I then list a dummy version of the product which contains an out of date version script and I do the listing product split. When the customer purchases, they get what is essentially an empty rez box, which when rezzed, the script checks the version of the item, finds itself to be "out of date" and immediately requests the version from his update server. This way, he totally owns the product and content, we don't have to faff about setting things to full perm and have the risk of incorrect onward permission changes by me. It's not perfect, but it works and meets our needs.
  25. Probably because someone offered you a product link to a japanese listing that you clicked on. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4576 (Nearly a year later... still that JIRA remains unassigned. Anyone still believe that LL is in the background improving things? Nobody did respond to my challenge to find even just 3, or maybe 1 proper improvment to MP over the past year.) That's the best bit, they thought it was appropriate that after clicking on ONE MP link, that it should change ALL your communications, including sales emails, to that language. It truly baffles me as to how utterly stupid some implementations are. Does it really take a genius to suggest that "NO, just because i've browsed one link, that doesn't mean I want to totally swap language forever!!" Clearly, the answer to that is YES!
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