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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. I dosage, more like they haven't included the right options to do it properly. Residents shouldn't have to jump through hoops in order to report things like fraudulent listings such as empty boxes with fake adverts. LL already dismiss this as merely just a list to user issue that they don't get involved with. How much mute dismissive and slopey shouldered do you want then to get? What method do you suggest here? This example isn't a DMCA issue, Support dismiss claims of fraud boxes as not their problem, so what IS the proper route for this Jacob?
  2. I say "leave" or add Spatulated as a friend, he has plenty of time to chat and I'm sure you could teach him lots!
  3. Miles per hour. Distance divided by time. Is it a trick question?!
  4. It's not a very expansive list though. For example, a fraudulent item that's a box under the guise of a different product. The only flag reason there is "incorrect listing image" which really doesn't go any way towards the severity of the reason for flagging and to anyone looking would see that potentially as a minor issue. Anyway, nothing will happen about it so nothing more to say.
  5. markkemp wrote: Uhhhhh no I disagree. :matte-motes-grin: They recently replaced the checkout system remember? And I've seen a lot less failed deliveries since the death of magic boxes. I think they will come back to it in the future but also they don't want to break it with some failed feature.....:matte-motes-impatient: Direct Delivery (death of magic boxes) was done what? nearly 2 years ago, you call that recent? Also, newsflash, IT'S NOT FINISHED! Magic boxes still exist because they gave up on this project, where's the support for directly delivery for limited permissions items? It doesn't exist, use a magic box, migration date for this "extended indefinitely", in other words, they're not going to finish it. Replaced the checkout system? What was wrong with it? Nothing, they just aligned it with the rest of LL's business, we didn't ask for it, it wasn't a pressing matter that merchants were asking for. Try again. Anyone? I'm still challenging anyone to bring 5 Marketplace enhancements that LL have done to Marketplace within the past year that seriously benefit merchants, that we asked for or needed. I'll take 2 to begin with... just TWO things...
  6. And did you do the other suggestion that I made? To go and learn to create a JIRA, demanding that broad single word searches guarantee to bring you direct results containing only exactly the items you want and nothing extra? Better do that now yes? Or instead learn to use search properly.
  7. You can't do a sit teleport for an inter region teleport. To be more specific, a sit teleport isn't a teleport anyway but a move warp.
  8. Splatulated wrote: trying to find a spot with little to nothing rezzed like the sim was before it got blocked off Well, this is one of the harder questions I guess. You're trying to find a spot with little to nothing rezzed, where the owner will let you set home there, where you don't have to pay. That's the problem eh? So... I guess the answer is:- YOU have to go and find a spot where little to nothing is rezzed, where the owner will let you set home (it's a land option via group setting), without paying. Seriously, this is a forum thread? Go and look yourself or better still, PAY for your own land.
  9. Although my answer doesn't specifically give you a product or service, it's remarkably easy to arrange. All you need is a scripted prim inworld that monitors your login and resets the counter. If no login, counter of however long you like, gets exceeded and the item sends a notecard/IM to those to be notified. More complex methods could be used to do this for others by monitoring the logins of those who had subscribed. It wouldn't need much in terms of complexity but probably wouldn't be too attractive as a database of peoples RL info and I can't see many wanting to subscribe. What about those who just chose to leave for whatever reason, forgot that they'd sub'ed to such a service and then end up having their RL details spammed around? Oh boy, the dramatainment that would fall out of THAT!
  10. Furthermore, monitoring "chat" I.e. channel 0 is not permitted as per the terms, despite some products that relay it. Public chat still forms a conversation that shall not be remotely monitored. The only products that would comply would be ones that relay only the text said by the monitored subject and not include anything received back. That makes for a pretty dull read.
  11. To me that would be a heavy hint to take my L$ elsewhere!
  12. Qie Niangao wrote: Also, wtf is a "dancer" ?? It's an opportunity to use an "anti-dancer" script that listens on channel 0 and upon hearing "on" (or the other qualifying list of start words for these annoying things) immediately does an llSay(0,"off") Then watch people keep typing "on" in chat trying to beat the scripted "off" haha - funny! Not that i've ever done anything like this. *shakes head and tries to look innocent*
  13. Splatulated wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Use search on MP under the Building and Object Components. Use in world search. They are out there. i typed boat and found buildings better key word ? No. There is no need to use a better keyword if the first ONE keyword didn't work, just keep pressing search and with 3 keypresses it will automatically have worked out that you were looking for specific sculpts for the very boats that you are wanting to make. If this doesn't work, come right back and ask why it didn't work for you at which point you will be taught how to create a JIRA entry where you can file a bug that the keyword search didn't automatically find exactly the right result using just ONE keyword or you may word your JIRA entry as a feature request asking that Marketplace searches always return exactly the right result using just ONE keyword. If you improved your Google Fu, you'd have found this blog entry http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Help-Improve-Marketplace-Search-with-Your-Opinions/ba-p/2384033
  14. Dooo eeeeeet! :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  15. DartAgain wrote: But while you're at it, perhaps you can file a Jira for accounts that are deactivated as in my case rather than bumped down to basic when you don't opt out of premium. Something like this JIRA from 2008 that is marked as fixed? Slghtly different but it seems that they still haven't figured out the sensible way to deal with it. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2647
  16. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: "Accepted" status means that your suggestion was not ignored. rejected suggestions stay in "Triaged" status. yours is in pile of things LL wants to do. It means that it has been "accepted" as an issue. Whether it goes into MAINT or any other status it doesn't actually mean that there's any activity. This is how it is with pretty much any software company who use JIRA or any other bug reporting system. JIRA's get triaged/accepted but whether they get put into any sprint to actually be worked on is a totally different thing than just updating the status of a JIRA. All companies have things "they want to do" but the question here is "what's actually being worked on that's live for Marketplace?" There's no evidence and that's the sum of this thread. Come on LL, put some skin in the game, show us the evidence...
  17. Ha! You say I have no open JIRAs...your JIRA search fu is seriously lacking!
  18. Those Yorkshire cows are more like sheep, just like the Cockney cows. Definitely a regional dialect.
  19. LovedWarrior wrote: I love the suggestion! Yes a demo section! No, totally wrong approach! Think about it. You don't look for demos, there's no need to look for a demo, demos should NEVER be returned from a search query. You want to find the proper product and within that be able to access a demo. Looking for demo's is arse about face, demos should not be visible or returned in a query, outside the scope of the actual product searched for.
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: Thank you Sassy. I know you could make a much longer list of the "low hanging fruit" that sits rotting on the vine. Oh gosh, I haven't even started listing the low hanging fruit yet! Those were just examples of "nothing being done"
  21. You haven't rezzed a sim surround by any chance have you? (Or other similar megaprim which surrounds this board) Back to this JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3811 referred to in your other similar thread
  22. (Don't worry, I put in a request for the topic to be moved) The mesh avatars usually have clothing applied via some form of "applier" which is what you will probably have purchased as clothing. Other than that, i'm not going to be much use to you because i'm not familiar with that one but as you said, there's a hud and that would be a way to do it by using the hud with the applier. It may help if you can post any instructions for both the hud and the clothing in here, or contact the creator of the mesh avatar as another option.
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