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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. I guess it's because it's their choice to offer a single item albeit at a higher price. If you choose not to use a piece then that's your choice. Same question to sl merchants who offer full outfits when someone only wants the shoes.
  2. You are aiming that the cases you cite for improvement are bottlenecked by disk access and data transfer from disk Out of curiosity, what hardware and internet connection do you have?
  3. Not really, it would be somewhat unusual to have a ridiculously complex physics with a simple shape unless it was made badly but then it is still rather easy to produce clothing with huge complexity and low LI by setting the lowest lod to 0 and a simple physics shape.
  4. Yes and no Perrie. The "no" part is because the LI is determined as the highest cost of either download, server or physics. So it's possible that the LI is because of a simple model but a ridiculously complex physics shape and when the item is worn it goes phantom thus there's no point incurring physics as the highest L$ cost during upload. Though yes, as a general pointer, L$ cost is generally indicative of the complexity. (But it's still pretty simple to upload complex stuff for L$11)
  5. That still sounds insanely expensive. I've uploaded just under 65k vertices for about L$25 If it's clothing, set lowest lod to 0 and supply a cube for physics.
  6. If it costs L$700 to upload (is it clothing?) Then I'd suggest you are using the wrong settings in the mesh upload dialog. If an item of clothing costs me as much as L$12 per item then it's a big clue that something is wrong.
  7. If some of the hud works then I'm going to guess that the problem is that the rest of it is being obscured by another transparent prim which is blocking touch. Edit the hud on-screen and move it to a different position.
  8. I'm sure that the viewer managed marketplace will prioritise helping merchants create quality listings that tuck demos into their rightful place and let people search on the "mesh" flag that exists in every listing for mesh. Oh look, there's a unicorn!
  9. Medhue, there are lots of questions to ask but since our questions clearly aren't being solicited, lets just hope that the people that were chosen had a clue about what the merchant community actually need instead of being told just to "try this" and take what they're given, as seemed to be the case with the last "update" of avatar mesh/classic mesh stuff. Here's my question for starters, if someone wants to sell 100 of the same thing and then no more, do they have to list it 100 times or will this method allow a counter that is decremented against just one listing, which is how it *should* work? No point starting to even ask about the same as far as multiple colours and so on, lets just keep to the simple case above.
  10. Possibly, if it's the tail i'm thinking about, it's just a good scripting job and sometimes it does resize segments of the mesh and the shapes it can make are just all scripted. There's no way to morph a mesh.
  11. Article dated 30th June. This is old news, there are already many threads that have discussed this and continue to do so.
  12. Probably in the WANTED forum but that's just a vague guess. The bold word in your subject matches so it seems like it just might be right. Hard to miss really... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted I did notify a moderator yesterday but it seems that they're asleep.
  13. For a project like this, I'm willing to start at L$ 20,000. Possibly more if someone is genuinely interested and we discuss it further.
  14. What's the big issue with someone flying? Would I be right in guessing that it's a role play sim and you just don't want it? What you could do is use a script to get the list of agents in the region http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentList, then query the avatar locomotion state, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentInfo and if the return includes AGENT_FLYING, the script could send a nice informative message asking that they desist and then test again after giving them chance to stop. If they're still flying after the warning, call http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlEjectFromLand and if you want to get really harsh, keep a list of "offenders" and for persistent offenders use http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlAddToLandBanList Or you could just shrug and ignore it :matte-motes-nerdy:
  15. And then you'd find that shoes made for slink feet wouldn't fit.
  16. arabellajones wrote: "more options for support" turned out to be pretty damn useless. And, while the stipend does fill a lot of the gap, does it really make sense to buy L$, by any means, when general SL performance has slumped as much as it has appeared to from here. If you're not getting value from the premium sub then yes you should not renew. The "benefits" are tenuous at best. Buying L$, well that's a different matter, that's just a cost of entertainment if you want to buy things but I suppose the issue is that not everyone is seeing the performance issue that you are so I don't really have anything to offer beyond that which has already been collectively said. Just do what feels right for you
  17. arabellajones wrote: I am still a Premium member for a few days. I don't plan to renew. Just what was I paying for? And this really is your best effort? I feel I wasted my money. Well i'm not sure what you expected from premium membership other than a) a stipend b) right to purchase mainland b) more options for support. It has never included a difference in performance. Don't forget that many teleport issues are due to scripts being paused and handed off to the next region (plus walking the variables, converting to different data types and back again.) When you get TP issues, always detach everything and try again, it's refreshing how fast a naked avatar (naked of attachments) will TP.
  18. If he or she has a smartphone, just email them an mp3 or similar
  19. Once more... slowly. This policy is as a result of US legislation. If you want to change it, you're wasting your time with LL, you need to lobby your polictial representatives for a legal change for online gaming in the US. LL have chosen to implement it with some administrative fees, which they are entitled to charge. We may not agree with them but that's their cost of doing business. It's up to the game creator and operator to determine if their own costs of doing business (those fees and the associated legal "opinion") are worth it. If not, go elsewhere. See above one more time if you're not getting it, this is a US legal thing, not some policy dreamed up by LL to extort money. They can't extort money since people really do have a choice NOT to participate. You also mention that the current policy is being abused " It invites the rules to be broken and they are being broken as we speak " Care to elabourate? Here's the thing, any rule can be broken, it's whether the rule breaker is found out and what action is taken that counts. You'd be somewhat naive to expect everyone to fall in line, especially since many won't even have a clue that the rules have even changed. If it's skill games that break the policy being used on non gaming regions, go and report them all if it makes you feel better, LL will act but they probably don't care, they have their legal ass covered and as usual, that's good for their story. People can't abuse the policy by applying multiple times, that would be an issue if there were a limited quota of permitted gaming creators/operators but there isn't. Really, nobody cares how many times someone applies or doesn't.
  20. If you ping on a channel such that nearby hats respond, you can then get the position of the key of the responding item and then just call llVecDist. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlVecDist
  21. What is the relevance of whether one person applies once or twenty times? You only have to apply once, you've chosen not to... Move on. It's not LL's choice but US law. Clearly some feel that it's worth their while but you don't. Fine, move on! How hard is that to understand? You are free to make choices, choose a different platform for online gaming. Oh you can't because your laws prevent you. At this point, common sense would suggest that laws in other countries would be of interest but each to their own.
  22. He won't understand your response Phil, it's too subtle but I've already pointed it out clearly a couple of times. He's whining about the policy which he chooses not to abide by, or has been stated, has been rejected from more like. Never mind. Nobody cares.
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