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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Thanks Perrie, I was last in the US some 3 years ago so wasn't sure if you'd caught up yet. One element of that article is potentially incorrect:- "Even if all such issues were to be magically solved, EMV alone does nothing to make online and mobile payment methods more secure, Huguelet said. EMV cards are fundamentally designed to make so-called card present transactions more secure. The technology makes it harder to clone cards and use them to make fraudulent transactions. However, they are of less use in card-not-present situations such as online or mobile transactions." This isn't entirely true. With my bank, I have a personal card reader with keypad. This is used for online banking where certain transactions will require the card to be inserted into the reader, the PIN entered and a choice of operation button chosen. This will then generate a one time signing code to be displayed, which is then entered on the web page. There's no particular reason that they can't extend that to the same use for signing online purchases. They don't at the moment though, probably because the overall risk is accepted for all parties, given the convenience of making a "cardholder not present" purchase but it would be possible to pop a bank "signing code" screen during the purchase. It already happens for some transactions where extra bank/customer known secrets are used. I've never understood the culture in the US though (maybe portrayed in TV shows?) where someone gives another their credit card and lets them go shopping. Even the signature should be checked but mine rarely is when in the US. In fact, my bank cards don't have my signature because that is giving away a credential to be copied. Instead, I write "ASK FOR PHOTO ID".
  2. Are you guys not using smartcards yet? Aka "chip and PIN" If you are then the card number is of no use anyway, since the PIN is only used to gain access to the secure element of the card in order to access the signing certificate and it's associated private key. On these cards, card number has no bearing during the transaction.
  3. It's no use to anyone inworld, other than to say "it looks like this". If you can get hold of the dae or obj of the original from the original creator then that's a better starting point, otherwise i'd say that unless you're lucky, your thoughts on price are out by a factor of between 10x to 20x (minimum, depending on how much finishing you want, textures and so on?) (You may get someone willing to do it for that however, if they don't value their time).
  4. (generic response, not necessarily to Eddy) Ah price... good old price! In any transaction such as in the case of a contract or sale, the objective of that transaction is for both parties to feel that they have both won. Not in a winner/loser way but in such a way that both have come away satisfied with the transaction, that neither was disadvantaged. It is sometimes said that the perfect price point is where the customer just about winces but still pays. They've still placed sufficient value on the deal to part cash for it and the seller has obtained the price that was sought after. Look around, look at other similar things that offer the same perceived quality and pitch at around the same. The products will be perceived as being of similar quality. Sales, sales are a RL method which is typically used to shift old stock. Physical products have a storage and display cost, retail space is expensive and the ROI on that space needs to considered. A sale can be disastrously negative however. A sale can say:- "this product is not worth what I originally priced it at!" "sucks that you bought it yesterday at full price" and worse of all:- "my other products will be along in a sale sometime soon" Do you remember Stiletto Moody and their rapid decline? It was easy to spot, 50 to 70% off sales almost every other week (or so it felt). Imagine how that felt to people who had spent $30 US for shoes the week before. (Not wishing to get into dicussion about the age of the products or other business practices here please). Similarly, starting cheap and expecting to increase (or revert to a previous price after a sale) is potentially flawed too as that can alienate your original loyal customers who liked "cheap". If you can create something similar to the rest of the similar products, then price similar or even better, improve on them and price higher. Build something of value, put a worth on that item that is defensible but if simply dropping your pants and bending over in the hope of gaining sales is your strategy, that's fine too, i'll start selling vaseline. There is one discount method that i'm in favour of and that's early discount pricing. New item, regular price will be xx starting from a specific date, on offer until then... It does encourage existing customers to grab a bargain and the item is not devalued in the long term. For a more consultative process such as for people making custom items, how to price when the customer says "that's too expensive, I can't afford that, can you offer me a discount?" Wait a sec... why? Why is your time suddenly worth less than you said it was to make the item a moment ago just because someone doesn't have the funds? Correct answer is "That's fine, I can remove part of the solution such that it will meet your budget." The value of the original quote remains, the client is now in a position to determine whether the item is still going to meet their needs when built to their reduced budget. "But wait!" you said, "i'll lose their business to someone else". Yep fine! Now go and find the work at the rate you want and let someone else work for cheap, it's their problem to figure that out. "Your couples animations are too expensive, I only have half of what you're asking for, can you discount?" "I understand your issue and I can compromise to meet your budget, which of the animations would like, male or female?" How many times do we see requests in the Mesh forum for "I need something awesome creating, full mesh avatar with scripts and sounds and oh, it must be full perm and exclusive to me and my budget is L$2000 because i've seen full perm on Marketplace for that price."? Then they get super hostile when suggestions are made to re-evaluate their idea about price! There's an enjoyable read by author Mahan Khalsa named "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play: Transforming the Buyer/Seller Relationship" which has some great stories on negotiation and pricing. I also understand that we all have different goals and that to one person it's their RL source of income, to another they're living with their parents, have zero expenses, use educational or in some cases, pirated software and don't care because "it's just a game" and offer things for L$10 because they have no value and that is one of the frustrations in SL but that doesn't mean just because someone is low balling, that others need to.
  5. https://fidoalliance.org/specifications http://www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id=14396 explains it better. The solutions are out there, LL just doesn't give a stuff, maybe in SL 2.5 or whatever. CAPTCHA is pretty crap, too many cross site scripted web page injections that allow humans to solve CAPTCHA's for 3rd party sites. Plus articles like this make you realise just how much of an industry this is:- http://www.zdnet.com/blog/security/inside-indias-captcha-solving-economy/1835 Bottom line, for most people, something better than single factor credentials in the form of username/password that is far too vulnerable to phishing is all that LL would need to offer but... it won't make them money for SL v1 thus interest level is ZEEEEEEROOOOOOOOO I've often thought that in order to create assets within SL that it should require an enrollment process for an X509 certificate to the viewer, that could be used to sign any content that is imported. While it wouldn't help with people that give away their own items as full perm in the first place, there would be a much stronger binding between assets and verifiable creator information, if say the enrollment process required verifiable ID. LL just doesn't care about security, it's a "user to user" issue it would appear as far as compromise of account, fraudulent purchases and so on. They're only interested in protecting their platform components.
  6. Shady? Not really but unsupported, yes. It takes all of 10 seconds to get the required information from an applier without touching any 3rd party scripts. The bigger fuss would be if creators knew that there really isn't any protection in putting a UUID in a no mod notecard since there are other ways which are trivial to get to that without doing anything nefarious.
  7. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lolas/197/218/47 As a tip (if you're not aware of it), to track down the shop of a creator, you can usually right click on one of their products and choose edit. In the edit dialog will be the name of the creator and from there you can click on there name and choose "Profile", then in their profile go to Picks. They'll *usually* have details about their shop or products in their profile. You can do this if you see something someone else is wearing too. Mesh can sometimes be a bit tricky, sometimes you need to get the edit dialog up by editing something nearby, then click on the worn mesh item. You can also right click something and choose More, More, Inspect and from there open the creator profile and hunt their pick entry as before. Obviously you couldn't do this because you didn't have anything from Lola's but as a general thing when you see something, that's one route. Similarly, if you're not sure of the authenticity of something, follow the same as the above. Though not all creators populate their profile with details of their shop but it should raise some suspicion if you see awesome items that have come from a creator who is only a matter of days old, has a totally blank profile and the items are incredibly low price or full permission. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a rule, there's nothing wrong with someone creating a new avatar and immediately uploading items but it's just unusual to not want to brag about them and buying illegal items could end up in a waste of money if they're subsequently removed by LL. I've digressed somewhat :matte-motes-tongue:
  8. Wrong forum and nobody will understand what "not work" means. In what way does it not work, what happens, what doesn't happen, what did you expect to happen?
  9. As Monti says, there's no ragdoll physics but it could be roughly done. You'd need a scripted object with a bunch of animations that portrayed suitable states. The script would detect collision from objects and then play the animation that might be the most appropriate. The problem is that because they wouldn't be precise, sometimes it might look odd. Second problem is that it would be time consuming to create so for that read "expensive". Now is a good time for you to learn. If I recall, Poser has ragdoll simulation so maybe that's a starting point to create a bunch of animations.
  10. I get asked to make custom changes to fit this or that mesh avatar or body part. People say "but it's fitted mesh, I can send you my shape" without understanding that the shape only influences the end result and NOT include all the bumps and differences. Mesh replacement avatars (and other mesh replacement bits) are a pain in the ass.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Copybot Viewers can only copy objects, not scripts. Although I was once passed a pair of Stiletto Moody's which were full perm to transfer but when rezzed showed the correct permissions, they also contained scripts which were no mod and with the correct creator but could also be transferred. However it was done, the exploit happened. (I didn't keep them, I had the shoes legally anyway but it was definitely an eyebrow raiser)
  12. Neither of those baby conveyances are really up to much though. For the upcoming generation of baby, they need at least Bluetooth connectivity and WiFi plus integrated charging (batteries stored in the tube frames) and an attached tablet holder. NexGen Baby won't cry to let mum and dad know something needs doing, it will just change it's Facebook status and Tweet the likes of:- #PoopedAgain LOL!
  13. Tzu Tison wrote: This is the "joy" that we get to see You could always use a viewer that lets you de-render it. End of problem. Especially if you let him know you've done it and can't see it and will just de-render any future objects. Griefing isn't much fun when it has absolutely zero effect on the intended target.
  14. A carriage would have been recognised in the UK for the first too. A carriage or pram would be typically referring to a lying arrangement, more akin to a cot on wheels, usually able to see the parents and vice versa. At this point, the parents still think it's cute and want to keep and eye on it, the baby can still see the food source. Whereas a stroller or buggy would be for the little ones that can't be bothered to walk or haven't been made to do so by their parents. Typically forward facing so that it can't see the pained expression on the parents faces.
  15. One aspect not often appreciated is that the student versions generally do not allow for commercial use and as such anything made and sold with it (including in SL) would be breaching that licence.
  16. Are they transfer but no copy permission items? If so, this is because Linden Lab has given up on development of Marketplace and thus prematurely ended the migration project to Direct Delivery which was the most important piece of work for Marketplace at the time (as we were told). In order to sell these items, you will need to use a Magic Box here https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Xstreet-SL-Magic-Box/36791? You should also create a JIRA (not that it won't be done but just out of principle). If the error is that an item is "unsellable" that is misleading. The error should say "We're so sorry but we couldn't be bothered to finish the Direct Delivery project. Your item cannot be uploaded but IS sellable but you will need to use a Magic Box".
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: Where people spell correctly. The word is 'tyre' - with a 'y' What's the name of the language again? Unfortunately Phil, while I know that was a tongue in cheek comment, it is often said that American spelling and pronunciation is more accurate to older English. Also, remember that after 1066, Latin was the language used for most official documents, or French, French was the most commonly spoken language amongst the upper class and along with other Germanic influences, English has stolen many words and phrases and continues to evolve.. What I don't understand though is that a simple word like "Centre" which would have crossed the Atlantic a couple of hundred years ago, with origins in Greek and then Latin, maintains "Central" but gets totally broken and turned into "Center" when it's CLEARLY Centre! How did that suddenly become forgotten as to the correct spelling? :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  18. Madelaine McMasters wrote: tire (where'd you learn to spell, Sassy?) Oh I spell tire just fine, usually when i'm describing my state just before going to sleep :matte-motes-asleep: But because etymology interests me... from good old (well young really!) Wikipedia:- Historically, the spelling was "tire" and is of French origin, which comes from the word tirer, to pull. The reason for this naming is that originally "tire" referred to iron hoops or thick wires bound to carriage wheels. In French blacksmithing the word for a drawn iron rod is a tirer, or pull. The same word was often used for any metal drawing or rolling process. In an article in the London Magazine/Intelligencer of 1853 "The Utility of Broad Wheels," it explains that the common practice was to bend two rods, called "tires," into hoops and bind them to the wheel, but it is preferable to use an iron band, called a "broad wheel" rather than the rods, because as the rods wear they bite into the wheel. Another early mention of a tire in English is in The Scots Magazine, Volume 15 By James Boswell (1753). Another origin of "tire" is provided by Online Etymology Dictionary,[2] essentially that the word is a short form of "attire," and that a wheel with a tire is a dressed wheel. Some other etymologists may share this view. The spelling tyre does not appear until the 1840s when the English began shrink fitting railway car wheels with malleable iron. Nevertheless, traditional publishers continued using tire. The Times newspaper in Britain was still using tire as late as 1905.[3] The spelling tyre, however, began to be commonly used in the 19th century for pneumatic tires in the UK. The 1911 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica states that "[t]he spelling 'tyre' is not now accepted by the best English authorities, and is unrecognized in the US",[4] while Fowler's Modern English Usage of 1926 says that "there is nothing to be said for 'tyre', which is etymologically wrong, as well as needlessly divergent from our own [sc. British] older & the present American usage".[5] However, over the course of the 20th century tyre became established as the standard British spelling.
  19. I've been looking at new cars, just window shopping but quite a few are leaving out the spare now and just offering a can of stuff instead. I've never had a flat tyre and with the roadside coverage, do you *really* need that spare or is it just a warm fuzzy feeling? (especially in a city then where recovery would be relatively simple).
  20. I'm also surprised that nobody has suggested "buying smarter". Older builds made of prims will nearly always be more primmy than a good mesh build. You can get a fully furnished lounge or kitchen in mesh with 1 LI. Of course, you won't have the same flexibility of moving bits around but good mesh items with lower LI than similar prim builds will also help use those 117 more efficiently.
  21. Madeline, I found the same information. So my question to the "non fillers uppers":- Do you also remove the spare wheel and not carry that around? How often have you needed one?
  22. Ok, I wasn't limiting my thoughts to just linden homes but general extra land giveaway by LL on all mainland.
  23. And that is how Drake justified buying himself a pair of boobs rather than just admitting he wanted to fondle them all day
  24. LL giving away more mainland for the same price would cause a backlash from land barons. Hint: land barons. own far more land in second life than LL does. Ratio is roughly 2/3rd private to 1/3 LL. Thus you can surely appreciate that if LL tried to pull such a competitive stunt as that which put land barons at a big disadvantage, it would be one of their possibly less smart moves.
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