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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Welcome back to Second Life! Why bother with a rental, when all you seem to need is a place with building rights available to the general public? That's available not just from traditional sandboxes, but also various groups that have set up their lands for the use of new players (and due to such a long absence from SL, you should consider yourself new to it), or for folks to rez their vehicles, such as Get The Freight Out (GTFO). Look on the World Map for "sky icons" or whatever they're called (and see, even those of us who've been in SL for 15 years straight don't know everything lol), you know, those little (or sometimes huge) platforms folks put up in the sky to make a billboard of sorts show up on the World Map, that say "NCI" (New Citizens Initiative, or something like that) of GTFO, click the map, and teleport. Or search for those names in the search function and join their groups to find out where their land is. Or search for welcome areas. Or sandboxes. You could also just wander down a random road on the Mainland until you reach a Linden Rez Zone. True, you can't control the music that plays on these lands, but you could always turn SL sound OFF and open a web browser window to stream Spotify or whatever. If your heart's set on renting, and all you want is a small room, consider the Home > Forums > People > Forum > Make Friends section, and look for folks wanting a roommate -- or create your own thread, asking if anyone needs a roomie. Lots of luck to you, and welcome back! 🙂
  2. I don't have my own home any more, as Auntie Rabid tiered down again. At one point I lived in a cheap apartment by the sea, but they kicked me out for being a bad influence on Becca. And I didn't even spray paint graffiti on the outside of the houses there, like I did with my Linden Home when I had one!
  3. AR that crap ASAP. Owning a parcel next to a Linden waterway doesn't mean they get to block it.
  4. Please don't judge us by the responses of one or two buttwipes in your other thread. I have a list of people I won't even interact with directly due to their, well, buttwipe-ness. And you unfortunately interacted with some of the folks at the top of that list. True, there are a lot of folks on my list, but they're still greatly outweighed by the many pleasant folks here.
  5. 3:58 I love how as soon as you turn the camera to look into the fort, they slam the gate shut on you lol
  6. There are Campers, and then there are CHLOE Campers!
  7. Homestead regions don't have as many prims available as Mainland regions, or regular private estates for that matter. So if your main concern is having a lot of Prims/Li, you should probably move -- though not necessarily to Mainland as an estate rental might suit your needs. Or do you most like the idea of area? You could find a quarter-sim's worth of of abandoned land, with nothing but abandoned land for several hundred meters (or even thousands of meters), if you look hard enough and don't care about location (roads, water access). Or do you care most about what's around you? You can deal with that by renting from a private estate (or buying your own), learning how to de-render stuff, or building an enclosed parcel -- and if you do go that route, please please please put it way up in the sky, to avoid adding to the eyesores at ground level. Or do you want to be down on the ground, next to water or a road? That's gonna cost more, unless you are lucky enough to find abandoned land in such a sweet spot. One thing to consider, too, is land rating. General is, well, generally cheaper, and certainly doesn't have strip clubs. Finally, maybe your number one desire is to keep your costs as low as possible. You're just gonna have to do the math, as Cupcake has pointed out. It really all comes down to you. Only you know what you want most, and what you're willing to pay for it. My suggestion would be to think this out a bit more, and keep exploring. You never know what you might find. 🙂
  8. I like spraying graffiti on the sides of Traditional homes.
  9. Well, I made the land into a little park and house, and the water into a boat rez zone:
  10. Just watched the interview with Yavana! What a wonderful service to the community. I'm also amazed that I've been in SL even longer than her (by a few months). So I'd say that things way back when were a lot easier to understand, as far as the learning curve goes. It's pretty cool that YouTube suggested this brand new video, before you've even posted about it here, hee hee! It was also nice to see not just one but TWO of my places in your video this time. 🙂
  11. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Land_Partnership_Program
  12. Other side of the coin: Feeling overwhelmed by having so many different parcels. "NOW what am I gonna build?!?!?!?!?"
  13. Might even be group settings, if you've somehow turned of officer or owner ability to return stuff. Also, even though you're the group owner, are you set to that role? If you set your role to a lower level (to have a different tag over your head, for example) it might not have the ability to return stuff. Try switching over to the owner role.
  14. Call it the Nangrim Bypass. This would increase the probability that the now-adjacent-to-a-road abandoned land would be purchased, making Linden a few bucks.
  15. You took the words right out of my mouth. >>>>>>>>>> #@Feorie FrimonForMole <<<<<<<<<<
  16. There is, apparently; Someone posted about it a few months ago. I don't recall the Knowledge Base link they posted, but if you plunk around, you might find it. I recall you needed to have five regions, all rated G, all open to the public, and pay a fee to join your estate to the Mainland. That's a lot of lindybucks to shell out, but a cool community service if you can afford it. I forget if you could recoup some of the expense by renting it out or not. Then again, I could be remembering it incorrectly. Best of luck to you! 🙂
  17. It happened to a friend who got the houseboat next to mine. It was fun while it lasted. I'm not sure the odds of that happening ever again, especially since there weren't as many regions our house types back then. We turned the area into a mini-boardwalk/amusement park, complete with a lighthouse just under 15 meters high. Best of luck to you in getting something like this to happen to you. 🙂
  18. Thanks for the gift! As to the land, 1024 would bop me to another tier level, and I already did that for an alt just to get the other land. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the land yet. I've just been terraforming and trying out various houses, as well as strategizing for a few things to block the view of a few things adjacent to the property. I'll probably add some stuff underwater for the mermaids and divers to look at. My impulse to make it a rez zone for boaters stems from a nearby place that will let you rez -- IF you join their group. That's not how I roll. I'm pretty sure that if I do make a rez zone open to everyone, it will be the only one on the lake. This will all take me a while, due to wanting to furnish some of my other properties, figuring out what to do with my left over tier, my usual exploring (rode a passing pod all over Hetoracea), and a ton of real-life issues.
  19. You replaced the sandwich board and balloons with an electronic sign for all three of your recent listings. And I just now realized that while I wanted the object as a collector's item, I wouldn't have owned it even if I bought the land lol
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