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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Turns out it's a tributary of the Rayburn River. Hmmmmm, I think I'll rename it the RABID River, hee hee!
  2. For some reason I've never explored in this direction before. There's even a small waterfall pond.
  3. That time you find a hidden park bench behind some rocks that are footsteps from your LH camper, that you didn't know about until now despite living there almost a year: And a blanket log to relax on:
  4. This would have been so much better if he'd waited another year to respond.
  5. Well, those prolific obelisk's would have a slightly different shape.
  6. @IvyLarae The problem's not with WHAT was said, but HOW it was said. "Prude" and "conservative" began as labels the poster in question self-applied. No one's shaming anyone for what was said; We're taking offense to someone trying to dictate how things should be, to fit with THEIR values, and screw everyone else.
  7. Reach out and touch, somebody's hand. Make this world a better place, if you can. Reach out and touch...
  8. Same argument has been used by conservatives to try to shut down Pride parades. Whatever. As Evangeline has said, we're talking about SECOND Life, not REAL life.
  9. And by the way, I live in Portland, where public nudity is NOT illegal.
  10. And since when do people not go naked in public? Since when is such a thing not family-oriented? Haven't you ever heard of Take Your Daughter to Naked Bike Day?
  11. No. No it's not. YOUR gameplay may be all white bread and mayonnaise sandwiches packed into paper lunch bags for the kids before they head off to school. Which is just fine...for YOU. But not everyone plays Second Life that way. So how about this: You play your way, let others play their way. If you don't want your eyes desecrated by seeing non-conservative things, then don't go to Zindra, don't go to Horizons, don't go to Pornoserria should it ever exist. But stop trying to take it away from others. Let everyone play Second Life how THEY wanna play.
  12. What a great location, and decorated well! Do you have ban lines? A security orb? A giant sign that says "GIT OFF MAH LAWN" ? No? Then you already have a public space! Post the SLURL so folks can check it out.
  13. That's when it's time to hit the record button and post it all to Tik-Tok.
  14. Shops make neighborhoods better. It certainly works that way in, say, City: Skylines. But this isn't a city simulator. This is Second Life. And Belli in particular. The covenant prohibits commercial activity; It's doesn't prohibit shops -- provided those shops offer their goods for free, and stay in-theme. So we've already got LH shops. Fun places that stay in theme, pretending to sell stuff, for a low density commercial feel without actual commercialization of Beautiful Belli.
  15. You don't need an alt to make a group. You just need a second person, which could be a friend. You also need $L100 or some such small fee.
  16. Much cheaper, if you really need 700 prime, to bump your tier up a bit and buy a 2048 of abandoned land.
  17. Maybe cancel the "for sale" status of the parcel as soon as it's rented?
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