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Zanara Zenovka

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Everything posted by Zanara Zenovka

  1. Czari Zenovka wrote: Thank you for contacting Linden l;ab Support. I'm sorry, but as of March 21, 2012, Linden Lab no longer supports the Magic Box application. ... wha?? ... bu... huh? http://awesomegifs.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/nathan-fillion-well-nevermind.gif
  2. Darrius Gothly wrote: LOL Hey, everytime I open Edit Associated, the list that shows up contains items that were removed from Unassociated Inventory Items several days ago. It STILL has a that list in its memory. I have to actually Search to find the product I just uploaded. And yes, sometimes it takes more than 5 minutes to show up. IIRC it's always been like that - old deleted things showing in the Assoc Item list and "best selling" etc
  3. All mine are delivered (still on MB, no problems so far) - there's only one that's a single item purchase after 9am and it's fine - March 28, 2012 02:41 pm PDT
  4. Josh Susanto wrote: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/the-anosognosics-dilemma-1/ Great article, and ironically (since others have brought them up), that actually gets worse the further you adventure into smaller, alternative worlds - another kind of small town syndrome...
  5. Oh good grief - I can understand jiras being an unholy mess of conflated issues, from what I've seen so far, but that's weird re tickets - you did them as marketplace tickets? I guess there is a massive backlog but it would be pretty troublesome if this issue (unicode = hung transactions) isn't formally recognised yet.
  6. Was it delivered then? or ordered then? I've noticed that the MP "Orders" record has the time an purchase is first initiated, and the SL transactions history has the time it was completed and payment received. Perhaps this could be one of those things where someone added to cart a week ago then finally checked out? I've seen that before.
  7. Um - if you're looking for excessive data display, how about the new Contents tab on every DD listing that shows every item in every folder and their perms, up to 20 folders of 200 objects with 3 permissions fields for each of those.... (Edit cos read fail)
  8. Lol Irene Apparently St Geneviève is the one to talk to about disasters...
  9. Maybe it in itself, by itself, doesn't have a huge impact with either MB or DD, but just something that was found that could be removed to speed up loading. But obviously it is being done live, which is why you now see it on in item's page, but not in search/shop results - if it was being stored originally there'd be nothing to gain by removing the result from the search display. Makes me wonder about the star display too tho. Of course the overarching issue is how many other similar mechanisms exist - ?
  10. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: Review Counts were temporarily removed from display for search results. Review data is preserved and the review counts are visible on the actual product listing. The Review Counts on search returns will be re-enabled after further optimization is done to improve page load times that are still affecting many users. Counts were being done live? Every time a page is loaded? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u70EYe4vy8U For heaven's sake, update and save the total only when a review is saved or deleted and load it from there. Find the other processes unnecessarily updating data on the fly and do the same. I realise it's stupid design from the initial marketplace migration... It's a pity the two-ex-Lindens responsible for this horrific database design can't still be held accountable for this garbage they dumped on us before scurrying away - if only LinkedIn had a review section... but it's been nearly 2 years and this whole thing desperately needs to be cleaned up and optimised now - it's not going to get any better.
  11. So what's happened with the support tickets people have submitted about non-payments so far - have they been pushed through and paid or what?
  12. Another post was started on this - jira is here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4571
  13. Oh Josh, give them time to push through transactions manually as has been done before. If that's willfully refused you could then start with claims of larceny. Meanwhile I"m still waiting for my Scumbag Linden meme pic - here's the hat - http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/scumbag-x-scumbag-hat gogo!
  14. Gavin Hird wrote: I have found that all the transactions that have failed for me has the characters ö | or – (em dash) in the listing name. Looks like a sensitivity to charachter set (ASCII only) might have been introduced. Do you guys see the same pattern in your nondeliveries? Oh good grief - well spotted Gavin Although your example there looks like an en, not em
  15. Random Sixpence wrote: You opt in to a group that is outside of SL structure. Artizan and others have such groups. And yes most of the time you need to drop a NC or IM the owner of the group to opt out. And any merchant will gladly do it for you within a normal period of 24-48 hours. Actually, just to clarify, the ArtiZan system has unsubscribe and subscribe buttons, but you can also just contact the owner since they have manual editing rights. And yeah - blanket mailings to every name you can find aren't a particularly good strategy, since the annoyance factor and AR potential tends to outweigh any sales/goodwill generated.
  16. Darrius Gothly wrote: Just to reinforce the point, the last time they had a rash of "Stuck at being delivered", they spent a lot of time pushing those transactions through to completion including sending the payment less commission to the Merchants. They didn't welsh on their responsibility to pay the Merchant. I know for a fact because I had a number of such transactions. I notified them via support ticket of the transaction numbers and before long Dakota replied to me that they'd force completed them and I got paid for them. QFT.
  17. Technically you're under no obligation (otherwise every fashion pic would have 50 attributes cited), but strategically, I'd tend towards telling them your plans, just because there could be a good relationship or other marketing opportunities that grow out of it. And it's just one of those things that's good manners and makes everyone happier in the long run. Or at worse you could find out that you really don't get on with them at all, in which case you probably don't want to be promoting their stuff anyway.
  18. FYI: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/2012/03/19/pinterests-terms-of-service-word-by-terrifying-word/
  19. Read what Marcus said on page 1. Also, "the" box?
  20. Ah here we go - I knew I'd heard this somewhere previously: Automatic association If an uploaded item has the same name as an existing Magic Box listing, association is handled automatically and the existing listing will begin selling the item via Direct Delivery. Automatic association may fail if an existing listing's associated item has already been manually changed, which may often occur as a result of product updates. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide-Direct-Delivery-Beta/ta-p/1293139
  21. Boxing/not is still optional. Sale items are not stored *in* your inventory, just "uploaded" from there, as it were. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Marketplace_Direct_Delivery_FAQ
  22. Wow - harsh but fair - refreshingly so. Wasn't there a later jira than that one? If not we prolly should create, since that one recommends deactivating an item that hasn't sold for 3 months, rather than monitoring the merchant's logins.
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