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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. And it took you 49 days to reach these conclusions - triple checked i guess Coo even I move faster than that...
  2. mmmm chewing yep most of em and lets throw in sum chum i a ESLer eh?
  3. And you bring this up specifically for mesh uploads because...no seriously..it (or something like it) has always applied. Why start worrying now:) All I can think of is people having an outworld commercial quality model that they worry about bringing in here to grab a few L$ with that might in some way complicate things.
  4. I think whatever I really feel about another 'royal' parasite being whelped would never make it past the filters here. Thankfully, I won't be paying for it.
  5. 'I tend ot travel' too. So its not a real service its just another ad scam? Nothing wrong with that of course - theres people here who think salesperson is a career choice.
  6. Also in a good mood so in no order: Because I feel like it. No don't really care. They do it because they want to as well and good for them And the biggie - because we can.
  7. Arghhh I spend 20 years fleeing that dreaded game and think I find a place blissfully bereft of a mention but no - stumps and pads and wickets follow even here - I must be cursed or being punished... As for the OP, yes all very generically worthy (unless the 50 shades was some sort of vague book plug) but the text can be found practically verbatim all over the net. Even got a mention at various 'meme' tracking sites.
  8. Well please create a pared down toy that can run SL then Seriously, its a pretty intensive thing this SL - needs a real computer.
  9. So....not a real qualification then. Or of any use...and yes went to your blog.
  10. You forgot database dev and out of world hosting as well as who is going to pay for all this.
  11. You are absolutely right - delicate kids under 21 must be protected from the horrors of underwear until they have been given the correct tools and training to deal with it....bless 'em
  12. ...and those pages you link to are actually a Bitcoin wiki...and even there the time limit is very clear One thing, been scratching my head to think of a (legit) reason why anyone would specifically set up a new account for the sole intention of using it to buy one virtual currency (with a charge to do so) to exchange for another (also with a charge)..why not do it directly?
  13. Have to say my old (well worn) laptop is getting close to 7 now and still manages to run every viewer I have yet to throw at it so yes I tend to think the 'my machine can't run it' thing is a little off. Granted, it can't do much but then again...if I'm on it its because its capable of what I want it for. My main box is hitting 4 and the same - was never anything more than mid range and the cheapest i could get ( yes the video tends to sulk when I really push it but hey keeps my lower paws warm =^^= ). Just for fun I fired up an even older junker someone asked me to take off their hands (was that or landfill) and yes .. a quick clean up and functional. As for viewers I switch between the (usually) two release back V3 and a TPV, again depending on what I am doing. And as ) and if ) theres ever any spare cash I will upgrade it piece by piece. We recently did a makeover on my partners including near everything bar the case and PSU - now runs the latest FS (for example) at ultra all for around a total cost of 250 bucks (approx)
  14. You said "I did hear figures of up to 20% loss of residents due to this.." - where exactly was this? Care to quote the source?
  15. ..and for that matter, "..equivalent "games" .." - do enlighten us what they might be Ojectives? Well how about expression, creativity and curiosity - you know, using your brain. Hey you are at Uni, must have one hidden somewhere.. and as for the "aesthetics" - we mostly make them ourselves - out of plywood Mind you, its probably lucky you posted here rather than a certain other popular forum that I won't mention (ahem) as we are rather polite about self proclaimed researchers from unknown possible institutions who want us to do their homework for them.
  16. A whole day old and already jaded Wish I could come to grips with things so very quickly. Take up scripting, just as an example, seen lots of new stuff and feel cared for there:) And thats just one little thing too desantis
  17. Well, a very interesting opinion piece to say the least, and especially the benchmark of the average NA male...that was a joke right? I have no real problem with you wanting to make your little part of SL more 'realistic', more power to your proportionally perfect elbow, its just that in this rather odd and diverse place its not my cup of tea. I rather love the surreal side. Role playing realism fits right up there with all the other RP communities to me - hooray for everyone I have seen this 'Campaign For Real Heights' (with apologies to Mr Pratchett) appearing in a lot of peoples profiles over the last two years, with such endearing bylines of the type summarised as 'I'm normal, why aren't you' and my reaction is - well indifference really. I've seen some lovely builds that are scaled correctly where I stood out like a [insert metaphor here] and, terrible though it may seem, I think thats great. I wouldn't live there but there again I don't have a 'house' here anyway. I do agree though that there should be a finer NoMod option, allowing scaling of linksets in all three dimensions without the risk of breaking a build. 110% behind that one as a lot of those scale problems would vanish. Although like most I don't buy anything thats no Mod unless I just need it once and I'm in a hurry. .. So go for it....but movement? Really Cheerfully 1m75 and 59 kilos in RL, and what ever I feel like when I'm here..
  18. Excellent:) Now thats got to be one of the best things we've heard from the Lab in decades (ok, its SL everything is bigger!). Seriously, a damn good start, 10/10 Mr CEO. Welcome to SL.
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