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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. @animats , @Profaitchikenz Haiku The issue being described isn't that an event doesn't happen, but that the event is supposedly interrupted prematurely mid-event or "from the event queue." Steph explains this in her second post in this thread. But there is no way to inspect the event queue in LSL, so she must have noticed that it does trigger, but doesn't pass her conditional. Qie and I have already provided code to demonstrate that it can be tested, but nobody has managed to replicate the "broken event" Steph is talking about.
  2. It's never a bad idea to post whatever code you might have already. As for rezzing -- since you said "it's no-copy to me," a script can't rez multiple copies of it either. You must have copy permissions for the object in inventory. As for the sensor, the Wiki sums up what "info" to give to a function: Since you want to check for a specific object, the easiest way to do that is to sense based on the names of nearby objects. For example: llSensorRepeat( "Object name", PASSIVE, 5.0, PI, 2.0 ); That would cause a sensor to trigger every 2.0 seconds within 5.0 meters in any direction to the object, as long as it detected a nonphysical object named "Object name". To actually do something when something is found, your script needs to have a sensor and no_sensor event. (no_sensor is for when nothing was detected.) These are very simple, especially because you only said you want to do something when nothing is in range (nothing detected). So in this case, you only need a no_sensor event. Or in plain code: default { // All of your other code is somewhere up here no_sensor() { llRezObject(...); } }
  3. @ClassyNova Sometimes I wish I could "like" a post multiple times. This is one of those times!
  4. I'm going to assume that the "shell" is a "dummy file," which is a simplified version of the mesh body. Simplified to prevent you from just uploading the mesh body yourself and having a full-perm version of the real product. It exists to help you make and rig clothing for the body in a way that approximately matches its shape. The colored edges on that texture show where the seams are, and which edges connect where. For example, the left side (red) of the torso wraps around to the right side (red) of the back. The green "haze" on the outside of those colored edges ("minimum bleed area") is there to show you roughly how far you should color the skin, to prevent different shapes from causing the "blank space" of the texture to show up on the mesh as it changes scale.
  5. It's roughly 250:1 (the value fluctuates on Linden Exchange), but there are fees and hoops involved. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-transaction-fees.php The easiest/cheapest way to have your own inworld store is to find a location that offers parcels (a piece of land) or similar for rent. Becoming a Premium member (monthly sub, $72/yr) allows you to own up to 1024sqm of land for free, along with other benefits like a weekly stipend of 300L.
  6. The main thing is to treat people on SL exactly like you would treat your other clients. Document everything, use whichever payment method you normally use, etc. While SL has its own play-money, you are not required to use it. I assume by art you mean illustrations and not something like 3D models ("mesh") or animations? This is just for clarification more than anything. One thing you'll probably run into a lot is a diminished sense of worth of the SL currency. Some people will expect to be able to pay hundreds or a few thousand linden, not 50-150+ USD. Either be prepared or make your rates clear on your profile. SL also has an online marketplace, but it cannot really be used to advertise commission work. It is only intended for products from which Linden Lab takes a sales tax. I don't know anything about inworld advertising and its effectiveness, but I feel like you'd have to be spending way too much in too many places for it to be worth it, unless you can advertise your art within an area that has a theme you can capitalize on, like a specialty. The more niche you can get, the more effective the ads. Edit: I just looked your art up and my "50-150$" was just a blind example, lol.
  7. The changed event works perfectly fine on teleport. I've used it very recently. Post the (full) code that isn't working for you and explain how it should work. I can guarantee that you've just made a mistake that you won't acknowledge and are shifting the blame on LL. This isn't the first time.
  8. Just because you don't follow the law doesn't mean LL, a for-profit company that has a platform capable of money-laundering, doesn't have to follow any laws. To allow someone they suspect to have incorrect identification (which you agree to give in their Terms of Service) to use their platform would not serve them well. Even if you are an anarchist / sovereign, you can probably agree with the logic behind a safety measure like that, even if you disagree with the results.
  9. While we're here, I wanna point this out: https://niranv-sl.blogspot.com/2017/12/complexity-and-its-complex-complexity.html LL's complexity formula is more misleading than Niran's has ever been.
  10. In that case, I would suggest removing the two loops going through the middle of the road (lengthwise) and possibly some of the loops going across the road. Without being able to inspect all the physics models (especially if you autogenerated the staight pieces), I'm also assuming that the main surface of the road is perfectly flat. Generally speaking, you would want to make sure the physics models line up EXACTLY and for that reason you should create them by hand, even if (and because) the models should be simple cubes. You could probably get away with even the curves using a square physics shape.
  11. What does your physics model look like, and how is a simple shape like that 2-4 LI? What settings do you use in the importer exactly?
  12. And then there are people who have the knowledge but aren't good teachers, or understand the theory but don't have the practical skill or patience to actually make something from scratch to completion. I'm one of these people.
  13. Then why did you write it, I wonder, or where did you find it?
  14. Like many things, it hasn't been updated since... May 2011. Related pages are also unfinished, such as this. The mailing list seems to be long gone as well.
  15. Personally, I just want a "pretty name." I don't like display names that have words separated by capitalization, like WulfieReanimator. If there's ever a chance to use a space in a name choice, I will. (Assuming I want a name with more than one part in it.) Another reason is that having a choice of multiple last names allows people to re-use the same first name, such as Wulfie Woodget, Wulfie Magic, Wulfie Shuffle, or Wulfie Waffle. I've never seen or heard anyone be confused by people with the same first name, or the same last name. Last names can also give users a little amusement or a communal feeling when they run into someone with the same last name. I definitely send a message to any Reanimators I see, or better yet, Deanimators. But most importantly, the reason I personally want to see last names come back is the fact that I'll be able to change my name. I don't really feel like a Wulfie unlike my 13yo self, and I only chose my last name based on the song. (Which is still okay-ish, but not my style.) I'm also secretly hoping to catch one very specific name combination, even though the chances of any specific last name becoming available are slim. I'm also a big fan of creative name combinations, like Unfortunately Short and Piss Rain, and would love to see more of them. (I also own llScriptProfiler Resident and Bonkable Resident)
  16. In the SL Military Community, which is based around combat in SL, "universal damage collisions" are based on the velocity of the colliding object. default { collision_start(integer n) { if(llVecMag(llDetectedVel(0)) >= 150) { // Probably a projectile } } } Of course, it depends how fast you're expecting the arrows to fly. Slower projectiles, like around 25m/s might cause false detections to occur if there are other moving things around or the avatar gets flung into a wall by some force.
  17. What about people who only use stolen identities as a way of anonymity and/or gaining access to a country? "Using identity theft to deprive someone of money" is also known as "stealing money." The identity theft is a separate form of theft, that person has not "lost their identity" like "Who are you and what did you do to my husband?" What are your thoughts on piracy and copyright theft?
  18. Because of operator precedence, the result will be mostly based on llSameGroup. "Land allows all objects, user is not in the same group": If ( 1 || 1 && 0 ) -> if ( 1 && 0 ) -> false You should put parentheses around GROUP_OBJECTS and llSameGroup, so they get evaluated together first. Same example: if ( 1 || (1 && 0) ) -> if ( 1 || 1 ) -> true
  19. This does not necessarily need LL's attention nor could they actually enforce it. Any third-party viewer could enforce a "hide usernames of other avatars based on their settings, if they are using a viewer with that setting." This would be achieved by having the viewer broadcast a setting so that other viewers which look for that setting can detect it. A good example of something like this was in the Emerald and Phoenix viewers, which had the ability to encrypt IMs between other Emerald/Phoenix viewers so nobody could snoop in on them. Thia was before LL would encrypt all messages. On the contrary, if LL was to implement some kind of backend solution, which would cause the chat system itself to hide usernames based on personal settings, a third-party viewer would still be able to access the UUID of everybody and recall the username that way. The same applies if LL was the first to do the viewer-side solution. Third-party viewers could just not implement the feature. TLDR: It can be done without LL and it can be ignored if LL does it.
  20. It doesn't quite work like that, since you can't add new links to an attached object. What you need to so is make some assumptions on how many menus you expect to be opened at the most, and add that many links to the HUD, then hide them until the script makes them visible.
  21. Old names won't be "released" and do in fact stay reserved and connected to your account, this I remember a Linden saying. There was consideration for allowing users to change back to an old name they've used before. Also, us scripters have already been told to not rely on usernames directly in our scripts, but UUIDs.
  22. I don't think the "you won't know who it was" is really realistic.. Especially when it comes to people on your contacts. Most people who will change their username won't completely erase their profile as well. Even if they do, recognizing similarities in the redone profile is easy unless they consciously go out if their way to "hide" their past. Even if they do, talking to them will reveal them by the way they talk to you, the things they say, and what they wear, unless they consciously go out of their way to invent a new personality and past. Realistically, most of the people who change their name are doing it for benign reasons with no intentions to be forgotten and won't make any effort to pretend to be a different person. And LL will probably have some kind of tracking for name changes, I have this vague memory of reading about it.. Besides, display name changes are logged in the profile feed. I see no reason why usernames wouldn't be logged the same way at least.
  23. While we're on this topic, Sasha is a boy's name as well, which is what caught me off guard..
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