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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. According to Wiki: "Agent Time - The amount of time spent updating and transmitting object data to the agents." According to some sim-owner: "Agent time is the time the sim spends sending data among avatars, like certain HUDs that talk to each other. LL live chat told me this. Draw distance has nothing to do with agent time either." Me: [video of the statistics window] Besides the obvious "more draw distance = more objects = more updates = more data = more agent time", are there other things that actually influence agent time in the stats window? Do scripts -- attached or not -- ever increase agent time without causing object updates (such as with chat messages, as supposed)? I tried using several objects with this script in them, on myself while I was alone: default { state_entry() { while(TRUE) llSay(0, "hello world"); } } This causes no object updates, but I guess technically causes the sim to send "data" to the agent. But this isn't object data, and agent time doesn't increase. I also believe that "agent" in this context means specifically the viewer itself, not the avatar.
  2. But this is actually fine. You can download Windows for free (from Microsoft) and the only downside to not paying $100-200 is this watermark on one of your monitors: It's been there for a year or so. Doesn't affect anything, except the only feature that gets locked is personalization, like background image and accent colors.
  3. We have to, when the requirements were "smoothly and without problems for $400" What is smooth? What kind of problems? This is (no offense) a useless description of their expectations. Instead, if they said "I want to get at around 20 FPS without shadows or advanced lighting," there would be more options to suggest. Probably not for $400, but closer, and it goes without saying that the exact performance depends heavily on what kinds of places you hang out at. Lots of people = bad time no matter what.
  4. To be fair, the other thread is in the "People Forum," where it doesn't really belong. (Edit: It got moved since I said this.) Either way, I understand that OP knows just about nothing about computers, so the best/only useful advice would be direct links to specific products. "HP computer" is not anything specific. There's a big difference in each computer sold by HP, and there's no guarantee any of them would "run fast" enough for SL. Heck, the chances of finding any laptop under $700 that can handle SL "smoothly" and "without any problems" as they say is going to need a small miracle. Even powerful desktop computers built for gaming will experience low framerates depending on the location, that's just the reality of SL.
  5. There's not nearly enough information on that page. "It has a processor and a graphics card." Awesome..
  6. I'm not "setting parameters," I was talking about the importance of context. You're free to get upset or annoyed by literally anything, I won't stop you. (General you, not you specifically.) But I am also free to criticize behavior I find irrational. Which, "venting" to a forum about a seemingly insignificant event you didn't even experience yourself, is. It's a virtual world, you're everything but helpless even when someone is intentionally trying to attack you. You have all the power in the world to stop it, don't surrender that power to them. At the time you wrote this post, there was no way for you to determine in any way that it was intentional. It was only described as "moved his avatar from where he was standing" which is way too vague to say "Aha! Griefers!" Never jump into conclusions, even if a broken clock might be right sometimes. Same wisdom applies to @AngstyJellyfish.
  7. It can be and I'm not denying that. But it depends heavily on distance and is relative to the size of the thing you were focused on. If you go afk and get annoyed because you've come back to your avatar having shifted by a half-step because someone brushed against you while they were walking around and loading/lagging, that's also an over-reaction. If instead you've been shoved into a wall/corner or away from whatever specific thing you were standing in front of (like a vendor), that's different. And when you're working on an entire house, the exact position of your avatar probably doesn't even matter as you (hopefully) don't build from your avatar's view unless you are testing proportions. No matter how big or small of a detail you're working on, you should be using the alt-cam feature to dislocate the camera from your avatar, at which point your avatar doesn't even matter anymore.
  8. The level of over-reaction from you is absurd. Was there any real inconvenience caused by this "house intruder?" Was any part of the build actually disturbed? (Moved, misaligned, changed textures, scripts reset, etc. in a way that caused more work?) Was your friend pushed far away from the build, for example across the sim or off the platform (if they were building in the sky)? Was anything rezzed that would disturb continuing to work on the build? Was anything mean said to anyone? If the answer to all of these is no, there's literally no reason for anyone -- even the person this happened to -- to worry or be upset.
  9. Offer your skills to someone with none. Find them, figure out the details of the project, negotiate a price/payment plan, have them give you all of the required assets or placeholders. It's possible to receive a commission on each sale of a product, and it's especially easy to set up on marketplace.secondlife.com. To split the profits in-world, you'll need to use a scripted vendor that has that functionality.
  10. Pro-tip for life in general: Do not shoo away people who are asking for clarification. The context is important for giving relevant suggestions. You also make yourself look hostile when you act like that. Nobody is asking who or why. You were asked what exactly. And my answer to your question:
  11. You'll have to learn about lists for storage, keys (UUIDs), script "events", llDialog for menus, llSensor for detecting things nearby, and potentially other things (like variables, types, and functions) based on how little experience you already have. If you're a complete beginner, I would warn you that this might be too big of a project to start with. A dialog menu on its own can be quite a complex thing to learn how to do.
  12. Those parts were exactly what I was referring to, but it turns out speed is almost never exactly 0 and there's no math error even when it is. But I've just tried running the script in-world (only changes I made was commenting out trigger/loopsound and startanimation. No errors anywhere.
  13. Just looking at the code, looks like it's gonna be a math error because of division by speed in the control event. When the vehicle is stationary, speed is 0.0 and you can't use that for division.
  14. Neat, the switch to Git makes one less loop to jump through for viewer development (assuming you know how to use Git).
  15. I was also going to suggest enabling/disabling the option to pay, but, during the period that payment is possible, you can't guarantee that the person who paid the object is the person who enabled that state or that they're in the intended group. I'm sure this is nit-picky, but in some cases it might be important (for example if the group is private or pay to join).
  16. Short answer: You can't. Slightly longer answer: After receiving money, you must check if that person is in the specific group(s) you want. If they aren't, refund them. Else send them a folder.
  17. This won't work for two reasons: Attachments aren't physical. Wearing a giant sphere has no effect on anything. Megaprims can't be resized. If you try, they'll be shrunk down to current limits. The only thing I can think of is that pushing is limited to the land group, which is probably open and free to join.
  18. Only if their scripts are running into issues. Doesn't sound like all scripts are affected. This is news to me though, so I know nothing.
  19. Random curiosity caught me, so I made this: list unix2date(integer unix) { integer sec = unix % 60; integer min = (unix/60) % 60; integer hour = (unix/60/60) % 24; // Epoch started on Thursday. 0 is Monday. integer weekday = (unix/60/60/24 + 3) % 7; integer year = 1970; // Epoch started on 1970. year += (integer)((float)(unix/60/60/24) / 365.25); // +49 for 2019. integer month; // http://howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html#civil_from_days // doe/yoe = day/year of era (era = 400 years), doy = day of year integer z = unix / 86400 + 719468; integer era; if (z >= 0) era = z / 146097; else era = z - 146096 / 146097; integer doe = (z - era * 146097); integer yoe = (doe - doe/1460 + doe/36524 - doe/146096) / 365; integer doy = doe - (365*yoe + yoe/4 - yoe/100); integer m = (5*doy + 2) / 153; if (m < 10) m += 3; else m += -9; month = m; // llOwnerSay(llList2CSV([unix, year, month, weekday, hour, min, sec])); // Example: 2019, 8, 4, 0, 46, 13 return [year, month, weekday, hour, min, sec]; } Calculation of the month was only translated by me from the Github page. I still couldn't figure out how to get the day of the month, instead of day of the week. This is how you might use the function: list days = [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" ]; list months = [ "Error", "Jan", "Feb", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; list unix2date(integer unix) { // ... } default { state_entry() { list out = unix2date(llGetUnixTime()); llOwnerSay( "Year " + llList2String(out, 0) + ", " + llList2String(months, llList2Integer(out, 1)) + ", " + llList2String(days, llList2Integer(out, 2)) + ", at " + llList2String(out, 3) + ":" + llList2String(out, 4) + ":" + llList2String(out, 5) ); // Example: Year 2019, Jul, Fri, at 0:56:14 } }
  20. While you can write a script that just rapidly moves the camera along a path in short increments (with a timer or a loop), it does not look smooth at all. Edit: Oh yeah, the Flycam is one option. It works especially well if you own a controller or a joystick.
  21. This is probably going to derail a bit, but, what's your point? It's LTT who decides what you see on the video, it's all highly edited. If they wanted to make Linus look like a tech-god on their channel, they could. Regardless of that, why would it matter if he hadn't all the knowledge in his head on the fly? The videos where they explain any particular topic are read from a prompt. You could put any tech-illiterate person in front of the camera and make them believable.
  22. You got a source for that since you insist on it?
  23. I don't think there's an actual limit on maximum script time, but there IS a limit on how much time overall the sim can spend on "working" within a certain time limit. Scripts have the lowest priority, so the longer anything else is taking, the less total script time there will be for all scripts. Based on some testing @animats did, if I recall correctly, a Homestead can't practically handle more than 4000 scripts recently. Full sim starts struggling at 6-8000. In this thread's context, that's not true. Scripts do not cause lag for your viewer, even if you're "looking" at 10000 of them. The actual objects in your view -- the prims, the mesh, the particles and textures -- are what cause lower framerates for you. Object updates also cause network lag for you, which can sometimes be a side effect of scripts but not all scripts cause object updates (or many).
  24. Why not use the LSL Preprocessor which literally allows you to #include files?
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