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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You probably belong to a group that lists your group role as one that "shares in group dividends and liabilities". When LL charges the group for their classified ad or search listing, all members with that group ability item checked share in the cost. Check your Transaction History in the Account section of your dashboard page to see where your $L went. Then either contact the group owner, and ask him to change that default, or leave the group so you won't continue to be charged. To get back to$0, you'll have to buy some $L, or earn some in world. Try playing the Linden Realms game to earn a few $L.
  2. The Forum Cartel is a chatty, friendly group with an in world hangout to boot.
  3. Anyone can abuse report anyone for anything, and some idiots do just that. You will not get in trouble with Linden Lab for having an argument with your ex-boss, so she is wasting her time. I'm glad you feel bad about losing your temper. If you think you did wrong, then send her an IM or a notecard to apologize...if you feel that SHE was out of line, then don't. It's up to you. Either way, just move on past it.
  4. Yes, you can make them up to 64m now. If you need a larger prim than that, you'll have to find one of the old pre-made megaprims.
  5. In addition to Peggy's excellent answer, When you are clearing your cache, check and see if you are sharing the same cache location among different viewers. If you are...stop doing that. Establish a different cache location for each viewer. Shared cache files are convenient when they work, but can produce some odd glitches.
  6. I'm very sorry, but I can't understand your problem. You should find someone who speaks better English to help you write your question.
  7. I don't know about Fish Hunt, but if you want to fish, we have 7 Seas in my sim, and next door (in fact, they might have Fish Hunt over there too)!
  8. If you have tried all the lost inventory fixes and nothing works, file a support ticket with LL. Sometimes (rarely) the problem is with their inventory servers, and they can do additional things to help you get your inventory back.
  9. No. Each account is always treated as a separate entity.
  10. I don't wear prim eyes, but I do have a set of "sparkle" contacts that I like very much.
  11. You can lock your camera to an avatar...just hold ALT and left click that avatar. Your camera is now "focused" on this spot. Since the spot is an avatar, when they move, your camera will move with them, "following" them. This will continue until you click something else, changing the focus point of your camera. This is not harmful, and if they teleport away, your camera will not follow them wherever they are on the grid. (I have, however, followed flying avatars across several sims). You certainly cannot follow someone "forever". The logging in at a strange location has nothing to do with the above. It's probably just that your last location was unavailable when you logged in. However, if you are concerned that your account has been compromised, change your password. NOTE: Do not leave "Remember my password" checked on your log in screen. If you do, anyone who has access to your computer can use your avatar.
  12. Usually, the "items coming in too fast" message only means that textures and notecards won't be automatically displayed on your screen. The items should still make it into your inventory OK. But when the process encounters a No Copy item, the transfer can stop cold, while it asks you if it is OK to move this No Copy item. In this case, you may have to look in your box again, select the parts that haven't yet been transferred, and drag them into your inventory. I always use the select and drag method of unboxing, myself; I don't trust the Copy to Inventory button to put the things in the folder I want them in.
  13. In addition to Charlotte's excellent answer, it could be: 1. An SL glitch, either temporary or permanent. 2. I seem to recall that the ban list has a maximum size. I'm not sure, but if you exceeded it, it might have re-set itself.
  14. IF you have set your preferences to log your chat and IM, they are in a folder on your computer that you specify. The default location is C:\Users|UserName\Roaming\AppData\SecondLife\chatlog (Note: If you don't see these directories, in any directory window choose Tools/Options/View/Show Hidden Files and Folders.) In the chatlog folder there are subfolders for each of your accounts, if you have more than one. In those subfolders, you'll find your IM logs, listed by the name of the person or group you had an IM with, and a local chat log with the file name chat.txt. These logs are added to whenever you have conversations. The chat.txt file, in particular, can become unmanageably large. Several times a year, I will go into that file, select three months or so worth of chat, and cut and paste it to a new .txt file with a name like "old chat Jan_Mar_2011.txt"
  15. Not much you can do except continue to send IMs and notecards to the owner. In addition to continuing to request group membership and rez rights, I'd also (politely) ask for a credit on your rental. Be prepared for them to refuse, though. There's not much you can do about that except move on to a different landlord and a different store location.
  16. The current inventory implementation is better than this experimental one. The main problem I see with the new version is, too many mouse clicks to do what can now be done with a simple drag and drop. Improvements I would LIKE to see: 1. Fix the "high speed scrolling" that occurs sometimes when trying to drag an item to a new location. 2. Add Cut and Paste...my Firestorm does that, and it's a big convenience when you have a lot of folder and subfolders. 3. Automatically delete Links when an item is deleted. Or find some other way to fix the "broken link" problem. 4. Make the functionality even MORE like the Windows File Manager. People know how that works. 5. Here's one I probably can't have, but would really like: Access to my inventory *without* having to log my avatar in world. I would really like to have uninterrupted peace and quiet when sorting my Stuff. I understand why it's a bad idea to have the inventory on my local hard drive...but couldn't you maybe invent a way to log in just to the inventory server, so that my friends don't see me on line and start calling me up? I do like the more distinct division between the main Inventory, Library, newly received items, and trash. Put Received Items at the top of the stack, though.
  17. I have heard that graphics card AA settings don't work with SL (actually what I heard is different and more technical, but I forgot the details). Try turning off your custom NVIDIA profile and using 4x AA settings in the SL graphics window.
  18. I agree with the others. The specs are good except for the graphics. Check out ASUS laptops...they often have NVIDIA graphics. Mine runs SL as well as my desktop PC.
  19. Any "friend" who can't take an SL glitch in stride is one you didn't need anyway.
  20. To add to the other excellent replies... What we have been talking about here is Mainland. Owning Mainland requires a Premium membership, and you pay tier direct to LL, in $USD, every month (except in the case of a Linden Home, or the first 512 m2 you purchase elsewhere on the Mainland). There are two other land options. One is "owning" (renting, really) a parcel of land on a Private Estate. This is actually more common...private estates make up about 80% of the land in Second Life. You don't need a Premium membership. You pay the estate owner, usually in $L. Be sure to read the Covenant before buying/renting any private estate land. Make sure the owner will permit you to do what it is you want to do with the land. IM the estate owner or manager if you have any doubts or questions. The other option is renting Mainland. Many residents will rent out a portion of their land to others. Again, you don't need a Premium membership to rent in this fashion. To find land for sale or rent, use your Map, with the Land Sale box checked. Yellow parcels are for sale. Teleport to ones that look promising and check them out. You can also use the Land and Rentals tab of the Search window. You can filter the Search for parcel size, price, rentals/sales, and mainland/estate land.
  21. The ping time is excellent, but your computer specs are less so. Intel graphics chips are not known for working well with SL. And 1 GB of RAM is way too little to run Windows 7, let alone SL. You have an excellent sound card, though...you should save that Delta 1010 and put it in your next computer.
  22. See my blog post on Jobs! http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/08/jobs.html
  23. Lindal Kidd

    ordering objects

    It's usually fast, but can sometimes take up to 24 hours to deliver. If the item(s) have not been delivered after that time, you can 1) contact the merchant. Include your transaction number from your transaction history in your IM or notecard, and request a re-delivery. If the merchant doesn't respond in a reasonable period, then 2) Contact Linden Lab about the delivery failure. There are a couple of things that can prevent delivery: 1) Putting too many things in your Shopping Cart. Delivery can fail if you put more than a couple of things in there. 2) If you are not logged in world, AND you have nothing on your Block/Mute list, you may fail to receive IMs and inventory offers. This is a bug. Work around it by either being logged in before you hit the Buy button, or choose any avatar or object you don't especially care for and Block them/it. 3) Being in Busy mode will cause your purchases to be automatically refused.
  24. Rolig has a good point. If the wall extends farther than the room you want to 'paint', your best bet is to make a new wall. Rez a cube and form it into a thin, flat panel that covers your wall. Then texture this prim, rather than the wall of your house. Think of it as prim wallpaper.
  25. hit CTRL+ALT+DEL, and select Task Manager. Look for any SL processes like slvoice.exe or sl.exe that are running and stop them. Then try opening the program again.
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