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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Inara Pey's great blog, Living ina Modem World, reviews many third party viewers.
  2. I visited that store just now. All the demos are in the large signs, and work correctly. There are no transparent "thief" prims over any of the vendors. The small vendor signs below the large displays will sell you a pack of skins in a given skin tone. The small black and white vendors will sell you a fat pack of all the skins in a given line. It all seems straightforward to me. My verdict: User error. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I hope you learned to pay closer attention to the confirmation screen you get when you click Buy.
  3. No, you have no obligation. In fact, if you are reporting accurately, it sounds as if THEY are going back on their bargain with YOU. Here's my question for you, though: $L60 per hour is a wage of about 25 cents per hour. In most places in the USA, the minimum wage is a bit more than that...$7.25 per hour, or 29 times what you are making in your Second Life job, even at the old, higher rate. So, why are you spending hours of your time doing this? Unless your SL "job" is something that you actually love doing (I love teaching, for instance), it's not worth spending your precious free time. If you need money for SL, take a second job in RL, or work a little overtime. You work a lot less hours for a lot more gain. Use your in world time to have fun, explore, shop, or learn how to create and sell content. Successful content creators in SL have a shot at making a much better income than any SL "wage slave".
  4. It could be one of the many graphics bugs in Viewer 2. However, if you have not updated the viewer recently, and the problem only began recently, it could be that the graphics card in your computer is going bad. Download and install the free utility GPU-Z and have a look at the voltages and temperatures on your card while running SL. If the temps are going above 60 deg C, pop your case covers and check your fans for proper operation and the inside of your case for dust buildup. Re-seat the card and its power connections.
  5. There is a known bug that prevents residents with an empty Block list from receiving IMs or inventory offers when they are off line. The fix for this is being rolled out, and when it is, you should see your missing items delivered. Or you can clear the log jam yourself by right clicking an object or person you don't particularly care for, and select Block.
  6. But this thread is ABOUT derailing...ergo, derailments are On Topic.
  7. You'll also want the "Develop" menu. A lot of the things that were in the Advanced menu in the old viewer moved there. CTRL+ALT+D for Advanced CTRL+ALT+Q for Develop
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: Section 99.c-8 of the specifically prohibits this. thats only for the ones that get caught hehehehe Look it. If you are going to come in here quoting the TOS at least make sure you are quoting the right part! And learn to read what is written. It DOES NOT say what you said it says. Taking words out of context suxxors! Nice try, Pierre but twisting my words like so much licorice is not going to prove your point any beterer, please familiarize yourself with the correct section of the TOS here. So now you take to insulting both me and our French brother's and sisters! My name is PERRIE not Pierre! I may make love like a French man but I am not French. Just typical Fail when someone has lost an argument to throw personal insults. Just wait until I let all the French ESLers about your attitude. You are the one that started the attacks when you chose to spell your name incorrectly to begin with therefore knowing that my very own spell check would work against me to further propagate your agenda! Use the standard spelling of names like the rest of us! Signed, Charolotte Caxton besides, there's no such thing as an extra second lifer! So now you want to bring my PARENTS into this! Just how low will you go? How dare you accuse them of poor spelling skills when they named me? The nerve! My parents were not some ignorant illiterate low lifes. I'll have you know that my Father spoke, read and wrote seven languages fluently and taught at the University. My Mother spoke, read & wrote three languages. It was not their fault the Doctor dropped me on my head when I was born. Looking at how low you would stoop here I would say that your parents should have never been allowed to breed if you are the kind of crotch fruit they produced. I would guess that none of the three languages your mom spoke were any of the seven that your dad spoke. That would explain a lot about you. :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Tiffy Vella wrote: I like a good LOLcat derail. How do you find such appropriate LOLcats? Every time I go to that site, I start browsing the pictures and get, um...derailed.
  10. The simplest way is for her to send you her address, and you mail her a check every month. Not that I recommend this, mind you. There are way too many people out there (in SL, on the web, and in the world in general) with a hard luck story, anxious to make you feel sorry for them and send them some money. If she's doing well with selling her content, she does not need a Premium membership to set up a store. She can rent store space on the Mainland or on a private estate and pay for it with $L she makes from selling her stuff.
  11. The generic name for the device is a "hugger" or "hug and kiss attachment" (the same function is built into some AOs and some slave collars). I like the one I have from Meike...it has a number of different animations you can pick from. They make a couple of versions.
  12. If you bought a house in a store or on the Marketplace, what you bought is only the structure. You also have to buy or rent land to put the house on...or above, in the case of a skybox. So no, you cannot "go to it", it's in your inventory, like any other object you own.
  13. Several other people have reported this problem recently. If you are SURE you entered your SL password correctly, contact Billing to resolve the issue.
  14. I think we should get together at The Forum Cartel Hangout in world and discuss this. In fact, a lot of people are wondering why people don't hang out at the Hangout any more. I think it's because Amaranthim and Feline and Elora don't have time to organize events there like they used to. What do you all think?
  15. Do what Love Angel suggested. But if Billing tells you they won't accept the card, then use it to buy $L on a reputable third party linden dollar exchange site, such as VirWox.
  16. Check in About Land. If it says, this parcel may be subdivided, you can split it into two or more parcels. To do this, right click the land and choose Edit Terrain. Then choose Select Land and drag your mouse to enclose the parcel you want to split off. Then click Subdivide in the About Land window. However, as Peggy said, the sim owner probably will not let you subdivide the land. If you really need two different destinations, discuss the matter with them and see if they will do it for you. An alternative: Choose one spot on your land as the arrival point, and set it as the Landing Point in About Land. Nearby, put up a local teleport board with the destinations within your parcel.
  17. Linden Lab has said that they are considering changes to the naming system, but they have offered no details and (as usual) not solicited input from the Residents. I hope they do change the system, as I hate the Display Names. In my opinion, there should be a private user name that is used only for log ins and not displayed to anyone else. The present system of keeping only the password private offers insufficient security. There should be an in-game name, with the ability to choose both first and last names, provided that the name is unique and not taken by another resident. The in-game name should not be readily changed, but Linden Lab should offer an option to change it, for a fee...say $10 - 25. An avatar history should be available so that others can see if a person had a previous name(s), but this should not be visible up front in the name tag. Just my two $L.
  18. I don't know, but I have the same problem...poor SL performance on a powerful machine. Lesser computers easily surpass it.
  19. Don't spend any of the extra money. Call Billing on Monday, and they will straighten it out.
  20. Besides those components, you will also need the latest versions of Flash and QuickTime.
  21. There is a known bug...if you have an empty Block list, items will not be delivered when you are off line. Either be sure to be logged in when you purchase from the Marketplace, or else Block some object or person you don't particularly care for.
  22. Sometimes it can take a while for a PayPal transaction to process. Also, if you are looking at the $L balance shown in world, it may not be correct. The account balance shown on your Dashboard page on this website is the correct one. Re-log to update your in world balance.
  23. "Following" does not mean tracking you in world. It means they are "following" your Web profile at my.secondlife.com, like someone would "follow" your facebook page.
  24. Linden Lab does not accept most prepaid cards. Use a "regular" credit card tied to a billing address, or use your prepaid card to buy $L on an approved third party site such as VirWox.
  25. Group chat can be distracting, especially if you belong to some chatty groups (which I do). However, I do not disable group chats, OR group notices. I might miss something important! If a group chat starts up, and I am too busy to listen to it, I simply close it. It should not open up again until you re-log.
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