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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Well, the Nazis WERE the reason for WW II. In the interest of verisimilitude, I can't say these activities are improper. The Nazis did exist, they did do these things. It's important not to forget that, even as we do our best to see that they do not happen again. If the symbols and the racism go beyond the borders of the sim and the roleplay, then I would be concerned.
  2. Do you have enough $USD in your account to cover the buyer's fee? If so, it sounds as if LL's system is messing up again. Wait a few hours and try again. If it still does not work, contact Billing Support.
  3. To clarify Innula's answer a little... You've been using Windlight all along, as long as you have "Atmospheric Shaders" checked in your Preferences. The option to let the land you are in control those settings is called "Parcel Windlight", and it's really nice for seeing a place as its creator envisioned it. You can turn Parcel Windlight off as Innula shows, or you can override the parcel settings with your Environment Editor. If you are using a third party viewer like Firestorm, it may have a "quick Windlight" shortcut button (Firestorm's looks like a Phoenix bird symbol). You can turn off Windlight completely in Me/Preferences/Graphics, disable all the Shaders except Basic shaders. But while you are there, look at the button (maybe in Shaders, may be apart, depending on your viewer) that is called Local Lights, and make sure it's checked. That is what enables you to see your facelight.
  4. You can also visit the Linden Homes continents in world and see them on the ground, although you can't go inside unless someone invites you. Try: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wavell/214/48/42 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Amboy/153/10/72 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mazikeen/250/254/28 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shikita/48/180/30
  5. The other answers have given you good advice. I will just add... Don't wear an item and then Drop it to get it in world. Just drag it with your mouse from your inventory onto the floor or ground. This won't let you rez any additional prims, but it will speed things up and make placement of objects a little easier.
  6. You actually have TWO problems. The first is a "bake fail", and you have got advice on how to fix that. The second is, you have Particle visibility turned off. If you turn it on (In Me/Preferences/Graphics/Advanced or with CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+=), you'll look like a cloud of vapor instead of an egg. This may not seem helpful at the moment, but particles also let you see fire, lightning, rain, snow, smoke, bling, and all sorts of other particle effects.
  7. If it's a Linden Home, the home control device on the wall is the only way to alter the home's decor. If you bought the home from another resident, how you modify it depends on the home's permissions. If it is No Modify, you can't change it at all. However, you can create a thin, flat prim, put it up next to the wall, and texture it any way you want. Think of it as "wallpaper". If the house is Modify, you may be able to change the texture and color on the walls. Be careful..use the "Select Texture" button in the build menu and be sure you have the right face selected. Also be SURE you want to replace the texture, because the operation can't be undone. You CAN undo a simple color change (tinting the wall with the Color chip instead of replacing its Texture).
  8. Are there other residents living there, or nearby? If one of them has put out a security orb and not set its boundaries correctly, it might be affecting you. If this is the case, you should be getting messages something like "You are not authorized to enter this area. Leave within XX seconds or you will be ejected", and "You were ejected from Bay Terrace X,Y,,Z by HIPPOSecure".
  9. Neither "card" is very good for SL. Both of these graphics solutions are integrated onto the motherboard, and share memory with your main RAM. You would be much better off with a dedicated graphics card. Of the three major brands (AMD Radeon, NVIDIA GeForce, or Intel), NVIDIA generally works best with SL. Radeon cards *usually* work OK, but occasionally have issues, and the Intel graphics cards are not recommended for SL at all.
  10. "Conference calls" can be of two types, Group Chat or an ad-hoc conference. Cinnamon has the solution if the calls are in a group chat...leave the group. An ad-hoc call is started by an individual, by selecting multiple people from their friends list, or by their calling cards, and IM'ing them all at once, similar to a group chat. Muting the offenders SHOULD have worked, if the problem is an ad-hoc conference. Check to be sure you muted the right people.
  11. You can do this with the Screaming Bee "MorphVox Pro" software, which is actually the same software engine used by the Second Life subscription voice morphs. However, you can't do it *within Second Life*. This is because you can't hear your own voice when you speak over SLVoice, so any recorder software you have running in the background (like FRAPS, for example), won't hear you either. I would try the free version of MorphVox before laying out money for either the paid version or an SL voice morph subscription. In my opinion, it's pretty easy to tell a morphed voice from a real one.
  12. Click the magnifying glass icon in the in world viewer to open Search. You can search the Classifieds there.
  13. A Premium account is not needed. You may want to put Payment Information on File by giving LL a credit card number or your verified PayPal account. I recommend using PayPal because you'll need it to transfer your profits (if and when) out of Second Life. You will also have to have purchased $L at least once before you can sell $L and use the Process Credit function to transfer money from SL to PayPal.
  14. Take a deep breath. Your account details are NOT public knowledge. This list was (illegally) published by a group called the "Justice League Unlimited". They put themselves forward as a "helper group", but many people see them as vigilantes and troublemakers. The list originally came from either one of the Emerald Viewer developers, or from the now-banned Red Zone "copybotter detector". The list contains avatar names and IP only...one can write a script that can capture avatars' UUID (the unique numerical designation given to every object and texture and avatar in SL) and their avatar name. Either with a viewer exploit, or by reading information your computer gives to the provider of a media or audio stream, your IP address can be obtained. Unless you use a fixed IP address, this will not locate you closer than the city served by your ISP. While your avatar name, UUID, and IP address are relatively easy to obtain, your account details are not.
  15. Replace the Ruth Hair Fix item with another bald cap/system hair item. (You can't take it off, only replace it with another item of the same type). If that doesn't work...well, maybe your avatar thinks he/she is perfect and doesn't want you to change him/her!
  16. Second Life is a very educational place. However, as an educator and a responsible adult, you should be aware of the fact that NO ONE UNDER 16 IS ALLOWED IN SECOND LIFE! That means your class full of kids, whether they have avatars of their own in world or are just looking over your shoulder at the monitor in your classroom. The only exception to that is for supervised situations, in which an organization can get approval by Linden Lab to bring people as young as 13 into Second Life, but ONLY on a designated and isolated region. You can't go "touring historic places". If you are on the main grid, you ARE going to see scantily-clad avatars and bizarre avatars. They are adults and have a right to be there and to appear as they please, subject to the region's Maturity Rating and the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards. Your kids don't have that right, sorry.
  17. IM me in world. I know some good builders who do work on that scale.
  18. One could say this is a typical "I'm taking my toys and going home" rant, but Stan makes some good points. LL has always tried to compete with its creative residents. This is a very shortsighted approach. LL should focus on providing the platform and the creative tools, and let the residents get on with making the world. That is the whole paradigm of SL, what sets it apart from other on line games. Good luck in your future endeavors, Stan.
  19. If you mean Real Life businesses, for the most part the answer is, "it doesn't". Second Life products are made in a completely different way than RL products. Several companies have tried to set up in world sites to promote their Real World businesses, and almost all of them have now closed. People DO buy things in Second Life...boy, do they ever! But they look for Second Life brands, creators whose work has made a name for itself here in SL. Nobody wants a crummy Jimmy Choo replica...but a sexy boot from Bax Coen, or a strappy sandal from N-Core, ohhh yes!
  20. Innula may have the answer. You can't have a display name with "Linden" in it, for example.
  21. Be VERY sure you want to do this. Owners have full group abilities, including the ability to buy and sell land for the group, and once you make someone an owner, the action can't be undone. If they add an alt to the group, you won't even be able to delete the group later if you decide you want to.
  22. In addition to Cinnamon's excellent answer: When doing Step 3 (buy the land for a new group) be sure to wear the group tag for the group you are buying the land for! You can check the "owner makes contribution with deed" box to automatically donate the required tier to the new group.
  23. You're getting good advice on fixing the purchase problem, so I'll advise something different for the future: Don't spend a lot of money on a shape. You can, with a little patience and tweaking, design a lovely shape for yourself using the Appearance sliders. What you will need is a good skin and some nice hair. Try the demos first before you buy, and buy in world, not on the Marketplace. Some good skin makers are LAQ, Curio, Redgrave, Belleza, and Symphony. Some good hair makers are Damselfly, Truth, Analog Dog, and Amacci. There are many others of course, this is just off the top of my head.
  24. The free Metanomics translator works!
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