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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. My first guess is that you are looking in the Recent tab of your inventory. Look in the main inventory tab instead, you should find your items.
  2. My guess is: 1. Rez the object. (Go to a public sandbox or other area where building is enabled, drag the object from your inventory onto the ground) 2. Right click the object, select Open. Click the Copy to Inventory button. 3. A number of textures should appear in your inventory. Double click each one to open it and then choose File/Download to transfer it to your computer's hard drive. If the contents of the object are not textures, you might get a notecard instead, telling you what website to go to to download your Photoshop items.
  3. As of yesterday, 30,560. You can see an up to date summary of Second Life here: http://gridsurvey.com/
  4. The definitive answer is in the Terms of Service. Private conversations may not be shared without consent. You are in the wrong.
  5. Only Support can help you. Call one of these numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277 What that message usually means is that Linden Lab has placed an IP ban on your computer. This could be because someone who used your computer committed serious Terms of Service violations, or it could be a case of mistaken identity. Before you call Billing, try this: Turn off your computer, AND your router and internet modem. Wait ten minutes. Reboot everything, and try running SL again.
  6. Lindal Kidd

    age problems

    If LL agrees to hear your case at all, they will require you send them some proof of your Real Life age, such as a copy of your birth certificate or a copy of your drivers license. If you really are NOT 18 or older, PLEASE don't try to lie about it. By doing so you are treading in a moral, emotional, and legal minefield, and you could blow up your life very easily. Patience, my eager young padawan!
  7. It varies a lot, depending on the club you work at, your avatar's appearance, and your chat emoting skills. The best dancers never use cut-and-paste emotes, but write everything out as it happens, tailored for each customer. If you're good at flirting, you can be a successful SL dancer. Try working at several clubs and narrow it down to the club where you do the best business. I would say you can expect to make $L200-500 if you are reasonably skilled. On a very good night, you might break $L1,000.
  8. The main thing is to get your PayPal account "verified", by associating it with a Real Life bank account. For maximum safety, I recommend using a RL bank account that you use ONLY for online activities, not your main household bank account. The verification process takes about 7-10 business days.
  9. Hello iitay. I'm sorry this has happened to you. But I advise you to remove the names from your post. Naming names is against the forum rules and could get you suspended. I'm sorry to tell you that you will probably not be able to recover your money. You could file an Abuse Report, but you paid them willingly and Linden Lab will almost certainly not get involved. When you buy or rent land, you should never pay a person directly. They might not even own the land! Instead, use the Buy feature in World/About land to buy a parcel of land, or if it is a rental, pay the landlord's rental box. I teach a class about Second Life Land on Fridays, at 5 pm SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. I also teach a class on Avatar Safety, covering the various scams and games people can trick you with, on Saturdays at 12 noon SL time. I encourage you to attend both classes before you get burned again.
  10. JeanneAnne wrote: Rene Erlanger wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: LL can ban anyone for any reason or for no reason at all. This being the case, spend NO money on SL or any other LL product. That way, if they ban you, it's no big deal. Jeanne If that were to be replicated by all SL residents.....there wouldn't be a Second Life Grid. Someone is paying the Sim or Land tiers, so that you enjoy your Second Life....i suppose you could confine yourself to just Linden owned land on Mainland, but you'll soon get bored. yeah, yeah Rene ... And for the umpteenth time... what you say is true given the business model LL imposes on SL users. Change the business model & what you say is no longer necessarily true. Take SL away from the for-profit corporation and run it as a members owned nonprofit cooperative and I'd be more than happy to pay a modest fee to help cover operating expenses. As things stand, those of you who pay tier cover operating expenses plus contribute to obscene executive salaries & bonuses and shareholder dividends & capital gains. I'm glad that you don't mind being parasitized in this way, in order to keep SL free for the rest of us. Thanks! When you get banned arbitrarily don't complain to me about losing your "investment." Jeanne Since you feel this way, you'll be wanting to close your account and move to OSGrid, which is free to use and user supported. Of course, it's mostly empty most of the time, and if you want anything really cool you'll have to make it from scratch. Enjoy the Worker's Paradise!
  11. To work off your indebtedness, you could play the Linden Realms game, collect some crystals, and turn them in for cash.
  12. I had a pack of cigarettes once that worked like that. Later, I bought non-vanishing ones!
  13. Esther, There are many swanky dance places in SL...the trick is finding one that isn't lagged to death! Do a search on "ballrooms" or "jazz clubs". A couple of my favorites are The Savoy, and Smooth. Bogarts can be nice if it isn't too crowded, and we had a good time at The Starlight last night. Besides dance venues, there are Romantic Spots...gardens, usually...where you can stroll with your sweetie, or find pose balls to cuddle and kiss on. For boats, I prefer the SS Galaxy to the Titanic. The Galaxy is more to scale...the monster ship stretches across three sims! There is a formal ballroom on board, as well as shops, smaller clubs, and pools and spas on deck. It's just like being on a RL cruise liner!
  14. If things are grayed out, the problem isn't with SL, it's elsewhere in your computer. The first thing to check is your Windows audio settings. Make sure you have the right device selected as your microphone, and that it actually works. However, the "Unable to connecto to in world voice server" message indicates the problem may be with your firewall. Most computers have at least two firewalls enabled...a hardware firewall in your router and/or internet modem, and a software firewall...either the Windows firewall or the one in your antivirus package. You must check these and make sure that the right "ports" are open to permit SL to work. See this link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 If you have Skype or a smilar voice over internet program running, turn it off. It can interfere with SL's voice. Also, SL has had voice issues the last several days. If things were working for you before and you haven't changed anything else on your computer, that could be the issue.
  15. Yes, you'll need to contact Billing. The small charges made to your card were "test transactions" to see if the card would work. They should not show up on your next statement. But you should still check. Note that Linden Lab does not accept most pre-paid cards. If you have such a card, the best way to buy $L with it is to use a reputable third party site such as VirWox. Also, avoid very small transactions. LL charges a fixed transaction fee to purchase $L, and for small purchases that fee becomes a larger percentage of your cost. I try never to buy less than $20 USD at a time, and generally more. (My personal preference is to use PayPal, so I think you've made the right move, once you get the mess straightened out).
  16. Any late model PC with a mid to high level graphics card should run SL all right. To run shadows and depth of field for photography, pay attention to the graphics card. NVIDIA cards have the best reputation for running SL well because of their strong OpenGL support. A GTX 560 or better should do the job for you. If you are a real graphics hot rodder, get two cards and gang them together with SLI. If you do this, also pay closer attention to your PC's power supply and cooling system. This isn't needed for SL, but it gives you bragging rights when other gamers come over to see your new machine. Have enough memory. For Windows 7, I'd want a minimum of 4GB, and preferably 8GB or more. Consider a solid state drive as your system drive. This doesn't help SL per se, but your computer will boot like lightning. Have a good internet connection, and use an ethernet cable, not WiFi, to make any local network connections.
  17. There are several ways to build walls with holes in them, but only one in-world. 1. Rez a prim. 2. Use the Hollow box to make a hole in the center. You can change the shape of the hole with a drop down box near that control. 3. Rotate the prim 90 degrees so the hole is in the "side" rather than the "top". Note that you cant' change the position or the proportions of the hole. This may limit you in ways you don't like. You can use the Sculpt Generator tool to build a wall out of ordinary prims (including holes for windows), and then turn the prim wall into a one-prim sculpty wall. This introduces a couple of limitations in terms of texturing the wall and the bounding box. You won't want to use this method to create a door, because the sculpty's bounding box will prevent you from passing through...unless you turn the entire wall phantom. You can build a Mesh wall in an external program like Blender. For a first home, I recommend simply making the wall from more than one prim. Think of it as a challenge...how few prims can you use to make the wall with the openings you want?
  18. Ava's Gardens is a new jazz club/ballroom with a 1930s/1940s big band/retro theme. We're looking for an experienced club manager to run it. As the manager, you will be responsible for locating and hiring DJs, live performers, and hosts/hostesses. You will schedule events, and advertise them. You will also receive 75% of the club's income. In addition, if you yourself work as a host or DJ, you will keep 100% of the tips you receive. What we are offering is a chance to be your own boss. Set your own hours, run things the way you want...your success is completely in your own hands. If you are an experienced and self-motivated person, and interested in this opportunity, IM me, Lindal Kidd, in world to schedule an interview.
  19. You can close your accounts...but Second Life is like the Hotel California: You can check out, but you can never leave. I have seen many, many people swear to leave SL, and in a week or a month or two, they are back again, and wailing with regret that they closed their accounts and lost all their stuff. I suggest you downgrade any premium accounts to Basic, but leave it at that. And keep your passwords in a safe place. Your accounts will be waiting for you when/if you decide to come back.
  20. Did you check your balance here on your Dashboard? The in world balance is often incorrect.
  21. There are two ways to make windows in SL. You can build a wall out of prims that has a hole in it, and place a separate window prim in the hole. Then, when you make it transparent or partly so, the window is the only thing affected by your texture. The other way is to make a solid wall, and apply a texture that has an alpha channel...a way of making just a part of the texture transparent. The texture might look like this: The parts of the image behind the stained glass are partly transparent, and you can see through them. But you can't make the WHOLE wall more transparent, with the Texture settings. If you do, you'll be able to see through the plaster parts, too. This image was created in Photoshop. I began with a wall made out of prims, with "real" windows. I took a picture of it, then opened it in Photoshop and made alpha channel "cutouts" for the parts that were supposed to be transparent. Then I saved the finished texture and uploaded it back to SL, and applied it to a new, solid wall.
  22. When you change the preferences, be sure to click OK at the bottom of the preferences window. You might also have to re-log.
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