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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. That one looks pretty good, although I am not generally a great fan of VAIO laptops. Sony tends to fill them with all sorts of junkware. I've been very happy with my ASUS laptop...it's three years old and still runs SL very well. But the BEST choice is a desktop PC, unless you just HAVE to have the laptop for other reasons. You can have a bigger monitor, or monitors, you can run multiple graphics cards, and for a given level of performance, you will always pay less for the desktop than for the laptop.
  2. Also, if you are using a viewer that has RLV functions, check to see if you have that enabled. If so, log out, open the startup screen, go into Preferences, and disable it. Then close the startup screen, re-open it, and log in.
  3. Contact Ceera Murakami. She is an incredibly talented builder who has made many major builds for her clients.
  4. There's no fee until you sell. You must have some land to place your Magic Box on...that could cost you a small rental fee, unless you can find a friend who will let you keep your box on her land.
  5. Another possibility is that you aren't age verified, although you should not be able to get a Linden Home without doing this step. 1. Be 18 or over 2. Open your Dashboard page on this site 3. Click Account on the left side of the page. 4. Click Age Verification and follow all the steps, including setting your Maturity levels in your in world Preferences.
  6. Also to add to Ansariel's answer...do those steps while logged in world and standing in your Linden Home.
  7. you MUST wear eyes, skin, shape, and system hair (e.g., a bald cap). Your avatar has to have one of each of these, or it would not be a completely defined mesh. Therefore, you can't remove items of this type, you can only replace them with another item of the same type. I'm not sure how you managed to get both "twink shape small" and "Zanzo Hypernian (shape) on at the same time...unless the Twink item is not really a shape object.
  8. Don't feel bad. Some text only viewers include the ability to teleport, or to accept teleport offers. Mobile Grid Client for Android, for example. You still can't SEE the person you teleported to, but at least you can use local chat with them.
  9. The land settings or the group tag should have no effect on wearing clothes or attaching things to your avatar. It sounds like it may be a problem introduced with a server update. Check what server software the problem region is running and file a support ticket and a bug report.
  10. You'll have to talk to Billing to find out. We're just residents like you here.
  11. Short answer: There is no privacy in SL. There are no laws, only company policy.
  12. ALL prims, or just transparent ones? Try toggling CTRL+ALT+T
  13. Yes it is. A few very successful land owners and merchants make their full time living this way. Many others make a part time income or offset their costs of using SL.
  14. 1. Find a carnivorous plant. 2. Sit on it. 3. Be devoured. Repeat until vored...er, bored.
  15. Short answer: You can't. Longer answer: You can submit a support ticket, but you are probably also going to have to send Linden Lab some proof of your real birthdate, such as a copy of your birth certificate or drivers license. Opinion: My guess is that you are underage, put down your actual birthday, and now want to lie about it to get into Adult areas. Don't. You open yourself to great mental, emotional, and legal risks by doing so. It's not worth it.
  16. Any paint program that'll let you do layers and alpha channels can be used. Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, Photoshop, Painter...
  17. Make sure that some joker didn't cover the ATM with a transparent prim, that you paid thinking you were paying the ATM Also, I would be very suspicious of this Rock Trading Company. For one thing, they do not say that they use the Linden Lab Exchange Risk API. Any reputable third party $L exchange will do so. For another, they seem to be offering "stocks". Presenting oneself as a "bank", an "investment company" or a "stock exchange" in Second Life is specifically prohibited by Linden Lab policy UNLESS the entity doing so is a Real Life chartered financial institution. I am not saying Rock is a scam, but other Second Life "investment firms" have proven to be nothing but pyramid schemes and have stolen millions of $L from their victims.
  18. Make sure you have the latest QuickTime installed on your computer. Unless you have set media to auto-play, you'll also need to click the little Play icon in the upper right corner of your viewer.
  19. See my blog post, "How Does Babby Grow?"
  20. No. Tablets are not powerful enough to run Second Life. You may be able to run one of the "text only" clients, such as Pocket Metaverse. This will let you talk to your friends in world and do some other basic things, but you won't be able to see any of the graphics.
  21. Your problem is that you are thinking in IMVU terms. There are no "rooms" in Second Life. What you bought is a house...an object made of prims, geometric primitive shapes. To have the house in world, you will have to buy or rent land to put it on. That's a very big house, and the land to put it on will be fairly expensive to buy, and to pay the monthly upkeep on. If you want to look for land parcels to put it on, take note of two things: The house's "footprint", X meters by Y meters, and how many prims it has (1189). The land you buy or rent must be large enough to put the house on, and it must support at least that many prims. In reality, you will need more, for furniture and landscaping. I would look for a parcel that will let you have at least 2,000 prims. 1/8 region, minimum.
  22. I don't blame you for wanting to change it. By the way, the word is "womanizer", not "womenizer". But don't use either one when you create your new account. Choose a name that is innocuous, easy to pronounce, and, if possible, clever. Remember that people will be able to see your user name, even if you later add a Display Name.
  23. 1. Change your password, and don't share it ever again. 2. Get a better class of friend.
  24. Lindal Kidd

    question ^_^

    Short answer: No, there isn't. Longer answer: Virtual land in SL represents resources on a server paid for by Linden Lab. They must charge the people who use these servers. Therefore, all land in SL carries a recurring cost. It may be paid weekly or monthly. It may pass through several hands before it gets to Linden Lab (you to your landlord to the estate owner to LL). But it's always there, like property taxes in Real Life. There are, or have been, some places provided for newcomers out of the goodness of some Resident's heart, places where, for example, people under 30 days old could stay for free, or for a very nominal fee. But I haven't seen any of these lately. Try Search. Also, you may have a friend who has land and can spare some space and prims for you. The third way to live rent-free is to squat. Find some abandoned land that has rezzing enabled and autoreturn disabled, and just build your place there. Understand...you have no right to do this, and the owner, or LL, can kick you off at any time. The land may be sold to a new owner and HE can kick you off. If you are squatting, you are living there illegally and have no grounds to complain, no matter what happens. Me, I'd just pay for the Premium membership and get a Linden Home.
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