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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. From what I can puzzle out, the poster created a lot of alts, gave his students the account passwords (a Terms of Service violation), and offered them merchandise free or at a discount. He's complaining that LL has blocked or deleted his account or closed his store, I'm not sure which. Possibly someone filed an AR on him accusing him of permissions violations. If that's the case, sicilijano, I'm sorry...but Linden Lab does not act capriciously. If you have been banned, you must open a support ticket and appeal the ban. If you do that, I suggest you find someone who can write better English and explain your position more clearly.
  2. We're getting a lot of questions like this one lately. This web site is NOT Second Life. Second Life is a virtual world that you access by 1) signing up for an account on the web site, 2) downloading and installing the viewer software, and 3) running the viewer software and entering Second Life with the log in page there. This web site is large, and it contains a lot of support information, forums, and the web-based shopping tool called the Marketplace. It even has a lot of "SLURLs"...links that can be used to open the viewer and log your avatar into a specific location in Second Life. But it is not Second Life itself.
  3. Basically, no. When you signed up, you were asked for your birth date. I find it hard to believe that anyone could put down the wrong year here, but if you did, the only way to prove to Linden Lab that you really have a different one is to send them a letter by snail mail along with a copy of proof of age and identity, such as a drivers license and/or birth certificate.
  4. Your alts are not connected to your main account in any way. If you buy something for them while logged in as your main account, you must buy it as a gift, just as if you were buying a gift for any other resident. If you buy a No Transfer item, you cannot transfer it to anyone else, not even your own alts. By far the safest method is to pay the money to your alt, and then buy the items directly while logged in as your alt.
  5. Lindal Kidd

    Display Name

    Your full username is "Lienyah Resident". Use that last name in any entry box that requires both first and last names. Your Display Name has nothing to do with your username. It's just a handy tag that you can change up to once per week.
  6. How long you have had a Basic account makes no difference. The 45 consecutive days is a protection against people signing up, collecting the bonus, then downgrading again.
  7. First, check your inventory one more time using the search function. Enter "Zoobys" (use that exact spelling) in the search term box at the top of your inventory, making sure the "Inventory" tab is active (not Recent or Worn). If there is no dog anywhere, then send an IM and/or a notecard to the merchant and explain the problem. Second Life can sometimes have delivery problems, and most merchants will be happy to help you. Note: When receiving items, be sure you are not in Busy mode. If you are, the item will be rejected and get lost forever.
  8. A six foot faery is not small!!! But anyway, it only APPEARS that small avatars fly faster. Let's say you have a 2 meter (6 foot) tall avatar. At the flight speed of 16 m/sec, you can cross a region in 256/16 = 16 seconds. In that time, you traverse 128 body lengths. Now let's put on a tiny avatar, 0.5 meters tall. The tiny also travels at 16 m/sec, and crosses the region in 16 seconds. BUT, the tiny traverses 512 body lengths. In terms of its apparent size, it has covered four times the distance in the same time. Tiny aviators and sailors can get as much real fun out of sailing or flying inside a single region as a full size avatar can experience in a 16-region (4x4) grid, and with no tricky sim crossings.
  9. Stryker's answer is correct. However, there's a catch. Alpha textures...textures that have transparency on any part of them...can experience a phenomenon called "alpha chatter". Let's say you are here: X...and there is your wall with a window in it here: | and outside your wall is a tree with alpha textures: T. The viewer does not know which transparent texture is farthest away from you, and so from some angles, it can look like your tree is INSIDE your wall. It does not matter that the transparency is only on the window part of the wall, the phenomenon can occur with seemingly opaque parts of the wall too. This may be a job where you will get better results by building a Mesh object outside of SL and importing it.
  10. Most places will not hire avatars with accounts less than 30 days old. Also, most SL jobs pay very little, compared to Real Life minimum wage. For that reason, I recommend NOT looking for a job. If you can't buy linden dollars with a credit card or a PayPal account, you can earn some by playing the Linden Realms game. This is an easy way for newcomers to acquire a little spending money. The real money in SL is made by people who run their own businesses. The main businesses are land rental (which requires start up capital to buy land) and content creation (which requires that you have, or learn, skills to make and sell top quality virtual merchandise). Just as in the real world, success in business is not guaranteed. But people who are skilled at Photoshop, scripting, building or animating can make significant amounts of money.
  11. if she's viewing this web page in Internet Explorer she needs to set Compatibility Mode to see it correctly. Also make sure that Flash and QuickTime are installed on her computer. The in world problem is an unloaded avatar. Have her turn off and reboot her computer, router, and DSL/cable modem. This will often improve a poor/slow internet connection.
  12. I would suggest updating the video card drivers, except she said she's tried different computers. :matte-motes-crying:
  13. You can make your own skin with the Appearance sliders. Although you will be able to adjust skin tone, it will lack the detailed shading of skins you buy. This shading provides shadows, highlights, and fine muscle definition.
  14. This sounds like a recent bug. Try Muting/Blocking an avatar or an object with your alt. She should then start receiving offline IMs and inventory offers.
  15. I think you will have to mirror the object in the program you created it with, and upload the mirrored hand.
  16. "A Linden worker?" I don't think so. When you sign up, you get a chance to input your date of birth yourself. If you are under 18, and later decide you want to enter a different age and fake being an adult...too bad. Wait to grow up, it will happen soon enough.
  17. It was very foolish of you to allow your friend to access your computer. You don't say so, but it's possible they used your account as well. Linden Lab does not know if the person using your account is you, or your friend. You are responsible for how your account is used. If your friend copybotted while logged in on your account, on your computer, you are responsible. If your friend used their own acccount and copybotted on your computer, it is your friend you should be talking to, not Linden Lab. Your friend is responsible for LL banning your computer from Second Life. So sorry. Get a better class of friends next time.
  18. It may be a problem with the viewer. We had a recent issue where a new install would not allow a resident to accept the terms of service and proceed. Try installing a third party viewer such as Firestorm. If you find you can log in with that, you can log out and re-start the regular SL viewer, and see if it works for you. http://www.phoenixviewer.com
  19. Lindal Kidd


    Check the Recent tab of your inventory window, or use the Search entry bar to look for them. If you accepted them, they should be there somewhere!
  20. If you need $L right away, go to a reputable third party site like VirWox and buy them there. You can use your browser, or go to their in world terminals.
  21. Lindal Kidd

    3d model

    The best tool to use depends on the real life object. Some great replicas of buildings have been made in SL using only the basic building tools (see, for example, the Eiffel Tower at Paris 1880). Organic, complex objects can be modeled with sculptured prims or with Mesh, both of which require a third party 3D modeling program outside of Second Life. You can get more specific advice by posting in the appropriate Building forum.
  22. Lindal Kidd

    Creating pond

    7 Seas Fishing works with or without Linden water. So if you don't live near sea level you can make a pond...or an aquarium, or a fountain, or a little bucket, and cast your line into that. I have some nice water textures -- if you need help making a good looking pond, give me a call in world.
  23. LL does not accept most prepaid cards. If yours was previously accepted, it's a matter for Billing, and you should contact them. If this is a new card, try buying $L on an approved third party site such as VirWox.
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