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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Unless you have experience with RL currency exchanges or feel confident that you understand how they work, it's probably best to use the Market Buy option. Or at least try Limit Buy with a small amount, sometime when you don't need the L$ right away. When you buy or sell L$, you are trading with other SL residents, not with LL. In order to have a successful trade, you need to make an offer that is attractive enough to make some other resident agree. As a rule, then, the idea is to make an offer that is no more than one or two steps away from the price at which the largest volume of current orders are placed. If you open the LindeX page to BUY L$ now, you will see that the greatest number of orders currently are for L$255 / US$1.00 L$110,688,981 So, you want to make your own offer just slightly more attractive than average. Instead of offering to buy L$255 for a dollar, offer to buy L$254 or L$253. You order will be executed before all of those who are waiting for an offer at L$255/$1 to be accepted. If you get greedy and go the other direction --- offering a price that is higher than L$255/$1 -- you will have to wait a LOT longer. Perhaps forever.
  2. This is very important ^^ . Remember also that when you make an in-world purchase, there will always be a little pop-up window to let you know that the vendor is offering the item that you purchased. If you forget to click the OK button before you leave the region, the vendor will not transfer the item to your inventory. That's the standard default in SL (although you can override it with a Debug Setting if you wish). It's a way to protect you from random people who might otherwise give you harmful things that could end up in your inventory if they were accepted automatically.
  3. Ok. Now what? Who does your hair, Scylla? I hope you give a big tip.
  4. No, we can't. This is a resident-to-resident Answers site. We don;t have any way to get access to your account (we can all be glad about that). You will need to submit a support case and ask Linden Lab to take care of it. They may ask you to send a photocopy of some document to prove your RL age, but don;t offer it until you are asked. EDIT;; What Cindy the Speedy Typer said ^^
  5. The other day, @RaeLeeH said I ought to consider doing a flying travelogue. I've actually been thinking about that, despite the fact that I tend to get airsick. OK, really airsick. I am such a wuss. I just had to wait for the right time to take a deep breath and try it. And I needed to get a reliable flight system. Here I am at the runway on Bellisseria Fairgrounds, suited up and ready to go. The broom is an Intrepid Mark VI, capable of crossing a region in under 5 seconds (although a little bumpy at boundaries). The cauldron of dramamine is for settling my preflight nerves. The cape and the heated pumpkins are for ... well, I get chilly. Rather than attract too much attention, I headed off after dark. I also figured that I might feel less overwhelmed if I couldn't see very far. I took a brief look back at the Fairgrounds, and headed north. Before I knew it, I reached the lighthouse at Calm Waves and was almost blinded by the light. Surprisingly, almost nobody was around, which was just as well. If I was going to crash in a great ignominious heap, I didn't want spectators. It's really quite pretty up there after dark. The air temperature was cool enough to keep me alert, and there was almost no breeze. I have to tell you, though, there are definitely things to be afraid of. Seagulls are a real pain in the broom. This nasty one kept circling and trying to topple me as I was working my way up the shore toward Residentia. There are other hazards too, as I discovered. A freak lightning storm startled me at one point, and even lit up my hat for a second. I almost flew straight into one of the eeriest-looking windmills I have ever seen, too. Man, that thing was gigantic and almost silent! I know how intimidated birds and bats must feel. Despite all of the hazards, though, I started having fun. I soared back and forth, taking in the sights in Gallaudet, Humansville, Residentia, and Fishermans Drop for more than an hour. It's beautiful country, and homeowners are really getting into the autumn spirit. Here we are, barely into October and I could find several homes already decorated for Halloween, ready for trick or treaters. Ghosts and grinning pumpkins are most popular, some with very imaginative lighting and sounds. It was all enough to make me forget almost completely about my nervous stomach. Flying isn't all that bad, I guess .... if you have calm air and a flight system (and dramamine) you can trust. It also helps to have plenty to take your mind off of all the things that can go wrong. I think I'll still prefer staying on the ground for my explorations, but folks in this part of Bellisseria really know how to make a lady feel at ease.
  6. That doesn't take any special magic. You don't even need to have an Experience to make it work, since llTeleportAgent will always teleport the owner of the scripted object, and you are always the owner of any HUD you are wearing. Use either of the first two examples in the LSL wiki at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgent#Examples. Modify them only to the extent of melding them with a basic dialog menu so that you give the owner a selection of possible destinations. That's all there is to it.
  7. True. The question really is whether there is "much benefit" to deleting the script, and that comes down to assessing how much script time is being charged against the total frame time by this one little script. Every little bit counts, of course, but unless the region is really running tight on server resources, the extra load of this one little script is trivial. Therefore, I do agree that it's tidier to get rid of the script, but I don't usually bother, personally,
  8. From the Knowledge Base with my added emphasis: Moderate Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate. Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search. The important words here are "as long as they don't promote sexual conduct." You may sell a sex bed, but you can't use one on your front lawn or rez one in a public park to engage in sexual activity. It's a fair bet that you can't allow people to do a full field test on a demo unit in your store either. It's the activity that is not allowed, not the objects.
  9. See where it says ? Try llSetLinkTexture(2,message, 2); // That is, apply to Link #2, the texture named message, on face #2 See the wiki at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkTexture
  10. This ^^ Given all the things you can worry about in the world, this one is vanishingly trivial.
  11. I believe that's the crux of Adam's point. Your IP address is a very poor indicator of anything important precisely because it's a lousy way to find out who/what/where you are. If you are sharing a modem/router (as when you are in a dorm or your favorite coffee shop), you could be on any one of dozens of connected machines. Even if you are at home on your own dedicated router, your IP address is either assigned dynamically and changed all the time or can be easily updated by manually resetting it. All in all, yes, the IP address is private information but it is also very easily discovered and highly unreliable as a source of meaningful information. Personally, I don't spend energy worrying about it when there are much more serious gremlins out there in the Internet. YMMV of course, and yes, it is a TOS violation if I tell anyone what your IP address is -- even if it is unreliable.
  12. Real my response again very carefully. I explained exactly what to do. If you click the LindeX link and then Manage, you will see this: Select LindeX Order History, find your order, and cancel it.
  13. You can make FURWARE do silly characters if you make your own alphabet texture and sacrifice the real alphabet for them. The real trick would be rebuilding it to accept the basic alphabet plus a flock of high bit ANSI characters as well.
  14. And you get to live in a Magical Castle in the Sky where every meal begins with ICE CREAM, and you are waited upon by Lindens who are dressed as Shiny Unicorns and who do your every bidding. It's all very wonderful! Although, personally, I think that the solid gold toilets are a bit over the top My Fetid Inner Child would love the ice cream. In fact, the whole idea sounds like a WIlly Wonka paradise. May I please have an invitation?
  15. If I had to guess -- and I do have to guess -- you did not "buy" L$ at all. You ordered them by placing a request with the Limit Buy option instead of deciding to buy L$ at the current market price. If you offered to buy L$ at a price that was unrealistically low, it is unlikely that you will find other SL residents who are willing to sell them to you. (Remember that Linden Lab does not sell you L$. You buy them from other SL residents who are trying to sell theirs. That's why the LindeX is called a "currency exchange", just like RL currency exchanges. ) Meanwhile, Linden Lab has placed the money that you offered to buy L$ with into an escrow account, waiting for the sale to be completed. SO.... Open your dashboard and go to LindeX >> Order History and cancel your order. The amount that Linden Lab is holding in escrow will be transferred to the USD balance in your account. You may then use that money to place a new order for L$. This time, I suggest using the Market Buy option. Until you understand how a currency exchange works, and have a little practice deciding on a good offering price, that's the safest thing to do.
  16. That would be my guess. That second character is not an "a" but an alpha. This is a fresh example of the problems that arise when residents use high-bit ANSI characters as if they were letters in the standard alphabet. These commonly cause problems when people use them in Display names, so it's not too surprising to see that they don't work well here either.
  17. Texture animation is a prim property. It can only be started or stopped with a script, but it does not require a script to continue running. Therefore, you can delete the script once it has started the animation. There's not really much benefit to doing that, but it appeals to some people's sense of tidiness.
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