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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Oh yes, why didn't I think of contacting her directly? /me facepalms And btw, I was really curious about Manjaro, particloarly the rolling release aspect is very appealing to me, and the speed and the kinda high geek factor. :smileyhappy: I'm seriously looking for a distro that will replace Windows once and for all.
  2. Ok, I already managed to get Sing running under Mint 14, so I know it's possible to have a 64bit viewer running on Linux 64bit systems. Yesterday I switched over to Manjaro Linux 64bit, downloaded and unpacked the viewer ... doesn't work. :smileysurprised: Anyone here clued up enough to tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to get it running, please? Jean? You there? You must help me! Afterall it was you who got me into this mess by recommending Manjaro over *buntu and Minty. :smileytongue::smileywink: So little clueless me just followed your advice and ended up kneedeep in chit. :smileysad:
  3. Just so for our tekkies like Orca Again, I'm not a tekkie, just a normally able PC user with some common sense ... unlike you. so there you go Orca hope that now answers your question 1) I didn't ask you any question ... oh, one maybe: what were you smoking? 2) If I had a question your post wouldn't have sufficed as an answer but only confuserized me more. But, as I said, I didn't have a question. So there. My SL just runs fine, sometimes it even sings. On ultra graphics and 256 DD. And that on a outdated 1000 € hardware and rather crappy connection. I only avoided one cruicial mistake, a mistake you made. And to avoid it I don't need to be a tekkie with credentials but just read up on the forums, get informed and don't buy the cheapest chit available: I told the guy at the PC store to put a Nvidia GPU in my box and stay away from ATI/AMD. Problem solved before here could be a problem.
  4. I wager you 10k L$ who is the IT person here you or me, Me's not ... and with you I'm not so sure either. And it's beside the point anyway and no part of this thread that I still call a discussion, not a debate. Drama queen much? I will upload my qualifications and my status of my employment and you do the same Why do you think you're significant enough for me to read your credentials? Wrong sense of entitlement? Obviously. read what am saying, if you dont understand then said so I read and comprehended your post just fine. So the rest of your post is just white noise. but smart ass comments just shows your low intel in the disscussion See, with that argument youn almost got me without even recognizing it. So you missed again. You could've attacked me for not being helpful but just mean spirited and sarcastic. And that I was, it's my style to tell ppl they are overstepping the boundaries of their competence and intellectual capabilities.
  5. I let others judge you Why thank you, very generous. But since you started the thread we are not judging Amethyst but you. My judgement: you are wrong again.
  6. No matter how you decide it's common courtesy to clean up your act before you leave, dontcha think? So derezz all the stuff you have rezzed in world. SL surely doesn't need any more clutter blogging up the sims and servers.
  7. No point anymore, she left the building already. Prolly figured she didn't get the sympathy she hoped for, and preferred to throw a hissy fit and chicken out before the situation got worse for her.
  8. If your PC really was decent about 4 years ago it still should run SL just fine. I imagine the problem, as so often, sits in front of the keyboard. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  9. Oh, there's much to say about your choice. 1) the graphic card isn't really up to par. Nvidia's GT series just don't cut it for SL or any other hi powered games. Go for the GTX series! 2) the RAM isn't up to par either. Modern computers sport 1600MHz modules. And surely no no-name modules as you will get from HP. 3) a 300W power supply? Really? On what soft of mucked up scrap yard do they find that stuff? 650W is the deal these days. 4) MS Office for 40 $ less? Wow, really the deal of a lifetime You get Libre office for free, so why bloat up the storage with crappy MS test stuff? 5) Dr Dre soundcard? Oh my, ohmyohmy If there was a decent mother board in that computer you'd have no need for a ill-reputed second rate extra boomy soundcard. That's again just some namedropping so you spend more on **bleep** just to gain bragging rights. 6) 1TB 7200 rpm HD is okay. That's pretty much the standard these days. Downgrading to a 500GB platter will save you 10 bucks, so leave it. I guess HP reallly cheaped out on this one and let's you pay for it. As I always say: hands off brand products! They are full of bad compromises and messy overpriced stuff. For example they put in the fancy i7 proci so you have something to bragg about. And the rest of the hardware is as cheap as it gets. Heck, they won't even let you know the brand of the included RAM and there is no mention at all of the motherboard. Two very cruicial parts of every PC, unlike the bloatware, and they won't even tell you. If I were you all my alarm systems would go off right now! My advice: surf to Newegg (if you're in the States) and configure your own machine. It saves you money or at least puts your money into the correct hardware.
  10. LOL Atlan, leider liegst du total falsch. Wir sind eben nicht in Dland sondern auf einem USAmerikanischen Server von einem USAmerikanischen Host, der von der USAmerikanischen Firma Linden Lab geleast und bezahlt wird. Welcome in America, now speek dat Englisch!
  11. Many estates and private sim owner are situated around the Blake Sea (not Black Sea!) and they all have their own covenants. USS, Sailors Cove, SLNE, Trudeau, Second Norway, Snug Harbor. Just contact some of the estate owners and ask if they would accept you as their new neighbour. Regarding your dislike of covenants: most estaste owners around Blake are indeed aking their renters to keep a certain amount of prims freely available so naval traffic won't be interrupted by "Parcel full" messages. Same goes for banlines and any other restrictions that meddle with free traffic. Blake Sea is sailing first and if you lack that spirit you'll have a hard time finding a friendly neighbor there that alllows you to dock your sims unto theirs.
  12. Main channel, mainland, code roll back, Le Tigre, Blue Steel, Magnum, blahblah ... girls, get a grip and focus on the issue at hand! Fact is that sim xings went to **bleep** again. Are we, as paying customers, supposed to know why? Are we supposed to find workarounds, solutions and excuses for those inept labbers? I'm sick and tired of being abused as a crashtest dummy. It really shouldn't matter if I wanna cross 20 or 200 sims, I expect it to work flawlessly. And I couldn't give a rat's @$$ about 90% of SL residents are immobile and stay at home all the time. The whole idea of moving freely in our glorious world (not just TPIng, which defeats the idea of a virtual "world") is the main reason for me to still stick with SL. Around 1 year ago we had a short period of improved sim xings. I did some extremely long travels by boat and bike around various mainland continents. Was all fine and dandy and SL was fun and I decided to stay premium and keep my land. Then some idiot decided we need pathfinding. I still, to this day, haven't figured out what that is. And I don't even wanna know. I just pay my fees and expect LL to deliver on their side of the deal.
  13. Yes, JJValero, I noticed the same. Since LL "improved" the sim crossings we don't just crash anymore but being logged off and after relog end up at home. Also I noticed that often after sim crossing parts of the vehicle are missing. Usually they reappear after a while or when you change anything on the vehicle. In my case it's mostly sailboats so I just change the sail trim or move my avie from port to starboard position and wondrously the boat rezzes in all its glory. Since I'm a fair and nice girl I usually blame it on my sub-optimal connection but I guess LL are also to blame.
  14. Wireless increases the latency to the modem. Which is just logical according to the laws of physics. Also the thoughput is considerably slower. So why bother pulling the plugs out if the modem is situated only half a meter away from your machine on the same desk? When I use a laptop and play SL from my garden I go wireless as well, but then I know that I can't expect it all to run super smooth.
  15. Oooh, don't use wireless! Never! Okay, the 9400 should run SL without much problems if you don't overdo it with the graphics settings. Still it seems like your GPU is going thru hell. Have you cleaned your system lately? I mean physically with a can of pressured air?
  16. SL has come a long way in the quality of the user generated content, especially once Mesh was released. Mesh has taken away more than it brought us. Starting with sculpties, and now mesh, we lost the ability to create cool stuff in world. You need to master some 3D graphics software and create your models offline. That's directly diametrical to SL's very principles and philosophy. I mean oldstyle prim building is still cool but the results are lacking in professionality. But it's a nice pastime. @ Gadget Portal: you sure you even belong to SL's target group? Gamers are the last people Philip had in mind when he came up with his virtual world. And that holds true even today. The typical SL resident wants to log on from their smartphone or tablet or equally underpowered consumer grade hardware. And most don't care if they can't even see the bad SL graphics to their full extent.
  17. zacly, Dres. Surveys are a kinda lazy way to get around doing the hard job of experiencing/investigating the topic yourself, but this one goes even a step further in the lazy department. Hey, OP, if you wanna do like personal interviews instead of a multiple choice survey this is what you want to do: LOG IN, GO TO DIFFERENT PLACES, TALK TO PEOPLE! These forums do not represent an effective cross section of your target group anyway since you find here mostly tired oldbies who prefer to blabber in forum over logging in. :smileywink:
  18. OP stated he owns a sim, Perrie. That might give him enough prims to rez a simple house, dontcha think? But ok, since OP doen't seem to be very clued up, he might have confused his tiny parcel with a full sim. :smileyindifferent: Anyhoo, OP, if your house came with a faux rezzer (rez box) just edit the box a bit up before clicking on Build. And after build you can just move the box around until everything looks fine before you click on save/store. If your parcel is indeed on a slope make a base prim first, so you have a solid foundation to rez your house on.
  19. Yep! I deleted everything, down to the last litle speck of data schmutz, of all SL viewers I had ever installed and did a super clean install of 18.0 now. Now off to try it ...
  20. But as always RL comes first. This is blasphemy!!! Who said that? Satan, I demand you leave Coby's body now. EDIT: bye 16, your wit andf humour will be missed.
  21. I already stumbled at the second question: Ethnicity. African-American isn't an ethnicity at all. Not even African is, since there are many many different people throughout the continent. Soft brown in the south, dark black in the cental parts and more like Semitic in the northern parts and in Arabia. And now calling African-AMERICAN an ethnicity is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Now imagine I was a black woman from Norway, Germany or France, would I tick African-American as my ethnicity? No, I'd be insulted! As it so happens I'm caucasian/semitic **bleep**. Couldn't find neither nor in the list. Okay then, tick white and go on. Does your avatar represent who you are? Why only yes/no options? I guess most of us have avies that represent us to some extent. In most cases they are an idealistic representation of what we wish we'd look like in RL, only younger, fitter, beautifullerer, richer, more sexy ... but they don't represent us. Mostly they represent just our basic character traits, since one cannot hide those. Oh my gaaawd, it won't even let me close the questonaire since that was a required answer. So ticked Yes, eventhough it's not entirely true. If your avatar is human, does it look like who you are in real life? Good option here: Somewhat. Ticked that. The rest of the questions were not thoroughly thought out and totaly uninteresting.
  22. No. I often used dongles (USB sticks) while on travels and I never had that problem. Top up and everything was groovy again. Reinstalling the viewer and then setting it up to all your preferrred settings is such a waste of time. And redownoading is also a terrible waste of the precious little bandwith you get on a dongle. I always keep the installer saved on my machine. Much easier that way.
  23. I had kinda the same experience, tho not with clothes from my inventory since I was already dressed. I tried to take LMs which the system wasn't able to create. After a while all was back to normal.
  24. All systems go! :smileyhappy: Okay, I'm a nitpicking OCDer so I'd have chosen a beefier powerbrick and I find the system overall a bit pricey for just the naked box but that's maybe your country's economy. We have rather high prices here in South Africa as well, the market of PC users is just too small here. That's why hubby and me shop for new computer stuff when we go back on vacation to our origin Germany. Anyhoo, have fun with your new, very cool and individual system. @ Peggy: Yes hun, I know heat is our enemy. I fried my cool Asus gaming specs lappy just last year. :smileysad: But the case of my desktop machine is rather huge and relatively empty for good airflow. Also I have SpeedFan running for heat control. So I'm always in the green zone.
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