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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. When i removed her from my friend list she sent me a very annoyed IM shouting at me never to contact her again, LOL, wasn't that the reason why you kicked her in the first place? To avoid contact with her? What a stupid beach. :smileyvery-happy:
  2. Video 1: worst camera ever! Made me nearly throw up. Give that hyperactive guy some valium. Video 2: used the Fraps freebie version, hun? Video 3: YAY! Thanks for that. I was searching my Onigokko in the inventory but forgot what's it called. Thy for reminding me, now I can Onigokko the whole day
  3. as does Singularity. It's a clickerbox somewhere in Prefs. Of course LL won't give you half of the functionality, that's why most residents are using TPVs.
  4. What is a "wrong nationality"? And if there was such a thing why did you make him a citizen of that wrong nation?
  5. Putting the question about being nice or not aside, what I wonder about is what the OP expected to hear and how she/he would validate our answers. Want an example? 1) I'm male 2) I'm female 3) I'm always totally honest 4) I'm a bullsh**ter Now chose the 2 statements you prefer to hear and be happy. Just FYI and to make your decison easier you must know that SL is full of liars and bullsh**ters. At least 90% of us aren't exactly what they say they are. Did you know that I'm in fact Arnold Schwarzenegger's mother in law and once was married to Bruce Willis. Also I was the invisible guest on the chair when my old friend Clint Eastwood made a fool of himself and I constructed Michael Schumacher's Formula One car. That was after I had to retire from active duty in the US Air Force afer I was shut down in 'nam and spent 20 years in a Viet Cong torture camp. During all the time I'm still an operative with the CIA, and dance on the pole in Moscow's most expensive gentlemen's club. Now, my friend, it's time to chose. What wil it be? Answer 1 and 3, 2 and 3, 1 and 4 or 2 and 4? No, rest assured, I'm female in both lifes. At least I was when I checked the last time.
  6. I have 4 alts, 3 girls and 1 guy. Used them to cheat in lotteries and votes. :matte-motes-evil-invert: They are also useful when Orca is in limbo (ghosted) or as second members in groups. Meanwhile I forgot the passwords of 2 of my girls and am stuck with just my oldest alt and the newest one, the guy. And since I'm kinda incapable of making a nice male shape I gave him the infamous poco locos freebie bunny avatar. BTW, my alts, although some are already oldbies, are all very n00bish looking since I never gave them any money to pretty up. Well, I gave them each 10 l$ so they could make a profile picture, but that's it. Oh, and I'm pretty straighforward and honest about my alts, they all state their alt status in their profiles. I guess that's kinda important.
  7. No, Penny, don't say that! Even if it's technically true (which it most probably is), it's very cold and insensitive. Let me kinda misquote my computer and Linux heroine Jean Horten here: "my name is Orca Flotta not orca.flotta". I chose that name, I grew up with that name, I had victories and defeats, fell in love, fell out of love, made friends, lost friends, suffered griefer attacks, fought off trolls and spammers, had good and bad times ... but I always was Orca Flotta and stayed true to myself. Orca Flotta has her own email accounts, a blog, a Flickr, a Koinup and a Tumblr account. According to Microsoft and various Linux distros she's also the owner of my computers and has a much richer social life than her stupid operator. So please don't tell me my name is just a login, it is my friggin' name ffs!!! I tried display names a couple times. But only to show how replaceable they are. I was "has no name", "the artist formerly kown as ...", "KiLLer", "ORCS" and some other stupid things. But that's childplay and doesn't even come close to wearing a real name for your virtual persona. BTW, I haven't seen you going by any other moniker than just Penny Patton neither.
  8. Orca is and always will be a very mature and grumpy 21 y/o independent, not very rich but well settled spoiled brat with her heads in the clouds. She always dreams of a new society. Her operator is a 46 y/o immature and grumpy academic/housewife. She gave up dreaming long ago. So, yes, basically we're exactly the same. :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Yeah, I lost a lappy under similar conditions. It just shut down completely in shorter and shorter intervals ... until some day, in the middle of a Linux updating, it crapped out completely.:smileysurprised: And it was a "good" laptop, a 1100 € Asus. :smileysad: The best, or worst, thing about my lappy's dead was that I knew about the overheating problem. I already operated it on a fanned cooling stand and had the whole bottom cover taken off. Stil it wasn't up to the task of running SL on ultra graphics.
  10. I love this supadupa facelight. It's very simple and not obtrusive at all. Much subtler than the Megatron and fits in every lady's purse. Not that I'm wearing it every day but for photos it's just ideal dontcha think? And why turn off local lights? Can use them as facelights as well:
  11. Sorry, I don't get it. You got your account back after 3 years of inactivity. What does that mean? Did you actually delete the account back then and now you paid LL 9.95 US$ for reactivation? Then why do you wanna start new with a stupid n00bish 'Resident' surname? Ok, let's assume I could understand your wish to start fresh (which I can't), then why o why do you wanna wear the same old shape and the same old skin? Anyway, coming back after 3 years (3 RL years are roundabout 3000 SL years) is a fresh start anyway. Nobody will remember you, your whole inventory is totally outdated, your friendslist probably empty. It's like getting out of jail, you're on a clean slate. So my advice is: stay on your account, make the best of it and enjoy your oldbie status.
  12. Every sim in Blake Sea has a rezzable NE corner. I don't know what the prim limit is in these rez spots and what exaactly the autoreturn time is. I guess 2, 5 or 10 minutes. Blake Sea was made for sailing, not for showing of your monsteryachts and disturbing the traffic. If your boat is of the wearable type you won't need to worry anyway since the rezzable bases are mostly just a handful prims.
  13. I don't get it. You had a 65536 m² sky"box" above your land? That is a sim!!! Of course if you hang that monstrosity too low it'll block out the sun. Further, shadows coming and going is a totally normal thing. It's called "day cycle", so at noon you'll only have ugly short shadows right underneath while in the morning and evening you have those beautiful long shadows.
  14. Yeah, hanging out at Truth? What kinda nonsense is that? It's a shop ffs! Hanging out is a wretched "activity" anyway. Those ppl, who needs them? Can't they find a better way to burn up the bandwith? I usually log on, knowing what I'm gonna do, what appointments I have and events I must attend. Then, when I'm done I stand around for like 5 minutes, talk to my friends, get bored and log off again. Oh, and what really makes me angry is atrocious grammar. And bitching about others. And all the American rightwingers and patriots. And artsy people with their silly styes. And male avatars. And latinas. And self-acclaimed super models. AAnd invisible horse riders. And frownie fish faces. And child avies. And furs. And LL! And ... /me hyperventilates ... /me steps down from her soapbox.
  15. Jeez - someone needs a hug. Talking about me? No worries, I get hugged quite often enough, in fact more than I like. This kinda reminds me why I never really got into whole forum banter... it always seems to attract socially retarded That's strong tobac from a woman who wants to stay out of forum banter. LMfAO. :smileylol: Fortunately you're not socially retarded, you're just posting your RL pic in a virtual world forum, which is regarded as totally out of place social retardedness by most people I know. You are aware that this is Second Life, aren't you? Fortunately I don't waste my time in world with morons.
  16. Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong. My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe). I didn't say I like meshes at all. In fact I think mesh is great for builds but so far for clothes and hairs it's crap. But that's besides the point and not on topic. I was just pointing out that she took a long time to recover if she missed the arrival and implementation of mesh. And that for me was the real core problem of this thread, OPs obvious, slackerdom and lack of interest. I find it rather weird that y'all seem to ignore it. And regarding the world where I live, well it's the same in which the OP and you live. Planet earth afaik. And since this is a rather small planet, I can get a new GPU in a matter of days, even if I live in the middle of nowhere. We moved to South Africa a couple years back, for example. And even here, in a 3rd World country, getting computer spare parts is no biggie at all. (But it was a splendid idea not to send me out on a walk in the streets where I live, cause I'd be mugged, raped, abused, beaten, shot to death in a matter of minutes. We blonde whities seem to have that effect on the people here.) So the OPs behaviour tells me she's just "playing" SL, has no real interest and has no business of being in the merchant world. Same goes for all the other unprofessional merchants somebody else mentioned: they act like spoiled brats, totally unreasonable and unreliable, so it's ok for OP to do the same? This thread, till my post, was going on a wrong way ... I just pointed out the elephant in the room. That's often regarded as hateful, by clever, overly "politically correct" brainwashed automats.
  17. No worries, your message isn't pitiful ... it's PATHETIC! If your GPU craps out you go the store and get a new one. Offline time = 1 hour But you missed the whole implementation of mesh! That must have been several months offline. I wonder about your mindset that you didn't take your wares off the MP right away. I guess it's every merchant's duty to be available for the customers. So, in other words, you're not to be entrusted with my L$. Just my 2 cents
  18. I can't stress enough the importance of proofreading everything BEFORE hitting the Send button. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  19. The fact that they got so far in developing CHUI thinking there was no need for a Chat Bar is too far in the extreme of not having them involved with some In World activities. Zacly Perrie, if any of them codepunks thinks that communication via chat is a just nice bonus only and regards some extra mouseclicks they are definately in the wrong world. Chatbar must be visible, accesible and open all the time! Else how are we sposed to shout a loud F.C.U.K. once we're knocked out by a simborder? P.S.: see what I did there? How elegantly I tricked the censor system? :smileyhappy:
  20. When all you can do is rotate on the spot but can't go anywhere or do anything else ... you've already lost contact to the SL servers and are crashed/logged out. It often takes up to 3 minutes for that message to appear on your screen. What you should do, often, when you feel something's not in order is looking at the statistics. ctrl + shift + 1 shows you a nice window that contains your fps, your bandwith and a lot of other stuff. It might be a bad connection on your side, too slow, not enough throughput, not stable enough ...
  21. AFAIK DOF only works in photos when you stay on the default resolution. So say my res is 1920x1030 but for photos I usually up it to 5760x3090. And swooosh, the DOF doesn't show anymore. :smileysurprised::smileysad:
  22. OK girls, call me a stupid n00b if you want ... because I am just that ... but I'm busy right now downloading Zorin OS. Might not be then fastest linux ever and not very fancy but perfet for people who come from Win7, like me. :smileyhappy:
  23. Well, especially the package support is sposed to be very good with Manjaro since you have the Arch + buntu repos available. I've not yet played with it but it's what ppl are saying. And as far as E goes, have you tried Bodhi yet? Is a kinda brandnew E17 system and received good reviews so far. So it seems they are trying to save Enlightenment from extinction with that distro. My taste is for Cinnamon but since Manjaro comes with XFCE as standard I'm trying to get used to that now. And, right, Unity is real crap. If I wanted Unity I could go with Apple right away. :smileymad:
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