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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. I didn't shrug fans off as unimportant, Peggy, but after 3 years on my machine without any overheating (even in the hot South African summer) it turned out the included fans that came with CPU, PSU and GPU are enough. They never even turn very fast and loud. When I ordered my machine I told the guy that I'm intending to take it to Africa and thought he'd sell me a family pack of fans. But he shrugged it off and assured me it'll be fine. And so it was.
  2. My download speed is 6.50 and upload is 2.56. That's plenty enough! Even if your ISP doesn't deliver the promised internet bliss it's still far better than many others (including myself) have. Yes, clean out your inventory. That might help a bit. And don't do wireless. Plug in! Another factor can be your hardware. Are your GPU and drivers up to date?
  3. Unfortunately I don't live in the US ... Unfortunately? Really? Unfortunately??? Apart from the usual stress US citizens have, they need to go looking around for a desktop same as everyone else. They might have a birthright on super cheap petrol but they still need to look for computer stuff by themself. And, right, it's cheaper there but they usualy have less income/buying power than most EU citizens. Then I found a place that could do a custom build for me, but then I also didn't know what I would require. Cool. Problem solved. Just go into that shop, look cute but competent and ask them for a "no bull**bleep**" system, a "stable, ruggged" system, optimized for light gaming on Open GL. Maybe mention SL, there's no reason to be ashamed of it. If they are any good they will recommend a Nvidia GPU anyway. If not ask them to spin on your finger ... and run! :smileysurprised: Nvidia (resp any of their board partners) are delivering the goods. Just insist on a GTX, don't settle for a GT. Rule of thumb: the higher the number the more sexy is your gpu. 680 is better than 650, savvy? All other parts aren't as important. Modern CPUs are mostly bored to tears in our PCs anyway, so settle for a i5 and don't let them waste your dough on a i7. A beefy power supply should be coming automatically as soon as you mention your need for a dedicated graphics card. Maybe a SSD would be cool ... but one can live without. RAM is cheap these days so get at least 8 GB, the more the better. Most important: don't fall for all those hyped up GAMING products with spectacular specs. SL demands a system with good graphics but not much computing power as such. Don't let them talk you into watercooling, twin GPUs, the advancement of the newest RAM bars and other voodoo stuff. Quality is more important than the bestest specs. Fingers off dramatically overclocked **bleep**. All the gamers stuff has a lifespan of 3 months, you don't want that.
  4. 100% agree. We all should copypaste your post as a standard answer for anyone asking for advice on new computers! Having my rig made by a small local store was the best decision ever. The guy was so nice and walked with me through the part shelves and told me exactly why he chose particular items. Was a bit like so: Mobo: Gigabyte!!! All that Asus, Asrock, MSI stuff is just cheapo overpriced riffraff he told me. "You don't need a "gaming" mobo, but a good stable one that won't give you grief." GPU: Zotac GTX260. The 4xx series was brandnew on the market and just too expensive. The 260 still works fine in SL on ultra settings. I could have gotten a much newer and more powerful ATI card for the same price but the sales guy and I just looked at each other, shrugged and simultaneously muttered "naaaw". Nvidia is always a safe bet, as long as it says GTX. RAM: 8 GB of no-name 1333. Still works fine today PSU: locally produced 750 watt, cheaper and not a single problem yet CPU: i5 650 is still super and plenty enough for SL and everything else I throw at it HD: 1 TB Texas Instruments I guess. Works fine. I keep my important data backupped on external drives anyway Case: just some giant big ugly box with lots of holes in for better cooling. No additional fans needed. It sits under my desk so it doesn't need to look fancy anyway OS: Win7 64 bit Home Premium, system builder version Then he sent me off. "Go shopping, have a coffee and come back in 2 hours." So, like 3 hours later, and with a cute new top in my shopping bag, I came back and received my machine. We did a short power-up test on the spot and one of the guys even carried it to the car for me. My machine runs SL and a lot of other stuff 24/7/365 since 3 years now. I hardly ever shut it down and it just runs and runs and runs. No crashes, neither on Win7 nor on Linux Mint. Apart from the Win 7 I don't have any commercial software installed ... at all. Every 3 months I pull the power plug, open the case and clean the internals thoroughly. Was it any cool or bragworthy for even a second? No, not even in 2010. Was it exceptionally cheap? No. I could have gotten a similar but more sexy system a few bucks cheaper from mailorder. But I wouldn't have had that freedom to chose exactly the right parts and prolly wasted money on unneeded stuff. My system is a good, stable workhorse with plenty power under the hood. And it's still as fast and uncluttered as on the day I bought it. Some system maintenance is required (friggin' Windows can't take care of itself) to keep it fresh but I have that quasi automated with a free version of TuneUp Utilities.
  5. Jean, experienced any trouble with the alpha sing? Slower rendering or any other stuff? I'm asking since I'm soooo tired of up- and downgrading my viewers all the time and lately use stable versions only. Otoh why should I care? If SSB isn't working yet anyway what's the hurry? :smileyindifferent:
  6. Okay, I'm far from saying that women are better people than men but I know one lesbian couple who are partnered in SL since the dawn of time, are on SL and happy together every day. And they still have fun! Doing everything as a couple. They didn't cocoon themselves in but enjoy a rich social life too. That's strong and committed. I can't even begin to decribe how much I admire them.
  7. Orca Flotta


    Wow, sweetb, you must be the most beautiful top model in RL then. Congratz. Else, why would anyone wanna look like their RL self in SL. Imagine all the fat, flab, crooked noses, stompy short legs, wrinkles, bad haircuts, bad clothes ... oy vey. Also the avatar build system in SL is much too restricted to even coming close to something realistic. "Professional" avie creators are trying and failing time and time again. Have you seen the likenesses of Barack Obama, Michael Jackson and others? Terrible. And please stay away from the photosourcers and morphers. Creepy is too nice a word to describe the results.
  8. 2930 Prims!!! ............................ So, nochmal: 2930 Prims!!! In Worten: Zweitausendneunhundertdreißig!!! Das muss man sich wirklich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. Und du hast wirklich geglaubt, irgendwo ein public rezzable Gewässer zu finden mit genug freien Prims um das Monster zu rezzen? Da brauchst du nen ganzen homestead sim, nur damit die Schuessel ueberhaupt reinpasst ... und auch das nur diagonal. Und dann, wohin willste denn damit schippern? Blake Sea und diverse Rennflotten behindern? Das Ding ist was fuer Großgrundbesitzer, die genug Platz haben um die Titanic als Museumsstueck herzuzeigen. Ansonsten fuer nix zu gebrauchen. Vllt zum Trost kann ich dir verraten, dass irgendwo im Norden der Dire Strait (Nautilus) eine (abgespeckte) Version gerezzt ist. Guck doch da mal.
  9. Just completed the survey, just out of curiousity. That was really the worst survey ever. Has the surveyist ever logged in SL? Apart from the stupidity of some non-sensical questions there are some downright bizarre surreal ones. Do I agree that taking out a loan in SL is easy? Can I convert my L$ into real money? WTF???
  10. Now I really (really really) want a facepalm smiley.
  11. That being said, Nalates, the MSI GE series are all on nVidia gtx 660, which is fairly high up in nVidia's mobile range. I guess they are reallly worth a shot if you're looking for a gaming lappy within a reasonable price range.
  12. I was responding to Orca's silly post, and the general assertion that no-one external to the company has the right to complain about a businesses choices (Yeah, that's literally what she said). Please keep track. And wrong again! 1) my post wasn't silly just because you didn't understand it 2) it is entirely correct that everybody has the right to complain about anything 3) still it's nobody else's business except LL's That's basically what I said, please keep track. And didn't you state earlier on that you are refraining from referring to my post any longer? @ all: Let's be honest now, how often do you even see LL's website? I know I have it somewhere in my bookmarks but wasn't on it since at least a year. And since I have an adblocker anyway I would never ever have noticed that LL placed ads on it. As some said, yes, it's very poor form to do so. It reeks of deperation and begging. But still LL is not my business, I'm in no way inclined to help them out and if and when they go belly up. Somebody brought the MP and SL merchants into the discussion. Interesting. They are business ppl and should do everything they think is good for their business. If they complain about the ads on the MP it's their business to deal with LL. Not mine, not yours. I may not like it, but then again I don't see it neither. @ 16: Yes, sure, Grandpa Linden is a silly old fart and knows not just everything but he knows everything better. And that's even kinda correct since he indeed knows better than all the youngling Lindens. Maybe he should come out of retirement and clean up the house for good.
  13. Okay, if you are absolutely positive about the need of a laptop, and only then, I'd recommend a MSI GE60. Availabe in lots of different configurations in 15.6" and 17" size. Prices start at like 600 € and upwards. If your budget allows go for something beefier like the MSI GT or the ASUS G series. Needless to say laptops, even half-decent gamers like the MSI GE series, belong on cooling stands and should be cleaned every 3 mths.
  14. Wrong, Freya, so very wrong. Actually you have to be a LL manager, tasked with that kinda stuff, to make it your business.Oh, you aren't? Too bad. Not your business then. Your argumentation reminds me on the arguments of anti-abortionists. Mostly men themselves, they never have anything to do with pregnacy but make it their business to tell women they cannot have an abortion. Hilarious. I'm not advocating LL's choice, in fact I don't like it either. But I have my adblocker up and wouldn't even know LL have ads on their site if nobody would complain about it. And besides it's none of my business to tell LL how they have to conduct their business.
  15. Character test. Das setzt dich auf nen n00b avie von dem aus du dann deine eigene Carly wieder aufbauen kannst. Also Skin, Shape, Haare, Kleidung usw.
  16. Shaved breast? That's a sure sign for a metrosexual of the stupidest kind. Could be a thug too.
  17. For 1000 prims you need a parcel of at least 8500 sqm. Once you own land it is completely up to you what you do with it. There is no sky land in SL, it's all yours from 0 up to the ceiling, 10000 meters or so. And terraforming is also up to you, nobody can disallow you that. But please note that on mainland the teraforming might be limited by LL, due to the general area. When you want to rent in an estate it's all a matter of negotiations with your landlord.
  18. I just ignore CHUI ... and about most anything by The Lab. Proud TPV user since 2007 and never looked back. It is possible to run a perfect computer setup without anything made by MS or Apple or Google, so why not do the same with our virtual world? PS: **bleep**, I forgot my blogger blog, which is powered by Google. A sad twist. Won't let that happen again. Ever!
  19. On my own land I allow everything, entry, scripts and create. Why? Because my parcel is on 3 sides surrounded by water. That water is used for sailing. I often enough had sailing or motorcycling trips abruptely ended by inconsiderate landowners and won't follow their bad example. I just set my autoreturn to 2 hours. Problem solved. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  20. So you basicallly want to look like a metrosexual douche?
  21. Yes and yes. This sounds like a bad connection plus weak hardware. Not much one can do in this case. But please do us a favour and conduct a speed/ping test (but not to SF, since LL's server farms are in Dallas/Tx and some village in Pensylvania). This is also a good way to figure out if your ISP actually delivers the promised goodyness or if they are taking you for a ride. Also please post your computer specs. Best way to get all the complicated numbers is the Help Menu - About [your viewer] ... Just copypaste the whole stuff into this thread. Here are enough experts who can tell you excactly what kind of computer you'll need for SL. But with loading times of 10 mins I suspect it is indeed your connection. Here's what you should do: - Plug in!!! - Stop all other online activities. Internet radio, streaming video, down- and uploading, surfing, emailing ... all that eats away valuable resources. - In preferences set your bandwith to 500 kb, that's more than enough. - Deacttivate Get HTML Textures. - Set your graphics to minimum. - Get the latest driver for your graphics card ... from the original manufacturer AMD or Nvidia, not from your PC builder.
  22. Sonja, that looks like a GPU in trouble. :smileysad: Probably you changed some of the graphics settings when you installed FS and set the sliders too high for your poor hardware to handle.
  23. You just missed the 2013 skin fair, Ricky! How could that've happened???
  24. Flame all you want your just pathetic little bugs stuck in a world of fake people. Apart from the more than questionable grammar your post isn't very inviting to reply to it in any way, flaming or helpful. Is it asked too much to research your problem first, before unfounded attacking hundredthousands of happy users? Let me help you with some productive questions? - what are the specs of your gaming lappy? - how's your connection doing? A speedtest/tracert could prove helpful. - what OS are you on? - what viewer are you using? - ever heard the term "troll"? - ever thought about anger therapy? Sincerly a flaming pathetic little fake bug
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