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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. It's saddening because the people should be using SL to sell the wares and not be relying on an outside sales system. I have no sympathy with them at all. Truer words have never been spoken. Amen and Hallelujah and all that stuff!
  2. Lucretia wrote: WOW, you put alot of energy into this obsession over griefers. Maybe others notice them but don't consider it serious enough to get upset over, maybe what you consider griefing is not what they consider griefing? You also mention going to land owners and informing them that stolen goods are being given away on their land. You think that won't kick up drama? You've been in SL since 08 ... the generally accepted procedure is to contact the original creator and either send the items to the creator or provide the name of the copybotter and let the creator take care of it. That is a courtesy to the creator of the stolen items and oh, I'd say good citizenship. Anything other than that smacks of a crusade and is asking for trouble. Eggzackerly, Lucretia! I'm not quite the homebody GothGirl thinks I am, in fact I'm almost never at home but mostly all over the grid, particularly navigable water sims and Linden Roads. When I encounter a griefer I verbally abuse them, send AR and forget about it. Life is to busy/funny to spend time with such krap. When I was one of the poor n00bs that don't know anything and need full protection all the time I used to spend some time in public sandboxes to play with my legos. When there was a griefer attack I'd just collect my stuffz and TP away. It's not worth it to get hung up over silly kids. And nowadays, as a respectable premium member and land owner, I build stuff either on my skyplat or at a premium sandbox. No griefers. Problem solved. The complainers are right tho, SL is too expensive. I often complained about that myself. And exactly for that reason I expect LL to take care of griefer problems and won't play unpaid deputy on their behalf. As I said earlier, when I encounter a griefer I act accordingly. But I won't search them out and go actively looking for trouble. GothGirl can call me "blind" as much as she wants, I call her half-blind for her limited view on SL. :smileyvery-happy:
  3. But you gotta admit, at least GothGirl made a well-sorted, structured and thought-out argument, Drake. Unlike those trolls from earlier. But yes, I noticed the same; GothGirl seems to be mainly interested in gaming ... and in shady corners too. So it seems. In my 6 years in SL I've encountered maybe 2 griefers face to face (apart from the usual social griefers like SLtester and the other guy who claims since months that he has already left SL). So, what can one do? 1) shrug it all off 2) leave and declare yourself dead for SL 3) declare SL's death as imminent because if it's not for you it can't be for anyone else I'm really puzzled why so many ppl choose the least preferable option 3.
  4. You are a very funny girl, 16. :smileyvery-happy: Love it when, in 2013, ppl can still amuse themselves with the first and one of the most useless objects ever been built in SL. That's the true SL spirit. :smileyhappy:
  5. Sephina, that circle is the famous oldschool pie menu. It's in SL viewers from the very first moment on, and when V2 came out we oldbies were freaked out by the fugly browser-like list menus, same as you are now by the pie menu. Anyway, the TPVs brought back the pie menus for us. But in FS I guess you have the choice. After install they prolly asked you if you want to view in V3, hybrid or Phoenix mode. I myself am on TPVs since 07 and never went back to original LL viewer, except a short stint on Snowglobe and a very very short testing period of that mess that was the first V2 viewer. Like many peed off residents I was of the opinion that if I want a browser-like experience I'd use a phukin browser. But I want a SL viewer. And since LL mucked it up so royally I'd never even thought about using their products ever again.
  6. Note to self: stop feeding the trolls.:smileyindifferent: Stop feeding the trolls.:smileysurprised: Stop feeding the trolls!:smileysad: STOP FEEDING THE FUNKIN' TROLLS!!!:smileymad:
  7. Yes, Jackson, help is on the way. Here are some suggestions. 1) first things first: didn't you say you're an IT professional? So act like one and get rid of that steenkin Mac! :smileytongue: 2) ok, honest, if you didn't have probs before your line might indeed be throttled. How is your usual day to day browing going? If that's ok, SL should be ok as well. Try a speed- and pingtest. 3) can't say anything about your ping. If you're in the USA it seems quite bad. I'm connecting from South Africa and even I hardly have pings of more than 340 - 400 ms on normal days (when no terrorists are ripping the undersea cable in the Suez canal apart). 4) are you running some other stuff while being connected to SL? Torrents, downloads, internet radio, skype and whatnot? 5) have you opened up your lappy for a cleaning? 6) are your drivers up to date? 7) the temperatures are ok? Have you considered placing your Macbook on a cooling stand? That's what ad-hoc springs to mind.
  8. Oh, that's what gamers do to move, eh? WOW, that trick should help me in racing; I could steer the boat and trim sails at the same time. Super! For now I do everything with just one hand, using just the 4 arrows and mouse. No wonder I always stink when it comes to maneuvres. But won't that render my keyboard unusable for chat?
  9. Welcome to the dark side, Sephina. We have candy for you. :smileyvery-happy:
  10. LOL, tell me ocra, why are you here? why do you need relationships here, don't last long do they? why is that, lol. That's non of your business but since I'm such a nice girl I even forgive you for mucking up my name and answer you nevertheless: 1) I'm here for a diversity of reasons: sailing, biking, organizing a yacht club, having my own gallery and café 2) I never claimed to need relationships in SL 3) if I do they usually last for years 4) I have more important funny stuff to do in SL than caring about relationships. In RL I'm in a 25 year relationship, 15 of those married. So I really don't need that stuff in SL 5) right now I'm living the celibate lifestyle of a nun :smileyhappy: 6) two wrong assumptions, awkwardly disguised as questions, doesn't make your post appear any smarter 7) are you high or is such confuzzlement normal for you?
  11. @ Tira: maybe you should try the Singularity viewer. It's based on the old 1.23 codebase but renders mesh without problems. It's also fairly lightweight and runs nicely on older, weaker systems. I noticed quite a boost in the framerate and no crashes yet. Apart from that a fairly ok gaming laptop starts at like 700 €. A nice desktop will cost roundabout the same but without monitor and keyboard.
  12. The demise of sl will be hard on you wont it, being one of the problems is just deserts don't you think. ... ??? Still here? Can you please translate that sentence into simple english? I'll try to answer with what I could gather from that remark: No, the demise of SL will just be sad, not hard in any way. It's just one of my many hobbies. I'll survive. Sorry, I didn't understand that part about problem deserts. If you are pointing towards empty sims and less and less people in world ... I personally couldn't care less. Less people means less leg, less stupidity, less fuglyness, less griefers, less fashionistas, less n00bs, less con artists, less business people, less guys, less roleplayers. So it's all good.
  13. I think it has to with the steep learning curve, the system requirements it asks for, and maybe the sketchy content for some users who are offended by it. That's what you wrote in your OP. What's not to understand from that statement? I'm just saying it's wrong. If you find my comments rude please consider how your opinions hurt the majority of still avctive users. During the last few months you repeatedly posted very clueless and braindead stuff in the forums. That was offending and rude as well. I guess it's really time we get a facepalm smiley here. Then you go on with this stupidity: Ever heard of the phrase "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all"? Of course I heard it, I hear it since years from idiots all over SL. That doesn't make the statement any better or helpful at all. The person who taught you such bs should be ashamed! Ok, next brainfart: Don't twist my words. I never did, and your seriously wrong accusations are missing the point completely and are derailing the discussion. Oha, now you're getting seriously serious. Where is the humour he was missing from my post? I wonder if I'll survive the following attack ... I'm done with you. You are done with me once you stop posting such crappola! Or leave SL. Or, LOL, boy do I have a great wisdom for you: if you don't have to say anything nice about SL, then don't say it at all.
  14. Leon wrote: I came, I saw, I hung around for bit, I said no, I got out So? What are you still doing here? Byebye ... and don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  15. Or maybe you just don't know how to take a joke.... Oh, I think I know how to take a joke ... when I see one. But all I read from you so far was not funny at all but complaining about stuff that is so obvious, everybody should get it, even you. For example that whining about the much better graphics on your Xbox. When I look out of my window I have perfect graphics of my garden, totally unpixelated. That doesn't compare to SL, I know. But neither did your Xbox example. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my post. Excuse me, my English skills aren't on an adequate level for complex discussions. So I make it short and unpoetic now: your criticism and predictions are wrong. It's not SL failing you, you are failing SL!
  16. If he was a Linden then he must have a Linden name tag above his noggin. If he's carrying any other name then just fick him.
  17. avhelena wrote: æ å ø Ok, now I'm officially jelly. Why are the Danes allowed to use their special characters and we Jerries are not? Always when I use German characters in forum, even in German category I get error messages and they want me to replace those characters. And when I do so and send cleaned up message again I get another error message, saying it's spam. :smileymad: Hah, now this again: The message body contains [german umlaut] , which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post. So now LL could send me that message using exactly the forbidden character ... and I'm not even allowed to quote them?
  18. I'm spoiled by the amazing graphics of xbox Oh, I see the core of your problem. You spent valuable money on a kiddie's toy rather than upgrading the GPU on your computer. You wanna game, wannna play. Xbox and other consoles are a cheap and lazy way of consuming games. You don't need to know **bleep** about computers, you don't need to know anything really. If you had spent the money for the Xbox on a better PC you'd enjoy SL much more now. SL is different. Or let me rephrase that: virtual worlds are different from xbox games. They are much more complex. They are WORLDS ffs! That's in the nature of every VW, no way around it. If you wanna view them in all detail splendour you need a serious computer, not an Xbox. And you need to know how to operate that machine. Logical, isn't it. Oh, and about that steep learning curve: I'm a non-gamer, a housewife who used her 12" subnotebook 98% for writing and 2% for the occasional websurfing. That's maybe why I didn't have any problems adjusting to SL when i first entered it. I didn't change anything in the viewer (god beware) and just bumbled along. Left, right, forward, backwards ... amazing. Oooooh I can fly! Super. Okay, next step freebie shop. What am I sposed to be doing with that box? Ok, rezz it and clicker around on it. Oh here, open. Swooosh. Take into inventory? Sounds good, why not. Swooosh, wonderful new gown, skin, shape, hair ... wham bam thank you ma'am. Next step Amsterdam. Why do they have beds in the train station? And what's pink ball? Okay Orca, just clicker it. Yikes! Ok, now I know what balls are for in SL. And so it went on and on ... and on ... and on ... and is still going on today. We learn as we go, every day, we get wiser, we get better. That's maybe why SL isn't dyying. Cause there is so much stuff to do, to explore, to learn. I'm right now on my 3rd SL machine in 6 years. Did pay quite some money to stay fairly up to date. But I still don't have an Xbox.
  19. It is NEVER ok. Yeah right. It isn't ok. And as I said I got what I deserved. On the other hand it was my rightfully purchased skin and also my rightfully purchased ink. I know, I know, it's still illegal. But then I didn't cheat anybody out of their income, didn't cause no harm, was just playing with my own stuff for my own amusement and for the ability to wear a top that needed all 3 layers + my tattoo. Well, nowadays, much more clever and clued up I wouldn't buy a top that is so carelessly using up all my clothing layers anymore. So the merchant wouldn't get my money in the first place.
  20. Google ist dein Freund: Avination Inworldz Kitely Das sind alles SL Alternativen, actually OpenSimGrid-Ableger. Hauptsächlich bewohnt von Freaks, Hackern, Developern und Buildern. Winzige Communities, keine nennenswerte Oekonomie, aber viel biliger als SL und viel weniger Lag.
  21. It wasn't just Asia and Africa glued together once. When the earth was still young there was only one continent. Cool eh? I guess this super continent was called Pangaea but since it was so early and hardly anyone around at that time we can only guess about the name. :smileysurprised:
  22. I wouldn't resell it or anything, of course. Mhm, I used exactly that argument once ... got reported and subsequentely suspended for 3 days. Some creators even banned me from their sims after that. Afterall it wasn't too bad and gives me the fuzzy warm feeling of being a true anarchist. It was way back in the old times. All I did was combining 2 items that I both legally own (skin and tattoo) to save on clothing layers. So I wasn't really a bad girl. Anyway, it's against the TOS and copyright and intellectual property rights and whatnot so I got what I deserved. Funny enough the original creators of neither the skin nor the tat were amonst the ppl who banned me. My only mistake was to first ask around in forum and later even posting about the conspirational meeting I had with the copybotter. If you keep it quiet and don't brag about it you should be fine.
  23. Also, the current nVidia driver is: 314.07 or in long form: Me gotz 314.22 just yesterday or day before.
  24. What dou mean "no support"? Help can easily be administered in this case: - It's ridiculous, not rediculous. - It's Linden Lab, not Linden Labs. There, fixed it. :smileyhappy:
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