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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Those characters are not Asian-like, they are in fact very Asian, Korean to be more exact. Sorry, can't help you with the technical stuff.
  2. @ Rudy and Alicia: you fall for every kind of propaganda and misinformation or are you just naturally evil? If Mandela was a terrorist after he blew up some electricity poles, what then was George Washington? I wrote kinda obituary for my bloggy. And please everybody, I beg you, watch the PBS doccie. Rest in peace, Madiba. Amandla!!!
  3. Agreed, FPS is the most important feature of any viewer (at least for me and my stuntgirl lifestyle) and I found Singularity the bestest viewer in that regard. And I had the subjective impression the FPS was even bettter and SL was running more stable under Manjaro (which is an Arch Linux). In Manjaro Singularity is even in the repo, so you can have it properly installed rather than just running it. Apart from that Manjaro is too complicated and geeky for me so I went back to the very comfortable Mint 16 with Cinnamon desktop. SL is running ok but I have the feeling I don't quite get the same awesome fps.
  4. What bothers me most is ... ... that obviously nobody ever proof read that cartoon: "Did you passed" :smileyindifferent:
  5. Oh people, now come on, orientation in SL is so foxing easy. It's just a question of habits to get a sense of place and always knowing where you are. I always open the wold map if I come to a place I wasn't before. Then I zoom out and see on which continent or on which estate that sim is. And since I know where my home is I have a fairly good idea of where I am in relation to my home. We only have a handful of mainland continents, which are easily recognizable by their outlines and general layout. Also there are some other hints that are dead giveaways. In no particular order: If you are on an adult sim you're almost certainly = Zindra if you're sourrounded by many rivers or you find yourself in a huuuge snowy area = Sansara when you see many well-kempt hedges and lots of billboards on the side of roads = Corsica many train tracks and a once beautiful lagoon turned into a fugly suburb = Heterocera small peanut shaped, completely circumnavigable continent = Gaeta V half-finished with lots of water on the west coast = Gaeta I a totally puzzled ragtag continent with lots of badly laid out waterways = Nautilus a huge fjord going almost thru the whole continent = Jeogeot a continent that looks like 2 jumping dolphins = Mãebaleia Also it must be mentioned there are also waterway corridors not only between Sansara and Heterocera but also 2 from Nautilus to Corsica and one from Corsica to Gaeta V. Nautilus and Mãebaleia are connected by the Bingo Strait and Nautilus City, so they form one big supercontinent. Gaeta was planned as a setup of 7 continents but they got stuck on 1.5 since 2009. Zindra is also only semifinished and will probably never get anywhere. As so often LL totally mucked up the world planning with hilariously expensive tier costs and wrong continental layout. Instead of incorporating the Linden Homes continents into the general setup of mainlands they placed them somwhere on the grid and by that created the most boring and undesirable places to call home ... ever. I call them n00b ghettos :smileysad:
  6. I fail to see the the purpose of that test. In SL we are all bull**bleep**ters and liars (aka roleplayers), that's a known fact and the very reason for most of us to join SL in the first place. Of course I could make a list of similarities and differences between my SL and RL and it would be sooooooo so so boring. Of course my avie is younger, prettier and richer than me, owns a lot of cool clothes, houses, yachts, bikes and other super nice stuff and has a very rich social life. The only thing similar to my RL is my brain, my principles, my awareness, my political conviction, my social conscience and my general grumpyness. I guess that's the same for 99% of SL resis. So what for do we need that 20 statements test? EDIT: now knowing where this survey is coming from I'm even more in doubt of its ethics but also kinda certain that any agency acting as hamfisted as the homeland security guys can't be a treal threat. Also I'm just sooo happy to live in a place far far away from the states.
  7. Orca Flotta


    And here's obvious me asking the most obvious question: have you checked your Recent Items folder?
  8. I seem to remember 1 massively popular one being banned a few years back for basically stealing peoples personal info (I've forgotten exactly what happened, but remember it caused lots of drama). Yes, it was the Emerald viewer. One of the developers obviously felt super smug, showing of (or rather, hiding) his hacking skills. So LL got rid of Emerald, the Emerald team got rid of the dev ... and out of the ashes rose the Phoenix, which turned into the darling viewer of over 60% of SL's population: Firefox. Well, FF are trying to emulate the old Phoenix GUI but somehow failing in that regard. That's why I and many other V1 afficionados are on Singularity these days.
  9. Thy for all your replies, stupid me indeed forgot it's Tuesday. Must be my age showing. I can just hope I'll make it to my 7th rezday without any strokes or heart atttacks. And nvm, just logged on and all is fine. :smileyhappy:
  10. Looks familiar? Yeah, obviously. We all know that message from times when either our computer or the ISP acts up. But rarely from LL anymore. And since I just checked and tested everything and am surfing the web like a pro I'm quite sure the end of the world is nigh! :smileysurprised: Q: am I the only victim or is this finally the apocalypse?
  11. As much as I hate fascism I must say I'm a fan of fashism as well. Their eyes are as good as it gets. You can also find a set of freebie eyes there, same great quality but they are like bronze tone. :smileysurprised:
  12. 2nd alt??? Huh? As it stands now you can't even have your 1st alt share an account with your main. BTW, according to the lab there are no main and alt accounts, every avatar in SL stands for itself and has the same rights and duties as anyone else.
  13. 3rd party viewers scare me. I've only ever used the official Linden one. I miss viewer 1 and Windows XP! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-very-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyvery-happy:" title="Smiley Very Happy" /> Why are you scared of TPVs? There's no reason, absolutely none. FS is used by more residents than the official viewer. And for poor hardware like your lappies a viewer like Singularity may work wonders. No reason to miss V1 neither since Singularity co mes with V1 interface but still suppports all the new stuff. So you'll be able to see and wear mesh without the hassle of V3. Here's another idea. If any Win gives you problems bin that chit and move on to Linux! Modern Linux systems like Mint 16, Ubuntu 13.10 and similar distros should run on your hardware with all drivers fresh out of the box. Hardware recognition these days is great.
  14. /me grumbles "Oh, you poor MicroSlaves with your brainwashed anti-open source mindset" and buggers off into the add-free, virus-free distance. And, no, I won't tell you to change your OS, I won't make any propaganda for Linux systems. That's a decision everybody's gotta make for themselves. For me it worked out great.
  15. I stated earlier in the thread that Firestorm came with RLV enabled which appears to be incorrect. ... and I fell into your trap. :smileysurprised: Bish! :smileymad: :smileyvery-happy: Anyhoo, one solution for OP might be to find a quiet place, either on their own land or, if homeless, some lonely ocean and take off everything from Current Outfit. Or, even more radical, do a Character Test, and build themselves up from the start. And of course first disable RLV.
  16. I can login in my friend's house from his wifi. Oké, that sounds like there is something wrong with your interwebz, not your account. The fact that you can actually do normal sufing and posting to this forum tells us there might be some particular ports blocked. Call your ISP and ask them what's the matter and if they can please be so friendly to unblock Linden Research. You're not by any chance on a college/uni network? They tend to block SL. It may continue as long as I use my laptop Oh. This the first time you try conecting from your lappy? It may be too low on specs for a heavy environment such as SL.
  17. Had to google RLV ... and you're over 6 years old? That doesn't add up. Did you spend the last 6 years under a rock or what? RLV is for some stupid reason activated by standard in some viewers (FS and Sing) and is usually the first thing to be disabled by every straight thinking person. Log out, log in ... and only then start tweaking the rest of the settings.
  18. Macho man? So everybody who's not happy with strangers invading their homes and insulting them is a ... macho? imho that Esteban guy needs a good punch in his fugly visage, AR, ban, mute, the full treatment. He's nothing but a trolling social griefer. Okay, most of us won't agree with the rather dull and boring lifestyle of that suburban couple neither but in the end it's their SL and nobody's business but their's alone.
  19. I really want make friends.. __________________________________________________________ Zerkko, I guess this is the wrong approach; making friends just for the sake of having friends. WTF??? SL is about much more than meeting people and having a loooong friendslist. Just do what you do in RL as well, follow your own interests, some hobbies. Join a group that does the same stuff like you, go to their sims and you'll meet lots of people with the same mindset/interests like you. I hardly send out friend requests ... and still I kicked around 100 ppl off my list recently and still have 100 friends left. Sometimes I log in with an alt, so I can get stuff done without being distracted by all the useless chatter from friends. Your profile is empty? No info about you, no interests, no nothing? So why should anyone wanna be friends with a boring person like you? There are so many avies in SL, much too many avies. Why should I pick the one with an empty profile to start a conversation?
  20. It is astonishingly inept No, it's just normal LL inept. Didn't expect any differrent.
  21. CPU: AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core Processor (3120.92 MHz) Graphics Card: GeForce GT 220/PCIe/SSE2 Oh I see what you did there: took an old lawnmower and covered it with a ferrari body. That won't help you getting any ferrrari-like driving experience. :smileysad:
  22. How can I make it using max scale and without extra buttons menus etc. If I open this map in the viewer or in the browser I have menus, buttons etc if I make printscreen. How can I print only map? Crop it in a graphics software like photoshop or gimp. That's how I make charts for race courses. Is very simple. And you don't know the exact loaction of your parcel??? Huh? You can see your own avie on the worldmap and also your coordinates are shown in the upper menu bar. Also to my knowledge it's not forbidden to give out the slurl to your parcel.
  23. Why people are actually buying Win 8 to replace their trustworthy Win7, that question still remains. Anyway, just a shot in the dark here: Try Linux. Userfriendly Linux distros like *buntu, Mint, Zorin, Linux Lite, Puppy Linux et al have saved and reactivated many many outdated computers who where destined for the bin but now having a second life. :smileyhappy: That stuff just works, is secure and often faster. And it's FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  24. If you can live with Singularity's V1 GUI try that one. No problem runing the 64-bit version in Mint 15. Oh, btw, *buntu systems are crap anyway. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  25. Well, now I'm as flabbergusted as you. Let's wait for the technical experts to chime in.
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