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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. STRG+ALT+T macht unsichtbare Sachen wieder sichtbar. Nee. Nicht unbedingt. In Linux oeffnest du damit das Terminal. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  2. Hi Melodie, on the login page, have you checked the 2 buttons [Remember Name] and [Remember Password]? If not you gotta type in your name and pass every time you want to log on. Or did I misunderstand you and the whole login page stays blank? I dunno what courses that, might be your firewall or antivirus software. Don't use that krap! Cool kidz are hardcore and go without. :matte-motes-nerdy: Or do like the even cooler kidz and get rid of your WinApple virus magnets and switch to Linux. No need for paranoid antivirus voodoo. If nothing helps why don't you just delete Sing from your machine and do a clean reinstall?
  3. Orca Flotta wrote: I personally don't trust in poiticians Finally, you have said something that I ******* agree with. Perfect! Thank you for validating all my opinions about your character. Quoting half sentences out of context is one of the oldest and most cheapest griefer methods. But you're right, generally I don't trust politicians, no matter in what shape or form they come. With the very few exceptions of politicians who became politicians for a specific reason, to fight the good fight, to stay true to their ideals, who go for broke. Nelson Mandela was such a type. He didn't join politics because he was aspiring to become a president. Mandela was an activist, he did stuff, he went to jail and after a long time the country around him finally found out he was correct all along so he quasi became president automagically. He couldn't have avoided it if he wanted. Unfortunately these kind of politicians are becomimg less and less and are being replaced by all those interchangable spineless clowns who are only in politics to gain some influence, power and money.
  4. Actually, "concurse" is not a valid ******* English word. So it's ******* impossible to stay civil in it, because it doesn't ******* exist. Yes, right, I used a wrong term. I meant a dispute obviously.
  5. ETA It's good to see that your ******* knowledge of geography is on a par with your ******* understanding of politics, if you think that Rio de Janeiro is on the same ******* continent as the USA. But it is! That continent is generally known as America.
  6. Orca, do you really see so many other people in a negative light? Yes! Name calling and insulting is your method of communicating. Bursting out with the truth is a hard pill to swallow for many ppl and might often be falsely interpreted as insults. Not my problem. Sheesh, you need a hug....or, something. Say it like you mean it: Orca needs to get laid!:heart: (Oh, if you're going to use French to label me at least get it right. I'm the bourgeoise) http://dict.leo.org/?lp=ende&from=fx3&search=bourgeois I didn't use French, never learned to speak it. I used the generally accepted German/English form. Hey, it's not our fault we snapped up some French phrases here and there during Napoleon's invasions.
  7. TOS Oh, you really wanna play law & order now? :smileysad: OMG that is so bourgeois ... terrible. But when we want to use the TOS I guess Rudy and that woman are easier targets than me. Both their first statements contain enough uncivilized hatespeach to warrant a lifelong ban. Repulsive, dastardly bottomfeeders both of them.
  8. I dont wanna be a downer but I think that someone working for second life made you say this..or write this.....no one would write a review that rich and full of creativity! Why not? Didn't you know we SL resis are a quite creative bunch? And why should anyone from the lab use a n00b like SLtesterL2 to write a review? And if you read closely you find some critical remarks in SLtester's essay. Nothing LL would wanna see published anywhere.
  9. Linden Lab From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Coordinates: **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php?pagename=Linden_Lab&params=37_48_00.96_N_122_24_05.65_W_region:US_dim:540" target=_blank>37°48′00.96″N 122°24′05.65″W Linden Research, Inc. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/LindenLab_H_250.png" border="0" alt="Linden Lab corporate logo" width="250" height="53" />Type Private Foundation date San Francisco, California, USA (1999) Headquarters San Francisco, California, USA Key people Philip Rosedale, founder Rod Humble, CEO Industry Virtual worlds Products Virtual worlds, Electronic commerce, software development Employees 245 (Q1 2010 350, -30% announcement[1]) Website lindenlab.com Alexa rank **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linden_Lab#cite_note-alexa-2" target=_blank>[2] Linden Research, Inc., d/b/a Linden Lab, is a privately held American Internet company that is best known as the creator of Second Life.
  10. Not everyone is a software engineer who desires to no longer buy another program every again. Hey, me's no software engineer neither but just a totally ungeeky housewife. In fact I came to Linux like a virgin to a baby. Messed up my old lappy and after reinstalling windows I couldn't get the wireless thingie to work. So my cleverly stupid hubby threw a selfburned DVD on my desk: "Forget that fuxxing Windows and try this instead!". On the CD was scribbled only one word: Ubuntu. Of course I stared at him with my famous stupendous blank expression so he was so friendly to tell me "That's a Linux OS and seems to be all the rage lately." Having heard about how complex and difficult Linux is I was first a bit afraid ... but then I noticed how easy it was to install. All the drivers were automatically detected and already included. Unlike Windows wheer you need to download all the stuff extra. And all the software I need on that old laptop came preinstalled. I was over the moon and am using Linux as my main OS on that lappy since 4 or 5 years. When I got my good SL desktop I bought of course a copy of Win 7 with it. Mostly for one reason only: I was afraid I couldn't get SL running on a Linux system. But then I noticed how awkwardly complicated Win is and how much TLC it needs every day just to perform halfway decently. So, like a year ago I swapped my big rig to Linux as welll. I don't know sheet about Linux but there is no need for that. Everything is running straight out of the box and I don't need to do any maintenance, no antivirus, no registry cleaning, no voodoo speed-up program. Once Linux is installed it will just run and run and run. I don't even have a firewall. Hubby on the other hand was always a coward and only lately installed Linux on his machine as well ... after I was nagging him into submission. :smileyvery-happy: He's still on an old Ubuntu version though, while I was distro hopping for a while until I found my personal favourite Linux. About the purchase of software I got to say Open Source doesn't necessarily mean Free like in free beer. You can pay for your software if you want, you can also pay for support or administration. But I love the philosophy of open source software, even if I personally make no use of it (as I'm not a software engineer), it's just so politically corrrect. And it's a good feeling to know that I could if I wanted. And download from repository sounds more geeky than it actually is: a repo is a catalog that lists all available additional software for your system. Last I looked it was like 67,000 programs. So if I want a nifty new media player that can do more than the one already installed with the basic distro I just click the repo from the start menu (yes, my Linux looks and feels a lot like Win 7), type in "media...." and swoosh I get a list of dozens of multimedia players. And from there I download and install my new software with a single mouseclick. It's all so easy. If I don't like that program, I can deinstall it in the same easy way. And here is the cherry on top of the already so yummy cream: from time to time I see from a little icon in my task bar that their are updates for my system, not with a forced shutdown lie Microsoft does it but the symbol will sit there for days until I find the time to do the upgrade. Again it's just one click and the system updates itself ... including all additional software I installed later, if updates are available. Computing can be so easy and fun. About messing up: literally impossible to make your Linux crash or misconfigure anything. Experts (those people who actually know what they are doing) often recommend Linux especially for the elderly, for kids and housewifes. But I can understand that people are afraid of Linux. It still carries that stigma of a selfmade special OS for geeks, IT students, software engineers and server admins. Yes, Linux powers the internet and many many server farms all over the world, it can be very complicated and special. But so are the systems by Oracle and MIcrosoft. Being fairly familiar with Windows doesn't make you a network admin. And there is another downside to Linux: the absolute freedom can give the user too much of a choice, strange as it sounds. There are just too many (often very similar) Linux distros available for download. But as long as you stick with the handful big distros (*buntu, Mint, Manjaro, openSUSE, Fedora, CrunchBang, Debian, Puppy, PCLinuxOS ...) you'll always get an easy to use professional OS. Of course, if you are sooo ungeeky you can't use any other office suite than MS office and no other image program than PhotoShop you are probably wrong in the world of Open Source software. A little learning curve is always involved. For me it took like 10 miutes after installation to get myself acquainted with my new system (I was using Open Source software exclusively even under Win), and roundabout half an hour to finally get SL running. But here is another good thing about Linux: help is never far away! Alone in SL we have countless Linux user groups who can tell you exactly how to get your personal viewer up and running. PS: Mac users are often left outside of any computer discussion because they are limiting themselves to a dummy status. They love to pay more for less, they don't want choice, they don't want freedom. But they want the iLifestyle. :smileyvery-happy: Some ppl just can't be helped. Most of them don't even know that their beloved MacOS is indeed nothing but a commercialized and heavily restricted and closed up version of open BSD, a close relative to Linux. Guess what that X in MacOS X stands for? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  11. @ Celeste and Amethyst: you both make very intelligent, reasonable and convincing arguments. But you're too soft and not radical enough. And you get lost in insignificant details. Against griefing idiots like Rudy and his misguided fanclub, who haven't delivered any valid argument since their first posts, I see no reason to stay civil in concurse. Alone the formulation of his last post is an affront against everything good and fair. "ultrasocialist hyperemotional irrational female ranting". That's idiotic bad definition in itself. Either one is a socialist (I am) or not. There is nothing ultra about it. Neither is it hyperemotional to get angry at nerve saws like Rudy. And yes, I was ranting. What's bad about ranting? "he was both a terrorist and a nice guy": Yes of course he was. Is there any definition that states terrorists can't be nice guys? Often terrorism is the only way to get the attention of the masses. And when terrorism comes from the weak oppressed side I'm all for it. "Idi Amin had excellent table manners": What the phuk do I know if Idi Amin had good table manners? How is that in any way important when we're going to define the person of Nelson Mandela? What do these two people have in common ecept they both lived on the same continent. I hate America because I hate carneval de Rio and can't stand the samba, or what? There are many terrorists who became international statesmen later in life. Some even became Presidents of the United States. I personally don't trust in poiticians who where never arrested by the police or who don't have the scars to show of. Former chancelor of Germany Willy Brandt was resistance fighter in Norway during the nazi occupation, a real terrorist ... and loved by the masses lateron. Willy Brandt wasn't even his real name but his underground pseudonym. Also we had a minister of foreign affairs who was arrested by the police for throwing stones at a anti-nuclear protest. These are trustworthy people in my eyes! Nelson Mandela fullfills all the necessary qualifications to be a great president. Oh, and Rudy, regarding your quiz: they are all rotten apples, maybe with the exception of Muammar Gadaffi. Ok, he was a dictator and I wouldn't wanna have him in my bed, but in Lybia people enjoyed more personal freedom, better education, higher paid jobs and a generally much higher quality of life than in most other African countries. Gadaffi donated a satellite for African broadcasting and communication and Lybia had an exemplary health system. Lybian nurses and doctors are a sought after export good.:smileyhappy: And that was what in the end broke his neck: he wasn't indebted to the ICF or IFC or whatever that evil thing calls itself. Lybia was a rich country. Of course the west had to do something against it. Noticed how lately every country running independent from that "International" (USAmerican) bank is ruled by evil "dictators" and "terrorists"? Just look around in South America. Hugo Chavez: loved by his own people, hated by the "civilized" world. Brazil and some other countries experiencing the same. That's all so rotten and ... oy vey, I'm derailing myself now. :smileytongue:
  12. Insinuating that fellow forum posters are evil, because you don't like thier posts No, they are evil becuase their posts were pure evil and totally out of place in this thread. They attacked a nice (and dead) guy for things everyone of us would have done if we were in his place and not being the cowards we unfortunately are. Excuse me, but I found these posts so atrocious, I just had to strike. And their responses didn't help neither since they both didn't take any more steps defending their halfwitted opinions but concentrated on me instead. Rudy by outing himself as a classical griefer and that woman (sorry, forgot her name) by just repeating the same semi-truthiness like a brainwashed chicken. He was a terrorist. Yes, that's a given and everybody knows it. And again I challenge everyone of you to not become a terrorist if you are member of an opressed people, hardly recognized as human being by the oppressors and are denied any chance for eye-to-eye negotiations. And that was something very typical for Madiba's character: you talked with him eye-to-eye, on the same level ... or not at all. He'd rather resort to violence and go to prison before talking from a weaker or stronger position. He killed people? No, he didn't. He bombed some electric overland lines to struck the infrastructure. No dead, no hurt. He ordered killings? No, he was in prison, he was only allowed 1 letter every 6 months, and those letters were controlled, and heavily censored by the wardens and justice department. Inbound and outbound. Communication between the inmates was forbidden as well. Mandela lived in a time capsule for over 20 years. No chance to order any killings. And griefer king Rudy makes a public spectacle of himself by questioning Mandela's ethics just because the man went more soft and clever over the time span of 27 years. He'd preferred Mandela leaving the prison full of blind hate and rage and start a killing spree on the white people? Jeeze, what a rotten individual that Rudy must be. And no, I'm not sorry for calling them degenerates and evil. I stand firmly by that opinion. I'm only sorry that it was necessary to call their foulplay in this thread. I betcha every (like in EVERY) history teacher in school would've kicked 'em out of the class for neglect of socially accepatble behaviour. How they call it in the US? Detention or something? Yes, I'd sent them to detention. They both crossed the line. There isn't even anyting to discuss about. Further I can't understand any one for showing the slightest bit of understanding for Rudy and his female sidekick. Why you do it? Because SA was a stronghold against socialism, communism and democracy and by that a good ally for the USA in Africa? And then this bushman comes along, forgets his place in society and starts some hopelessly hamfisted resistance against the system? How dare he? Let's call him and his so-called party terrorists, declare them as illegal and let's get rid of 'em. Something like that? Obviously Rudy and his girl still believe in the crap for some reason or another.
  13. Linden owned waterways would have to be able to rezz objects on so you can sail on them.. Don't we have enough of a squatter issue on Linden land? I can just picture people rezzing al sorts of things on the water ways. Houseboats, large ships, undersea cities.. all sorts of crap. No. Look at Blake Sea for example, all the BS sims have a rezzable NE-corner, still you don't see any squatting in the Blake. Autoreturn takes care of everything when there is no avie sittting on it. So medium or long term squattting there is impossible. And most LL owned waterways don't allow rezzing at all, or only on very few marked rez spots, near docks and piers. Same goes for LL routes on mainland: rez areas are far and between and you don't see any squatter building their house inthe middle of the road neither. Another thing about the Heart sims: you guys remember Domus rentals? Domus was a group of guys, rumoured to be LL employees who wanted to make some money on the side. But contrary to the Heart(less) guy they were at least nice enough to turn their huge skysigns to semitransparency after enough of petitioning. And they did grow so fast, we all thought sooner or later they will own the whole fuxxing grid. But then p00f, they were gone. :smileyhappy: I hope we'll see the hearts going p00f as well. Property business is a bish. :smileyvery-happy:
  14. But Whirly, I guess the culprit is already figured out to be OP's R9 290 gpu. It's right now the best card on the market but obviously still unsupported by LL. There is a workaround for it. I don't know how it works exactly but I'd ask OP to look for similar threads regarding Nvidia GTX 7xx cards who suffer the same problem. Far as I know you can manually add those cards to the gpu table in your viewer.
  15. I'm a long time Windows user, but wondering if SL would run well on a Mac computer. /me shakes her little fists at the sky in anger and frustration, crying out: "Why o why, God? Whyyyyy???" So you wanna get rid of the cholera and trade it in for pestilence? If you want a modern, uncomplicated, maintainence free, secure, save and rock solid stable system, why don't you get a PC (more hardware choice and less expensive than Apple) and install a modern Linux on it? There are so many desktops to chose from these days, from their own classic Linux desktops to nearly identical clones of Windows and MacOS. If you want you may install a new environment every day until you find the one that's right for you. Also you have total freedom to tweak and mod the desktops to your fancy. And the best thing about it: it's all completely free and community driven. So you can find help around the clock in every language you like. Most distros come with an extensive software pack: graphics, browser, office, torrent, media ... you name it, Linux has it. All the rest you can download with single mouseclicks from the quite exhaustive repositories. Also you'll be notified as soon as there are newer versions available and install them with one mouseclick as well. Also there is no need to clean the foxing registry, install antivirus software or a firewall. Starting point: Linux Mint, Manjaro, Makulu, Suse, Linux Light, ZorinOS. These are all good and newbie friendly.
  16. Yes, short to the point sentencs are helpful. It's also important to use correct grammar in your own language, else the translators will produce gibberish. A German guy I know doesn't speak a single word English so he uses the translator all the time. Unfortunately his German is on preschool level as well so all his translator manages to communicate are some atrocities.
  17. I think its pretty appalling how this thread has been hijacked. I'm normally happy to debate economic doctrines and international politics, but not here. It's certainly not the place for personal attacks. The man died. You don't have to like or approve of him, but surely a little respect isn't asking too much? ________________________________________________________________________________________ That! That was also why I so harshly attacked those 2 degenerates in the first place. Fot that I'm terribly sorry and because of it I'll leave Madiba and this thread alone.
  18. Oh, I'm quite sure I know more about American socialists than you know about European ones. That put aside if Rudy and Alicia based their whole chain of arguments on my person, and repeating the same lies about Mandela, I notice a kinda familiar strategy here. One I know from various GOP party leaders. But you're right, I didn't learn anything new about the USA since I'm in SL. After a couple of visits to the US and my daily dose of media consumption I guess I know enough to engage into a discussion with the inhabitants of that strange country. Unfortunately I'm not able to get your mindset and my laguage skills are rather basic, which makes me a loser ... lol, loser was another term I had to learn a new definition of after talking to Americans. So anyway, I was shooting off my mouth about Rudy mainly and Alicia partly, because I found their posts to be very mean spirited and yes, evil! And they were worded and spun in a way I only know from certain Americans of the unlikeable sort. I'm quite sure most Americans are decent people but as it always is, it's the most loud and radical aholes that make the greatest impression. So far Rudy and Alicia failed as representants of the USA, same as I failed as representant of ... oh what do I represent anyway? Just me i guess. Anyway, I failed. Doesn't matter: they tried to tarnish Mandela's reputation and I couldn't let that stand. Particularly since they attacked him for all the wrong reasons.
  19. In the meantime why don't you visit Fanci's Deep in the Sailors Cove estate, if you don't mind sharing the space with some pirates. Fanci's Deep is a 4 sims square and recently changed its owner after the RL Fanci Beebe passed away. I guess Nber Medici and MarkTwain White of the USS, Balboa and Honah Lee estates took over that part of Sailors Cove and dedicated it to merfolk and pirates.
  20. Me too pleez!!! And you're sure it jumps on the targetted person without them having to accept? My avie's name is ... surprise here ... Orca Flotta, and I wanna molest some of my overly sexy and yummyummy friends. Particularly that bish that always wrangles me down to the ground in public places. :smileyhappy:
  21. Okay, my second mistake in one night. First I thought Nelson Mandela was a great man until I was corrected. And now I stand corrected on Korean lettering. I don't know **bleep** about either Japanese, Chinese or Korean but I notice these square symbols are always in the titles of Korean movies.
  22. Okay, I have to admit I relied on rather helpless argumentation here, against some forumites (probably of USAmerican background, judging by their same old argueing style) but I'm really, like really really, fed up with the always same **bleep** of sprinkling falsehoods and straight lies and plump propaganda into our eyes. That sounded like a Rep party congress. Most telling were their tries to attack my person rather than defending their own weak arguments. If I sounded like a bigot I'm most sorry. since I hate bigots. But let's not forget this thread is about Madiba's death and they turned it into a witch hunt for Orca. Sorry for letting them get on my too thin skin. Yeah, correct, I'm a ultrasocialist. Of course, every socialist is regarded as ultra according to the American view. Next you tell me Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and other leaders were bad guys as well ... and while at it, let's add Gandhi and Mother Teresa to the list. Right, I let my emotions take over, so yes, I fell victim to their strategy. So, that proves Mandela was a bad guy, doesn't it. I singlehandedly ruined Madiba's reputation. :smileysad:
  23. Is the World Round or Flat? Flat with some pimples on it. Or are you referring to the quasi-religious warfare between the flat- and high heel fashionistas?
  24. If difference means ordering the death of hundreds then yup, he made a difference... Proof or it didn't happen. From terrorist to politician to saint, what a f`ed up world we live in... And in what kind of mucked up world would we live in without him? You rather deal with the white supremacists and capatalist fascists of the old South Africa? I guess you USAmericans are just jelly coz so many African countries are sick and tired of your politics and rather orientate themself to the north and east. Be happy with your oilfields and polluted swamps in Nigeria and leave the other nations out of your evil games. After Ghadaffi was killed and that money source dried out we rather deal with Russia and China directly than taking the long way round by negotiating with the middle-man USA. You guys have nothing to offer anymore.
  25. Amanzimtoti bombing incident in 1985 When Mandela was clubbing rocks on Robben Island and definately not part of the ANC's armed military wing. He himself actually blew up some electricity poles with no harm done to any humans. He never killed anybody but was, quite the contrary, strictly opposed to any violent action after some years in prison. The idea of truth & reconciliation formed in his head quite early. In fact the whole world hoped for an violent end to the apartheid fascists while Mandela in his stubbornness always insisted on negotiations. He was one of the very few who saw there is another way to end the problem than just a brutal revolution. It's true he co-founded the Umkhonto we Sizwe. And it's true he was a sympathizing with the Communinists. But hey, what straight thinking person doesn't sympathize with communism every now and then? He was under the impression of some terrible actions by the SA security forces at that time and thought fighting is the only way. In fact most of the leadership of the ANC underwent combat training in Russia. The truth is well-known and in no way does anybody try to eliminate it. Of course neaarly 27 years of imprisonment gave him ample opportunity to make up his mind, and change it multiple times. Does that make him a bad man? Let's not forget who put him into prison in the first place. An unbearable ultracapitalsitic fascist racist system. A system that had to be fought. With violence if necessary. I can understand Mandela's mindset back then as well as his mindser in later years. Of course the movement was impotent. They had no money and were under every kind of control by various secret agencies. So operations weren't easy. And what do you mean with "the rest of the world came to its rescue."? Apart from some boycots and student protests the rest of the world did **bleep** all! It was Mandela's stance, his willpower and his presence alone which opened the hearts, heads and doors to freedom. Against his own party's agenda he always meant freedom for all, not just the blacks. Indians, coloureds and blankies, they alll suffered from the fascist regime as well. My memories are neither sanitized nor nostalgic. I only studied the history of SA after I moved here in 2002. I grabbed every book available on the subject, particularly of the fresher history and made up my own mind. Believe it ot not. My previous comments stand: Mandela was a great man and a great leader. Was he flawless? God, no! He was a vain, stubborn character, which is kinda the norm within born leaders. Was he a saint? No no no! At least in my eyes he wasn't. But that's not a problem since saints never get into any position to influence the world's history.
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