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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Why would you post to a thread, and to the person, that you claim drives you the wall? I'd think you want to ignore the thread and post somewhere else. Good grief. Why would I do it? Because I am me. Simples. And I usually don't care about what other people think I want to ignore. Sure I’ve read it. But, none of that is relevant here. It is relevant in so far as I expected her to first collect some data, harmlessly ... and then in conclusion will blow us all away with a verbal Chuck Norris roundhouse kick. And her posting history proves me right. She shows all the symptoms of a paranoid personality, paired with an ill will and general hatred against everything positive and constructive. You seemed to think it mattered how well I knew her when you posed this comment to me: Because your earlier statement showed that you are obviously blind/deaf and underestimating Prok's power. Or you are of the same mindset, but then I see no sense in continuing this conversation. After derailing with a personal attack, you now want to point out that this is a discussion forum? haha What personal attack? I didn't attack anybody, was just stating an opinion about what I think will follow. No derailing neither. And after being called a techno communist (tho not personally either) in one of her usually splendidly formulated but totally whacky attacks as if it's a bad thing to be a commie, I guess I have permission to payback at every occasion. Fotunately the more technically inclined forumites here have obviously stopped Prok dead in her track. So my "help" wasn't even necessary. LOL Proks not a conservative. (I'd bet money she voted for the current US president) Also, I'm certainly not a conservative. So what are you aiming for with your additional snide remarks? See? You have obviously never read the blog or forum posts of the queen of snide remarks. And if Obama is not a conservative who then is? There isn't much spare room to the right side of Obama. Afterall he's the president of a fascist country isn't he? You're absolutism statement of "all bad things". Maybe you should go check the thread of fallacies? Well, I find hurtful content in nearly everything she ever wrote. So it's all bad. Simple. And I read the thread about fallacies and could only subscibe to maybe 25% of what was made out there to be fallacies. What's wrong with a preemptive strike? That's how wars get started, and continue, needlessly. As your country had proven time and again. And I'm sory I fell into the same trap. It's also bad forum manners and against the forum posting guidelines. (personal disputes, etc) It only becomea personal dispute once Prok decides to confront me and trample me into the dust personally. She has the intellectual power and the fanvcy vocabulary to do that. But at least in that one point Prok and me are in the same boat: we both don't care much about decorum and manners in a forum. You behaved badly, and now you're digging a deeper hole by trying to justify it. My hole is already deep enough. I only need some more digging to break through in China ... which wouldn't be the worst outcome. I could end up in the USA instead. Now that would be bad though. Besides I'm not trying to justify anything cause there is nothing to justify.
  2. the real world is determined by where you are standing at the time..not by where you are not.. Not necessarily. I don't need to stand in the palestinian desert to know how the ppl suffer. I don't have to live in the jungles of central/south America to know how they are fighting against the oppression. But I guess I receive and read far more international news than the average US citizen. And the general opinion about US politics and culture is clearly a negative one. Well, we were all nasty people on this little planet so we deserve to live in interesting times. The next couple years are going to be very interesting, particularly for your country. I have a hunch somehow that there is a huge conflict brewing.We'll see what the outcome will be.
  3. Shar, the 295 is still a very capable gpu and with 6 GB of RAM you're on the safe side as well. That leaves us with 3 possible candidates responsible for your lagging problem: 1) your machine, drivers, OS, usage Are you actively maintening your computer? Clear the registry regularly (assuming you're on Win)? Do you run a lot of other software as well, while being logged in SL? Torrents, surfing, rendering jobs in photoshop ... all that crap? Are your drivers up to date? That's kinda important. You can even tell Nvidia on their website to send you an email once a new version becomes available. Are your components maybe running hot? Clean your computer regularly cause only clean hardware is cool hardware. You got some antivirus crap active? As we all know they do more harm than good. Back when I was still on Win I never had it on. The best virus protection sits right between your ears. :matte-motes-nerdy: 2) your connection Have you done a speedtest, tracert? If they don't show the expected results complain with your ISP. Are you plugged in or connecting wirelessly? Always plug in! Sharing the connection with others? Kick 'em off when you are on SL! 3) your viewer settings There is a manual (I forgot where to find it) that shows how to set up your gpu on the hardware side and what graphics settings to chose in viewer. Are you on a recent viewer? Only the latest version will do! Please send your system info as well so the experts here can help you better: start SL but don't log in - upper menu bar - Help - About [your viewer]. Just copypaste the whole text and send to this thread.
  4. I have one quesion. Who decides which world is "real"? Uh, I guess the 99.7% of the world that isn't the USA, but nevertheless suffering from it, is the "real" part.
  5. Who are you calling a conservative? Stand up and say that! /me obliges and slightly lifts her ass ... Hi, my name is Orca. Some of you might know me as anarcha-feminist, open software propagandist, anti-fascist, anti-captalist, socialist and some other things. And I do herewith declare that 99% of USAmericans are fundamental arch-conservatives. Even your so-called liberals are considered far right wing in the real world. /me stares angrily at the podium, sits down her bum again and waits for the bouncers to escort her out of the town hall.
  6. Over-exaggerate much? Porky, I told you 3 trillion times (at least!) that I don't over-exagerate! Never! NEVER EVER!!! :smileymad: Grrrr! :smileymad: :smileyvery-happy::heart::smileyhappy:
  7. No one should be *required* to learn the mechanics of how browsers work to log in, that's ridiculous. That would be like requiring everyone who drives a car to learn the mechanics of internal combustion. That's not how normal life works, where there is division of labour and division of knowledge and expertise. Where I come from an introduction into internal combustion is part of the theory lessons in driving schools. Also you're required to know how to change a flat tyre, lighbulbs, spark plugs. Nothing deep, just the simple stuff. That is how normal life works! Can't be stranded on the roadside for trivial stuff like that and call out the automobile club. Not if you don't wanna make a total ass of yourself. I didn't understand the part about division of labour and knowledge/expertise. In order to make stuff work, i.e. driving and maintening a car, you need both.
  8. Do you think that mocking and taunting people is the way forward for a better SL forum, better communications, or better anything? Because, the person doing those actions in this thread, isn't Prok, it's you Yes, I know and I'm almost having a bad conscience now that you've opened the drama can. All I know is that Prok drives me up the walls ... in all aspects. Her personality, her arguing style, her political views. Just about everything. Ever read Prok's blog? Cringeworthy is a tame way to describe it. Besides it doesn't really matter who knows her better, does it? This is a discussion forum, not a place for misplaced loyality or whatever conservatives understand as loyalty. It's just as Solar wrote: Prok has a history of all bad things, so I jumped at her. Call it a preemptive strike. What's wrong about that? And it's not just me neither. In every blog and every discussion about SL Prok is used as an example for the negative sides of SL.
  9. NONE of which warranted a snide personal remark. Seems you don't know the generallly feared Prok very well, Celest. She's famous for her snide personal remarks and general hostiity. But she's not stupid and kinda knows how stuff works in SL, so I assume she has something up her sleeve she'll release very soon. And it will be a deadly blow on Moscow and everything fun, mhm. :smileysurprised:
  10. No one under 18 can access the internet in my home without supervision. Under 18? Didn't you maybe mean under 8? What 17 y/o worth their salt didn't have sex at that age or at least knows how it works?
  11. Cerise Sorbet wrote: Because rigging (but that's not in the part of the cache Prok is worried about.) As we all kinda know where :matte-motes-evil:Prok:matte-motes-evil: is coming from she's worried about us having a better experience and actually something nice. And she just can't have that! Don't you understand it, you liberal leftie techno commies? :smileyvery-happy::smileytongue:
  12. Many many SL resis don't understand the technicalities and correlation of scripts and lag. Neither are they interested in these things. And many more ppl wouldn't think about creators being so stupid to put resizers into every prim of a hairstyle. Also there is no easy way to see your scripts and the impact you might have on the world. A simple script counter and lag meter/alarm should be built into every viewer. Maybe just like in the lag meter but visible without having to activate it from the menu. If your scriptcount goes above a certain level a bright yellow/red blinking light shall show up on your screen. I guess this would be rather simple to do. And it would certainly make ppl more aware and cautious.
  13. I don't see why anyone would shoot down such an idea. When Philip made SL he and his people didn't think about alts. Call it lack of foresight or call it just a belief in customers with a more healthy mindset. And nobody could know back in 2003 that ppl would ever own more than 2 or 3 outfits, 1 house and 1 vehicle. Back then it was Your World, Your imagination, so the main attraction in SL was on creation, creating your own stuff. And you can give your own stuff out to all your alts, friends, strangers. And you can even sell it if you want. Nobody could foresee that anybody would ever make a RL business from selling virtual items. Anyhoo, every alt is on its own account. Technically there are no mains and alts. If an item is no trans it is - surprise! - no trans! That makes even sense since many items need to be copiable (i.e. vehicles). If you have an item that is copy/trans you can open a store and sell it. This would be the end for many creator's biznizzes in SL.
  14. 1) tl; dr 2) you surely won't need all the 63k items all the time so pack your unused stuffz in boxes. That will keep the numbers down 3) what was cool and expensive 7 years ago is old and outdated now. You don't wanna be seen with old clunky prim or painted on shoes or the fancy system hair and clothes in public 4) you can send transferable items to an alt but that's it. Universal inventory won't work because of the permissions system
  15. I can't open the viewer, it comes up with that message before the viewer appears and then stops trying to load it. All I know is that my graphics cards are: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2.50 GHz Uh, that's your cpu, not your gpu, hun.
  16. I didn't have any problems, Alyssa. And other people I spoke to didn't complain neither. It's probably some connectivity problem on your side, sorry to say. Here's what you can try to do: 1) general rule: NEVER use wireless! Period. 2) log into an empty ocean region, i.e. Pooley and stay under water. Load your profile and don't move or do anything until it's fully loaded. Depending on your konnekshun it might take a while, so make coffee and sammiches in the meantime. 3) if that doesn't help conduct a speedtest, preferably to Dallax/TX. Datz where LL's biggest server colo is. Reslut doesn't look like anything your ISP was promising you? Then get geeky and do a Tracert to Linden Lab and see on what hop you have the worst ping. With those data (speedtest + tracert) call your ISP or last mile telephone line provider (if on hop 2 or 3) and COMPLAIN!
  17. Yeah, GOS is always a good choice. They are foxing expensive so your ladyfriend knows how much you care for her. Also they are extremely well made and stylish. If you really really love her get her a pair of GOS's wellingtons. :smileyhappy:
  18. Ahoy Joy :smileyhappy: Ya, Nvidia is the way to go, even though I don't know **bleep** about AMD other than mine burned out after half a year of doing duty on SL. And in Nvidia the most important thing about deciding on the gpu are the letters at start (GTX is better than GT) and the first two digits following that: i.e. GTX760 tells you the card is the lastest generation (7) but a mid level card (6). So if you can find a nice latop featuring a GTX580 or 670 or 660 it's still better than one with a GT720. The x6x cards are traditionally the best 'bang for bucks' cards in Nvidia's lineup.
  19. You'd sit in the chair and another would appear. Your guest would sit in that new chair and another would appear. There was always an empty chair. That was a function in the Mystitool. I ooved that thing but have abandones it since years coz it lagged everyone around me down. I know of regions where the Mysti even was banned from. But I've seen the chair replicating thing in other furniture as well, seems to be a kinda easy script.
  20. Uh ... errr ... yes, I guess so. SL with all its pretty avies and breathtaking builds and stunning landscapes would lose a lot of its appeal on a text pad. Right?
  21. (I'm noticing more and more people switching to Singularity lately.) Ya, Czari, that's us oldbies. We are too inflexible to learn new tricks just to have a worse experience viewer that works almost as nice as the old V1.
  22. Okay, after being negative on other's posts now maybe some productive suggestion: 1) ask yourself in alll honesty, do you really need a laptop? And I mean NEED, not want. 2) ok, you need a laptop, so be prepared to fork out quite abit of money. And be prepared to pay more for less. 3) in order to have a somehow satisfying SL experience you need a gaming laptop! No business or multimedia stuff but GAMING!!! 4) all the specialized little brands like Alienware, Razer and similar are good but also unreasonably expensive. 5) imho the best gaming laptops for the masses are made by Asus and MSI. 6) don't expect your gaming lappy to be any sexy or lightweight or have a good battery life. Trust in big, fat and clunky machines with lots of airvents. Your lappy wil get very hot so you don't wanna operate it on your lap anyway. 7) you want a matte anti-glare display 8) forget CPU specs, you don't need the latest i7 but any i5 or even i3 will do the job quite fine. 9) the most important part of your lappy is the GPU. Go for a Nvidia GTX series, no less than 660 or 560 will do. 10) No! If you're not a millionaire who can buy a new power lappy every 6 months you don't really wannna go the laptop route. Trust me, I'm a burned child ... as is my poor formerly powerful Asus lappy. It's still a pretty brick but a brick nevertheless.
  23. I'm no expert, but I would get the hottest gaming laptop I could afford. Perhaps like one of these. Um ... no. Alienware has lost a lot of their former glory and is easily blown out of the water in all aspects these days: price, quality, specs.
  24. Your gonna need one with at least 1 terrabyte hard drive that should cover the bells and whistles of the minimum requirements You know what a hard drive is, do ya? So what has the storage size to do with SL performance, Pookey?
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