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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Sony Vaio are overpriced crappola, sorry. They look nice but have very high return rates at the stores.
  2. PookeyBear wrote: 25 people in an area are going to use different viewers so 25 peope are going to see everyone differently **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":robotwink:" title="Robot wink" /> Why are there 300 or 400 different Linux distributiions? Same reason: the code is Open Source. Everybody and their granny can take the kernel code and mod it to their fancy. Of course not all distros and viewers are good for everybody. Some may want their Linux to look and feel like Windoze, some want a MacOS experience, some want their SL viewer to look and feel like V1, some want the V3 GUI. As long as everybody is prepared to do some market reserach it's all cool and groovy.
  3. I don't think we are at odds at all. I didn't mean to be confusing in my ironic style of my response. To be honest, it's not the first time I heard that analogy used, and I know what people are using it for. Usually it's immature teenagers using it to get away with cheating. I just happen to not like it. Yeah, I don't think we're at odds neither. You usually make a very mature and intelligent impression and I was rather shocked seeing you "slipping up" so badly in this discussion. LOL Mea Culpa! No, just a dispute about terminology Hugs my new Forum Friend **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> /me hugs right back.:heart:
  4. @ Karen Michelle: sorry, english is my 3rd language so not as fancy and confusing as yours ... [i'm ignoring your bait to tell those less fortunate than us here in this forum that they are all a part of the Game of Life and that they are "Losers". Within the context of this thread everyone else understands what my point was.] I didn't. Or, wait, yes I did, and I found your point terrible. How dare you using the terms game and life in one sentence? How dare you even thinking in such categories? Social darwinist much? Life doesn't per-se have winners and losers. Life is only Life. My point exactly! We [humans] assign the "Win" status based on our own experience and egotistical view of life. Wrong. Only some sociopaths and egoists are doing so. You assigned the title of "Loser" to a wide class of individuals in your comment. No I didn't! Not my fault that you're thinking in such wicked ways. All those people you have named are situationally experiencing tragedy. Those who survive will of course "go another round." Are they entertained? Based on your narrow use of the word, of course not. Based on my POV, Yeah. Surviving allows them to strive for a better life! A better life experience. Narrow use? Narrow use of a word (entertained) that describes a very specific state of being and can't (or shouldn't) be used in a wider definition. By the way, they strive for a better life, often they just strive for a life. Entertainment and playing games isn't on theri mind. If you call that a better experience it only shows how far you distanced yourself from reality. How dare I can't believe that you applied our conversation today in this thread regarding gaming to real world issues? Why are you even here? The abstract discussion of Life as a Game has no place in the discussion of real world pain. Or does it? Did I? No I didn't. It was you who made the very bald, hurtful and very wrong statement "Life itself is a game!" I can relate to the rest of that paragraph, but one thing confuses me: why did you contradict yourself? .... snip ... Are these children in a game? Of course they are. No! They are not! They are trying to survive, which is soooo much removed from any game as possible. Are you really such a spoiled brat that you can think about a game when when you see them dieing on the telly? They are in the Game of Survival. They are the mercy of their local village and it's ability to survive in the wider geo-political Game of Power. Politics is a Game of Power! Criminality is a Game of Power. Those [such as the starving children in Africa] are held hostage in these realities. Same question again: how can anyone think in these analogies? Is it a specialty of the anglo-saxon language and culture or are you really such a primitive brute? Feel free to apply my response to the remaining examples of "Losers" in your comment Orca. I just did, didn't I? Orca, So what part of my General notion of Life do you not understand? Huh? I'm not discussing your general notion of life, I just complained about your totally mucked up and insensitive analogy. And thinking about it, I guess it's really an anglo-saxon thing, since most languages don't feature such wrong analogies.
  5. It's not really too smart to deny reality. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist, or that you're any more safe from their indirect effects. Ain't I? Why not? Arrgs.:smileyindifferent: And I was just feeling so smug, it felt really good. As a golden rule I never click on any adverts on the interwebz. I also never open emails from strangers but delete them at once ... if they somehow escape the email service's spam folder. Oh, and I don't take candy from strangers and I always look left and right before I cross the road. What evil thing could happen to a good girl like me?
  6. What ads? /me looks around, puzzlefied and confuserizered
  7. Life itself is a game! You enter it by birth and exit it by death. The goal is [Yes there is a Goal] to have, from your own point of view, the best life you can experience. You don't always get what you want but you do get to deal with all you experience as you are able to do. Can you please discuss that point with starving children in Africa, with crime victims, with laid off workers who can't pay their bills anymore, with flood and earthquake victims or civilians caught up in a war. Tell them they are losers and ask if they felt sufficiently entertained and if they care for another round.
  8. was merely pointing out SL is a just game. /me makes note to self to avoid becoming part of your game then.
  9. I for one am happy they are gone and, as a road user, I sincerely hope they'll never return. Can't even begin to count how many photo ops were ruined by the sudden appearance of one of those robot vehicles and how many traffic accidents they caused.
  10. Way too long and what's up with that crappy pop music?
  11. Great initiative, Ted. Thanks for doing this, it might be helpful for new boaters. I'm sailing in SL since 2007, and as most older sailors I know my way around all the waterways, all the serious yacht clubs and rez spots, so for us old salts it's not of much use. But I must say you picked a nice parcel there, on Nautilus Island's Southern Channel, right in between Blake Sea and Bingo Strait. From there you have hundreds of navigable water sims at your disposal. Why don't you swing by Triumphal Yacht Club (in Triumphal sim, d'oh) for a cold one and some salty talk?
  12. Intel i5 2500K 32 GB DDR3 1800 Intel 530 PRO SSD 240GB Asus GTX 660 TI OC (Texture Memory is set down to 256, because it seems like SL cant handle the 512 as max) I run a 200/200 mbit fiber optic network which is cabled. (and Maximum bandwidth is just default at 500 kpbs) /me drools Windows 7 64bit /me mumbles "pfff" Jokes aside I would usually hint on checking your network or your settings but with your setup I can only see one possible culprit: your viewer. Assuming you're still one of the few diehards who use the LL viewer my only remommendation is to switch to something better. FS, Sing, Cool, pretty much every TPV is better than LL's own offering. Oh, and set your texture memory to 512, dammit. SL can handle it very well!
  13. What you received are boxes, not folders. These are actual physical objects you have to rez out and unpack. I know it can be a hassle, particularly for n00bs or when you don't have a home or don't know of any rezzable place. Find a sandbox or use a Linden Route, as they often have rez areas at intersections and crossroads. Or, even better, use any Blake Sea sim, as they all have rezzable NE corners. Once you have the box rezzed you can open it either with a simple leftclick (the newer ones) or right click and chose unpack from menu. The content then will be transfered to your inventory. And pls don't forget to tidy up after you're done.
  14. Neither nor. More specifically: - SL isn't a game by any definition. If it were I wouldn't be here. - Second Life is a second life, not an extension of my first one. I'm quite content with my first life, thankyouverymuch, so I'm having a totally different one on SL.
  15. Why do people feel it's necessary to delete their accounts? If I would ever decide not to play SL anymore I'd just let little Orcsipoopsie vegetate in server nirvana. Avies tend to stay crisp and fresh in there and are always ready for a comeback.
  16. Nee, nich in der Reihenfolge. Um Gottes Willen! :smileysurprised: Das waren einfach nur so Hausnummern, die meisten Sachen auf der Liste mache ich ja selber nicht mal ... und das nach fast 7 Jahren in diesem Kasperle Theater. In virtueller Realitaet saehe das ungefaehr so aus: Segeln, Yacht Club organisieren, Regattas organisieren, Rennen, Spammen, Bloggen, Arrogant und Gemein sein, Motorrad fahren, Bloggen, Leute aus meiner Friendslist kicken. Photographieren, Boote testen ... und dann irgendwann mal neue Haare kaufen, und noch seltener Klamotten kaufen ... und dann ganz am Schluß kommt natuerlich noch der Sex.
  17. Nobody in their right mind would ever even dream about shopping or gimping their SL pics. NO! NEVAH! I just tested it with my own profile pic and here is the shocking result after some cartoonification and adding of softglow: And this was the RAW shot: Seewhat I did there? It's just too freakish. Nobody should ever cheat like this!!!
  18. Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 That is an ok-ish graphics card, NOT a very good one.
  19. 1) SL ist KEIN Spiel, sondern eine virtuelle Welt, ein zweites Leben sozusagen. Daraus folgt ... 2) es gibt kein Ziel, keine Levels, keine Experience Points oder aehnliches. Daraus folgt ... 3) du musst selber wissen was du tun willst, genau wie im richtigen Leben. Und da gibt es doch jede Menge Aktivitaeten; tanzen, ficken, bauen, managen, Vehikels aller Art bewegen, Schoenheits OPs, einkaufen, erforschen, rumhaengen, arbeiten, diskutieren ... und, ja, auch spielen! 4) SL hat eine steile Lernkurve und kann Anfaenger ziemlich schnell ueberfordern, deshalb kommen Viele nach dem ersten Besuch auch nicht wieder. Die Betreiber von SL, Linden Lab, setzen dich also heutzutage einfach auf irgend ner Insel aus? Die Dummkoepfe. :smileymad: Musstest du denn wenigstens erstmal den Lehrpfad durchlaufen? 5) wir haben eine Search Funktion, darin kanst du suchen was dich interessiert. Außerdem sehr hilfreich ist die World Map, darin kannst du rein- und rauszoomen und siehst wo Leute sind. Und dann teleportierst du einfach da hin und guckst was die da machen. Ist wahrscheinlich irgendein bloeder Dance Club. Na ja, wer darauf steht ... 6) kein SL gleicht dem anderen, wir machen alle unterschiedliche Sachen hier. Deshalb musst du auch erstmal wissen was du willst, bevor irgend jemand dir konkret helfen kann. Wenn du z.B. segeln willst: Hallo, schoen dich zu sehen. Lass mich dir ein Ohr abkauen und mit Freebie Booten ueberschuetten und dich in einige Yacht Clubs einladen. Du willst eine Familie gruenden, Rollenspielen, Fashion Model werden? Sorry, keine Ahnung, such dir nen anderen Mentor. :smileyindifferent: Du siehst schon, so einfach ist das Alles nicht. Was du in SL in allerster Linie brauchst ist Antrieb und Einfallsreichtum, sonst endest du bei den Losern die in den Welcome Areas rumhaengen. Und das will nun wirklich keiner.
  20. I always get confused by all them funny animals but if Saucy Salamander is 13.10 then we're expecting Mint 16 at the end of November. Can hardly wait ... if I don't switch to Manjaro before that.
  21. Yeah, Klisties, to each their own. I freaked out as you but I'm proabbly even more stubborn than you and haven't stopped freaking yet. :smileyvery-happy: V2 was a stillborn baby, certified. Maybe V3 is better but I've lost interest in LL's own viewers much earlier. Started using Nicholaz viewer in mid 07, when I was still a n00b, liked it a lot on my weak laptop I used back then ... and never went back to LL. Only once for a test of V2 but that didn't last long. And, sorry to say, I use almost all buttons in the taskbar regularly and often. Minimap and Worldmap I have open very often (I'm a sailor), Search sometimes, Radar is one of my fav applications, Communication very often and I even use the Fly button from time to time. My connection from South Africa always has latencies between 300 and 500 ms so I live with some lag and slow response all the time. And flying up with the arrow key often just doesn't lift me of the ground but sends me much too high once the command gets computed, while a click on Fly always does the trick perfectly. Also I don't understand your graphics preferences. I want eyecandy, dammmit. Else I could play SL on a text-only application. I have everything maxed out except shadows and am almost always on DD 256 and still get 20 - 60 FPS.
  22. Zacly! And to add to that, what would we get from Steam? Probably For sure LL's own viewer, a viewer only a minority of residents are using anyway. But nice to see how the lab is again following a wrong path and placing their bias on irrelevant crap.
  23. Good example, Celest. Sing is the perfect choice for us connoiseurs of the clean and uncluttered V1 style. I can understand that people, who only came into SL after the introduction of V2, prefer the new GUIs better. It's always what we're used to which we like best. I felt kinda disconnected from SL when I tried V2, as if I was looking at the world through a filter, rather than being in it. Too much going on, too many of my most used features were hidden somewhere or in illogical places. V2 was simply not for me. Fortunately the Singularity crew are doing a super job keeping the V1 style alive and up to date. They are doing much better than the FS guys.
  24. No solution, me's much too clueless to find any solutions ... but why don't you just use the BEST *buntu out there, a.k.a. MINT? No problems and no tricks needed to get my viewer running. I'm using Mint 64-bit btw and run Singularity 64 on it. It's all good and with some luck we'll get better Nvidia drivers with Mint 16. :smileyhappy:
  25. Oh well, a Linuxers life ain't easy, is it? But then we are (supposedly) much more cleverer than those Winapple dummies. Ugh, no, at least I'm not. But I was a good listener and did what my linux guru (/me winks at Jeannie) told me to do: use Singularity viewer! Fortunately I'm a longtime Singularity fangirl so it came in just handy. Also Sing can, contrary to LL and FS, run in 64-bit mode. \o/ YAY! \o/ Went off LL viewers in 07 and never looked back, not even once.
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