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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. KIDD for all sort of grass. I second Lilith Heart and Botanical. If number of prims matter to you, you should be aware that some big trees can easy use up 20-30 prims, while newer versions can be big and look good for 3-4 prims. You will need a good graphic card to see these plants at their best. Organica too. And Forest Feast, they have a huge range of flowers "English garden style". Lots of 1 prim flowers. For sim border islands and waves, Real Waves by Antreas Alter. Naiman Broome has a lot of nice stuff, but when I was comparing those two, his stuff had more prims and was more expensive.
  2. I agree that appearance matters. Sometimes I overhear noobish looking avatars (often men) hitting on female avatars who's clearly spent a lot of time and §L on their look. The same men turn nasty and often accuse them of beeing "Superficial" when they get a cold shoulder. Pot, meet kettle... Also, avatars who moan and complain that they will not spend money on a "stupid game". Often, they beg for money too. So, it's ok for others to spend money on you? For me, an avatar who's well put together send out a signal, that the typist has something common with me. They have taken enough interest in SL to look for items to customize their avatar, they have learnt how to unpack, wear and edit stuff, bothered to get an AO... It is not about spending money, but you have to invest time to learn and search. It is true that male avatars have a much harder time to look good on a budget. I wish LL would have some tasks that was rewarded with a few §L. Let us say a new player could rez a cube - awarded with 5 §L. Resize it and texture it with a texture from the Library - awarded with new 5 §L. And so on. That way they would learn how to use build tools. The tutorials could give the player a total of, uh 50 §L? It would give them something to use, even if some would run and tip a stripper 50§L, lol.
  3. Hatton is even better, since she uses Phoenix. Phoenix viewer will build that "client bridge" and need to be in build enabled land for this to work. Hatton is all water, and has buid enabled and 5 minutes autoreturn. Even if she logs in and TP to Hatton within the first seconds, she will miss that client bridge build, and also start to load the first sim around her. Better to go to "Start location" and <type region name> and then Hatton before she logs in. Or even better, make sure she logs out from Hatton before she clears all and restart her computer.
  4. Hi, I am not sure if I get what you are saying... "Painted on lashes"? Do you mean the eyelashes you can change in edit appearance, or painted eyelashes over/under the eyes, on the skin itself? It was a somewhat harsh reply, but I am sure the designer behind Curio skins get so many requests, that it would be impossible to cater to all needs. The skin tone can vary so much depending upon what windlight setting the customers use, the video card and many other things. You use a viewer that support tattoo layers, yes? If so, you don't have to look for skins with freckles. LFauna sell freckles on full face and body for a mere 100L. You can find cheaper freckles too, but then it's often just on the face. So all you have to look for is a skin tone and makeup that suits you. This is great for males who want freckles too. You could try Mynerva skins, they have very cute faces and remind me of Curio skins.
  5. Is it 4 HUDs I can see? Does she need to have these on all the time? Sometimes it is necessary to cut down on scripted items. Phoenix users can click on themself and pick "S.count" from the pie menu. How heavy scripted is she? I know nothing about Open Collar, but I think I have read that it can be heavy scripted. I am sorry if I am wrong, maybe you can ask in some BDSM groups inworld. There may be newer versions. The Hug/kiss HUD, isn't those options built into the Sub AO? The first thing I would do, is to try and see if the Open collar HUD can hold AO stands, walks and hug/kiss animation. I hope someone who's used Open Collar themself will answer if it's possible. I would also search the boots, hair and jewelery. That can be scripted too.
  6. I didn't know that either. Very, very good to filter out all the 0L demos! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  7. I should mention that Zaara has a sale earlier in this thread! You have 50% off on ALL items upto the 13th of June 2011, 12 am SLT. Her ethnic inspired jewelery is big, bold, sometimes colorful, sometimes sometimes natural shades of shell, wood and metal. Link to earrings, from Zaara Kohimes own blog. http://zaarakohime.blogspot.com/2009/08/zaara-accessories-statement-earrings.html The Tarika Claws is my favourite. Traditonal: http://zaarakohime.blogspot.com/2009/05/zaara-jewelry-nizam-collection.html The Raga Oyster rings is another favourite, I think I have all these rings: http://zaarakohime.blogspot.com/2010/03/zaara-accessories-statement-rings.html
  8. And this coat from Mr Poet! It can be worn in so many ways, but here is one style with it: http://slookbook.wordpress.com/2011/02/20/instinct/ The coat is sold in differnt colors and patterns, and you get different versions of it, and a sweater and a huge scarf is also included for less than you would pay for a single coat. http://pasch-design.blogspot.com/2011/02/outfit-2011-002.html The quality is just fantastic, but it will sit best on an avatar who doesn't have a huge triangular torso with shoulders set to 100. Manual editing can be challenging for those who is used to just click and use a resizer script. But so much better to edit "old style", and no scripts to lag you down.
  9. SF design, absolutely. This trench coat isn't leather, but a really nice one. One bad review out of 200, that sounds like one with an axe to grind, or a really bad graphic card. https://d3qcduphvv2yxi.cloudfront.net/assets/1225089/lightbox/286060292b766bae2a6ab5c80f5e9bbc.jpg?1277207344 DE design has good textures, a turtle neck like this under the coat? https://d27fcql9yjk2c0.cloudfront.net/assets/2807668/lightbox/DE%20Rune%20Mariner%20Sweaters%20700%20Ad%20copy.jpg?1294667496 You can also check out Fir & MNA, Alphamale and Ducknipple. Ducknipple has some well textured pants for men. Zaara has some really, really great jeans for men. The male stuff is "tucked away" but it is there, in a side room. It's a 50% sale upto the 13th of June 2011, 12 am SLT. The jeans and boxers are a must for every male in SL. The texture and prims are just great. No, I don't know Zaara Kohime, I just own lots of her stuff and my male alt has those clothes.
  10. I think this riding outfit is beautiful. https://d44ytnim3cfy5.cloudfront.net/assets/2366779/lightbox/MdC~victorian%20riding%20JPG.jpg?1287612038 Maybe not 100% correct though. It is transferable, and sometimes it's nice to buy it as a gift.
  11. I agree with you, I prefer my avatar to be slightly "better than real". I have found that I like what I see most when my avatar is 8 - 8 1/2 head. 8 heads just look better IMHO, but all over 8 1/2 head start to look "0ff". But for realistic proportions, this kit can be useful: http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/tutorials/54131-creating-well-proportioned-shape.html#post1276966 I tested this, and it was as I thought, Marianne is just over 8 heads.
  12. Yes, that's it. Donna Flora also has a pair of earrings free or 1L on the marketplace. I try to buy jewelery every time League or Miel is in Fifty L Fridays. Great stuff!
  13. The "Butterfly" set. This is Donna Flora too. Earrings and necklace.
  14. The Camera controls irritates me every time I use V2. 99% of my time in SL is related to taking pictures, where I use Camera control often. It can't be resized. As soon as I click on something else, it disappears. It should stay where I place and size it! It should even remember this and turn up by default when I log in next time, IMHO.
  15. Donna Flora has a lot of Statement Jewelery. Shown here is the "Dreamer" set where the cameo is scripted and actually blinks... Their Easter freebie was out when I visited yesterday, so you should hurry to pick up the Pasqualina set. On the floor in the inner jewelery room.
  16. Hi Mayalily. You can take a look at PM Pixel Mode at the marketplace. Her Baby T's is nice pumps. I know that the creator hesitated to male false feet. She was more or less forced to make shoes with false feet and HUDs because it was all the rage. I am not sure if the HUDs will be easier, much about the false feet is because SL uses outdated avatar mesh that males the hands and feet particular ugly- Another GREAT place for shoes is G Field. Their shoes are affordable and so well made. Their blog: http://gfield-info.blogspot.com/
  17. Hello, is this the first time you try to change your avatar? Have you purchased something before and worn it? I am wondering if you still are in Basic mode. To access your inventory, not just the starter avatars, you need to set it to "Advanced". It is on your login-page, on the bottom there. Make sure you are in "Advanced". You will need to relog before the Advanced settings in applied.
  18. I think you are right, I bet that's prim eyes. The quick solution is to take off the prims and just keep the system eyes that should have the same pattern. If it's included system eyes. Editing prim eyes can be a bit tricky. I found it was best if the creator supplied different sizes. If not, Phoenix viewer allowed me to type in the size under editing the eyes. It means that when one eye had perfect size, I just typed in the same size for the other eye. Same with the placement, I moved my eyes up a slight bit.
  19. Well, 2 years is a long time in SL. Plastik has many similar styles. You can take a look and see. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/25375 And Dark Eden has their "Lilith" set. http://darkedenplaza.blogspot.com/2009/05/new-lilith-mega-sets.html Links may be NSFW, at least in conservative jobs.
  20. Hi, first of all you must understand that people buy land in SL and do what they want on their land, as long as they don't break the TOS. The land owners can eject anyone, if they decide thay want to eject and ban all with blue eyes who refuse to change to brown eyes, they can. They pay a lot of money to LL for their land, why should they not set their own rules? It is like in RL, if you have a nice formal party and a stranger in dirty jeans insist of coming in, they can refuse to have him there. Places in SL is private property. If the club has a dress code, they can eject all who don't follow that code. Here it was obviously human avatars only.
  21. Oops, looks like this thread is dead? I better post more undead looks. Vampire roleplay in SL has a bad name to many, much because of spam bite requests. Imagine you are an amazing roleplayer. Your carefully typed out plots has brought you to the throne. But your minions look better than you... even the fool has a sexy avatar! But you can't buy much §L... All you have is a few 100 you got in tips when you tried pole dancing before you found this roleplay. World's End Garden has some impressive gowns. Join the group and get 2 that can be mixed, and 2 fantastic headpieces. They are not new, but they are always new to some, haha. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Heaven%20Lake/69/120/21 The stockings and shoes isn't just your taste, but these boots are only 19L from the marketplace! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PROMO-Vida-02-Black-Boots/1998185 There you find the fishnet leggings https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Curious-Kitties-FREE-Fishnet-Leggings/1828371 and the bloody lips and parted lips, one set is free and the other is only 1L. So far you only spent 20L! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TW-Vamps-Bloody-Mouth-Tattoo/2092937 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/T-Parted-lips-tattoo-layers-free/1829719 And intense vampire eyes? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lithium-Creation-Husky-Dream-Eyes-Free/1270998 And a good updo for the amazing hat from World's End Garden: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AA-Katie-Hair-Darkbrown-curly-updo-hairstyle-PROMO-OFFER/1995654 All you need now is a skin, and the Dressing room has this Glam Layla grey skin on sale for only 70L http://slurl.com/secondlife/This%20Way/33/156/21 (The contents change twice a month, but it's always at least one female skin on sale there) The marketplace is a good source to freebies and promo offers. You have to go through a ton of junk to find the good stuff, but it's worth it IMHO.
  22. Really good! You look muscular, but not too much! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  23. It can be a bug. I have had this problem sometimes, when objects change permission. In your inventory, it will show as modifiable. When you rez it or wear it, it changes permissions to no modify. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Permissions Since the hair is a freebie, try to get it from another store, and search for it on the Marketplace. (I hope it's not the black "Rocker male" hair... I am so tired of that freebie, lol)
  24. Yep... I think I will post more male looks, because it's simply more difficult. It's free and cheap stuff for females all over! For the roleplayer in you.... A good skin for males. What does it cost? 800 L? 1500 L? How about..... 25 L? Bird Next Door Shinobu skin, silver. Comes with shape and eyes too, not worn. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Karazhan/57/43/21 Open leather coat, SF design. Free in store. Run, don't walk, because this offer is for May, you don't have many days left. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Penryn/69/81/36 Eyes Poetic Color, freebie in Store, "Moroccan nights" Hair, hairbase and chest tattoo from MAD hair. The tattoo is found on the freebie wall, top. Take TP to "Freebies". Tattoo layers: Hairbase (as mentioned abowe) + Coca & Wolf "Bruises + Fangs, The Warehouse. Both 1 L, found on the Marketplace. Finger Tape: Luck Inc, 1 L Sword "Fenrirs tooth" Super Possessed, free in store Necklace: Find Ash, group gift in store. Join group and click board Pants: Phoenix Rising, 25 L. You can find free black pants too, but these has a better texture than most, and sculpted cuffs. I could not find acceptable male shoes or boots, so I used the foot parts of J's engineer boots. They are an old freebie and not available. It's possible to use the Edge Grafica boots here too. Belt: Sey, group gift in store. Join group and click board
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