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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Hi, if you still have problems, try to take a snapshot so we can see. It is often more easy to help. Have you worn the footshape too? That is really necessary.
  2. Yes, it's too late now. I read that so many who have problems with new updates breaking stuff. The installments of new viewers should be manually by default. I imagine LL looses players over this. Try Firestorm, you might even like it!
  3. Aw! That was really sad. What if you sent a Notecard to the owner of LAQ, included the snapshots or a slurl to this thread so she could see it? She should know about this problem. Maybe she has a solution? Are you still using Firestorm? You could also try to ask in the Phoenix forum or inworld group.
  4. Do you have Advanced menu enabled? Ctrl+alt+D. Also enable the Develop menu (from Advanced menu). Try to go from Develop menu to Rendering and turn off both the two "Automatic Alpha Mask" options. Maybe it helps.
  5. Viewer 2 is set up to install new updates automatically. Turn that off, it was a pain in the *** for me. You find it in Me-Preferences- Setup-Software updates. Change that to Download and Install updates manually. Then you download a new version when you aren't happy with the old version, and you can read the forums and see if others are having problems with the newest version before you install it. Often new things work properly first after a few updates. The tip about HTTP texures is good too. And you can try Firestorm if you like to keep the viewer 2 style.
  6. That's true, I keep forgetting that! But the HUD i was linking to has a great adventage - you can type in partial name and you don't need the start either. You can type in a part in the middle. It can be useful, I was in a store where all objects were named almost the same as the hunt objects. It takes some time in sims with lots and lots of rezzed objects, so I only use this in "impossible" hunts. If it has hints and clues, I hunt the old fashioned way.
  7. Can your viewer use alpha layers? I think almost all third party viewers support alpha layers, even if they don't support multiple layers. So if you don't like viewer 2, you can try a third party viewer who is based on viewer 1.
  8. I have the treasure hunt radar. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Treasure-Hunt-Radar/791206 I see there is a HUD from the same seller, and several freebies/dollarbies from others. Like this. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FreebieFinder-36-Object-FinderTreasure-Hunt-Aid/920596 I haven't tried the free ones.
  9. It was a good advice to delete that. The person who gave you the hair might just be helpful, but it is a large pack of stolen hair that's passed around to new people. Best to get rid of it. It is also smart to search for "hair" but sometimes the creator does not name their hair "hair". So what shall you search for? If you bought the hair for less than 30 days ago, you can find it in your transaction history. Go to "Community" on top of your screen, then Classifieds, Account and then Transaction history. Now you can search by date under date range (back 1 week maybe?) and then "View". You should get up a list. I can use an example. I bought a pose pack where the word "pose" wasn't used in the name. It looked like this: Destination: Elysium Eilde Payment Region: Journey Description: *elymode* on your belly & daydreaming at night MM pack Now I know the name, that is what it says behind "Description" and I can search for that name or part of it.
  10. Blogs and MP. Looking inworld takes too much time rezzing so I can find the shop. (Fixed TP in the middle of a shopping sim is not a good idea.) And then I must look at the products and judge if I like it, does it look good, what's the price. The MP is better, even if it's a ton of crap there. Just now I found out the Lisp Bazaar has a 1-10 L outlet. I am so going to visit that inworld, but I found it on the MP. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/37264?search%5Blayout%5D=gallery&search%5Bcategory_id%5D=&search%5Bsort%5D=price_asc&search%5Bper_page%5D=96&search%5Bkeywords%5D=&search%5Bprice_low%5D=&search%5Bprice_high%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_low%5D=&search%5Bprim_count_high%5D=&search%5Bcopy_permission%5D=0&search%5Bmodify_permission%5D=0&search%5Btransfer_permission%5D=0
  11. I am sure you don't have Advanced menu? It is ctrl + alt + D. This will bring up "advanced" on top of your screen.
  12. And hugs to you, I did just the same when I was new. I got a big pack with free skins and tried on one with a pretty name. "Medieval princess skin". It was so ugly!! And I never found the skin I had before I tried that free skin. I also thought I could take off the skin. Sigh.
  13. Yes, I think this can be it. Demos often have textures showing the hair. Can you write down some of the description of the things you see? if you tried different avatars from the library, maybe when you were in basic mode, a copy are moved to your clothing folder. I think the hair and skin and other body parts go to the body parts folder. Do ony of you remember if we were supposed to get the Adam n'Eve avatars? It was some talk about them beeing under lost and found. I forget to check if I got some new things.
  14. I posted this snapshot in another thread. It shows the button that bring up the camera controls, it is called "View". You see the two wheels? The one to the right sends your camera out, the one to the left rotates it. The + and - in the middle is the zoom in, zoom out. Under is an eye icon, click that and you get 3 camera presets. One for a closeup of the face/chest, one for a side view and the default view from behind. Click the face view, that's the quick and easy way. Remember to change it back, or else you will have a lot of trouble walking when you see yourself from the front all the time. Edit: I see that Willow have told you about the view button, but it is helpful to see a picture? I assume you use viewer 2.
  15. And you don't wear prim nails? They have a scripted lock so the hand stays in a open relaxed pose, no matter what other animations you try...
  16. I didn't know the "flipping off" gesture was possible with standard SL animated hands. Could it be that the picture showing the pose had a prim finger, playing the "fist" animation with the prim finger attached where the middle finger is? Is it something like that included with the pose?
  17. I can dress sexy, but also conservative. Depends on my mood, depends on the place I visit. I like men who do the same. Man with bare chests is so common in SL, I actually find them boring. Especially with overly wide shoulders and short arms and crude tattoos. But, a guy in an otfit that fits his body, who is more lean than bulky, a bare chest with a strapped glaive over... Yum. Some made a set of pants - well, I assume it is many of those now - that you could wear is different stages of open/pulled down. Imagine that in certain, ehem, adult scenes. That is more for the private moments. It gives a scene a certain naughty look that I can enjoy.
  18. Oh no, I know that wearing mesh clothes isn't affecting my skin. But the discussion about flexibility is more about what happens when people will make mesh avatars. You can not buy another skin and wear it over the mesh avatar frame. Also, it will be hard to use the sliders, it will not work as editing shapes work today. I have heard wild stories about how mesh clothes will follow the avatars animations, but as far as I can see, the mesh skirt stretches rather ugly. More like the system skirts. Mesh is good, but it will have its own problems.
  19. I was wondering - " Oh and I'm not looking just for "goth" style clothing, though I AM looking for male clothing." Does this mean that you are looking for all sort of clothing, both male and female? Or all sort of female clothing and goth for male? Men have a much smaller section than females. I would recommend http://carthalis.com/ He shows a lot of "Roleplay styles" including armor and futuristic cyber gear. But everyday styles in between. And skin reviews - showing all. :matte-motes-big-grin: He has many darker styled looks. The blogger is a roleplayer in Insilico, if I'm not mistaken. For females, well it is so much. The best you can do, is to follow a fashion feed as http://iheartsl.com/. Here you will see many bloggers, you will probably not like all of them. But those you like, you can bookmark. Maybe this could be one of them: http://nienorsstyle.wordpress.com/ If I should recommend a shop: Daviniel, Dirty Lynx (Shoulder armor!) Ducknipple (Great Marketplace promos) Sinistyle. I recommend searching on the Marketplace instead of inworld. You will find a lot of crap on the MP, but it is gems hidden in between. And Marketplace promos, the Ducknipple ones is very good. Use search words and check only apparel if you look for clothes. Filter it down more if you need. The Marketplace is easier and quicker to browse than trying to find good shops using only inworld search.
  20. What jessica said. I will just add that it was a beautiful ponytail freebie at the Truth District. I hope it's still there. This is a small village, not the big mainstore. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Truth%20District/106/219/33 You will need to join the Truth District Update group. Look for posters that say "Group joiner", click that one and you get a message in local chat that gives you a link to click on. Do that, the group was free to join last time I checked. Then you can touch the big hair poster with the "Becky hair in all colors". The vendor will give you the hair in a pack that you have to open in a Sandbox. It will only give you the hair if you have joined the group and has it activated. The Truth mainstore http://slurl.com/secondlife/Truth%20Hair/104/43/26 has these free gifts: No need to join a group here. The Jess hair that you can see to the right, contains all the hair packs you see below it.
  21. Where do they want the tattoo? If they don't want it on the head/face, you can use the normal clothing layers. As I understand it, it's not possible to use the alpha layer for a tattoo. And I guess they use the alpha layer for shoes or boots now.
  22. It sounds like you have tried a lot of viewers. Earlier this summer, I did a total uninstallment. I also deleted the files manually, emptied the trash, restarted the computer and installed Firestorm. I can not explain this more technically, but this post can perhaps explain it. Do it for all SL viewers you find on your computer. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall It is good to do this once in a while, especially since you tried lots of viewers. The cache can be corrupted with all these installments, and new viewers installed overwriting old ones, maybe something is left. Since you compare SL with a car, think of it as changing your motor oil.
  23. You should post it under Building and Texturing, methinks. Anyway, here is free to use resources for skins: http://sites.google.com/site/another/resources This is an amazing tutorial for using photosourced materials and create a skin: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/e1/246059/1.html Here is a lot of tutorials, including skins: http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2006/11/build.html They may look a bit outdated, but the avatars really hasn't changed at all.
  24. I think that Phoenix remember the Windlight setting you had when you logged out. And you may have accepted a windlight setting customized for a special sim, and then it's the default sky until you change it. This is how I remember it, I have used Viewer 2 and Firestorm beta for app. 6 months. Try to go to sky settings and set it to Default?
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