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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. You have until 31. july to buy at the TULI skin sale. The packs have the same shape as shown on the vendor. I was there yesterday and bought a "Sara" skin, it's Tulis newest and she really does good work. http://tules.blogspot.com/ The skin pack also comes with options for blonde brows, and a cleavage booster and a minimizer, freckles, 6 eyeshadows and lots of lipsticks. You really need a viewer where you can wear more than one tattoo layer with this. I paid 1990 L.
  2. It is really demanding for the computer, yes. But you can also try a lightweight SL client as Metabolt or Radegast. This will not render any graphics, so it can be a bit tricky to use. What you do is log in your main, on your ordinary viewer, and friend your alt. Then log in your alt on Metabolt. You will get a message that you have a friends request, and accept it. Then you can teleport your main av to the dance place, and send your alt a teleport that the alt accepts. Now comes the tricky part, how do the alt sit on a poseball when he does not render SL? He can search for objects near by, and the poseballs will show up by name. Then he can select "Slowdance #4" and "Sit" on it. That's all! Hopefully he will be posed on the blue ball, hehe. If not, he will have to unsit, you sit first and so him. I played with this so I could take a pic of all my avatars inworld the same time, it was no way I could run so many full SL viewers at a time. Sometimes I had an idea of creating SL "Cartoons" but it takes more time than I have. I have not been on Metabolt in 2011, but it is still listed. Same is Radegast. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  3. I have really been playing with makeups lately, 5 tattoo layers just isnt' enough! Hehe. But the hair base often use up one layer. I was so happy with this combination that I have to share: Unedited picture from SL, just cropped. Bigger sizes here and a list over what I wear if you are interested. http://www.flickr.com/photos/27764102@N02/5951063682/in/photostream
  4. I must bite, I haven't posted here in a while. New darker skin and dark hair. And unedited pic from SL, just cropped. Credits here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27764102@N02/5955399031/in/photostream
  5. Glamorize is either a hit or miss for my avatar. But you can't beat the prize. For high quality, more subtle makeups, I really like M.O.C.K. (Mocksoup Graves). Her lipstains and lipglosses really fresh up nude lips without looking false or change the lip form. It must be because they are transparent around the edges.
  6. You say that your desktop icon does not work? Have you tried other ways to open SL, like from the installed programs? Sorry that I have no idea how a Mac works.
  7. I will just clarify that I am 100% with Pussycat, it is the avatar mesh that causes the deforms, not the shoe makers. I tried to edit my reply with pictures, but I could not edit it, probably because the pictures is so big that the edit window are only loading, loading. I tried to resize up my feet to 25, and work with an alpha layer and editing the shoe bigger. The feet is still deformed, even if it looks better. Because I really wanted the floral pumps with prim toes, they look totally adorable!!! How I would love to just wear shoes like that, instead of editing with an HUD. It takes way too much time. I don't like to wear prim feet, but I feel that's my only option.
  8. PM (Pixel Mode) has some of the best prim feet. This is an unedited pictures, only cropped. Shot on Ultra settings and windlight AnaLu...... something like that. The first windlight setting you get up in Firestorm, when you edit sky. I just can't stand shoes with the default avatar feet. the mesh deform so terrible around the ancle. If it was more females working for LL, I bet we got better mesh years ago! This is a very beautiful pair of heels, and not an exstreme style. Pretty classic pumps. Shot on the same settings as over: Of course these shoes will look better in ads, it is possible to turn the camera around and find a better angle, but this is what it looks like when you just wear them. I am also sure some ads are photoshopped a bit. Under is a shoe I demo'ed. The ad had beautiful feet without a dent.
  9. Oracul is not too expensive either. But be sure you try the animations first. Some don't like the walking around. It's few subtle stands there, the Perfect Lady AO is the one I use most. 300L for a whole AO.
  10. I was thinking of texturing the feet with highlights. Baked in highlights and shadows. And I found some.... It's hard to believe it's an unedited SL picture, yes?
  11. Yes, you can wear up to 5 layers of alpha too. On viewer 2 based viewers.
  12. You control what happens to your avatar. So if you want a marriage, you can hold a huge ceremony with a "priest" and all the stuff. Big wedding dress, photographer, bridesmaids. You will have to hire a wedding organizer, or you can do it all for yourself. Just like in RL. The partnering is done by LL, you just ask to partner your beloved, he/she accepts and the "Partner" box is filled out. You can do just this too, and skip the ceremony. Some partner their alt, some partner a friend or partner a business partner. Just like in RL. (Not the alt part) Your avatar can have sex with or without marriage or partnership. Just like in RL. You will have to "sit" on a sex poseball. Usually they are in a bed, but they can be anywhere. I have a bit hard to believe that you know nothing of this but... We can pretend you don't. Just like RL. :matte-motes-evil-invert: For pregnancy, there is SL business. You can buy a HUD that is said to be good. Search for Mama allpa. Your lover/partner/husband has to wear the male HUD. So it is impossible to be pregnant without wearing a HUD. You can buy pregnant shapes or make them yourself. You can buy a talking tummy, but don't wear it so it talks in public. That is annoying and most ppl will mute you because they will not listen to that spam. Then when your "pregnancy" is over, you can visit a clinic and roleplay a birth, with animations and all. The baby is made of prims. You can buy a really crude one, or expensive and detailed ones with strollers, baths and all possible stuff. Having such a baby is expensive, Just like in RL! http://juicybomb.com/2010/06/08/zooby-newborn-bailey/ God, I know too much about this, and never been partnered or pregnant in SL! (And I must type quicker!)
  13. So, I got a new skin, in light Ebony. This skin har highlights down the leg. The problem is when I wear a shoe with prim foot, and the prim foot is one solid color. There are some who has a more realistic foot than others. I could wear light skins with their shoes, it was not noticeable. But with darker skins, the difference is really big. I have seen some shoes with built in tattoos on the prim feet, that you can turn on and off. Why not offer highlights on and off? And freckles. The photo under is photoshopped, I used Dodge and Burn to give the prim feet a bit more shine. But seriously, it must be someone who makes prim shoes with some highlights in the feet?
  14. I am curious, because using Imprudence is not a way to get around bans. So if you can log into Second Life with Imprudence or another third party viewer, you are not banned. Viewer 1 is not a way to bypass bans, IMHO. Have you tried Firestorm? It is Viewer 2 based. I have not used Imprudence, either viewer 1 or viewer 2 version. I have had problems with newer versions of Viewer 2 not recognizing my graphic card. Firestorm let me log in just fine. And run ultra and shadows too.
  15. Ok, I just came home (RL) and it appears that the newest version viewer 2 have massive problems: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Is-it-just-me-or-is-SL-Buggy-Today/m-p/980917 If this is still a problem, try to follow the advice that helped her in the thread I link to over here.
  16. This is is very strange indeed. Even if you had shoes on, "Wear" should replace the shoes worn with the ones you try to wear from your inventory. Can you wear other things? Change clothes? Have you tried to teleport to a different place? Maybe the region you are in, have massive lag and all sort of bugs.
  17. Yeah, or having a male alt! One of the resons I still use him is because I need to look at something sexy and masculine once in a while too. And I don't like the bodybuilder shapes with pinheads, complete with tan skin, who has every detail in the sixpack drawn on. That is such a turnoff. A blond or redhaired male with believable shape and good clothes, then I'm happy. But it's probably a female typist out with her male alt, lol.
  18. My avatar is more a blank canvas. I took these 2 pictures the same day. The one a fan picture of how I imagine Cersei Lannister would look in SL. The other one a plain fantasy image inspired of the fabulous "headdress", lol. Same avatar, Cersei I would say is 10 years older looking than the wild girl.
  19. I second Valeries suggestion of the Marketplace. But If you are new, it can look confusing. Use the search filters, and search several times. Use search words like Wizard, Mage, Sorcerer for the clothes. (One word at a time) Then go to Apparel -> Mens. I assume you are male? The rest you will find under Avatar accessories. Try to narrow down the search there too. They have own categories for canes, staves and wands, I am sure you will find something that suits you there. I could not see any complete outfit with belt and pouches, so you have to buy different items and mix. Sometimes when you attach a belt, the prim robe will be detached. The creators has used the same attachment points. Use "Add" instead of "Wear" and you can use the same attachment point without any hassle. I personally think ViGo has great robes! Their style is very sleek and simple. If you visit their mainstore, look for a box of male shapes on the floor. That can be helpful, you may not need to edit the prim clothes so much. And Lassitude & Ennui for shoes or boots. Their medieval shoes is unisex, and I really like these.
  20. Send me a IM inworld if you want a copy of my male alt's shape. It started as "Male rocker shape" but I changed all sliders. I don't remember the height, he is a bit shorter than the maxed out males but not a realistic height either. I bought prim feet , so the shape will have the ugly default SL feet. Edited: Firestorm measure him to 2.19 m or 7,19 feet . The skin worn here is Ispachi Bjorn.
  21. Most of the time I am a human female. I have other avatars, including male, but they are human too. I have made some sci-fi and futuristic looks lately, so I could say I'm a bit cyborg. I change shape too, but not so much. I do small tweaks all the time, like when I buy a new skin and adjust the lips. Sometimes I do larger changes, like when I changed the jaw to a more square one. My avatars is always thin and fit, and mostly Caukasian. I have tried to make plus size shapes, tried to make a child shape, but that just don't appeal to me. One of my alts is always in darker skins. But she gets new skins and I have changed her a lot too.
  22. No I don't think texturing would help either. My biggest problem with prim feet is that the prim feet often look like a solid color, while the skin has highlights down the leg. So when the false feet meet the avatar leg, that highlight is cut off. I am not sure if I would be able to texture it so highlight meet highlight right. Some skin designers use a bit of skin pores and freckles and moles too. I often think that the best would be that foot designers did this for us, that we could choose different textures first, instead of just tinting. They should include foot textures from the "big" skins. I imagine Curio, Laq, LeLutka, Belleza.... Even if you had another skin, I assume that it is not so many ways you can apply highlights to a leg, and you could find a matching texture and then tint it. Or the best part, that LL would give us Avatars 2! With better mesh so the feet and hands would finally look good. But SL started in 2003 and they haven't improved the avatars since then, so we better have to live with the crappyass avatars for years more.
  23. Since you have lindens to spend, you should use it on sales. This blog covers the most usual events like FiftyL fridays, The Dressing Room, project Theomery and many more. http://therumor.biz/ Let us say you need a skin. You can either buy one at The Dressing Room for 70L, or shoes who normally would cost 450 L. You can look like you spent 3000L instead of 400,
  24. Well, it is transfer, so maybe the creator takes it back. Be nice to the creator when you send him a notecard. All sales are final, that's the policy most stores have. Or you can offer it up for sale? That way you can get at least 150 or 100 L back. You can edit it bigger, it says it is modify. Are you familar with editing? it is always a risk to start editing on a no copy item. Mess it up and it's ruined. You can edit how flexi it is too, but it is harder than stretching. The Ivory Tower of prims has tutorials you can go through, when you edit prim clothes you are using the same tools as when you build houses. But start with a copy first, if you will try it... always a copy first!
  25. I found a collage I did with default windlight in morning, midday, afternoon and midnight. This was a really quick and dirty tinting job, if you look close you can see a small difference in some of the pictures. But it is good enough for me.
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