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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Oh I am sure it will be more protected water. This release was pushed forward so people can get a Stilt house before Christmas. I can see protected water south of the new built houseboats. It is not many, but I believe you can sail around this Stilt continent soon. I do wish they had cut through it with an open lane of water, it would be nice to sail through the Stilts like we sail in a canal.
  2. Nothing beats the landscaping in the Traditionals and the Campers regions, they are unique. That is just my opinion.... Around Lake Tatakaka is maybe the best I have seen.
  3. Yes I agree, those must be Victorian regions.
  4. While waiting, if you can log in, Santa Jake (Jake Vordun) is giving away one thing from his store to all that can get in Fancy Decor.
  5. I am not keeping one unless I get one on the edge of a region next to open water... but I will take my five trials and see what turns up.
  6. I think they work as fast as they can, to get the big release going.
  7. I have a good feeling about it, there will be Stilt houses left when you finish working.
  8. I think it was like this in the start of the other releases too. It is early and it will be more houses.
  9. I am flying around, The Stilt regions go offline all the time and on again. (Red on the mini-map) So I believe they will drop another test region soon - ish.
  10. That is what "test region" means. They let one and one go until all small issues is fixed, and then does the big release.
  11. Very many Stilt regions are red and restarting. That's promising.
  12. I took the Content Creation pack. Interesting to see that they offer interior doors and safety railings. These are no transfer. People who will sell interior walls to split larger rooms, can not sell with these doors. But they fit perfectly in size and style so I suppose... sell walls without doors and offer support for those who can't place their doors in a wall?
  13. I had one in Alagoon, but I decided to let it go and look for better places.
  14. You should be able to go there now and look. Or is it only access to the released regions?
  15. It was only a test region. Many more will come....
  16. Ahhh. Well, then we wait for the big release....
  17. What's the point in filling up Faraday? And what are Moles and Lindens doing there?
  18. Was it not terribly many abandons? Did Patch ask people to wait with the abandons because the page was overrun with abandons or something?
  19. I remember it starting with alphabetical order, then it came all jumbled in no order. I got a log home in Artagan, and it was in alphabetical order so far.
  20. I have turned on auto-refresh so it alerts me when "Stilt" pops up on the website. It is past noon in my timezone and roughly 3,5 hours until office day starts for SL time. I hope it is going to be named Stilt and not Stilts. Stilt houses. A good time for those who does not want Stilts. I have already seen many different types homes abandoned, including houseboats.
  21. Yes, I meant a new Theme, not a region in an already released Theme like Log Homes or others. I have been too busy with baking and Christmas preparations (in RL) to log in so much. But I have seen in the forum that it has been glitches with the website and region problems. I am 50/50 believing in a Stilt theme release before 2021 now. Because I believe SL and the website should be running smoothly before such a big event as a new Theme release. But I don't know how fast issues is worked out, so I am clueless... Yes, a release in 2020? No release in 2020? I have no idea what I believe now.
  22. The sale came as a total surprise because it started after Black Weekend when "every" other store had sales. I think it was smart. It was not so stressful when it was the only major sale, and it lasted a week. I can't remember Maitreya having a sale before. It does not have to be a yearly thing. I think it's worth it to get a Maitreya because of all the "Maitreya only" or "Maitreya, Legacy, Freya only" offers, cheapies and freebies you cant use if you have another body.
  23. Are you a Premium user? If the answer is "no", you can not buy Mainland. It is still possible to rent or buy private land. Be aware that when you buy private land, you are in reality renting. You get landholder rights, but the private estate owner is still the owner. It is impossible to know what you mean is a right price. Prices are totally unregulated in SL. You can rent a house that comes with 300 prims you can decorate with, for as little as 150 L a week. Or you can buy a Mainland parcel by the Blake sea for 100 000 L. (400 dollars) So it is complicated. I would recommend you to take a "Land management " class, they are scheduled to Monday. Especially if you are interested in spending a lot of money. http://nci-sl.info/education/Schedule.pdf If you don't have time to wait, you can always go to the NCI cafe and ask if someone can talk with you now. http://www.nci-sl.info/blog/
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