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Lillith Hapmouche

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Everything posted by Lillith Hapmouche

  1. Black Sunday... Featuring Ison Siyu Velvet Booties / Decoy Katherine Peep Toes / Narcotix Libby Platforms / ROC Martens High Boots / Tetra Air Sneakers which also look fresh and sweet in other colours
  2. What exactly have you tried? Searched them via inventory search, to check if they might have been pulled to other folders by accident? Reset inventory filters? A lot of stores offer redelivery terminals, where you can get a fresh copy of previously purchased items. That might help you, if the items are really gone from your inventory.
  3. Hey, I got a necklace just like that one in that weird thing called RL!
  4. "What? Not done yet with your pics today? Fully dressed now? I mean, no focus on shoes this time? Oookay..." Completely unusual look, but I loved the colours... LeLutka Chloe Head / katat0nik glasses / Phoenix "Linda" hair / The Secret Store "Solic Draped Dress" / Yummy "Bombshell Beads / Izzie's Bento Eylashes applier / #adored "Wednesday Lips Cabarnet Edition" / Veechi "Smoked Out Wing" eyeshadow
  5. If you want to get in touch with LL's official support, you better look at the "contact support" page and probably file a ticket, then keep your fingers crossed. On here, you merely meet other members who can try to help you. You wrote that you tried all suggested fixes, but don't specifically mention if you properly rebooted your router/modem or if you tried logging in to another sim.
  6. No, I totally did not spent half my afternoon screenshotting my shoe collection KC seems to be a hot candidate for a Forum's Favourite, it seems... adding the Cassiopeia Heels: Must have: a pair of nice canvas sneakers, in this case coming from ROC, colour-changing with a 20 colours HUD ... 'nother must have for me: dirty boots! Deadwool Patmos in black... Blueberry Celia Boots, shown in black / light brown colours and flat option, besides the HUD full of colours and the high heel option: And due to the weather of the past few days: Addams rain boots
  7. If we're talking about rigged mesh eyes... never give too much info in your initial post, keep the helpers guessing, they'll love it and feel way more motivated to stay around... there's no repositioning at all.
  8. That's ... well ... a very short summary, to say the least. Erdogan got butthurt over Böhmermann's persiflage aka reading out a "poem" on TV, found some ancient leftovers concerning infringement of foreign majesties and felt it would suit him. Merkel bowed to it, but prosecution didn't deem it worthy of a lawsuit. The paragraph concerned in that affair is in the process of getting eliminated. However, there's still Wahrheitsminister Maas and his understanding of making laws...
  9. Alternatively, please check if the "Sort by Date" function can be set as default order for answers. My issue with the voting system is quite simple: it's often used for trolling, especially when the original poster doesn't understand the reply or the reasons behind it or if people are just plain mean. Or both.
  10. While I don't really see a problem in simply ignoring the adult animation menu... many stores cater to both flavours, adult and PG. Just to mention a few names: Deathrowdesigns, Dysfunctionality, Dust Bunny, Lisp Bazaar, Bazar (without the lisp and double a), La Galleria, LAQ, verspertine, Roost...
  11. There is no "just buy" with any kind of land available in SL. The main difference is Mainland including Linden Homes owned by LL themselves versus Private Estates operated by other SL users. The two different terms are intentionally picked, because in the end, LL is always the landlord and you never really own a plot of land. If you've got a premium account, the closest to your "get it and be done with it" would probably be a Linden Home, which is included in your membership. No extra costs for more tier, just pick one from the available neighborhoods and you're good to go.
  12. If it's that hair in the pic which Tari digged up, I'd bet on a retired style by ploom / Doe nowadays.
  13. There's actually a whole section in the Destinations guide I'm fairly sure that there are also groups on FlickR with hints for lovely photo locations. For the "object permission", look out for rez / building rights, most likely mentioned in a place's description. That may either work with autoreturn or by requiring you to join a group to obtain rez rights.
  14. In short: For both your tattoos and your classic avi texture clothes, you'll need appliers matching your body. You might check for a redelivery system in the creator's shop or directly contact the creator and kindly ask for an applier update. A lot of helpful reading material may help you with further questions: http://meshbodyaddicts.com/
  15. So instead of looking up the ad yourself, like others would have to do it for you to try and help you, you rather start a second thread about the very same topic? Why?
  16. Multiple feedbacks look quite ugly on my end (Win 10 / Chrome / 1920x1200)
  17. Was sollen sie auch extra rausrücken, wenn man sich das Skin Kit bequem direkt neben dem Haupt-Vendor im Mainstore selbst abholen kann für lau?
  18. If it's so really easy to find, perhaps you should go ahead and find it for your needs. Expecting others to browse way over 200 offers for your description for something you would like to know seems quite lame. But in generel, the seller (... got some doubts if "creator" would be matching term in this case...) says to IM her or send her notecards with questions. Maybe that's your best bet.
  19. Well, probably not on that specific attachment shown on screen. But the basic theory behind it... ;-) Xcite and Aeros as examples for a wide market share both explain texture and color matching in their guides, that's for sure.
  20. Unless you don't mind ending up as laughing stock on your first pixelbumping date, who knows, let's put it like this... you have a motivation to learn, so do master your learning curve and get the hang of basic actions and standard terms in SL. YouTube offers you a selection of helpful video tutorials, if you browse a while. And there's also blogs like http://slnewbie.com/ or a more advanced http://regenerationshapes.com/index.php/category/basics/ , for example, providing more guides to read.
  21. Off topic... that downvoting feature nonsense is hardly good for anything but trolling.
  22. Should be quite ok with proper graphics tweaking for medium demands. Do keep in mind, however: Toshiba Satellites are quite notorious for being plasticbombers in the consumer market, not really built to last for long. So you better don't drop this one at all
  23. In der Regel kann man für die gängigen Meshbodies sogenannte "Dev Kits" bekommen, mit denen man Applier für den Körper selbst erstellen kann. Im schlimmsten Fall müsste man auf das Omega Kit für den jeweiligen Body zurückgreifen, mithilfe des passenden Relays und Texturen für den Ober- und Unterkörper kann man sehr leicht eigene Applier anfertigen. Das "mit 10" heißt wohl, dass es speziell um einen Kinder- bzw. maximal Jugendkörper geht. Dafür gibt es statt der üblichen Verdächtigen von Maitreya, SLink, Belleza... eigene Kinder-Angebote. Keinen Plan davon, nicht mein Metier... auf dem Marktplatz unter Vollständige Avatare » Vollständige menschliche Kinderavatare und Avatar-Komponenten » Avatar-Skins und -Formkombinationen » Basis für Kinder-Avatarsollte man unter den Mesh-Angeboten schnell was finden
  24. The Omega system "merely" enables you to use appliers which aren't limited to your specific mesh head or body brand. You cannot, however, unversially say that all Omega skin appliers will come with a head and a body texture. That strongly depends on each creator and you should carefully read info notecards and vendor texts to make sure what you're getting... after you demoed, demoed, demoed everything. Actually, even an Omega head applier might not fit on all Omega enabled heads in the same way. Hence why you'll usually see ads like "Omega head applier modelled on Catwa / LAQ / AK..." - the "skeleton" of each different head isn't perfectly the same. An applier works in such a way that it tells the mesh head "hey, I'm putting texture X onto your 3D shape", So on different 3D base shapes, the applied texture will stretch a little differently. Quite like a shirt in RL which will not look the same if the very same shirt is worn by 3 different wearers with different bdoy shapes. If you need good tutorials and lots of reading stuff about mesh bodies and heads, keep looking at http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ .
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