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Lillith Hapmouche

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Everything posted by Lillith Hapmouche

  1. Es geht um "Clothing Applier", also Texturen, die dem Koerper praktisch auferlegt werden, nee? Nicht um Mesh Kleidung und passende Alpha Layer? Was passiert denn, wenn Du die gewuenschten Schaltflaechen vorher aktivierst und dann erst die neuen Klamotten anwaehlst?Vermute mal, dass die neuen Daten nicht von einem deaktivierten Layer uebernommen werden oder aehnliches. Beim Maitreya Mesh-Body kann man die drei Ebenen (Tattoo, Unterwaesche, Kleidung) per Button "ausleeren". Eventuell hat SLink auch etwas in Richtung clear graphics / applier ...
  2. The Zen release is scheduled for January. On Intel's side, the KabyLake generation is also pretty near on the horizon. So second hand hardware can become interesting...
  3. It's mostly inworld content that is horribly "optimized", if at all, but well... You state that you have limited knowledge of computer hardware, but you wish to exchange and upgrade single parts later on. So you wouldn't mind building a machine from scratch? However, with used second-hand components, since that limited budget only allows for such? Does your old machine still exist? Can some parts (hard drives...) be re-used? I'd suggest looking for an i5-2500, optionally the i5-2500K which can be easily overclocked for a little performance gain. Mainboards with a Z-chipset allow overclocking, the other letters won't. RAM might do at 8 GB if costs really need to be cut down, but then make sure to have more free ram slots for a later upgrade. Stock cooler or for more silent and efficient cooling a third party tower cooling solution, about $30. As for graphics, there is a pretty wide choice, especially if you happily ignore the Green vs. Red prejudices... For used Nvidia GPUs, look for: GTX 760 (lower end). 960, 770, 970 (middle) or good offers for a 980 (ti). Preferably 4GB VRAM than 2... the GTX 970 coming in at 3.5 GB full speed and 512 MB much more slowly connected RAM. Current generation: GTX 1050 Ti 4GB. AMD: HD 7850, R7 270 (low end). HD 7950 / R7 280(x) / R9 380 (middle class). ... or perhaps even a current generation RX 470. Put into a Midi-Desktop case with a front and an outlet fan for proper ventilation. I'm uncertain about used power supplies. Consider a new one by Corsair, SeaSonic, EVGA, anything but some cheapskirt "1000s watts for 20bucks!!11!" crap that will likely blow up itself and your other hardware. 500w max from a quality brand for that suggested setup which seems to be ~ $ 80, looking at Newegg and Amazon.
  4. Why, good for you that you found a solution. Actually posting that solution instead of stating "SOLVED" might have helped others in future, but hey...
  5. A "phenom II" can mean a lot, from dual-core to hexa-core. But there could also be an issue with your network connection or even a fault with your hard drive / SSD, hard to tell from a distance. Since you already mentioned GPU-Z, you might be willing to get MSI Afterburner and its OSD (on screen display) features to show you the load of your card, RAM, CPU ... pretty nifty and powerful to outline a bottleneck in one's setup. But anyway, before investing into the old and outdated FX tech, maybe try to cope with it for a little longer and wait for AMD's Zen release in January. It might make a difference to the currently Intel dominated CPU market ... perhaps. Wait and see. Concerning the power supply: even the current top gaming cards (GTX 1080 / 1070) to common gaming cards (RX 480 / 470 or GTX 1060 / 1050 Ti) won't consume more than that old card. Unless you have a really old or cheapskirt piece of junk to power your machine, that'll be the least reason to worry. Teddythepervert wrote: looks like amd card are not good for sl at all =( Your card is literally resting in an almost idling state and you conclude that it'd be no good. That theory seems to have a hefty flaw. I've been using my HD 7950 3GB, Gigabyte Windforce version, for the past few years and it is the limiting factor for me, at least in real games like Battlefield 1. But since SL is far from being a fast-paced shooter, the card is still doing well.
  6. Those shoes are definitely made for mesh feet, I think I got them myself somewhere. For the default body without any mesh attachments, you should be on the lookout for items tagged as "system" or "classic" avatars. At least not items which shows the Maitreya / SLink / TMP / Belleza icons on the ads. As for Xcite: those parts aren't rigged at all, true ... a rigged mesh item has connections to the "skeleton" of your avatar and more or less puts itself in place when worn. The fit of any Xcite prim parts can differ greatly, at ease, if you have a different hip length or hip width or more bodyfat and so on. Hence the need for manual adjusting.
  7. Not if they have half a brain and can read. Things like the titler to wear along with the chatter, the one that is set to match your RP name. It's no absurd curiosity, it's out there and it's working well.
  8. I'm not sure if I really want to see any follow-up questions to this one...
  9. Just use your common sense and the good old "If it sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true" thought. So to answer your question: No, not all "presents" handed to you may be of friendly nature. Most are plain old spam like the take-away shop flyers in your mailbox, some are malicious (be very aware of big orange popups popping up, asking you something along the lines of "Soandso would like to take L$ from you. Is this ok?". Do not agree unless you really know what you're doing and get rid of that crap immediately) ... a few may come from genuine friendly souls with good intentions. Once you manage to deal with the search function (ctrl+f is the shortcut), try to visit places specifically designed to welcome new players, offering classes and tutorials and also meet and greets with older residents.
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