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Lillith Hapmouche

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Everything posted by Lillith Hapmouche

  1. Lillith Hapmouche


    OpenOffice also supports direct PDF export, without any secondary tools, so should its more or less twin LibreOffice. Also check your school's / university's offers, perhaps you can get a free OS license as a student or even an office key. Something like this may do...
  2. Lillith Hapmouche


    Look for student discounts and/or second-hand, refurbished laptops. Huge plus if they have a dedicated graphics card instead of some Intel HD stuff. 4 GB RAM at least. No Atom or other slow CPUs...
  3. She did run malware scans and search for any suspicious files, which might serve as a keylogger for that other special person? In a worst case scenario, I'd lean towards a full and fresh clean install of the whole operating system, if there is any risk of such violation.
  4. Collect your evidence of such virtual stalking and, harassment, turn it in to to local police or to a lawyer of her trust. If there isn't some kind of stunt on her end, she should think hard why the other person keeps getting her data.
  5. Have you been to The Skinnery? Although it should be added that most Asian inspired faces seem to be released for Fiore heads...
  6. So now that you committed that crime, you're outlawed and free to be burned at a stake?
  7. I also have to conclude that you're up to something illegal here. If that's what you want, go ahead and search for the required info. It's out there... If we're mistaken and you got the right to extract your texture... well, then open your eyes and check the UI, like I explained in the first post.
  8. Ohh, and don't forget to add a G-Sync monitor to the list of required components!
  9. Using another account doesn't stop you from using your already existing question thread ... especially if you already received replies to it.
  10. If the textures aren't yours or if they aren't full perm with a usage license allowing you to download them, you have no legal ground for "extracting" any textures at all. Should those textures qualify for one of the mentioned cases, you can simply open them from your inventory and hit the save button on their inworld preview. But if you wish to learn more about third party tools to illegally extract textures, you're barking up the wrong tree.
  11. First of all, go to your SL dashboard and check your transaction history, located at https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history?lang=en-US . It should provide you with details of the last transactions on your account. Then, go to https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ and create a support ticket, explaining as much details as you got and asking for assistence. Be aware - if someone broke into your account, chances are that your account might get frozen for a period of time, while investigation takes place. Also - especially if you have to fear that someone phished your account data, maybe after entering your data on a fake website - do change your password and your email associated with your SL account.
  12. Yes, of course, absolutely. Because everyone is so heartless, especially here on the forums. Now seriously: since you portray a young child as your avatar, you might perhaps prefer a mesh head - especially those meant for kids - to smooth the facial features. But that's completely up to you and your style.
  13. As an alternative, an OP should stand up for their words and not pull the trigger afterwards and delete everything, when they realize that they don't get the kind of expected feedback they craved for. Overall, the original post was a rant about the avatars coming to clubs looking way too underage for the OP's liking, too short and all. And they naughtily defended themselves as adult characters, when they got blamed for being underaged.
  14. I'm trying to find a pattern in the rating system. But so far, I can only concludet that single streaks of hair supposedly make you look older.
  15. Argue whatever you want about the state of outdated technic and hardware support in the core of SL, I don't care. But that specific problem as described is odd for that set of hardware. Full stop.
  16. That page is fun... but the results are quite bewilderingly close in the same range, at least on the female side: ... ok, accepted. She's meant to be the ageless, universal spiritualist anyway. ... hmm, just a few years older than intended. Pass. ... no way. Edgy, non-mesh face, meant to be in mid to late 30s. ... blatantly ripped from my colleague's profile pick and I'm quite fine with the result. The m-alts seem to be more on point. No mesh head, just by the way:
  17. Easy, "lol"... layering multiple pieces of clothing, even though they weren't modelled to be worn together. A second top or a bra underneath a shirt or jacket. Tight fitting leggings to go with dresses or longtops, neatly tucked into boots ... such instances. League, for example, re-released a set of former system layer leggings as a pack of appliers, original customers could get the update via the redelivery terminal.
  18. That sounds odd, looking at your specs. There's a rare chance that you're visiting the event at a moment when the load sim is under heavy load, thus you simply do not get enough data sent for your hardware to process - but due to to server side issues, not on your client side. Or you have a bug which keeps your hardware, especially the GPU, in idle mode, not providing its full power. I remember that there was a thread of a fellow GTX 1060 6GB user around here who also had heavy rendering issues. Unfortunately, the idle mode bug didn't get fully explored in the end. But that might be a starting point for you... so you could try to watch the load on and the speeds of your GPU via various monitor tools, like MSI Afterburner or GPU-Z. No idea if the Nvidia driver also offers such charts.
  19. Personally, I'd forbid those attachments for being such scripttime hogs or waste of prims when you rez them ... Black Bantam's are much cuter looking anyway... But well, Zoobie's and BB's are nothing but objects. Attachments. Decorative props with nothing but family friendly options. I'd rather ban specific folks who attempt to arrange them to be part of an explicit situation.
  20. We don't know where you are or where else you might have tried. We also do not know if your specific name has been added to a place's ban list or whether certain land settings exclude you as a welcomed visitor. You can bring up the land dialogue, however - even on a plot with banlines, simply by camming into it and rightclicking on the ground, then choosing "About land". That'll open the "About land" dialogue, where you'll find a specific "Access" tab. On that tab, you'll find several "conditions" which a land owner might switch on. You might be excluded by one of those...
  21. Putting the thought aside that your graphic options seem to be pretty low: Check your HUD(s) for a "hide nails" option. Try a back-up of your configured body. Request a fresh redelivery of the whole pack. ... enough to try before even thinking of buying new stuff.
  22. In general, yes, you will need a website to host your merchant account terminal paybox thing ...whatever that is called. Relying on payments via the Family & Friends option would work in theory, but gives a quite shady appearence. In theory, you could work with media on a prim to display it inworld, so people could login inworld. Would I do that as a customer, though? Definitely not.
  23. How about "not at all"? The last thing SL needs is some resource demanding, closed system fancy stuff that automatically demands a certain hardware component.
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