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Lillith Hapmouche

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Everything posted by Lillith Hapmouche

  1. I'm not familiar with the Kemono body myself, so I don't know how well it adapts to shape changes... But based on that pic, playing with the hip width / sattlebags should tone down the hip curves. More width for the shoulders, perhaps a touch more torso muscles. A broader, perhaps shorter neck. Then adjusting of the love handles to fit between the hips and shoulders ... such steps should make a difference. Alternatively, you could take a male shape as a base to get the desired effect, instead of a female one.
  2. Well. That sense of conspiration theory will surely find like-minded and fans around here. Oh course, you can happily keep waiting and hope that somebody comes around to read this thread and might have an on-the-point solution for you. Or you could have gotten in touch directly with the knowledgable folks and probably have your issue sorted out by now. Whatever.
  3. The deforming issue came up as a topic in the AK help group a couple of times... but only as occasional effect, not as often as you seem to encounter it. However, I would take this to the group. The creator is also often online and directly answers.
  4. I think all viewers support the option to save different graphic presets, the official one and Firestorm do at the very least. So you can configure a "daily use" default to put less stress on your machine and another "photo" set with all bells and whistles you can can.
  5. Actually, you have two concerns at once ... the first one generally inquiring what WL is, the second where you find presets or make your own. Luckily, most tutorials cover both parts. For example: https://strawberrysingh.com/tutorials/windlight-settings/ http://blog.nalates.net/2016/03/28/second-life-windlight-tutorial/ http://juicybomb.com/2010/04/22/gogos-updated-windlight-tutorial/ http://lunajubilee.com/category/bootcamp/windlight-settings/ And SL's own Wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/WindLight_settings Third party viewers, especially Firestorm, may come with preinstalled files to use. The additional camera tools in FS offer a lot to play with on top of lightning options. Perhaps you'll also like a basic editing tutorial, like https://xantheanneslife.wordpress.com/2014/01/30/snapshot-tips-and-tricks/ . Your photo quality can be greatly enhanced by the use of good lightning, but your overall graphical settings also play a huge part.
  6. Oh, there are a couple of very helpful threads on the boards, explaining a lot of basics and fine details of adapting to mesh avatars and alike. For now, keep the tagline in mind: Demo! Demo! Demo! ... Demo!
  7. It might be coincidence and completely unrelated, but since the last main channel rolling restart just two days ago, it has become rather tricky to reach my mainland home sim. Or do anything on it. Or TP out if you eventually made it in somehow... The same effect occurs to friends with other hardware and other connections. My own (wired) setup has been reset, rebooted and switched to Google's DNS servers ... no difference. Any other sim works without oddities. Now I'm curious what the response to the support ticket will be. Nobody interested in a 9,000+ sqm mainland plot, protected oceanfront at the Jeogeot Gulf, the majority of the sim sitting as abandoned land?
  8. The eyes could come from IKON, judging from the reflection effect. If it's not the Glam Affair skin, you might check 7 Deadly s[K]ins and/or The Skinnery.
  9. My first thought was that both of you might have build boundaries activated (in Firestorm, go to Preferences > Firestorm > Build 2 tab > 3rd checkbox from the top). But they should be all yellow and all around your plot of land. So I assume it's a land setting ... since you can't take a screenshot of the lines themselves, rather check the About Land > Access tab. If anything but "Anyone can visit" is checked, you should end up seeing any kind of lines. As a fix, go to the World menu > Show More > uncheck "Ban Lines", maybe Property Lines as well. The Land Owner and his co-worker probably don't see any lines because of their superior land management rights.
  10. I am indeed so sorry and my heart is bleeding that I cannot provide you with more dedication than upvoting all of your insightfully brilliant posts and loving every word in them ... well, actually only the post on its own, since the forum software won't allow for anything else. The ignorance is completely on my part and couldn't possibly be on your side for making the same mistake of buying unsuitable hardware twice ... actually, apparently three times by now. PS: However, I am right about the new toy being another ITX sized one, right? Otherwise, I'm sure you would have delightfully proven me wrong. Nah, I obviously had a bad upbringing and my social status isn't acceptable, unless some guy teaches me how to behave among civilised adults. My weird theories about proper hardware performance and critism of weird choices and obvious flaws mustn't be respected at all.
  11. Oooh... that'll change everything! Expect up to full 10% more performance of outstanding integrated quality! That'll be a whopping 11fps on the 630 instead of the lousy and eyebleeding sore of 10fps on the 530! One whole more frame for your viewing pleasure! ... Take a break from downvoting my posts and get a proper GPU. Whoops, won't fit in your ITX case. Well, too bad.
  12. Your "new" (already outdated 4 cores / 4 thread / no HT) machine has no dedicated graphic card and 3D rendering is done on the lame iGPU. And you complain about crappy, slow-loading and faulty graphics ... any bells ringing, by chance? Considering that the quite overpriced mainboard is in a tiny ITX format, I boldly assume it's actually just another of those media toy machines with insufficient cooling for such tasks, thus running hot and throttling.
  13. Oh poor, poor TMP getting their virtual, non-existing feelings hurt by so much hate... Now, seriously, they failed in pretty much every aspect you can think of. No updates, not Omega compatible, no Bento options in sight, incredibly closed system solely depending on the merchant's own servers. Practially unusable should said severs shut down all of a sudden.
  14. It's just my guess as another consumer, but I suppose that the animation engines simply cannot address the facial rigging bones that trigger the heads to be animated. At least the old engines, perhaps there'll be updated animations at some point. In the meantime, your best bet is to work with your head's built in animations. That does require you to keep its HUD open and to be on a script-enabled plot of land, to my understanding. I suppose Catwa also allows you to "layer" different animations on your head as well as the option to add additionally purchased facial animation. If it doesn't, that'd be pretty lame for that price tag.
  15. The initial "installer" you download from the website can probably considered as a plain inital hardware check tool ... which, upon successful check, downloads and installs the main client ...... which downloads and installs additional updates, even though you were under the impression that it just downloaded the most recent client in the previous step. By the way, just presenting the user with a plain loading screen with an average "... xx %" count, but no info on download speed, full file size and remaining data download seems pretty dull to me.
  16. Afraid to say that the "clone" argument is quite outdated ever since Bento was introduced... my best friend and me intentionally picked the same skin, hair and same base shape while demoing heads, and we failed to end up with completely similar looks. Granted, at times, you couldn't deny a certain familiar appearance. Quite an insightful experience. I can however understand that people are not finding the right base facial structure to compliment their accustomed system face. For example, just by the looks "out of the box", I did prefer the LeLutka Simone head for its facial features. But I could never get that one to look quite like a "me", while it was fairly easy to get the effect with the Chloe head I eventually got. And I simply do not like the Catwa lips at all, but that's just my point of view. Still haven't found any head matches for the m-alts, though I'm literally in love with an applier for the Aesthetic face. PS: Demo! Demo! Demo! And demo again. Then give it some time and repeat the demoing process. PPS: !)§* glad, BilliJo, that you successfully customized that ugly something into your bunnyesque self.
  17. Well... at least there's plenty of BB Code to spice up forum posts.
  18. Oh... lesson learnt: my female main may not need good ole system skirt shapes anymore, but the m-alts might immensely profit from "pants shapes" for certain garnments. On second thought, I probably trashed a rather high number of pants demos, because I didn't think of that kind of connection.
  19. Who are those "they"s you mention? And what's so difficult about picking up a demo and playing with it to get some practical experience? The rest ... well sorry, but it is like it is ... consists of reading comprehension and shopping awareness.
  20. It probably says "full skin" because - unlike a lot of other offers - you'll receive a set of a matching body and head applier, when you buy the L$1,480 offer. It is quite common standard that you buy a body and a head applier as seperate offers. Sticking with the product description of the 1480L one, it does say "included: Face/Body/Hands/Feet" ... but what it is probably meant to say is that there aren't any mesh faces, bodies, hands or feet included, but rather that the appliers will put a texture on your existing face, body, hands and feet. Yes, that's a good way to imagine how it works. Another one would be like this: you got a car as a basis from any random car dealer. Then you take it to a paintshop and have it sprayed / put stickers on it ... The 1480L appliers require any Omega compatible head or body. That depends on the skin creator... base skins for the classic SL body might have completely white, bare faces, if they are meant to be worn with mesh heads. The skins of that L$720 offer are a fine example for that - just a base skin for the SL body, intended to be worn as a combi of a mesh head with your normal body. A mesh head might come with a basic texture or perhaps even a small selection of premade tones from the creator. Usually, yes, classic and standard avatars should mean the same - and if any creator attempts to mix that up or add a new meaning to it, they should be slapped around the block. Mesh "bodies" are actually an attachment like any other mesh accessory. You're in your classic system standard avatar if you wear no other body stuff but the plain old body shape.
  21. Apparently, the hardware maintenance earlier today has caused some hiccups which still occur inworld. You can try rebooting your internet router / modem and see if it fixes the loading issues. Or wait and see.. Please also check this thread.
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