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Abnor Mole

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Everything posted by Abnor Mole

  1. It shouldn't, but it all adds up. I've been to places where that happens. If we use an unoccupied Linden Homes region at 256 draw distance as a benchmark, I'm rendering 3.5 million tris. I've seen very beautiful (but quite laggy) venues where that number is 40 million when empty at 32m draw distance. Add on top of that a few high ARC avatars, 1024 textures on tiny things, high LOD settings so things don't break into their lower LODs, 256 or 512 draw distance... Even the best cards will start to feel that burn and not everyone has a top end gaming machine. 🙁 I've mentioned to a few people before, if you plan on having a venue with a lot of traffic in close proximity, keep your build well balanced between detail and efficiency. If you go overboard, once you get more than 5 people everyone will start to complain about the lag and no amount of telling people to take off their scripts is going to do much to change that. Edit: Object complexity isn't the only factor, but it is one most people tend to forget when they talk about contributing factors.
  2. It's not just land impact. View objects in wireframe. The mesh should not be any more complex than it really needs to be. If an otherwise simple object still looks practically solid that means it has a very high triangle count. Your graphics card has to work that much harder the more triangles it has to render. Some creators use tricks to make overly complex mesh still have a low land impact value. That doesn't mean it is any kinder to your GPU.
  3. I know they go into the pool... how they get prioritized in that pool or are affected by abandons reentering the pool I do not know.
  4. AFAIK When a region goes live and is released, all the parcels in that region enter the pool of available parcels regardless of size.
  5. Once you factor in parcel density any theme that relies on wide open spaces and unspoiled vistas is going to suffer irrevocably. It may not seem like it, but we don't have free reign to build whatever we like. We still have requirements and conditions that have to be met and limitations to consider. Most of which you as residents are never aware of completely and would boggle the mind if you only knew all the things we have to juggle and weigh to find a balance that works. Theme choice is just one factor.
  6. You say you want a Linden Homes Desert Theme... but you really don't. You may think you do, but please believe me when I tell you... it won't be what you think it will be. If you like that style there is a place I found that I personally think does it best. It's a private estate with rentals called Mother Road. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mishiland/12/189/75 It's beautifully done and goes go to show how private estates can offer things simply not possible in a Linden Home environment.
  7. We've been using map screens long before Linden Homes, just not as extensively. When people try to take credit for everything we do it just sounds like they think we are stupid and incompetent. Please stop.
  8. I just removed them. Give the map a few days to update.
  9. Some of the confusion may be from the fact that the Newbrooke theme is not "Mid-Century Modern". I'm not sure where that idea originated, but as far as I know it was never from us. Thinking of it as just "modern" is problematic too since modern is a very broad category.* The theme is actually best described as "Shipping Container Homes in an upscale planned community." Any modern or contemporary looking outdoor decor should go with that and there is plenty of it in Second Life. It's changes or additions to the style of the house itself that tend to bring it out of that contemporary theme... and perhaps that is where the confusion lies. *Edit: "Modern" is actually an incorrect term. "Contemporary" would be more accurate. https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/difference-modern-contemporary-home-architecture#:~:text=If you're in the,on the home buying hunt.
  10. We don't have a boat rezzer of our own there, but I think I could make a rezzing area where residents could rez their own if they wanted to cruise around the pond. I can also add a couple of those pool floaty rezzers I think.
  11. Dealing with these situations is simple. Click on the person > Block. Click on them again > Eject > Eject and ban. Done. The thing to remember about trolls and griefers is they need you to engage. They want and crave a reaction. Don't engage. That's the trap. When they think they've upset you, they win. When you lock yourself in a bunker of prims and scripted things to keep everyone out out of fear, they still win. But, when they try and troll you and you just instantly kick them out without a word, ignore them and move on as if you could not care less, they hate that the most. It gives them no interesting content for their youtubes and they move on. I've had it happen to me first hand.
  12. I guess the question is (at least by my understanding), is it just a private use place for the owner and their friends with a cheeky name in the parcel description? Or is it something with adult content being purposefully open/aimed/marketed toward the general public (even though parcels in Bellisseria showing in search is blocked at the estate level)? You can AR any of the objects on the parcel owned by the parcel owner and Governance would be best at making that determination.
  13. Contrary to what some may believe, we do not want to have do any sort of aggressive enforcement. We don't want to be the decor police or scan the horizon for things we can pounce on and return. We don't enjoy any of that. It's actually quite stressful and we try to handle it as tactfully as possible. You wouldn't want someone who did enjoy that to be in that position anyway. When people actively try to push the boundaries on purpose it puts is in that position. It's why we've always stressed in all our communications to think of others and treat Bellisseria as a community. We don't want to tell people what they can and cannot build in their parcel, only whatever you build please make it look nice and with the theme of your surroundings for the sake of those around you. We definitely don't want to be 'building inspectors' passing judgement and micromanaging what anyone does. A detailed list of regulations as long as one's arm isn't really the key to that. I've talked before about adhering to the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law, pointing out that anyone with enough time on their hands can usually find a way to keep within the former while running roughshod over the latter. The person concentrating on the former askes themselves "Can I do this thing I want to do." A person concerned with the latter asked themselves "Should I do this thing I want to do." And right now I'm thinking to myself that I can close this thread, but should I? I don't want to. I want to leave it open in the spirit of the title above.. communication. So what I'll do instead is ask all of you reading this to just do the same. You can comment (unless things so sideways as a few threads already have), but ask yourself if you should comment before hitting the submit button. Is what you are saying in the spirit of fostering civil discourse or in derailing it.
  14. These are all questions that are just going to beg more questions and requests for more specifics. If the statement is "Please stay away from the edge if the cliff", the response shouldn't be "Well, how close exactly to the edge in millimeters can we go?" We can spend more time enforcing the covenant, constantly looking out for those who want to push the boundaries to see how far they can go. That pulls resources directly from our ability to build and release homes. Or... we can ask people to use their better judgement and not to try to see how close to the cliff they can go and be upset when they find out the hard way. A good rule of thumb is if you're asking yourself if you're going to far, you probably already know the answer.
  15. We have always welcomed cafes, pubs, etc.... all sorts of public facing non-commercial type faux-businesses in Bellisseria. Always with the caveat that they be done in a style that is within the theme and does not disrupt the residential feel of the neighborhoods. That has always been true from the very beginning. That's the trouble with pushing the boundaries. Eventually you find out where they are.
  16. I scanned the whole region for temp prims and found none. I believe the OP was simply selecting object across a region border.... which will show their LI as zero.
  17. The prim allowance of a parcel as nothing to do with the house. It is inextricably tied to the sqm of the parcel and won't change like that. I think it was just a glitch in the viewer. And yes, houses do not count on against your parcel LI either way.
  18. We're already working on better ways to increase covenant awareness and stepping up proactive (rather than reactive) enforcement. As time allows, some of us with the ability to do so have been canvasing regions and returning things such as improperly set security orbs, building platforms/skyboxes below 2000 meters in the sky, breedable farms, commercial signage, etc. We do this with an educational goal, directing the resident to the covenant with the assumption (unless proven otherwise) that they simply don't know better, and that is what we want to change.
  19. That looks like a major change to the design of the house itself, so no.
  20. A living roof or a deck is different than an add-on that looks like a major change to the design of the house itself, and I think that is what Patch wants to avoid... lest the theme becomes a sea of pointy, pitched rooves stretching out into the distance as far as the draw distance eye can see.
  21. In general, having 20 to 30 houses in a Linden Homes region is simply a fact of life. That density is what pays for the regions and all the other regions around it. As much as it would be great to have only half a dozen parcels in every region each perched on a mountain with it's own private beach and unobstructed views to infinity... that simply isn't possible. (For that you probably want to look into renting on a private estate or a large parcel on mainland. But you likely won't find that for the same price point as a basic premium membership.) It's why we say Bellisseria is a community and everyone should think of it that way... because you are going to have neighbors. That brings up another point relevant to the OP. We intentionally try to use the decor to give parcels some privacy where we can, or at least define parcel boundaries (especially between parcels). On parcels where we have trees and bushes and other greenery we utilize that to give some separation between you and your neighbor. That's not something we can do on water. So... naturally, if you choose a theme with a house on water, in nearly every case it will come at a cost to that sense of privacy. It's not that they necessarily closer than on land, they will just feel that way because there is nothing between you.
  22. Three things: They don't sell personality on the Marketplace. They type of person you are in RL is the type of person you will be in SL. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. What you learn about other people and cultures is important. What they learn about you and your culture is important. But the most important thing is what you learn about yourself.
  23. Chiyo Linden was a liaison for the lab who worked a lot with Japanese residents. That area was her Linden Village parcel and she would hold office hours there for Japanese speaking residents. She (and the area she built) were lost in the 2010 restructuring of the company when the overseas offices were closed and 30% of the Lindens were let go.
  24. Oh, I can build it in no time if you can pay for it. Lets see... that's about 64 regions... homesteads and at least one full region... plus billing for Mole hours.... So you're looking at about 10k USD in set up cost and a monthly tier of around $7500. You'll have to get in touch with the land owners and buy the land from them for the Route 10 interchange of course. Have Billing let Patch know when the funds clear and you have all the necessary property in your name and I can get right on that.
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