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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. I dont Twitter is cool for SL and also the new *secret profile webchat thingy Keli made a thread about it here somewhere....
  2. Meant as a general reply sorry Tiffy I should add that I did not come to SL through Telstra as most other Aussies did. It was nearly a year before I met other Aussies and they all SL'd for free! ;o Consequently ABC Island holds a special signifigance and place in my heart. It IS SL Australia as far as I am concerned and always has been. Showcase ABC's offerings from the J's to RN to Twitter, even TV which I don't actually watch any of and I will ensure that everyone I know hears all about it We need to hear just a little more about some of the Legends like Wolfie. Why not get some J's announcers in there as well? Dr Karl stuffs perhaps? ABC has the resources to make the sim a smashing success metinks :-)
  3. Janelle Darkstone wrote: "but that doesn't mean I still don't have about six undeveloped disposable cameras from my wedding thirteen years ago" :smileysurprised: O M G! girl are you still married? looool
  4. *crackle: "Ground control to Major Racia... your circuits dead there's something wrong.. can u hear me Major Racia...? can u hear me Major Racia...?" ........................................................... *distant faint reply.. "For here and I'm floating with my tim tams... (choccie bikkies:-) faaaar above the SLearth... tell my SLife I love it very much... u kno ooh ohh ohh..." ^- ??? ;^o reaches for a tissue, runs outside, looks to the heavens & *sobs.... nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
  5. Kodachrome? loool For a recent, distant clan gathering which, unfortunately I did not attend, I offered my sister my very nice 12mp camera and HD video recorder and... get this... she said "no It's ok I bought some old type disposable cameras" which is just wonderful... .... IF you can find someone to develop the film ;o Still no clan gathering photos and that was last year ^^ *tsk tsk lill siss
  6. I had ten years of (work) permanent holidaying and partying in our beautiful northern tropical regions. I won't be having another holiday for some time. Unless I earn it What on earth am I supposed to do with my Irukandji (deadly tropical jellyfish) hot pink stinger wetsuit now that I am back in the big smoke? lmaoooo. It's too thin for these cold southern waters *brrrrr
  7. I don't find it really. Somehow it finds me. Probably due to my friends and the *classic womens groups I belong to. These people are very fashion savvy and tuned in and a whole lot of fun. Alernatively I will pick shops at random and just mix and match stuff. Often I will buy a complete outfit just for the top alone and discard the rest. Sometimes I will search for things on the marketplace using a theme such as Medieval. That is great fun
  8. As soon as I am finished making them (my stuff is pretty simple anyway). As with everything, I will make them to please myself, If anyone wants to buy some we will arrange some sort of trial or demo I imagine. The going is slow atmo but thats ok I couldn't care less about a personal wirtual vorld takeover using mesh. I do think its a wonderful step forward. When I first looked into making clothing, I was astounded by the whole "prim" thing. VERY annoying and weird. In hindsight LL had to use some yucky method to reduce loads and prims was it. Fair enough. There is so much that can be done to exploit the technology involved in SL, (which is why I joined, to enhance my own skills). I can honestly say I have not seen a lot of these features in wide use yet. (web on a prim for example). For me, my *new SL will consist of web on a prim content, custom audio, video and mesh. The only thing that will be required is to stream audio for specific purposes which will be a bit difficult I imagine. (think 10 different streams to a shop for example). As for the V1 viewers? why hang on to them? They are all but useless anyway, correct? Firestorm Beta 2 really is very very good ty Jessica L & team. I think fully exploiting mesh and the other available tehnologies will be quite exciting for me
  9. Yes mostly all the time. Apart from TP's to events I had forgotten about. I bought a strippers HUD just for my own occassional entertainment, so you have to be fully dressed for it to work properly and use all the cute animations in it. The majority of really cool clothes require undies at least. I do in fact have a full range of stylish underwear that hasn't been released yet. Plain simple and very nice for around the house.
  10. oops reply meant for Wildcat CS5 is awesome? really? I have it but have never really looked into it's latest features. I use Macromedia Fireworks from 2002 and the gimp for 98 percent of my simple stuffs. It, (fireworks) is blisteringly fast on a 64 bit PC with lots of RAM. I love it! Pre Adobe bloatware Fireworks rocks! (latest is ok but not really better:)
  11. Absolutely superb content. So many of us have been "nibbling around the edges" so to speak. Has anyone done this type of single contributor cartoon style stuff in threads before? (not in my 2 yrs + of the forums:) Janelle just comes along and nails it straight off the bat. Awesome \o/ It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol. Thank you so much Janelle, brilliantly creative, intruiging and simply wonderful! :smileyvery-happy:
  12. That is such a terrible shame. I'm not much into flying things in SL but even I have been to Abbotts Aerodrome. It's a very interesting place and so sad to see it go :^(
  13. Yeah... what smartypants said Awesome video ty
  14. LL should have a mountain proximity flying venue/region ;-o wow..
  15. Has anyone ever had pickled eggs? (hard boiled) :matte-motes-inlove: We used to get them after a hard days trek through the far north queensland hills from the Mountain View Hotel.
  16. Mr Squiggle lol! took survey ty :matte-motes-wink:
  17. I would like to complain that not one.. hear me ^- !? NOT ONE.. person has bought any food to this thread.. How am I supposed to read all the complaints without F0.0D I ask u o.0 *shakes head *rolls iii's and clicks another browser tab...
  18. You seem to be doing quite ok "fitting in" to me Dresden ^^ Always welcomed by all, always pleasant and funny... A great many avies would be pleased to be as well fitted as u.. lil lol
  19. It's great quite inspirational thank you.
  20. A friend of mine was aware of my involvement with graphics and that I liked to make stuff told me about SL. It wasn't until I had been inworld for a few days until I found out that you could... umm.. make clothes 8^) \o/ lol.. and that was it!
  21. Keli Kyrie wrote: The only place I know that it shows up for sure is my entire friends list. But don't worry I think I still have under a hundred friends make that #99 then :-) I didn't see anything I twee/ um..posted come up :matte-motes-confused:
  22. The driving in Chitty chitty bang bang was soooo funny adds: Your singing is hilarious! most enjoyable pitch shifted and pitch perfect without electronic correction unlike talentless modern day plop music.
  23. This is the best SL question I have ever heard! Yes why? (not). -> THE <- most creative residents gets nuffin! =o.0= The very lifeblood of SL no less.. ^.^ In the meantime we all get bombarded with tacky yucky land ads. :-/ (smilie stolen from Lillie Woodells) A vanity thread for creators would surely top the charts? (post counts).
  24. Herroo Erick! 8^) At the risk of being accused of "Cliquery" ^^ search The Forum Cartel. It's not my group and is free to join. You might also try "Kameleonz" perhaps, not my group either. A smallish aussie based group focussed on live music & fun. or try doing a "Make Him/Her Over" hunt. I am quite busy inworld which is why I dont extend the pixel hand of friendSLhip Any other suggestions any1?
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