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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Any Clannad, (w Maire Brennan), or Enya love song, preferably sung in gaelic "Closer to your heart" by Clannad (english vocals). It's on youtube but can't be posted "Coinleach Ghlas An Fhómhair" a beautiful beautiful tune, prob my all time fave. Check the you tube comments for the translation of which the words are fairly ordinary compared to the haunting beauty of the tune. "Carribean Blue" by Enya is about imagining. I see it as a divine love song. As Roma Ryan her lyricist wrote "A day-dream is as rich a gift as any" The first drags on a bit and Enya's key changes bore me but the mood they invoke is just heaven. I especially adore Enya's little "bop" before she starts singing Don't be surprised if I do a beautiful waltz machinima to Carribean Blue sometime soon  For me it's the music and the style of singing not necessarily the words.
  2. Make sure to click the "reply" first in the exact persons post you are responding too. That's the one on the right hand side in their posts window.
  3. I don't want to bore people too much with mine.... again.. lol My Fractal Christmas Tree Bauble Originally I had it in my hand when I logged out once and upon returning thought wow I do like it. That was about a year and a half ago :-) There is something seriously amiss if I don't have it with me.
  4. wiked Anton wrote: i think Avril's "when your gone" is much bigger Omg thats exactly what I was listening to when I saw your post ^^ & Lol Rudi
  5. Wow many acts here I have never heard of before! Awesome ty.
  6. Not interested in the slightest Google but thanks anyway. How many social networking apps are too many? and how can they be trusted with your personal data? This "all your personal data online in 100 different apps" nonsense is surely a fad.
  7. And how similar are Marc Bolan and Robert Smith in appearence Valerie? I like "The Spider & the Fly"... a lot 8^) Oooops "Lullaby" I mean ^^ I'm actually a trance freak atmo Jes n stuff.
  8. Oh wow! I hoped this would turn out some wild variation in musical tastes in each post! Fantastic! \o/ Yes I know Tris "of the past" specifically to show each persons wide ranging tastes no matter what the era I had hoped I might discover lots of music unfamiliar to me and others perhaps.
  9. Hi music lovers! We've had funny tunes and screaming tunes, what about favourite pop/rock tunes of the past? Absolute worldwide smash hits would be great but you can sneak some regional or lesser known ones in your list too. Try and name 5 :) Video links not required as anyone can search for them but it doesnt matter if you do include them. Some mightn't even have youtube links. They could even be instrumentals too. What I am after are the tunes that really knocked your socks off the first time you heard them. Adds: OK I GIVE IN! Here's the links too! After many years of music consumption and a few youtube browsing, I would have to say: Metal Guru by T.Rex. I think that Marc Bolan set the scene for many english rock gods. His voice and style was so unique. Was it actually his guitar playing? If I Could Fly by Joe Satriani. (The instrumental that Cold Play so blatantly ripped off). The mix of acoustic rythms and beserk soloing is just outrageous. The Wanton Song by Led Zeppelin. Raw, thumping, nasty hard rock. Watermelon by Leo Kottke. I have met Leo, his fingers almost reached my elbow when he shook my hand ^^ A beautiful 12 string instrumental masterpiece which he doesn't play live anymore/then :( I yelled out for it, as u do. Lost Control by Grinspoon. Australian thrash/hard rock gurus. Typically simple Grinspoon tune but utterly devastating. Especially live. Moshmania :) Vid by JellyBean Madison :P If you guys still SL wow so cool \o/ I'll pass the microphone onto....
  10. I read this all the way through and like Dresden I don't think you have anything to apologise about - wait - I KNOW you don't have anything to apologise about. I have no idea what trans people are like in RL or SL nor should it matter. As others have said you don't seem to have found the right places to go. I can't offer any information on where those places might be, (I only just got age verified lol), but just take heart and stay strong. I have been is SL well over two years with one or two lovely longtime friends, being extremely busy and anti social making clothes. Miraculously I found an incredible group of people to associate with. By sheer luck basically. Apology not accepted Pick a main topic of interest other than seeking similar folks and before you know it they will find you.
  11. A little late for the bikini rush, but taking inspiration from the others I stopped in and met Wildcat at her gorgeous sim. We chatted for a bit then I couldn't miss this oppurtunity for a lounge shot Thank you Wildcat! Lovely build, Modern tropical, just perfect :-) *by the pool.. SL was a bit laggy so I am not sure if the towels were fully rezzed or not. Oh darn Looking back at Wildcats image the towels hadn't fully rezzed awww. Wow I'm glad I chose another pose! To copy Wildcat a bit isn't such a bad thing anyway...
  12. You dont have to have things on show to dress sexy metinx? Stop making me laugh Moxy ^^ this is serious stuffs! lol
  13. Oh yay the first new forum thread about the dumbing down of the English language! Guaranteed to produce coloUrful responses and laboUr intensive replies. Some of us couldn't care less but it's great fun!
  14. I would like to but no. I bought my 512 of course = no tier payment for *scoffs FREE. Thats about as much sense as "land" makes. The whole Tier payment pyramid thing is one of extreme fantasy as far as I am concerned. It is what spoils and restricts SL to a small userbase imho. Of all the *fantasy in SL? tier payment is the best one. I still feel the disgust I did as a newby when I first enquired about land. That isn't going to change anytime soon. It is that same feeling that makes me blase' about further product developments or upgrades to existing ones. Initially the theory was develop products, make money get land, but after the Apez vendor debacle/scam Why bother? I rented 6 little shops once, now I just use the marketplace.
  15. I cannot help I am sorry, I detest paypal and don't want anything to do with it. I hope my payment options remain as they are.
  16. Not a lot when someone is standing on your foot Fortunately the Hit Squad wears special forces issue steel toed HOC Noir/Bax boots.
  17. Oooops sorry Smoothie, this is a general reply. Flicker fun
  18. I would weigh up the supposed benefits vs the cost and time spent obtaining the "status" you desire. Your country of origin has a direct bearing on how you would view this "status". Do you have a specific desire for recognition or would you just like to see yourself in gorgeous pictures? Spend time looking in the vanity thread and peoples flicker accounts to determine wether or not you can develop image software skills. There is good free image software availabe and many tutorials. "The Gimp" for example. Personally I thoroughly enjoy making fun images and some of those turn out to be quite lovely. Here are 2 examples of some beautiful work of others from flicker: http://www.flickr.com/photos/squashy_beeswing/5430124670/in/faves-63786008@N05/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/kitbalogh/5569946439/in/faves-63786008@N05/ Not specifically modelling images but astoundingly beautiful don't you think? I would attend some of the events held by the groups that interest you as an observer/non participating group member perhaps, to get a feel for the whole thing then you will be more able to trust your instincts when handing over lindens. *just my personal thoughts. I should add that I model my own clothing. (for my ads).
  19. I think it is fine if you are a close and trusted friend of the family or they are your own children, but not something that should be published in this day and age. I wouldn't complain about it, but I would probably avoid viewing the subject matter.
  20. Hiii! What operating system are you using? If you are on a Macinsplosh I can't help I am sorry. In windoze 7 for example you would right click on the installer and select "Run as Administrator" Please try that? I hope this helps otherwise more info will be needed. Your anti virus software should automatically recognise the install process and ask to approve an exception for the voice component too. *whispers.. pssst: Some people really freak out if you call it a "game" just say >SL< and avoid the drama It is thoroughly worth persisting with.
  21. Oh Muuuurgod that was awesome. I wish you could see the reactions on peoples faces when they get to your punchlines. I adore the buildup and the scene setting, then the final delivery, nods @ Dee, yes, it is pure top notch art. Your little girl is so cute and so believable. She reels you in hook line and sinker. You MUST truly feel the emotion your efforts evoke, you couldn't possibly be this good if you didn't. Where is the Kudos thingy when you actually need it! grrrrrrr +1 Kudos ps: I would like to thank Oscar Linden for his comment on this threads content. Speaking as an early minor contributor, it is wonderful to have a comment from a linden. Thank you very much.
  22. spyVspy Aeon wrote: -> Actually, the voice since it's my very first try <- I am Morganna, she is my Alt, SpyVsSpy Hello. Well if that is your first try with audio/voice recording? you are to be commended for such a superb effort at audio in machinima. A wonderful result you should be very very proud of +1 Kudos to you!
  23. I do know some girls who run a slex club. A very old one too. They are dedicated to this endeavour and have been for a long time. They do all the usual stuff but will also live cam if I understand it correctly. I have never actually asked specifically what they do or seen price lists. The group chat announcements they make to attract clients to events is just hilarious and I am constantly amazed by their level of creativity which is ongoing. These girls are very friendly, younger-middle aged, attractive in RL, kind and very funny indeed. I imagine they do turn a fair profit and good luck to them I say. If they are willing to work that hard at it and have the nerve to do all that they deserve every single L they get. The shocking and funniest thing is that living away from my home area in RL for a decade or so. I met them when I lived 3000km/1500 miles away in another state. Having returned home and just laughing and joking with them one night we discovered that we live in exactly the same area in RL!! ;o wow lol. We have agreed we will meet one day in RL just for fun. That will be sooo funny for the three of us lolol!
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