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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Wow Quinn it's Kansas that does that tune. It's a classic one isn't it! I do like it! :-)
  2. Hi Jojo The Cruel Sea! \o/ I wish I had seen them live.
  3. I was just amazed when I saw that Dee. Like totally!
  4. ...Under the cone of silence Seriously though, great group, great fun.
  5. Yay! A proper forum personality~! Welcome back!! \o/
  6. Suspiria has a video blog? o rite. lol. and a normal one too! ooo cool do tell us more RIC ing a post Gen(i)us *blinx That font IS hard to read isn't it. "I put nothing past them. Nothing. They are a f*ck$ng cult, and Maddy directs them from afar. This, my friend, is a fact." -Sorm Clarence Wow how embarassing.
  7. Wow clutching at straws much? Is that anything like desperate behaviour ~ ? Kind of like how another of your ilk intimated that an LWL member, might just be a/the :matte-motes-agape: mystery thread deleter/whiner from the old GD. I haven't seen either of those american TV shows as I don't watch much Tv. What decade were they again? Here is a little pearl for you, the timeline of recent events: The mods cleaned the Friends thread the first time after "he who has no genie" (yusss, I would be very bitter too), began to erm.. badger posters in that thread for no reason. Failing to heed the call, he continued to do so whereupon I posted and stated PUBLICLY that I was reporting him for continuing baiting and trolling, (the first time I have ever complained about anything). The thread was then expunged of his negativity once more and also my post. Nevertheless he and the naysayers continue with their negativity. If I take action, I dont do it and hide, I do it in full public view and state it loud and clear for the record. Then emerged Scylla's court case thread which was zapped, (by the mods I presume), immediately after your last post to it. So although the finger is being pointed at all and sundry by people such as yourself, the facts were always in clear view for all to see. But unfortunately you missed all that. Such a shame because in a nutshell, Mr Genieless was welcomed inworld to an event and thrilled the attendees with his arrival. Little did anyone know that he was there purely to crtitique such abhorrent notions as friendship. So despite the need to dispatch the old nag to the tallow factory, there are those who continue to beat it long after its demise. And now we have the "Hit Squad" lmaooooo is this in reference to the image I posted in the women with weapons thread? I feel for you Venus I really do. These amazing attempts at connecting dots that don't exist are truly wonderful. The stuff of legend. (if it were SLU)
  8. And badgering, (which passes for personality now), is all you will find here unforunately. A *contribution is to taint well meaning threads, trash others with snarky & derogatory comments, then blame everyone else when the mods do the required work. In that respect it's eerily similar to the old GD. Same old characters doing the same old things o.0 
  9. In GD or any forum top left is a "start new topic" button. That's the one you want. Ooops Knowl beat me to it~! How do we got to this profile thingy again? (mentioned in this thread?)
  10. Anything by the Mad Genius of Cinema Jan Svankmajer. Particularly his version of Alice in Wonderland, called Alice. Here is a short trailer of his works: Simply outrageous. His work was pre digital era don't forget. There used to be a show on a TV channel here that featured this type of stop motion animation and that is how I came across his work. (ten years ago?) Btw the collection does not exist as far as I know.
  11. Hmmmm ^~ We need to see a vanity shot of your neck ^^
  12. Another quirk from down under.. more shake your head and laugh than happy, region specific humour always guaranteed to offend someone.. somewhere. (dog munching away happily may cause this to get zapped) TISM (This Is Serious Mum), were massive here for a decade or so. I might add that despite appearances everything was always passed by the appropriate authorites for display on/in national media and airwaves.
  13. Canoro Philipp wrote: remembering all who died in concentration camps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have avoided this thread, now I know why.. :matte-motes-crying:
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: Oh, I hope it doesn't include the word 'rank':smileywink: Erm... Proud? :smileysurprised:
  15. I get your point but I wouldn't worry tooooo much. Some avis get it *right straight off the bat
  16. Noting some of the consternation earlier on in this thread my Hippiestock went like this... I knew forum people by name mostly, so I went out of curiosity and to see a large gathering in SL. I arrived and was overwhelmed by the pace of the chat, (even early in the piece), so I gave up trying to have any meaningful conversations apart from with a gf who also attended. We nattered away in private chat until she had to leave. All I managed to do was say some hello's to people I had never met inworld and fire off the odd, hopefully funny quip every now and then. I amused myself by wandering around looking at peoples avis and the trouble they had taken to prepare for it. I met Keli K as the site was being prepared/built by Ms Finucane, (whom I had never met inworld either) and Maddy McM who was a friend. I did know maybe 8? people from the forum cartel who attended the event itself, but apart from that I knew no one other than having seen their posts on the old GD. I contributed nothing until after the event where in the spirit of the whole SL community I offered my pose stand, instructions and whitewall for Maddies wonderful Big Picture which was inclusive of people who didn't even attend. Therefore as far as the majority were concerned I was the unknown Avi who snuk up onstage while Gypsy performed, to dance :-D I had never heard of Gypsy or Lillie and I had never even met Hippie. Well I had but didn't realise it until a month? or so ago. To this day I am amazed at the friendships that persist from that one event. Every single person I met I look upon with respect and am so pleased to have met them. Some tweet, some flicker, some I hang out with. In summary get your pixel butt along to it and have a darn good time. If you don't like someone it's ok, just mute them!? If you say Hi to someone be prepared to wait about 6 minutes for their acknowledgement of your hello :^/ When I first started SL big crowds were the norm and the closest you will get to that these days are 80's clubs and the like. If you are new or shy, say hi to Hippie, me or others with past connections to Hippiestock. To think that anyone felt left out is a major dissapointment to me and I imagine, the majority of patrons. Join the group inworld and as it draws closer the chat will go banannas :-) See you there!!!!
  17. Certain Hymns, because they are played at funerals. They are sexist too. Like... where are the Herrs? hmm ^.^? yes... see toldya.
  18. Oh my goodness! Our former forum friend ^~ has infiltrated the system! Nuuuuuuuu! Am attempt at former forum personality humour Leyna. Please disregard *winx
  19. idont know. Anyone who collects toys I suppose ^^ Custom PC's will always leave anything apple/macinsplosh for dead and then some. They are cheaper. Get to know the people at your local custom PC shop or at least stop in and have a yak to them.
  20. *coughs Just be aware if you will that being a noob blue bowling pin thing isn't quite the same as being a blue bowling pin thing of some standing ^- *We are always on the lookout for those who try and fake it you know. carry on...
  21. Never too late Tem :-) and OMG is that Pussycat in the Bob Marley video? ;o lol (first image there?)
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