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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I want the region I'm driving in to forecast to the region I'm heading toward the very strong possibility that I will be entering that region, when and where, along with all pertinent, parametric particulars. Maybe this is impossible. Maybe it already does this. Maybe I wouldn't actually enter that next region, braking hard instead to a stop just short of the crossing and <shouting> "Psyche!"
  2. So that the roof will still be there after you've had a few more birthday cakes. And you WILL have more birthday cakes young lady.
  3. In Union Passage at Safe Waters Foundation, there is a transformation station, where anyone can obtain a mermaid avatar kit. You can try it on and swim around... see if it's something in which you are interested.
  4. It was that hot dog. I think I was eating too fast.
  5. That looks like something I could dip my toast into.
  6. The 30,000 prim allowance for estates would be handy for this.
  7. If you want to cast a shadow upon a surface in SL using an object texture, with transparency, as a sort of cookaloris, you need to use a projector as a light source. I don't think sun+moon shadows will work for this.
  8. Thanks a bunch. I'm taking the later ones starting right after you.
  9. Maureen, are there any Saturday hangout host slots you need to fill?
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