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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I read you Captain Frag. I've never played GTA v. Even so, SL is better.
  2. Horizons Nova waterfront parcel for sale. Protected water on two sides. 702 prims. Open northern view of navigable sea regions. L$48,000. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Nova/156/240/25/
  3. Horizons Nova waterfront parcel for sale. Protected parkland on one side, protected water on two other sides. Open northern view of navigable sea regions. L$45,000. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Nova/100/240/25 This land has been sold.
  4. I was listening last night and Little Twelvetoes played.
  5. It's nice that you have such good friends dear.
  6. I actually thought of you as I wrote that part.
  7. I've noticed that some shoes, meant for my mesh body, automatically put a shoe base on me when I wear them. I wonder if there is inconsistency between some of them.
  8. Look for Terpsicorps in SL. [EDIT] This Thursday, 6PM SLT, is the next performance of the thing I saw. I recommend it.
  9. This isn't something I did today, but rather last night. I didn't take any photos, enraptured as I was. But I did borrow a photo from the friend with whom I went. This photo is a very small part of a show I saw that had some of the best dance and storytelling choreography I have ever seen in SL. It was all intentionally presented in black and white. Each carefully choreographed drama and dance portion of the performance was preceded by a brief text narration of that part of the story. The whole thing really was a new and unique SL experience for me. I plan to attend other such events. There was FIRE!!!!
  10. I requested and got a sim restart. My problems are resolved.
  11. I'm trying to remember 2009..... and complimentary margaritas..
  12. Ok, fine! Then I'm having extra waffles. Like ten. At least!
  13. The physics of my house in my home region are still borked. As far as I can tell, nothing has been returned. But the remaining LI is at 29 right now. It's usually much higher. I still have to check on things belonging to my boarders. [edit] Some of the mesh objects my boarder has are also showing borked physics.
  14. I got a nice shiny hud I can use to play it anywhere. She likes me best. ?
  15. I've got physics issues with my self-built mesh house in a Zindra region. I don't have time to investigate further. I'll check back after morning work.
  16. Thank you Tazzie. I did some research and visited their marketplace and in-world store, but didn't find the item in question. I decided to be more proactive and sent them a query IM. No response yet, but I remain hopeful.
  17. I'm enjoying chatting to and with this group as well. While I do appreciate all the effort and thought that went into its overall improvement, I'll say that I more appreciate the intelligence, creativity, humor, kindness and occasional anvil dropping from all you people I enjoy reading here (Psst, hey you Lindens, you lot as well. You're included.). It may not be plain, but you have my heart.
  18. I've been working on an updated avatar and a backdrop/landscape for its snapshot. I love flying around with this one.
  19. They needn't be banked. They're not a dying fire. The occasional embers that do pop out, trying to ignite the grass can be put out with a little judicial water and ignored.
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