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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I for one applaud your efforts at pursuing more cerebral and obscure humorous references.
  2. The linden homes parcels currently have an allowance of 175 prims?... 176? Anyway, you can do a lot with that if you shop smart.
  3. "All I want to do, is help you turn into...."
  4. /me holds up an offering of perfectly toasted waffles.
  5. When a tree falls in a forest in Skyrim, it only falls for you. When a tree falls in a forest in SL, it falls for everyone withing rendering range, and might even make a sound. It falls in the servers, and the servers then tell the viewers of everyone around that it's falling. It's the uncertainty of the way physics work in SL (a desirable trait) that requires they be a server-side effect, so that everyone sees the same thing. The latency involved in this process is what gives falling SL trees, or anvils, or Karmann Ghias, their charm. In Skyrim, when the tree falls, everything is optimized and happens locally, without the requirement of networked information zipping back and forth. The latency is very low, things happen very smoothly and seamlessly.
  6. And they always smell so good. When I was little, we had tons of oak leaves to play in at my grandfather's house. I can recall that smell even now.
  7. Once upon an Iva it was gowns and modesty all the time. Now it's a little less gown and a little less modesty. I still have a halo... of sorts.
  8. Well sure, if she wants to keep going back to traffic school. I went with aluminum because it's lighter. I should have said.....
  9. Why should the vampires have all the fun? Give me a stake hud.
  10. The 28th has my vote... if there's a vote. If not, then it only has my nomination.
  11. I'd like the weekend prior, I'm likely to be at a real-space party on Halloween, or at least getting out of my chair every three minutes, answering the door in a labcoat.
  12. Clover Jinx gave me this lovely green Dragon Dress! Thank you! There are nice materials details that show up in lighting.
  13. Once upon a time, I was in-world every weekday for hours. It was rare for me to log in during the weekends. These days, I'd like to log in every day but don't always get to. I now make appearances during weekend hours much more often than I used to.
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